SEXP assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal(SEXP destination_, SEXP indices_, SEXP source_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 destination = destination_; Rcpp::RawVector source = source_; Rcpp::RawVector destinationData = destination.slot("data"); Rcpp::IntegerVector indices = indices_; if(&(source(0)) == &(destinationData(0))) { throw std::runtime_error("Source and destination cannot be the same in assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal"); } if((indices.size()*(indices.size()+(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 != source.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Mismatch between index length and source object size"); } for(R_xlen_t column = 0; column < indices.size(); column++) { for(R_xlen_t row = 0; row <= column; row++) { R_xlen_t rowIndex = indices[row]; R_xlen_t columnIndex = indices[column]; if(rowIndex > columnIndex) { std::swap(rowIndex, columnIndex); } destinationData((columnIndex*(columnIndex-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2+rowIndex-(R_xlen_t)1) = source((column*(column+(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + row); } } END_RCPP }
SEXP rawSymmetricMatrixToDist(SEXP object) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = object; Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels")); Rcpp::CharacterVector markers = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("markers")); Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data")); R_xlen_t size = markers.size(), levelsSize = levels.size(); Rcpp::NumericVector result(size*(size - 1)/2, 0); int counter = 0; for(R_xlen_t row = 0; row < size; row++) { for(R_xlen_t column = row+1; column < size; column++) { int byte = data(column * (column + (R_xlen_t)1)/(R_xlen_t)2 + row); if(byte == 255) result(counter) = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); else result(counter) = levels(byte); counter++; } } result.attr("Size") = (int)size; result.attr("Labels") = markers; result.attr("Diag") = false; result.attr("Upper") = false; result.attr("class") = "dist"; return result; END_RCPP }
SEXP assignRawSymmetricMatrixFromEstimateRF(SEXP destination_, SEXP rowIndices_, SEXP columnIndices_, SEXP source_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 destination = destination_; Rcpp::RawVector source = source_; Rcpp::RawVector destinationData = destination.slot("data"); Rcpp::IntegerVector rowIndices = rowIndices_; Rcpp::IntegerVector columnIndices = columnIndices_; if(&(source(0)) == &(destinationData(0))) { throw std::runtime_error("Source and destination cannot be the same in assignRawSymmetricMatrixDiagonal"); } std::vector<int> markerRows, markerColumns; markerRows = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(rowIndices); markerColumns = Rcpp::as<std::vector<int> >(columnIndices); if(countValuesToEstimate(markerRows, markerColumns) != (unsigned long long)source.size()) { throw std::runtime_error("Mismatch between index length and source object size"); } triangularIterator iterator(markerRows, markerColumns); R_xlen_t counter = 0; for(; !iterator.isDone(); { std::pair<int, int> markerPair = iterator.get(); R_xlen_t markerRow = markerPair.first, markerColumn = markerPair.second; destinationData((markerColumn*(markerColumn-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + (markerRow - (R_xlen_t)1)) = source(counter); counter++; } return R_NilValue; END_RCPP }
glmerResp::glmerResp(Rcpp::S4 xp) throw (std::runtime_error) : merResp(xp), d_fam(SEXP(xp.slot("family"))), d_n( xp.slot("n")), d_eta( xp.slot("eta")) { updateWts(); }
// construct cell type from equivalent class in R CellType::CellType(unsigned id, const Rcpp::S4& type) { mID = id; mName = Rcpp::as<std::string>(type.slot("name")); mSize = Rcpp::as<double>(type.slot("size")); mMinCycle = Rcpp::as<double>(type.slot("minCycle")); mCellTypeClass = type; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector marginal_theta(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model_(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 model = clone(model_) ; Rcpp::S4 params=model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains(model.slot("mcmc.chains")) ; int S = params.slot("iter") ; // Assume current values are the modes (in R, useModes(object) ensures this) // List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // NumericVector thetastar = as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; NumericVector theta_ = as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericVector thetastar=clone(theta_) ; int K = thetastar.size() ; NumericVector p_theta(S) ; NumericVector muc = chains.slot("mu") ; NumericVector tau2c = chains.slot("tau2") ; NumericMatrix sigma2 = chains.slot("sigma2") ; NumericVector tauc = sqrt(tau2c) ; NumericVector tmp(K) ; IntegerMatrix Z = chains.slot("z") ; IntegerVector zz ; double tau2_tilde ; NumericVector sigma2_tilde(K) ; // this should be updated for each iteration NumericVector data_mean(K) ; IntegerVector nn(K) ; double post_prec; double tau_n; double mu_n; double w1; double w2; for(int s=0; s < S; ++s){ zz = Z(s, _) ; model.slot("z") = zz ; nn = tableZ(K, zz) ; data_mean = compute_means(model) ; tau2_tilde = 1/tau2c[s] ; sigma2_tilde = 1.0/sigma2(s, _) ; //tmp = dnorm(thetastar, muc[s], tauc[s]) ; double prod = 1.0; for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k) { post_prec = tau2_tilde + sigma2_tilde[k] * nn[k]; tau_n = sqrt(1/post_prec); w1 = tau2_tilde/post_prec; w2 = nn[k]*sigma2_tilde[k]/post_prec; mu_n = w1*muc[s] + w2*data_mean[k]; tmp = dnorm(thetastar, mu_n, tau_n) ; prod = prod * tmp[k] ; } p_theta[s] = prod ; } return p_theta ; }
