int getNumDepthSubscribers() { int n = realsense_points_pub.getNumSubscribers() + realsense_reg_points_pub.getNumSubscribers() + realsense_depth_image_pub.getNumSubscribers(); #ifdef V4L2_PIX_FMT_INZI n += realsense_infrared_image_pub.getNumSubscribers(); #endif return n; }
void SBANode::publishTopics(/*const ros::TimerEvent& event*/) { // Visualization if (cam_marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0 || point_marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { drawGraph(sba, cam_marker_pub, point_marker_pub); } }
void updateCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& e) { static bool got_first = false; latest_dt = (e.current_real - e.last_real).toSec(); latest_jitter = (e.current_real - e.current_expected).toSec(); max_abs_jitter = max(max_abs_jitter, fabs(latest_jitter)); Result::Enum the_result; bool was_new_frame = true; if ((not segment_data_enabled) // and (pose_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0 or markers_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0)) { the_result = MyClient.EnableSegmentData().Result; if (the_result != Result::Success) { ROS_ERROR("Enable segment data call failed"); } else { ROS_ASSERT(MyClient.IsSegmentDataEnabled().Enabled); ROS_INFO("Segment data enabled"); segment_data_enabled = true; } } if (segment_data_enabled) { while (was_new_frame and (the_result = MyClient.GetFrame().Result) == Result::Success) ; { now_time = ros::Time::now(); // try to grab as close to getting message as possible was_new_frame = process_frame(); got_first = true; } if (the_result != Result::NoFrame) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("GetFrame() returned " << (int)the_result); } if (got_first) { max_period_between_updates = max(max_period_between_updates, latest_dt); last_callback_duration = e.profile.last_duration.toSec(); } } diag_updater.update(); }
void publishObstacleMarker(const pcl::PointXYZ& obstacle_location) { if (marker_pub.getNumSubscribers()) { visualization_msgs::Marker obstacle; obstacle.header.frame_id = nh.getNamespace() + "/kinect_depth"; obstacle.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); obstacle.ns = "obstacle"; obstacle.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; obstacle.pose.position.x = obstacle_location.x; obstacle.pose.position.y = obstacle_location.y; obstacle.pose.position.z = obstacle_location.z; obstacle.pose.orientation.w = 1.0; = 0; obstacle.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; obstacle.scale.x = 0.1; obstacle.scale.y = 0.1; obstacle.scale.z = 0.1; obstacle.color.r = 1.0; obstacle.color.g = 0.0; obstacle.color.b = 0.0; obstacle.color.a = 0.8; obstacle.lifetime = ros::Duration(1.0); marker_pub.publish(obstacle); } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "system_state"); ros::NodeHandle handle; stats_pub = handle.advertise<igvc_msgs::system_stats>("system_stats", 10); double frequency = 10.0; if(handle.hasParam("frequency")) { handle.getParam("frequency", frequency); } ros::Rate rate(frequency); while(!ros::isShuttingDown()) { if(stats_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { igvc_msgs::system_stats stats; stats.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); stats.memory = get_used_memory(); stats.cpu = get_cpu_usage(); stats_pub.publish(stats); } rate.sleep(); } return 0; }
LocationFileWriter(string filename, bool append) { marker_pub = nh.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("visualization_marker", 1000); // Wait for subscribers to register before placing markers. int n; ros::Rate r(10); while (ros::ok() && n < 50) { // Note: do not run "rostopic echo visualization_marker" or this will not work! if (marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { break; } n++; r.sleep(); } next_id = 0; if (append) { auto locs = parse_locations(filename); // Place markers and set next_id to the max id of the parsed locations. for (auto it = locs.begin(); it != locs.end(); it++) { placeMarker(*it); if (it->id > next_id) { next_id = it->id; } } } next_id++;, append ? ofstream::app : ofstream::trunc); loc_sub = nh.subscribe("clicked_point", 1, &LocationFileWriter::locHandler, this); }
