/** Get the help entry for this class */
RevBayesCore::RbHelpMove* Move::getHelpEntry( void ) const
    // create the help function entry that we will fill with some values
    RevBayesCore::RbHelpMove *help = new RevBayesCore::RbHelpMove();
    RevBayesCore::RbHelpMove &helpEntry = *help;
    // name
    helpEntry.setName( getConstructorFunctionName() );
    // aliases
    std::vector<std::string> aliases = getConstructorFunctionAliases();
    helpEntry.setAliases( aliases );
    // title
    helpEntry.setTitle( getHelpTitle() );
    // description
    helpEntry.setDescription( getHelpDescription() );
    // create the constructor
    RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction help_constructor = RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction();
    // usage
    help_constructor.setUsage( getConstructorUsage() );
    // arguments
    const MemberRules& rules = getParameterRules();
    std::vector<RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument> arguments = std::vector<RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument>();
    for ( size_t i=0; i<rules.size(); ++i )
        const ArgumentRule &the_rule = rules[i];
        RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument argument = RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument();
        argument.setLabel( the_rule.getArgumentLabel() );
        argument.setDescription( the_rule.getArgumentDescription() );
        std::string type = "<any>";
        if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::CONSTANT )
            type = "<constant>";
        else if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::STOCHASTIC )
            type = "<stochastic>";
        else if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::DETERMINISTIC )
            type = "<deterministic>";
        argument.setArgumentDagNodeType( type );
        std::string passing_method = "value";
        if ( the_rule.getEvaluationType() == ArgumentRule::BY_CONSTANT_REFERENCE )
            passing_method = "const reference";
        else if ( the_rule.getEvaluationType() == ArgumentRule::BY_REFERENCE )
            passing_method = "reference";
        argument.setArgumentPassingMethod(  passing_method );
        argument.setValueType( the_rule.getArgumentTypeSpec()[0].getType() );
        if ( the_rule.hasDefault() )
            std::stringstream ss;
            the_rule.getDefaultVariable().getRevObject().printValue( ss, true);
            argument.setDefaultValue( ss.str() );
            argument.setDefaultValue( "" );
        // loop options
        std::vector<std::string> options = std::vector<std::string>();
        const OptionRule *opt_rule = dynamic_cast<const OptionRule*>( &the_rule );
        if ( opt_rule != NULL )
            options = opt_rule->getOptions();
        argument.setOptions( options );
        // add the argument to the argument list
        arguments.push_back( argument );
    help_constructor.setArguments( arguments );
    // return value
    help_constructor.setReturnType( getClassType() );
    // details
    help_constructor.setDetails( getConstructorDetails() );
    // example
    help_constructor.setExample( getConstructorExample() );
    std::vector<RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction> constructors;
    constructors.push_back( help_constructor );
    helpEntry.setConstructors( constructors );
    helpEntry.setMethods( getHelpMethods() );
    helpEntry.setReferences( getHelpReferences() );
    // author
    helpEntry.setAuthor( getHelpAuthor() );
    // see also
    helpEntry.setSeeAlso( getHelpSeeAlso() );
    return help;
 * Get the help entry for this class
void Function::addSpecificHelpFields(RevBayesCore::RbHelpEntry *e) const
    // create the help function entry that we will fill with some values
    RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction *help = static_cast<RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction*>( e );
    RevBayesCore::RbHelpFunction &helpEntry = *help;
    // usage
    helpEntry.setUsage( getHelpUsage() );
    // arguments
    const MemberRules& rules = getArgumentRules();
    std::vector<RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument> arguments = std::vector<RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument>();
    for ( size_t i=0; i<rules.size(); ++i )
        const ArgumentRule &the_rule = rules[i];
        RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument argument = RevBayesCore::RbHelpArgument();
        argument.setLabel( the_rule.getArgumentLabel() );
        argument.setDescription( the_rule.getArgumentDescription() );
        std::string type = "<any>";
        if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::CONSTANT )
            type = "<constant>";
        else if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::STOCHASTIC )
            type = "<stochastic>";
        else if ( the_rule.getArgumentDagNodeType() == ArgumentRule::DETERMINISTIC )
            type = "<deterministic>";
        argument.setArgumentDagNodeType( type );
        std::string passing_method = "pass by value";
        if ( the_rule.getEvaluationType() == ArgumentRule::BY_CONSTANT_REFERENCE )
            passing_method = "pass by const reference";
        else if ( the_rule.getEvaluationType() == ArgumentRule::BY_REFERENCE )
            passing_method = "pass by reference";
        argument.setArgumentPassingMethod(  passing_method );
        argument.setValueType( the_rule.getArgumentTypeSpec()[0].getType() );
        if ( the_rule.hasDefault() )
            std::stringstream ss;
            the_rule.getDefaultVariable().getRevObject().printValue( ss, true);
            argument.setDefaultValue( ss.str() );
            argument.setDefaultValue( "" );
        // loop options
        std::vector<std::string> options = std::vector<std::string>();
        const OptionRule *opt_rule = dynamic_cast<const OptionRule*>( &the_rule );
        if ( opt_rule != NULL )
            options = opt_rule->getOptions();
        argument.setOptions( options );
        // add the argument to the argument list
        arguments.push_back( argument );
    helpEntry.setArguments( arguments );
    // return value
    helpEntry.setReturnType( getReturnType().getType() );
    // details
    helpEntry.setDetails( getHelpDetails() );
    // example
    helpEntry.setExample( getHelpExample() );