void parse_gb_feature_table( Rcpp::S4& gb_feature, const std::vector<std::string>& feature_string, std::string& accession ) { std::smatch m; std::string this_line(""); std::vector<std::string> merged_lines; // merge qualifier values that occupy more than one line into "merged_lines" // Define qualifier position: Optional FT + blanks followed by forward slash static const std::regex QUAL_POS("^(FT)?\\s+/"); static const std::regex TRANS("^translation="); std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator s_it = std::begin(feature_string); for ( ; s_it != std::end(feature_string); s_it++ ) { std::regex_search( std::begin(*s_it), std::end(*s_it), m, QUAL_POS ); if ( m[0].matched ) { merged_lines.push_back(this_line); // If we have an embl file trim FT, whitespace and / // If we have a gbk file trim whitespace and / this_line = *s_it; this_line = ltrim(this_line, "FT"); this_line = ltrim(this_line, " /"); this_line = rtrim(this_line, " \n\r\t"); } else { std::string tmp = *s_it; tmp = ltrim(tmp, "FT"); tmp = ltrim(tmp, " /"); tmp = rtrim(tmp, " \n\r\t"); if ( std::regex_search( this_line, m, TRANS ) ) { // don't add whitespace when joining translations this_line += tmp; } else { this_line += " " + tmp; } } // Push the last qualifier if ( s_it == std::end(feature_string) - 1 ) { merged_lines.push_back(this_line); } } // Get key int begin_key = merged_lines[0].find_first_not_of(" "); int end_key = merged_lines[0].find_first_of( " ", begin_key ); std::string key = merged_lines[0].substr( begin_key, end_key - 1 ); gb_feature.slot("key") = key; // Get location Rcpp::S4 gb_location = Rcpp::S4("gbLocation"); std::string gb_base_span = merged_lines[0].substr( end_key, merged_lines[0].length() - end_key ); parse_gb_location( gb_location, gb_base_span, accession ); gb_feature.slot("location") = gb_location; merged_lines.erase( std::begin(merged_lines) ); gb_feature.slot("qualifiers") = parse_gb_qualifiers(merged_lines); }
SEXP rawSymmetricMatrixSubsetByMatrix(SEXP object_, SEXP index_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 object; try { object = object_; } catch(...) { throw std::runtime_error("Input object must be an S4 object"); } Rcpp::RawVector data; try { data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(object.slot("data")); } catch(...) { throw std::runtime_error("Slot object@data must be a raw vector"); } Rcpp::NumericVector levels; try { levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(object.slot("levels")); } catch(...) { throw std::runtime_error("Slot object@levels must be a numeric vector"); } Rcpp::IntegerMatrix index; try { index = index_; } catch(...) { throw std::runtime_error("Input index must be an integer matrix"); } int nIndices = index.nrow(); Rcpp::NumericVector output(nIndices); for(int row = 0; row < nIndices; row++) { R_xlen_t i = index(row, 0); R_xlen_t j = index(row, 1); if(i > j) std::swap(i, j); output(row) = levels[data[(j*(j-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + i-(R_xlen_t)1]]; } return output; END_RCPP }
reModule::reModule(Rcpp::S4 xp) : d_L( S4(clone(SEXP(xp.slot("L"))))), d_Lambda(S4(clone(SEXP(xp.slot("Lambda"))))), d_Zt( S4(xp.slot("Zt"))), d_Lind( xp.slot("Lind")), d_lower( xp.slot("lower")), d_theta( xp.slot("theta")), d_u0( d_L.n), d_incr( d_L.n), d_u( d_L.n), d_cu( d_L.n) { d_Ut = (CHM_SP)NULL; }
double cpp_luT( Rcpp::S4 xR, Rcpp::S4 dR) { const bool BisVCL=1; const int ctx_id = INTEGER(xR.slot(".context_index"))[0]-1; std::shared_ptr<viennacl::matrix<T> > vclX = getVCLptr<T>(xR.slot("address"), BisVCL, ctx_id); std::shared_ptr<viennacl::vector_base<T> > vclD = getVCLVecptr<T>(dR.slot("address"), BisVCL, ctx_id); return(luT(*vclX, *vclD)); }
//Returns the value of any((object@data >= length(object@levels)) & object@data != as.raw(255)) SEXP checkRawSymmetricMatrix(SEXP rawSymmetric_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = rawSymmetric_; Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels")); Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data")); R_xlen_t size = data.size(), levelsSize = levels.size(); for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(data[i] >= levelsSize && data[i] != 0xff) return Rcpp::wrap(true); } return Rcpp::wrap(false); END_RCPP }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_mu_reduced(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 mcmcp = model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains = model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 hypp = model.slot("hyperparams") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // // NumericVector x = model.slot("data") ; int K = hypp.slot("k") ; int S = mcmcp.slot("iter") ; int N = x.size() ; // NumericVector p_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mixprob"]) ; NumericVector theta_=as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericVector mu_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mu"]) ; NumericVector pstar = clone(p_) ; NumericVector mustar = clone(mu_) ; NumericVector thetastar = clone(theta_) ; IntegerMatrix Z = chains.slot("z") ; NumericVector tau2chain = chains.slot("tau2") ; IntegerVector zz(N) ; IntegerVector nn(K) ; NumericVector mu0=hypp.slot("mu.0") ; double mu_0 = mu0[0] ; NumericVector tau2_0 = hypp.slot("tau2.0") ; double tau20_tilde = 1.0/tau2_0[0] ; double mu_k ; NumericVector tau2_tilde = 1.0/tau2chain ; double w1 ; double w2 ; double tau_k ; NumericVector p_mu(S) ; NumericVector tmp(1) ; for(int s = 0; s < S; ++s){ zz = Z(s, _) ; nn = tableZ(K, zz) ; double total = 0.0 ; double thetabar = 0.0 ; for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) total += nn[k] ; for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) thetabar += nn[k] * thetastar[k] / total ; double post_prec = tau20_tilde + K*tau2_tilde[s] ; w1 = tau20_tilde/post_prec ; w2 = K*tau2_tilde[s]/post_prec ; mu_k = w1*mu_0 + w2*thetabar ; tau_k = sqrt(1.0/post_prec) ; tmp = dnorm(mustar, mu_k, tau_k) ; p_mu[s] = tmp[0] ; } return p_mu ; }
