 * Copy all the triples in srclist to be new rows in the model.
 * Note that the object value is modified to contain a unique
 * postfix so that the new triple copies can be inserted into
 * the Rdf model. It is a copy in a looser sense of the word.
QModelIndexList KoSopranoTableModel::copyTriples(const QModelIndexList &srclist)
    QModelIndexList ret;
    int FirstNewRowNumber = rowCount();
    int LastNewRowNumber = FirstNewRowNumber + srclist.size() - 1;
    int currentNewRowNum = FirstNewRowNumber;
    beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), FirstNewRowNumber, LastNewRowNumber);
    kDebug(30015) << " m_statementIndex.sz:" << m_statementIndex.size();
    kDebug(30015) << " srclist.size():" << srclist.size();
    kDebug(30015) << " first:" << FirstNewRowNumber;
    kDebug(30015) << " last:" << LastNewRowNumber;
    foreach (const QModelIndex &src, srclist) {
        int r = src.row();
        kDebug(30015) << "r:" << r;
        Soprano::Statement st = m_statementIndex[ r ];
        // Append a bnode to the object to ensure the "copy"
        // is unique relative to the original.
        Soprano::Node obj(QUrl(st.object().toString() + '-'
                               + model()->createBlankNode().toString()));
        Soprano::Statement n(st.subject(), st.predicate(),
                             obj, st.context());
        m_statementIndex << n;
        QModelIndex newIdx = index(currentNewRowNum, ColSubj);
        ret << newIdx;
bool KoSopranoTableModel::setData(const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
    if (!index.isValid()) {
        return false;
    int r = index.row();
    Soprano::Statement st = m_statementIndex[r];
    QString uri = PrefexedLocalnameToURI(value.toString());
    Soprano::Statement n(st.subject(), st.predicate(), st.object(), st.context());
    switch (index.column()) {
    case ColSubj:
        return setDataUpdateTriple(index, st, n);
    case ColPred:
        return setDataUpdateTriple(index, st, n);
    case ColObj: {
        if (st.object().isLiteral()) {
        } else {
        return setDataUpdateTriple(index, st, n);
    case ColObjType: {
        QString v = value.toString();
        if (v == "URI") {
        } else if (v == "Literal") {
        } else {
        return setDataUpdateTriple(index, st, n);
    case ColCtx: {
        QString v = value.toString();
        if (v == "inline") {
            QString InternalContext = m_rdf->rdfInternalMetadataWithoutSubjectURI();
        } else {
            if (!v.endsWith(".rdf"))
                v = v + ".rdf";
            n.setContext(Soprano::Node(QUrl(m_rdf->rdfPathContextPrefix() + v)));
        return setDataUpdateTriple(index, st, n);
    return false;
void Soprano::ModelMonitor::slotStatementAdded( const Soprano::Statement& s )
    if ( s.matches( d->pattern ) ) {
        QTextStream outStream( stdout );
        outStream << QString( "%1 | " ).arg( d->removedCnt + d->addedCnt++, 4, 10, QChar('0') ) << "Added:   " << s << endl;
void BackupRestorationJob::slotRestRepo(const QString&, const QString& newPath)
    m_oldRepoPath = newPath;

    BackupFile bf = BackupFile::fromUrl( m_url );
    Soprano::StatementIterator it = bf.iterator();

    kDebug() << "Restore Statements:" << bf.numStatements();
    int numStatements = 0;
    while( it.next() ) {
        Soprano::Statement st = it.current();
        if( st.predicate() == NIE::url() ) {
            QUrl url = st.object().uri();
            if( url.scheme() == QLatin1String("file") ) {
                // Check if the file exists
                if( !QFile::exists( url.toLocalFile() ) ) {
                    url = translateHomeUri( url );

                    // REMOVING THIS CHANGE TO nepomuk-backup because one can have removablemedia
                    // files which are currently not mounted. This change sucks but the restore
                    // utility will have to manually check each file
                    // if( !QFile::exists( url.toLocalFile() ) ) {
                    //    url.setScheme("nepomuk-backup");
                    // }
                    if( QFile::exists( url.toLocalFile() ) )
                        st.setObject( url );

        Soprano::Error::ErrorCode err = m_model->addStatement( st );
        if( err ) {
            kWarning() << m_model->lastError();
            setErrorText( m_model->lastError().message() );

        emitPercent( numStatements, bf.numStatements() );

    QTimer::singleShot(0, m_storageService, SLOT(openPublicInterfaces()) );
void Soprano::ModelMonitor::slotStatementRemoved( const Soprano::Statement& s )
    // we do not use Statement::matches here since we want to match empty nodes on both sides.
    // not only in the pattern. This is because some backends do not emit the statementRemoved
    // signal on each single statement but on the pattern used.
    if ( ( d->pattern.subject().isEmpty() ||
           s.subject().isEmpty() ||
           d->pattern.subject() == s.subject() ) &&
         ( d->pattern.predicate().isEmpty() ||
           s.predicate().isEmpty() ||
           d->pattern.predicate() == s.predicate() ) &&
         ( d->pattern.object().isEmpty() ||
           s.object().isEmpty() ||
           d->pattern.object() == s.object() ) &&
         ( d->pattern.context().isEmpty() ||
           s.context().isEmpty() ||
           d->pattern.context() == s.context() ) ) {
        QTextStream outStream( stdout );
        outStream << QString( "%1 | " ).arg( d->addedCnt + d->removedCnt++, 4, 10, QChar('0') ) << "Removed: " << s << endl;
Soprano::Error::ErrorCode Soprano::Index::CLuceneIndex::removeStatement( const Soprano::Statement& statement )
//    qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::removeStatement in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
    QMutexLocker lock( &d->mutex );