bool RosAriaNode::hasSonarSubscribers() { int count = combined_range_pub.getNumSubscribers(); for (int i = sonars__crossed_the_streams ? 8 : 0; i < 16; i++) count += range_pub[i].getNumSubscribers(); return count > 0; }
void timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event) { if(!initalized){ return; } if(supplyVoltagePub.getNumSubscribers() > 0 /*|| batteryStatePub.getNumSubscribers() > 0*/){ std_msgs::Float32 voltsMsg = publishSupplyVoltage(mcphid); /*sensor_msgs::BatteryState battMsg; battMsg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); battMsg.voltage =; battMsg.current = nanf(); battMsg.charge = nanf(); battMsg.capacity = nanf(); battMsg.design_capacity = nanf(); battMsg.percentage = nanf(); batteryStatePub.publish(battMsg);*/ } /*if(motorCurrentPub.getNumSubscribers() > 0){ publishMotorCurrents(mcphid); } if(motorBackEMFPub.getNumSubscribers() > 0){ publishBackEMF(mcphid); }*/ }
/** * @brief It publishes the boundaries of the planes periodically. * * @param s Segmenter instance already initiliazated. * @param marPub Publisher. * @param frame_id Reference frame. */ void publishBoundaries(const ros::TimerEvent&, const MultiplePlaneSegmentation &s, const ros::Publisher &marPub, const std::string &frame_id) { if (marPub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { std::vector<std::vector<pcl::PointXYZRGBA>> boundaries; s.getBoundaries(boundaries); for(int i = 0; i < boundaries.size(); i++) { std::vector< std::vector<double> > positions = std::vector< std::vector<double> >(boundaries[i].size() + 1, std::vector<double>(3,0)); int j; if (boundaries[i].size() == 0) continue; // Lines between consecutive points. for(j = 0; j < boundaries[i].size(); j++) { pcl::PointXYZRGBA p = boundaries[i][j]; positions[j][0] = p.x; positions[j][1] = p.y; positions[j][2] = p.z; } // create a line between last and first point. positions[j] = positions[0]; double width = 0.03; std::vector<double> color; computeColor(i, boundaries.size(), color); double colorArr[] = {color[0], color[1], color[2], 1.0}; marPub.publish(buildLineMarker(frame_id, i, positions, width, colorArr)); } } }
void in_cb(const boost::shared_ptr<ShapeShifter const>& msg) { if (!g_advertised) { // If the input topic is latched, make the output topic latched, #3385. bool latch = false; ros::M_string::iterator it = msg->__connection_header->find("latching"); if((it != msg->__connection_header->end()) && (it->second == "1")) { ROS_DEBUG("input topic is latched; latching output topic to match"); latch = true; } g_pub = msg->advertise(*g_node, g_output_topic, 10, latch, conn_cb); g_advertised = true; ROS_INFO("advertised as %s\n", g_output_topic.c_str()); } // If we're in lazy subscribe mode, and nobody's listening, // then unsubscribe, #3389. if(g_lazy && !g_pub.getNumSubscribers()) { ROS_DEBUG("lazy mode; unsubscribing"); delete g_sub; g_sub = NULL; } else g_pub.publish(msg); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "add_noise_pcl"); ROS_INFO("Starting kinect noise generator node..."); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::param::param<bool>("~add_noise",add_noise,true); ros::param::param<double>("~noise_amount_coef",nac,1.0); ros::Subscriber sub; m_pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> ("points_out", 1); ros::Rate r(1); ros::AsyncSpinner spinner(5); spinner.start(); ROS_INFO("Spinning"); while(ros::ok()) { if (m_pub.getNumSubscribers() != 0) sub = n.subscribe("points_in", 1, cloudCallback); else sub.shutdown(); r.sleep(); } spinner.stop(); }
void handle_flow(const mavlink_message_t *msg) { if (flow_pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) return; mavlink_optical_flow_t flow; mavlink_msg_optical_flow_decode(msg, &flow); mavros_extras::OpticalFlowPtr flow_msg = boost::make_shared<mavros_extras::OpticalFlow>(); // Note: for ENU->NED conversion i swap x & y. flow_msg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); flow_msg->flow_x = flow.flow_y; flow_msg->flow_y = flow.flow_x; flow_msg->flow_comp_m_x = flow.flow_comp_m_y; flow_msg->flow_comp_m_y = flow.flow_comp_m_x; flow_msg->quality = flow.quality; flow_msg->ground_distance = flow.ground_distance; flow_pub.publish(flow_msg); /* Optional TODO: send ground_distance in sensor_msgs/Range * with data filled by spec on used sonar. */ }