merResp::merResp(Rcpp::S4 xp) throw (std::runtime_error) : d_y( xp.slot("y")), d_weights( xp.slot("weights")), d_offset( xp.slot("offset")), d_mu( d_y.size(), 0.), d_sqrtrwt( d_y.size()), d_wtres( d_y.size()), d_sqrtXwt(d_y.size(), d_offset.size()/d_y.size()) { int n = d_y.size(), os = d_offset.size(); if (d_mu.size() != n || d_weights.size() != n || d_sqrtrwt.size() != n) throw std::runtime_error("y, mu, sqrtrwt and weights slots must have equal lengths"); if (os < 1 || os % n) throw std::runtime_error("length(offset) must be a positive multiple of length(y)"); init(); }
SEXP constructDissimilarityMatrix(SEXP object, SEXP clusters_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 rawSymmetric = object; Rcpp::NumericVector levels = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("levels")); Rcpp::CharacterVector markers = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("markers")); Rcpp::RawVector data = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RawVector>(rawSymmetric.slot("data")); int nMarkers = markers.size(); std::vector<double> levelsCopied = Rcpp::as<std::vector<double> >(levels); std::vector<int> permutation(nMarkers); for(int i = 0; i < nMarkers; i++) permutation[i] = i; return constructDissimilarityMatrixInternal(&(data(0)), levelsCopied, nMarkers, clusters_, 0, permutation); END_RCPP }
SEXP hclustThetaMatrix(SEXP mpcrossRF_, SEXP preClusterResults_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::List preClusterResults = preClusterResults_; bool noDuplicates; R_xlen_t preClusterMarkers = countPreClusterMarkers(preClusterResults_, noDuplicates); if(!noDuplicates) { throw std::runtime_error("Duplicate marker indices in call to hclustThetaMatrix"); } Rcpp::S4 mpcrossRF = mpcrossRF_; Rcpp::S4 rf = mpcrossRF.slot("rf"); Rcpp::S4 theta = rf.slot("theta"); Rcpp::RawVector data = theta.slot("data"); Rcpp::NumericVector levels = theta.slot("levels"); Rcpp::CharacterVector markers = theta.slot("markers"); if(markers.size() != preClusterMarkers) { throw std::runtime_error("Number of markers in precluster object was inconsistent with number of markers in mpcrossRF object"); } R_xlen_t resultDimension = preClusterResults.size(); //Allocate enough storage. This symmetric matrix stores the *LOWER* triangular part, in column-major storage. Excluding the diagonal. Rcpp::NumericVector result(((resultDimension-(R_xlen_t)1)*resultDimension)/(R_xlen_t)2); for(R_xlen_t column = 0; column < resultDimension; column++) { Rcpp::IntegerVector columnMarkers = preClusterResults(column); for(R_xlen_t row = column + 1; row < resultDimension; row++) { Rcpp::IntegerVector rowMarkers = preClusterResults(row); double total = 0; R_xlen_t counter = 0; for(R_xlen_t columnMarkerCounter = 0; columnMarkerCounter < columnMarkers.size(); columnMarkerCounter++) { R_xlen_t marker1 = columnMarkers[columnMarkerCounter]-(R_xlen_t)1; for(R_xlen_t rowMarkerCounter = 0; rowMarkerCounter < rowMarkers.size(); rowMarkerCounter++) { R_xlen_t marker2 = rowMarkers[rowMarkerCounter]-(R_xlen_t)1; R_xlen_t column = std::max(marker1, marker2); R_xlen_t row = std::min(marker1, marker2); Rbyte thetaDataValue = data((column*(column+(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + row); if(thetaDataValue != 0xFF) { total += levels(thetaDataValue); counter++; } } } if(counter == 0) total = 0.5; else total /= counter; result(((resultDimension-(R_xlen_t)1)*resultDimension)/(R_xlen_t)2 - ((resultDimension - column)*(resultDimension-column-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + row-column-(R_xlen_t)1) = total; } } return result; END_RCPP }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_sigma2_batch(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model_(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 model = clone(model_) ; Rcpp::S4 chains=model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 params=model.slot("mcmc.params") ; int S = params.slot("iter") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; NumericMatrix sigma2_ = as<NumericMatrix>(modes["sigma2"]) ; NumericMatrix theta_ = as<NumericMatrix>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericMatrix sigma2star=clone(sigma2_) ; NumericMatrix thetastar=clone(theta_) ; int K = thetastar.ncol() ; int B = thetastar.nrow() ; NumericMatrix prec(B, K) ; NumericVector p_prec(S) ; NumericVector tmp(K) ; NumericVector nu0 (1) ; NumericVector s20 (1) ; // // These chains have already been updated // NumericVector nu0chain = chains.slot("nu.0") ; NumericVector s20chain = chains.slot("sigma2.0") ; NumericVector d(1) ; // // Run reduced Gibbs -- theta is fixed at modal ordinate // for(int k=0; k < K; ++k){ prec(_, k) = 1.0/sigma2star(_, k) ; } for(int s=0; s < S; ++s){ s20 = s20chain[s] ; nu0 = nu0chain[s] ; double total = 1.0 ; for(int b=0; b < B; ++b) { tmp = dgamma(prec(b, _), 0.5*nu0[0], 2.0 / (nu0[0]*s20[0])) ; for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k){ //total = log(tmp[k]) ; total = total * tmp[k] ; } } p_prec[s] = total ; } return p_prec ; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_s20_reduced(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 mcmcp = model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains = model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 hypp = model.slot("hyperparams") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // // NumericVector x = model.slot("data") ; int K = hypp.slot("k") ; int S = mcmcp.slot("iter") ; // NumericVector p_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mixprob"]) ; NumericVector theta_=as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericVector mu_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mu"]) ; NumericVector tau2_=as<NumericVector>(modes["tau2"]) ; IntegerVector nu0_=as<IntegerVector>(modes["nu0"]) ; NumericVector sigma2_=as<NumericVector>(modes["sigma2"]) ; NumericVector s20_=as<NumericVector>(modes["sigma2.0"]) ; NumericVector pstar = clone(p_) ; NumericVector mustar = clone(mu_) ; NumericVector tau2star = clone(tau2_) ; NumericVector thetastar = clone(theta_) ; NumericVector sigma2star = clone(sigma2_) ; NumericVector s20star = clone(s20_) ; IntegerVector nu0=clone(nu0_) ; double nu0star = nu0[0] ; NumericVector p_s20(S) ; double a = hypp.slot("a") ; double b = hypp.slot("b") ; double a_k = a + 0.5*K*nu0star ; double b_k = 0.0; for (int k=0; k < K; k++) { b_k += 0.5*nu0star/sigma2star[k]; } b_k += b ; p_s20 = dgamma(s20star, a_k, 1.0/b_k) ; return p_s20 ; }