    // just for speed
    if ( !d->indexPresent() ) {
//        qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::removeStatement done in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
        return Error::ErrorNone;

    bool success = false;

    QString field = QString::fromLatin1( statement.predicate().uri().toEncoded() );
    QString text = statement.object().isResource()
                   ? QString::fromLatin1( statement.object().uri().toEncoded() )
                   : statement.object().toString();

    if( text.isEmpty() ) {
        return Error::ErrorNone;

    try {
        lucene::document::Document* document = d->getDocument( statement.subject() );
        if ( document ) {
            CLuceneDocumentWrapper docWrapper( document );
            docWrapper.removeProperty( field, text, statement.object().isResource() );
            if ( d->transactionID == 0 ) {
            success = true;
    catch( CLuceneError& err ) {
        qDebug() << "(Soprano::Index::CLuceneIndex::removeStatement) Exception occurred: " << err.what();
        setError( exceptionToError( err ) );
        success = false;

//    qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::removeStatement done in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
    return success ? Error::ErrorNone : Error::ErrorUnknown;
Soprano::Error::ErrorCode Soprano::Index::CLuceneIndex::addStatement( const Soprano::Statement& statement )
//    qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::addStatement in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
    QMutexLocker lock( &d->mutex );


    QString field = QString::fromLatin1( statement.predicate().uri().toEncoded() );
    QString text = statement.object().isResource()
                   ? QString::fromLatin1( statement.object().uri().toEncoded() )
                   : statement.object().toString();

    if( text.isEmpty() ) {
        setError( "Cannot index object nodes that convert to an empty string." );
//        qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::addStatement done in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
        return Error::ErrorUnknown;

    bool success = true;

    try {
        lucene::document::Document* document = d->getDocument( statement.subject() );
        if ( document ) {
            CLuceneDocumentWrapper docWrapper( document );
            docWrapper.addProperty( field, text, statement.object().isResource() );
            if ( d->transactionID == 0 ) {
            success = true;
        else {
            // error already set in documentForResource
            success = false;
    catch( CLuceneError& err ) {
        setError( exceptionToError( err ) );
        success = false;

//    qDebug() << "CLuceneIndex::addStatement done in thread " << QThread::currentThreadId();
    return success ? Error::ErrorNone : Error::ErrorUnknown;
QVariant KoSopranoTableModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (!index.isValid()) {
        return QVariant();
    Soprano::Statement st = m_statementIndex[index.row()];
    if (index.column() == ColIsValid && role == Qt::CheckStateRole) {
        return st.isValid();
    if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) {
        if (!m_statementIndex[index.row()].isValid()) {
            return QColor("#BB0000");
    if (role != Qt::DisplayRole && role != Qt::EditRole) {
        return QVariant();
    switch (index.column()) {
    case ColIsValid:
        return QVariant();
    case ColSubj:
        return URItoPrefexedLocalname(st.subject().toString());
    case ColPred:
        return URItoPrefexedLocalname(st.predicate().toString());
    case ColObj:
        if (st.object().type() == Soprano::Node::ResourceNode)
            return URItoPrefexedLocalname(st.object().toString());
        return st.object().toString();
    case ColObjType:
        switch (st.object().type()) {
        case Soprano::Node::EmptyNode:
            return i18n("Empty");
        case Soprano::Node::ResourceNode:
            return i18n("URI");
        case Soprano::Node::LiteralNode:
            return i18n("Literal");
        case Soprano::Node::BlankNode:
            return i18n("Blank");
        return QString();
    case ColObjXsdType:
        return st.object().dataType().toString();
    case ColCtx: {
        QString ctx = st.context().toString();
        QString RdfPathContextPrefix = m_rdf->rdfPathContextPrefix();
        QString InternalContext = m_rdf->inlineRdfContext().toString();

        kDebug(30015) << "InternalContext:" << InternalContext;
        kDebug(30015) << "ctx:" << ctx;

        if (ctx.startsWith(RdfPathContextPrefix)) {
            ctx = ctx.mid(RdfPathContextPrefix.size());
        if (isInlineRdf(st)) {
            ctx = "inline";
        return ctx;
    return QVariant();
bool KoSopranoTableModel::isInlineRdf(Soprano::Statement st) const
    return (st.context().toString() == m_rdf->inlineRdfContext().toString());
文件: TestRdf.cpp 项目: KDE/calligra
 foreach (Soprano::Statement s, allStatements) {
     // RDEBUG << "HAVE:" << s;
     QVERIFY (s.object().toString() == "CDC474D4-1393-11D7-9A2C-000393914268");
     QVERIFY (s.context().toString() == rdf->RDF_PATH_CONTEXT_PREFIX + "geo1.rdf");