void callback(const ros::MessageEvent<variant_topic_tools::Message>& messageEvent) { boost::shared_ptr<const variant_topic_tools::Message> message = messageEvent.getConstMessage(); boost::shared_ptr<const ros::M_string> connectionHeader = messageEvent.getConnectionHeaderPtr(); if (!publisher) { bool latch = false; if (connectionHeader) { ros::M_string::const_iterator it = connectionHeader->find("latching"); if ((it != connectionHeader->end()) && (it->second == "1")) latch = true; } ros::AdvertiseOptions options(publisherTopic, publisherQueueSize, message->getType().getMD5Sum(), message->getType().getDataType(), message->getType().getDefinition(), connectCallback); options.latch = latch; publisher = nodeHandle->advertise<variant_msgs::Variant>(publisherTopic, publisherQueueSize, connectCallback, ros::SubscriberStatusCallback(), ros::VoidConstPtr(), latch); } if(!lazy || publisher.getNumSubscribers()) { boost::shared_ptr<const variant_msgs::Variant> variantMessage = message->toVariantMessage(); publisher.publish(variantMessage); } else subscriber = ros::Subscriber(); }
void placeMarker(snacbot::Location l) { visualization_msgs::Marker m; m.header.frame_id = "map"; m.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); m.ns = "fast_smart_good"; =; m.frame_locked = true; m.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::SPHERE; m.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD; m.pose.position.x = l.x; m.pose.position.y = l.y; m.pose.position.z = 1; m.pose.orientation.x = 0.0; m.pose.orientation.y = 0.0; m.pose.orientation.z = 0.0; m.pose.orientation.w = 1.0; m.scale.x = 0.2; m.scale.y = 0.2; m.scale.z = 0.2; m.color.a = 1.0; m.color.r = 0.8; m.color.g = 0.2; m.color.b = 0.1; m.text = to_string(; marker_pub.publish(m); ROS_INFO("published loc %ld at (%.2f, %.2f)",, l.x, l.y); ROS_INFO("marker info %d", marker_pub.getNumSubscribers()); }
/// Called when another node subscribes or unsubscribes from sonar topic. void RosAriaNode::sonarConnectCb() { publish_sonar = (sonar_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0); publish_sonar_pointcloud2 = (sonar_pointcloud2_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0); robot->lock(); if (publish_sonar || publish_sonar_pointcloud2) { robot->enableSonar(); sonar_enabled = false; } else if(!publish_sonar && !publish_sonar_pointcloud2) { robot->disableSonar(); sonar_enabled = true; } robot->unlock(); }
// Connection callback that unsubscribes from the tracker if no one is subscribed. void connectCallback(message_filters::Subscriber<CameraInfo> &sub_cam, message_filters::Subscriber<GroundPlane> &sub_gp, image_transport::SubscriberFilter &sub_col, image_transport::SubscriberFilter &sub_dep, image_transport::ImageTransport &it) { if(!pub_message.getNumSubscribers() && !pub_result_image.getNumSubscribers() && !pub_centres.getNumSubscribers() && !pub_detected_persons.getNumSubscribers()) { ROS_DEBUG("Upper Body Detector: No subscribers. Unsubscribing."); sub_cam.unsubscribe(); sub_gp.unsubscribe(); sub_col.unsubscribe(); sub_dep.unsubscribe(); } else { ROS_DEBUG("Upper Body Detector: New subscribers. Subscribing."); sub_cam.subscribe(); sub_gp.subscribe(); sub_col.subscribe(it,sub_col.getTopic().c_str(),1); sub_dep.subscribe(it,sub_dep.getTopic().c_str(),1); } }
int process(const ecto::tendrils& in, const ecto::tendrils& out) { int num_subscribers = pub_.getNumSubscribers(); *has_subscribers_ = (num_subscribers != 0) ? true : false; // lazy publishing if appropriate conditions are met if(*in_ && (*has_subscribers_ || latched_)) { pub_.publish(**in_); } return ecto::OK; }
void configureRviz() { marker_pub = n.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("visualization_marker", 10); ros::Rate loop_rate(10000); while(marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() < 1 ) { loop_rate.sleep(); } }