void graphConvert(SEXP graph_sexp, residualConnectivity::context::inputGraph& boostGraph, std::vector<residualConnectivity::context::vertexPosition>& vertexCoordinates) { Rcpp::RObject graph = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::RObject>(graph_sexp); std::string className = Rcpp::as<std::string>(graph.attr("class")); Rcpp::NumericMatrix vertexCoordinates_matrix; if(className == "igraph") { Rcpp::Environment igraphEnv("package:igraph"); Rcpp::Function isDirected = igraphEnv["is_directed"]; if(Rcpp::as<bool>(isDirected(graph))) { throw std::runtime_error("Input `graph' must be undirected"); } Rcpp::Function layoutAuto = igraphEnv[""]; vertexCoordinates_matrix = layoutAuto(graph); igraphConvert(graph_sexp, boostGraph); } else if(className == "graphNEL" || className == "graphAM") { Rcpp::S4 graphS4 = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::S4>(graph); Rcpp::S4 renderInfo = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::S4>(graphS4.slot("renderInfo")); Rcpp::List nodes = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::List>(renderInfo.slot("nodes")); Rcpp::Function length("length"), cbind("cbind"); if(Rcpp::as<int>(length(nodes)) > 0) { vertexCoordinates_matrix = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericMatrix>(cbind(nodes["nodeX"], nodes["nodeY"])); } if(className == "graphNEL") graphNELConvert(graph_sexp, boostGraph); else graphAMConvert(graph_sexp, boostGraph); } else { throw std::runtime_error("Input graph must have class \"igraph\", \"graphAM\" or \"graphNEL\""); } std::size_t nVertexCoordinates = vertexCoordinates_matrix.nrow(); vertexCoordinates.clear(); vertexCoordinates.reserve(nVertexCoordinates); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nVertexCoordinates; i++) { vertexCoordinates.push_back(residualConnectivity::context::vertexPosition((residualConnectivity::context::vertexPosition::first_type)vertexCoordinates_matrix((int)i, 0), (residualConnectivity::context::vertexPosition::second_type)vertexCoordinates_matrix((int)i, 1))); } }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_nu0_reduced(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 mcmcp = model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains = model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 hypp = model.slot("hyperparams") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // // NumericVector x = model.slot("data") ; int K = hypp.slot("k") ; int S = mcmcp.slot("iter") ; // NumericVector p_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mixprob"]) ; NumericVector theta_=as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericVector mu_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mu"]) ; NumericVector tau2_=as<NumericVector>(modes["tau2"]) ; IntegerVector nu0_=as<IntegerVector>(modes["nu0"]) ; NumericVector sigma2_=as<NumericVector>(modes["sigma2"]) ; NumericVector pstar = clone(p_) ; NumericVector mustar = clone(mu_) ; NumericVector tau2star = clone(tau2_) ; NumericVector thetastar = clone(theta_) ; NumericVector sigma2star = clone(sigma2_) ; IntegerVector nu0=clone(nu0_) ; NumericVector p_nu0(S) ; int nu0star = nu0[0] ; NumericVector s20chain = chains.slot("sigma2.0") ; double betas = hypp.slot("beta") ; // // compute p(nu0*, ) from *normalized* probabilities // NumericVector d(100) ; // 100 is the maximum allowed value for nu_0 NumericVector lpnu0(100); double prec = 0.0 ; double lprec = 0.0 ; for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) prec += 1.0/sigma2star[k] ; for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) lprec += log(1.0/sigma2star[k]) ; d = seq_len(100) ; NumericVector y1(100) ; NumericVector y2(100) ; NumericVector y3(100) ; for(int s = 0; s < S; ++s) { y1 = K*(0.5*d*log(s20chain[s]*0.5*d) - lgamma(d*0.5)) ; y2 = (0.5*d - 1.0) * lprec ; y3 = d*(betas + 0.5*s20chain[s]*prec) ; lpnu0 = y1 + y2 - y3 ; NumericVector prob(100) ; prob = exp(lpnu0) ; // - maxprob) ; prob = prob/sum(prob) ; // this is now normalized p_nu0[s] = prob[nu0star] ; } return p_nu0 ; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_theta_batch(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model_(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 model = clone(model_) ; Rcpp::S4 params=model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains(model.slot("mcmc.chains")) ; int S = params.slot("iter") ; // Assume current values are the modes (in R, useModes(object) ensures this) // List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // NumericVector thetastar = as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; NumericMatrix theta_ = as<NumericMatrix>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericMatrix thetastar=clone(theta_) ; int K = thetastar.ncol() ; int B = thetastar.nrow() ; NumericVector p_theta(S) ; NumericMatrix muc = chains.slot("mu") ; NumericMatrix tau2c = chains.slot("tau2") ; NumericVector theta(1) ; NumericVector tmp(1) ; NumericVector d(1) ; double tau ; double mu ; for(int s = 0; s < S; ++s){ d = 1.0 ; for(int k = 0; k < K; ++k){ tau = sqrt(tau2c(s, k)) ; mu = muc(s, k) ; for(int b = 0; b < B; ++b){ theta[0] = thetastar(b, k) ; tmp = dnorm(theta, mu, tau) ; d = d * tmp[0] ; } } p_theta[s] = d[0] ; } return p_theta ; }