void deleteMarker(turtlesim::Pose task_pose, int t_id) { visualization_msgs::Marker marker; // Set the frame ID and timestamp. See the TF tutorials for information on these. marker.header.frame_id = "world"; marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // Set the namespace and id for this marker. This serves to create a unique ID // Any marker sent with the same namespace and id will overwrite the old one marker.ns = "task_node"; = t_id; // Set the marker type. Initially this is CUBE, and cycles between that and SPHERE, ARROW, and CYLINDER marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE; // Set the marker action. Options are ADD, DELETE, and new in ROS Indigo: 3 (DELETEALL) marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE; // Set the pose of the marker. This is a full 6DOF pose relative to the frame/time specified in the header marker.pose.position.x = task_pose.x; marker.pose.position.y = task_pose.y; marker.pose.position.z = 0; marker.pose.orientation.x = 0.0; marker.pose.orientation.y = 0.0; marker.pose.orientation.z = task_pose.theta; marker.pose.orientation.w = 1.0; // Set the scale of the marker -- 1x1x1 here means 1m on a side marker.scale.x = 1.0; marker.scale.y = 1.0; marker.scale.z = 1.0; // Set the color -- be sure to set alpha to something non-zero! marker.color.r = 1.0f; marker.color.g = 1.0f; marker.color.b = 0.0f; marker.color.a = 1.0; marker.lifetime = ros::Duration(); // Publish the marker while (marker_pub.getNumSubscribers() < 1) { if (!ros::ok()) { // return 0; break; } ROS_WARN_ONCE("Please create a subscriber to the marker"); sleep(1); } marker_pub.publish(marker); }
void messageCallback(const test_roscpp::TestArrayConstPtr& msg, ros::Publisher pub) { test_roscpp::TestArray copy = *msg; copy.counter++; while (ros::ok() && pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) { ros::Duration(0.01).sleep(); } pub.publish(copy); }
void expanded_callback(const set<SearchLocation> &expanded) { if(expanded_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> cloud; cloud.header.frame_id = "/map"; for(auto location : expanded) cloud.points.push_back(pcl::PointXYZ(location.x,location.y,0)); expanded_pub.publish(cloud); } }
void Mapper::setMap(DP* newPointCloud) { // delete old map if (mapPointCloud) delete mapPointCloud; // set new map mapPointCloud = newPointCloud; icp.setMap(*mapPointCloud); // Publish map point cloud // FIXME this crash when used without descriptor if (mapPub.getNumSubscribers()) mapPub.publish(PointMatcher_ros::pointMatcherCloudToRosMsg<float>(*mapPointCloud, mapFrame, mapCreationTime)); }
/// Display stuff void publishStuff(bool all = true){ if (pubMarker.getNumSubscribers()>0){ // Publish Landmarks pubMarker.publish(odometry.getMapMarkers()); pubMarker.publish(odometry.getMapObservations()); // Publish Track (ie all path and poses estimated) pubMarker.publish(odometry.getTrackLineMarker()); } if (pubTrack.getNumSubscribers()>0){ pubTrack.publish(odometry.getTrackPoseMarker()); } if (all){ // Publish TF for each KF ROS_INFO("NOD = Publishing TF for each KF"); const Frame::Ptrs& kfs = odometry.getKeyFrames(); //const Frame::Ptr kf = kfs[0]; for(uint i=0; i<kfs.size(); ++i){ pubTF.sendTransform(kfs[i]->getStampedTransform()); } } // Publish TF for current frame const Frame::Ptr f = odometry.getLastFrame(); if (f->poseEstimated()){ pubTF.sendTransform(f->getStampedTransform()); pubTF.sendTransform(f->getStampedTransform(true)); } }
void RosAriaNode::sonarConnectCb() { robot->lock(); if (sonar_pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) { robot->disableSonar(); use_sonar = false; } else { robot->enableSonar(); use_sonar = true; } robot->unlock(); }
void map_callback(const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr& msg) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> planning_lock(planning_mutex); if (!msg->points.empty()) { while (current_index < msg->size()) { search_problem.Octree->addPointToCloud( pcl::PointXYZ(msg->points[current_index].x, msg->points[current_index].y, 0), search_problem.Map); current_index++; } if (path_planner_map_pub.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { path_planner_map_pub.publish(search_problem.Map); } } }