SEXP rawSymmetricMatrixSubsetObject(SEXP object_, SEXP indices_) { BEGIN_RCPP Rcpp::S4 object = object_; Rcpp::RawVector oldData = object.slot("data"); Rcpp::IntegerVector indices = indices_; R_xlen_t newNMarkers = indices.size(); Rcpp::RawVector newData((indices.size() * (indices.size() + (R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2); R_xlen_t counter = 0; //Column for(R_xlen_t j = 0; j < newNMarkers; j++) { //Row for(R_xlen_t i = 0; i <= j; i++) { R_xlen_t indexJ = indices[j], indexI = indices[i]; if(indexI > indexJ) std::swap(indexI, indexJ); newData(counter) = oldData[(indexJ*(indexJ-(R_xlen_t)1))/(R_xlen_t)2 + indexI - (R_xlen_t)1]; counter++; } } return newData; END_RCPP }
//[[Rcpp::export]] SEXP cpp_lu( Rcpp::S4 xR, Rcpp::S4 dR) { const std::string theClass = Rcpp::as<std::string>(xR.attr("class")); double logDet; if(theClass == "fvclMatrix") { logDet = cpp_luT<float>(xR, dR); } else if(theClass == "dvclMatrix") { logDet = cpp_luT<double>(xR, dR); } else { Rcpp::exception("unknown type detected for x"); logDet = -99.9; } return(Rcpp::wrap(logDet)); }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_tau_reduced(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 mcmcp = model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains = model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 hypp = model.slot("hyperparams") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // // NumericVector x = model.slot("data") ; int K = hypp.slot("k") ; int S = mcmcp.slot("iter") ; int N = x.size() ; // NumericVector p_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mixprob"]) ; NumericVector theta_=as<NumericVector>(modes["theta"]) ; NumericVector mu_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mu"]) ; NumericVector tau2_=as<NumericVector>(modes["tau2"]) ; NumericVector pstar = clone(p_) ; NumericVector mustar = clone(mu_) ; NumericVector tau2star = clone(tau2_) ; NumericVector thetastar = clone(theta_) ; IntegerMatrix Z = chains.slot("z") ; IntegerVector zz(N) ; NumericVector p_tau(S) ; double m2_0 = hypp.slot("m2.0") ; double eta_0 = hypp.slot("eta.0") ; double eta_k = eta_0 + K ; NumericVector s2_k(1) ; for(int k = 0; k < K; k++) s2_k[0] += pow(thetastar[k] - mustar[0], 2.0) ; NumericVector m2_k(1) ; m2_k[0] = 1/eta_k * (eta_0 * m2_0 + s2_k[0]) ; // NumericVector tmp(1) ; // for(int s = 0; s < S; ++s) { // tmp = dgamma(1.0/tau2star, 0.5 * eta_k, 1.0/(0.5 * eta_k * m2_k[0])) ; // p_tau[s] = tmp ; // } p_tau = dgamma(1.0/tau2star, 0.5 * eta_k, 1.0/(0.5 * eta_k * m2_k[0])) ; return p_tau ; }
// [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector p_pmix_reduced(Rcpp::S4 xmod) { RNGScope scope ; Rcpp::S4 model(xmod) ; Rcpp::S4 mcmcp = model.slot("mcmc.params") ; Rcpp::S4 chains = model.slot("mcmc.chains") ; Rcpp::S4 hypp = model.slot("hyperparams") ; List modes = model.slot("modes") ; // // NumericVector x = model.slot("data") ; int K = hypp.slot("k") ; int S = mcmcp.slot("iter") ; int N = x.size() ; // NumericVector p_=as<NumericVector>(modes["mixprob"]) ; NumericVector pstar = clone(p_) ; NumericMatrix Z = chains.slot("z") ; NumericVector alpha = hypp.slot("alpha") ; NumericVector pmix(S) ; // // Run reduced Gibbs -- theta,sigma2 fixed at modal ordinates // NumericVector h(N) ; NumericVector alpha_n(K) ; NumericVector tmp(1) ; for(int s=0; s < S; ++s){ h = Z(s, _ ) ; for(int k = 0 ; k < K; ++k){ alpha_n[k] = sum(h == k+1) + alpha[k] ; } tmp = log_ddirichlet_(pstar, alpha_n) ; pmix[s] = exp(tmp[0]) ; } // return tmp ; return pmix ; }
predModule::predModule(Rcpp::S4& xp) : d_coef(Rcpp::clone(SEXP(xp.slot("coef")))), d_Vtr( d_coef.size()) { }
sPredModule::sPredModule(Rcpp::S4 xp, int n) : predModule( xp), d_X( Rcpp::S4(xp.slot("X"))), d_fac( Rcpp::S4(xp.slot("fac"))) { d_V = (CHM_SP)NULL; }
dPredModule::dPredModule(Rcpp::S4 xp, int n) : predModule( xp), d_X( Rcpp::S4(xp.slot("X"))), d_V( n, d_X.ncol()), d_fac( Rcpp::S4(xp.slot("fac"))) { }
//' rcpp_get_polygons //' //' Extracts all polygons from an overpass API query //' //' @param st Text contents of an overpass API query //' @return A \code{SpatialLinesDataFrame} contains all polygons and associated data // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::S4 rcpp_get_polygons (const std::string& st) { #ifdef DUMP_INPUT { std::ofstream dump ("./get-polygons.xml"); if (dump.is_open()) { dump.write (st.c_str(), st.size()); } } #endif XmlPolys xml (st); const std::map <osmid_t, Node>& nodes = xml.nodes (); const std::map <osmid_t, OneWay>& ways = xml.ways (); const std::vector <Relation>& rels = xml.relations (); int count = 0; float xmin = FLOAT_MAX, xmax = -FLOAT_MAX, ymin = FLOAT_MAX, ymax = -FLOAT_MAX; std::vector <float> lons, lats; std::unordered_set <std::string> idset; // see TODO below std::vector <std::string> colnames, rownames, polynames; std::set <std::string> varnames; Rcpp::List dimnames (0), dummy_list (0); Rcpp::NumericMatrix nmat (Rcpp::Dimension (0, 0)); idset.clear (); colnames.push_back ("lon"); colnames.push_back ("lat"); varnames.insert ("name"); // other varnames added below /* * NOTE: Nodes are first loaded into the 2 vectors of (lon, lat), and these * are then copied into nmat. This intermediate can be avoided by loading * directly into nmat using direct indexing rather than iterators, however * this does *NOT* make the routine any faster, and so the current version * which more safely uses iterators is kept instead. */ Rcpp::Environment sp_env = Rcpp::Environment::namespace_env ("sp"); Rcpp::Function Polygon = sp_env ["Polygon"]; Rcpp::Language polygons_call ("new", "Polygons"); Rcpp::S4 polygons; /* * Polygons are extracted from the XmlPolys class in three setps: * 1. Get the names of all polygons that are part of multipolygon relations * 2. Get the names of any remaining ways that are polygonal (start == end) * 3. From the resultant list, extract the actual polygonal ways * * NOTE: OSM polygons are stored as ways, and thus all objects in the class * xmlPolys are rightly referred to as ways. Here within this Rcpp function, * these are referred to as Polygons, but the iteration is over the actual * polygonal ways. */ // Step#1 std::set <osmid_t> the_ways; // Set will only insert unique values for (auto it = rels.begin (); it != rels.end (); ++it) for (auto itw = (*it).ways.begin (); itw != (*it).ways.end (); ++itw) { assert (ways.find (itw->first) != ways.end ()); the_ways.insert (itw->first); } // Step#2 //const std::map <osmid_t, OneWay>& ways = xml.ways (); for (auto it = ways.begin (); it != ways.end (); ++it) { if (the_ways.find ((*it).first) == the_ways.end ()) if ((*it).second.nodes.begin () == (*it).second.nodes.end ()) the_ways.insert ((*it).first); } // Step#2b - Erase any ways that contain no data (should not happen). for (auto it = the_ways.begin (); it != the_ways.end (); ) { auto itw = ways.find (*it); if (itw->second.nodes.size () == 0) it = the_ways.erase (it); else ++it; } Rcpp::List polyList (the_ways.size ()); // Step#3 - Extract and store the_ways for (auto it = the_ways.begin (); it != the_ways.end (); ++it) { auto itw = ways.find (*it); // Collect all unique keys std::for_each (itw->second.key_val.begin (), itw->second.key_val.end (), [&](const std::pair <std::string, std::string>& p) { varnames.insert (p.first); }); /* * The following lines check for duplicate way IDs -- which do very * occasionally occur -- and ensures unique values as required by 'sp' * through appending decimal digits to <osmid_t> OSM IDs. */ std::string id = std::to_string (itw->first); int tempi = 0; while (idset.find (id) != idset.end ()) id = std::to_string (itw->first) + "." + std::to_string (tempi++); idset.insert (id); polynames.push_back (id); // Then iterate over nodes of that way and store all lat-lons size_t n = itw->second.nodes.size (); lons.clear (); lats.clear (); rownames.clear (); lons.reserve (n); lats.reserve (n); rownames.reserve (n); for (auto itn = itw->second.nodes.begin (); itn != itw->second.nodes.end (); ++itn) { // TODO: Propoer exception handler assert (nodes.find (*itn) != nodes.end ()); lons.push_back (nodes.find (*itn)->second.lon); lats.push_back (nodes.find (*itn)->; rownames.push_back (std::to_string (*itn)); } xmin = std::min (xmin, *std::min_element (lons.begin(), lons.end())); xmax = std::max (xmax, *std::max_element (lons.begin(), lons.end())); ymin = std::min (ymin, *std::min_element (lats.begin(), lats.end())); ymax = std::max (ymax, *std::max_element (lats.begin(), lats.end())); nmat = Rcpp::NumericMatrix (Rcpp::Dimension (lons.size (), 2)); std::copy (lons.begin (), lons.end (), nmat.begin ()); std::copy (lats.begin (), lats.end (), nmat.begin () + lons.size ()); // This only works with push_back, not with direct re-allocation dimnames.push_back (rownames); dimnames.push_back (colnames); nmat.attr ("dimnames") = dimnames; dimnames.erase (0, dimnames.size()); //Rcpp::S4 poly = Rcpp::Language ("Polygon", nmat).eval (); Rcpp::S4 poly = Polygon (nmat); dummy_list.push_back (poly); polygons = polygons_call.eval (); polygons.slot ("Polygons") = dummy_list; polygons.slot ("ID") = id; polyList [count++] = polygons; dummy_list.erase (0); } // end for it over the_ways polyList.attr ("names") = polynames; // Store all key-val pairs in one massive DF int nrow = the_ways.size (), ncol = varnames.size (); Rcpp::CharacterVector kv_vec (nrow * ncol, Rcpp::CharacterVector::get_na ()); int namecoli = std::distance (varnames.begin (), varnames.find ("name")); for (auto it = the_ways.begin (); it != the_ways.end (); ++it) { int rowi = std::distance (the_ways.begin (), it); auto itw = ways.find (*it); kv_vec (namecoli * nrow + rowi) = itw->; for (auto kv_iter = itw->second.key_val.begin (); kv_iter != itw->second.key_val.end (); ++kv_iter) { const std::string& key = (*kv_iter).first; auto ni = varnames.find (key); // key must exist in varnames! int coli = std::distance (varnames.begin (), ni); kv_vec (coli * nrow + rowi) = (*kv_iter).second; } } Rcpp::Language sp_polys_call ("new", "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame"); Rcpp::S4 sp_polys = sp_polys_call.eval (); sp_polys.slot ("polygons") = polyList; sp_polys.slot ("bbox") = rcpp_get_bbox (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); Rcpp::Language crs_call ("new", "CRS"); Rcpp::S4 crs = crs_call.eval (); crs.slot ("projargs") = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"; sp_polys.slot ("proj4string") = crs; Rcpp::CharacterMatrix kv_mat (nrow, ncol, kv_vec.begin()); Rcpp::DataFrame kv_df = kv_mat; kv_df.attr ("names") = varnames; sp_polys.slot ("data") = kv_df; return sp_polys; }
/* This function specifically checks whether the observed data is consistent with the *pedigree*. It assumes that every observed value in the finals is already valid - That is, every observed value contained in the finals is also listed as a possibility in the hetData object */ void estimateRFCheckFunnels(Rcpp::IntegerMatrix finals, Rcpp::IntegerMatrix founders, Rcpp::List hetData, Rcpp::S4 pedigree, std::vector<int>& intercrossingGenerations, std::vector<std::string>& warnings, std::vector<std::string>& errors, std::vector<funnelType>& allFunnels, std::vector<funnelType>& lineFunnels) { Rcpp::CharacterVector pedigreeLineNames = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(pedigree.slot("lineNames")); //We make a copy of the pedigree line names and sort it (otherwise the std::find relating to pedigreeLineNames is prohibitive) std::vector<pedigreeLineStruct> sortedLineNames; sortPedigreeLineNames(pedigreeLineNames, sortedLineNames); Rcpp::IntegerVector mother = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(pedigree.slot("mother")); Rcpp::IntegerVector father = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::IntegerVector>(pedigree.slot("father")); bool warnImproperFunnels = Rcpp::as<bool>(pedigree.slot("warnImproperFunnels")); Rcpp::CharacterVector finalNames = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(Rcpp::as<Rcpp::List>(finals.attr("dimnames"))[0]); Rcpp::CharacterVector markerNames = Rcpp::as<Rcpp::CharacterVector>(Rcpp::as<Rcpp::List>(finals.attr("dimnames"))[1]); int nFinals = finals.nrow(), nFounders = founders.nrow(), nMarkers = finals.ncol(); if(nFounders != 2 && nFounders != 4 && nFounders != 8 && nFounders != 16) { throw std::runtime_error("Number of founders must be 2, 4, 8, or 16"); } xMajorMatrix<int> foundersToMarkerAlleles(nFounders, nFounders, nMarkers, -1); for(int markerCounter = 0; markerCounter < nMarkers; markerCounter++) { Rcpp::IntegerMatrix currentMarkerHetData = hetData(markerCounter); for(int founderCounter1 = 0; founderCounter1 < nFounders; founderCounter1++) { for(int founderCounter2 = 0; founderCounter2 < nFounders; founderCounter2++) { int markerAllele1 = founders(founderCounter1, markerCounter); int markerAllele2 = founders(founderCounter2, markerCounter); for(int hetDataRowCounter = 0; hetDataRowCounter < currentMarkerHetData.nrow(); hetDataRowCounter++) { if(markerAllele1 == currentMarkerHetData(hetDataRowCounter, 0) && markerAllele2 == currentMarkerHetData(hetDataRowCounter, 1)) { foundersToMarkerAlleles(founderCounter1, founderCounter2, markerCounter) = currentMarkerHetData(hetDataRowCounter, 2); } } } } } std::vector<long> individualsToCheckFunnels; for(long finalCounter = 0; finalCounter < nFinals; finalCounter++) { individualsToCheckFunnels.clear(); std::string currentLineName = Rcpp::as<std::string>(finalNames(finalCounter)); std::vector<pedigreeLineStruct>::iterator findLineName = std::lower_bound(sortedLineNames.begin(), sortedLineNames.end(), pedigreeLineStruct(currentLineName, -1)); if(findLineName == sortedLineNames.end() || findLineName->lineName != currentLineName) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Unable to find line number " << finalCounter << " named " << finalNames(finalCounter) << " in pedigree"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str().c_str()); } int pedigreeRow = findLineName->index; //This vector lists all the founders that are ancestors of the current line. This may comprise any number - E.g. if we have an AIC line descended from funnels 1,2,1,2 and 2,3,2,3 then this vector is going it contain 1,2,3 std::vector<int> representedFounders; if(intercrossingGenerations[finalCounter] == 0) { individualsToCheckFunnels.push_back(pedigreeRow); } else { try { getAICParentLines(mother, father, pedigreeRow, intercrossingGenerations[finalCounter], individualsToCheckFunnels); } catch(...) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error while attempting to trace intercrossing lines for line " << finalNames(finalCounter); errors.push_back(ss.str()); goto nextLine; } } //Now we know the lines for which we need to check the funnels from the pedigree (note: We don't necessarily have genotype data for all of these, it's purely a pedigree check) //Fixed length arrays to store funnels. If we have less than 16 founders then part of this is garbage and we don't use that bit.... funnelType funnel, copiedFunnel; for(std::vector<long>::iterator i = individualsToCheckFunnels.begin(); i != individualsToCheckFunnels.end(); i++) { try { getFunnel(*i, mother, father, &(funnel.val[0]), nFounders); } catch(...) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Attempting to trace pedigree for line " << finalNames(finalCounter) << ": Unable to get funnel for line " << pedigreeLineNames(*i); errors.push_back(ss.str()); goto nextLine; } //insert these founders into the vector containing all the represented founders representedFounders.insert(representedFounders.end(), &(funnel.val[0]), &(funnel.val[0]) + nFounders); //Copy the funnel memcpy(&copiedFunnel, &funnel, sizeof(funnelType)); std::sort(&(copiedFunnel.val[0]), &(copiedFunnel.val[0]) + nFounders); if(std::unique(&(copiedFunnel.val[0]), &(copiedFunnel.val[0]) + nFounders) != &(copiedFunnel.val[0]) + nFounders) { //If we have intercrossing generations then having repeated founders is an error. Otherwise if warnImproperFunnels is true it's still a warning. if(intercrossingGenerations[finalCounter] != 0 || warnImproperFunnels) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Funnel for line " << pedigreeLineNames(*i) << " contained founders {" << funnel.val[0]; if(nFounders == 2) { ss << ", " << funnel.val[1] << "}"; } else if(nFounders == 4) { ss << ", " << funnel.val[1] << ", " << funnel.val[2] << ", " << funnel.val[3] << "}"; } else if(nFounders == 8) { ss << ", " << funnel.val[1] << ", " << funnel.val[2] << ", " << funnel.val[3] << ", " << funnel.val[4] << ", " << funnel.val[5] << ", " << funnel.val[6] << ", " << funnel.val[7]<< "}"; } else if (nFounders == 16) { ss << ", " << funnel.val[1] << ", " << funnel.val[2] << ", " << funnel.val[3] << ", " << funnel.val[4] << ", " << funnel.val[5] << ", " << funnel.val[6] << ", " << funnel.val[7] << ", " << funnel.val[8] << ", " << funnel.val[9] << ", " << funnel.val[10] << ", " << funnel.val[11] << ", " << funnel.val[12] << ", " << funnel.val[13] << ", " << funnel.val[14] << ", " << funnel.val[15] << "}"; } //In