void mavlink_pub_cb(const mavlink_message_t *mmsg, uint8_t sysid, uint8_t compid) { MavlinkPtr rmsg(new Mavlink); if (mavlink_pub.getNumSubscribers() == 0) return; rmsg->header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); rmsg->len = mmsg->len; rmsg->seq = mmsg->seq; rmsg->sysid = mmsg->sysid; rmsg->compid = mmsg->compid; rmsg->msgid = mmsg->msgid; for (size_t i = 0; i < (mmsg->len + 7) / 8; i++) rmsg->payload64.push_back(mmsg->payload64[i]); mavlink_pub.publish(rmsg); }
void visionCloudDebug( TheiaCloudPtr cloudPtr, ros::Publisher & publisher ){ if(!publisher.getNumSubscribers()) return; // create message from cloud sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 cloudMessage; toROSMsg(*cloudPtr, cloudMessage); /** * TODO */ cloudMessage.header.frame_id = "/camera_depth_optical_frame"; publisher.publish(cloudMessage); }
//MAIN int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "wheel_motor_node"); //Initialize node ros::NodeHandle n; //Create nodehandle object sub = n.subscribe("wheel_motor_rc", 1000, callBack); //Create object to subscribe to topic "wheel_motor_rc" pub = n.advertise<motor_controller::AdaCmd>("adaFruit",1000); //Create object to publish to topic "I2C" while(pub.getNumSubscribers()==0);//Prevents message from sending when publisher is not completely connected to subscriber. //ros::Rate loop_rate(10); //Set frequency of looping. 10 Hz setGPIOWrite(33,1); //Motor enable while(ros::ok()) { //Update time current_time = ros::Time::now(); //Check if interval has passed if(current_time - last_time > update_rate) { //Reset time last_time = current_time; if(sub.getNumPublishers() == 0) //In case of loss of connection to publisher, set controller outputs to 0 { ROS_WARN("Loss of wheel motor controller input!"); leftFrontWheel.setU(0); //Set controller inputs leftRearWheel.setU(0); rightRearWheel.setU(0); rightFrontWheel.setU(0); } controlFunction(); //Motor controller function pub.publish(generateMessage()); } ros::spinOnce(); } stopAllMotors(); return 0; }
void Mapper::setMap(DP* newPointCloud) { // delete old map if (mapPointCloud) delete mapPointCloud; // set new map mapPointCloud = newPointCloud; cerr << "copying map to ICP" << endl; //FIXME: this is taking the all map instead of the small part we need icp.setMap(*mapPointCloud); // This do a full copy... cerr << "publishing map" << endl; // Publish map point cloud // FIXME this crash when used without descriptor if (mapPub.getNumSubscribers()) mapPub.publish(PointMatcher_ros::pointMatcherCloudToRosMsg<float>(*mapPointCloud, mapFrame, mapCreationTime)); }
void publishState(void) { uint8_t buf[10]; const int ret = libusb_control_transfer(dev, 0xC0, 0x32, 0x0, 0x0, buf, 10, 0); if (ret != 10) { ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Error in accelerometer reading, libusb_control_transfer returned " << ret); ros::shutdown(); } const uint16_t ux = ((uint16_t)buf[2] << 8) | buf[3]; const uint16_t uy = ((uint16_t)buf[4] << 8) | buf[5]; const uint16_t uz = ((uint16_t)buf[6] << 8) | buf[7]; const int16_t accelerometer_x = (int16_t)ux; const int16_t accelerometer_y = (int16_t)uy; const int16_t accelerometer_z = (int16_t)uz; const int8_t tilt_angle = (int8_t)buf[8]; const uint8_t tilt_status = buf[9]; // publish IMU sensor_msgs::Imu imu_msg; if (pub_imu.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { imu_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); imu_msg.linear_acceleration.x = (double(accelerometer_x)/FREENECT_COUNTS_PER_G)*GRAVITY; imu_msg.linear_acceleration.y = (double(accelerometer_y)/FREENECT_COUNTS_PER_G)*GRAVITY; imu_msg.linear_acceleration.z = (double(accelerometer_z)/FREENECT_COUNTS_PER_G)*GRAVITY; imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[0] = imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[4] = imu_msg.linear_acceleration_covariance[8] = 0.01; // @todo - what should these be? imu_msg.angular_velocity_covariance[0] = -1; // indicates angular velocity not provided imu_msg.orientation_covariance[0] = -1; // indicates orientation not provided pub_imu.publish(imu_msg); } // publish tilt angle and status if (pub_tilt_angle.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { std_msgs::Float64 tilt_angle_msg; = double(tilt_angle) / 2.; pub_tilt_angle.publish(tilt_angle_msg); } if (pub_tilt_status.getNumSubscribers() > 0) { std_msgs::UInt8 tilt_status_msg; = tilt_status; pub_tilt_status.publish(tilt_status_msg); } }