this case it's an error if(intercrossingGenerations[finalCounter] != 0) { ss << ". Repeated founders are only allowed with zero generations of intercrossing"; errors.push_back(ss.str()); } //But if we have zero intercrossing generations then it's only a warning else { ss << ". Did you intend to use all " << nFounders << " founders?"; warnings.push_back(ss.str()); } } } allFunnels.push_back(funnel); } //remove duplicates in representedFounders std::sort(representedFounders.begin(), representedFounders.end()); representedFounders.erase(std::unique(representedFounders.begin(), representedFounders.end()), representedFounders.end()); //Try and check for inconsistent generations of selfing for(std::vector<int>::iterator i = representedFounders.begin(); i != representedFounders.end(); i++) { if(*i > nFounders) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Error in pedigree for line number " << finalCounter << " named " << finalNames(finalCounter) << ". Inconsistent number of generations of intercrossing"; errors.push_back(ss.str()); goto nextLine; } } //Not having all the founders in the input funnels is more serious if it causes the observed marker data to be impossible. So check for this. for(int markerCounter = 0; markerCounter < nMarkers; markerCounter++) { bool okMarker = false; //If observed value is an NA then than's ok, continue int value = finals(finalCounter, markerCounter); if(value == NA_INTEGER) continue; for(std::vector<int>::iterator founderIterator1 = representedFounders.begin(); founderIterator1 != representedFounders.end(); founderIterator1++) { for(std::vector<int>::iterator founderIterator2 = representedFounders.begin(); founderIterator2 != representedFounders.end(); founderIterator2++) { //Note that founderIterator comes from representedFounders, which comes from getFunnel - Which returns values starting at 1, not 0. So we have to subtract one. if(finals(finalCounter, markerCounter) == foundersToMarkerAlleles((*founderIterator1)-1, (*founderIterator2)-1, markerCounter)) { okMarker = true; break; } } } if(!okMarker) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Data for marker " << markerNames(markerCounter) << " is impossible for individual " << finalNames(finalCounter) << " with given pedigree"; errors.push_back(ss.str()); if(errors.size() > 1000) return; goto nextLine; } } //In this case individualsToCheckFunnels contains one element => getFunnel was only called once => we can reuse the funnel variable if(intercrossingGenerations[finalCounter] == 0) { orderFunnel(&(funnel.val[0]), nFounders); lineFunnels.push_back(funnel); } else { //Add a dummy value in lineFunnel for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) funnel.val[i] = 0; lineFunnels.push_back(funnel); } nextLine: ; } }
void parse_gb_location( Rcpp::S4 &location, std::string &span, std::string &accession ) { // clean up possible whitespace span.erase(remove_if(begin(span), end(span), ::isspace), end(span)); // initialise a BaseSpan BaseSpan bs; // initialise match results std::smatch m; // iterator over span std::string::const_iterator first = span.begin(); std::string::const_iterator last = span.end(); // test for a possibly complemented simple location try { if (std::regex_match(first, last, m, PCSL)) { parse_simple_span(bs, span, accession); // fill gbLocation@range // guarantied integer Matrix/two columns IntegerMatrix range(1,2); range(0,0) = bs.range[0]; range(0,1) = bs.range[1]; location.slot("range") = range; // fill gbLocation@fuzzy // guarantied logical Matrix/two columns LogicalMatrix fuzzy(1,2); fuzzy(0,0) = bs.fuzzy[0]; fuzzy(0,1) = bs.fuzzy[1]; location.slot("fuzzy") = fuzzy; location.slot("strand") = bs.strand; location.slot("accession") = bs.accession; location.slot("remote") = bs.remote; location.slot("type") = bs.type; // test for a possibly complemented compound location } else if (std::regex_match(first, last, m, PCCL)) { // test for complementary strand int strand(1); if (std::regex_search(first, last, m, COMPL)) { strand = -1; } // get compound span std::regex_search(first, last, m, CL); first = m[0].first; last = m[0].second; // get compound type std::regex_search(first, last, m, CMPND); std::string compound( m[0] ); // get span strings std::regex_search(first, last, m, SLC); std::string span_str( m[0] ); std::vector<std::string > spans; std::sregex_token_iterator first_it{begin(span_str), end(span_str), COMMA, -1}, last_it; std::copy(first_it, last_it, std::back_inserter(spans)); int nrows = spans.size(); Rcpp::IntegerMatrix rangeMat( nrows, 2 ); Rcpp::LogicalMatrix fuzzyMat( nrows, 2 ); Rcpp::IntegerVector strandVec(nrows); Rcpp::CharacterVector accessionVec(nrows); Rcpp::LogicalVector remoteVec(nrows); Rcpp::CharacterVector typeVec(nrows); for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) { std::string span = spans[i]; parse_simple_span(bs, span, accession); // get positions rangeMat(i, 0) = bs.range[0]; rangeMat(i, 1) = bs.range[1]; // get fuzzy fuzzyMat(i, 0) = bs.fuzzy[0]; fuzzyMat(i, 1) = bs.fuzzy[1]; // get strand, accession, remote and type strandVec[i] = bs.strand; accessionVec[i] = bs.accession; remoteVec[i] = bs.remote; typeVec[i] = bs.type; } // if the whole span is complementary reset strandVec if (strand == -1) { for (int i = 0; i < nrows; ++i) strandVec[i] = -1; } location.slot("range") = rangeMat; location.slot("fuzzy") = fuzzyMat; location.slot("strand") = strandVec; location.slot("compound") = compound; location.slot("accession") = accessionVec; location.slot("remote") = remoteVec; location.slot("type") = typeVec; } else { throw std::range_error("Cannot parse location descriptor."); } } catch (std::exception &ex) { forward_exception_to_r(ex); } }