void SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState(const unsigned int level)

  double h = simulationLink->timeStep();

  double RelativeTol = simulationLink->relativeConvergenceTol();
  bool useRCC = simulationLink->useRelativeConvergenceCriteron();
  if (useRCC)

  DSIterator it;
  SP::SiconosMatrix W;
  for (it = OSIDynamicalSystems->begin(); it != OSIDynamicalSystems->end(); ++it)
    SP::DynamicalSystem ds = *it;
    W = WMap[ds->number()];
    // Get the DS type

    Type::Siconos dsType = Type::value(*ds);

    // 1 - Lagrangian Systems
    if (dsType == Type::LagrangianDS || dsType == Type::LagrangianLinearTIDS)
      // get dynamical system
      SP::LagrangianDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<LagrangianDS> (ds);

      //    SiconosVector *vfree = d->velocityFree();
      SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();
      bool baux = dsType == Type::LagrangianDS && useRCC && simulationLink->relativeConvergenceCriterionHeld();
      if (level != LEVELMAX)
        // To compute q, we solve W(q - qfree) = p
        if (d->p(level))
          *q = *d->p(level); // q = p

        // if (d->boundaryConditions())
        //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator
        //        itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
        //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
        //        ++itindex)
        //     v->setValue(*itindex, 0.0);
        *q +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

        *q =  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      // Computation of the velocity

      SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      SP::SiconosVector q_k_1 = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(1); // q_{k-1}

      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q_k_1 =" <<std::endl;
      // q_k_1->display();
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - q =" <<std::endl;
      // q->display();

      *v = 1.0 / (2.0 * h) * (*q - *q_k_1);
      //  std::cout << "SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - v =" <<std::endl;
      // v->display();

      // int bc=0;
      // SP::SiconosVector columntmp(new SiconosVector(ds->getDim()));

      // if (d->boundaryConditions())
      // {
      //   for (vector<unsigned int>::iterator  itindex = d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->begin() ;
      //        itindex != d->boundaryConditions()->velocityIndices()->end();
      //        ++itindex)
      //   {
      //     _WBoundaryConditionsMap[ds]->getCol(bc,*columntmp);
      //     /*\warning we assume that W is symmetric in the Lagrangian case*/
      //     double value = - inner_prod(*columntmp, *v);
      //     value += (d->p(level))->getValue(*itindex);
      //     /* \warning the computation of reactionToBoundaryConditions take into
      //        account the contact impulse but not the external and internal forces.
      //        A complete computation of the residue should be better */
      //     d->reactionToBoundaryConditions()->setValue(bc,value) ;
      //     bc++;
      //   }

      if (baux)
        ds->subWorkVector(q, DynamicalSystem::local_buffer);
        double aux = ((ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::local_buffer))->norm2()) / (ds->normRef());
        if (aux > RelativeTol)

    //2 - Newton Euler Systems
    else if (dsType == Type::NewtonEulerDS)
      //  // get dynamical system
      //       SP::NewtonEulerDS d = std11::static_pointer_cast<NewtonEulerDS> (ds);
      //       SP::SiconosVector v = d->velocity();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate prev v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       /*d->p has been fill by the Relation->computeInput, it contains
      //            B \lambda _{k+1}*/
      //       *v = *d->p(level); // v = p
      //       d->luW()->PLUForwardBackwardInPlace(*v);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate hWB lambda"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif

      //       *v +=  * ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free);

      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate work free"<<endl;
      //       ds->workspace(DynamicalSystem::free)->display();
      //       std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updatestate new v"<<endl;
      //       v->display();
      // #endif
      //       //compute q
      //       //first step consists in computing  \dot q.
      //       //second step consists in updating q.
      //       //
      //       SP::SiconosMatrix T = d->T();
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotq = d->dotq();
      //       prod(*T,*v,*dotq,true);
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState v"<<endl;
      //       // v->display();
      //       // std::cout<<"SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState dotq"<<endl;
      //       // dotq->display();

      //       SP::SiconosVector q = d->q();

      //       //  -> get previous time step state
      //       SP::SiconosVector dotqold = d->dotqMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       SP::SiconosVector qold = d->qMemory()->getSiconosVector(0);
      //       // *q = *qold + h*(theta * *v +(1.0 - theta)* *vold)
      //       double coeff = h*_theta;
      //       scal(coeff, *dotq, *q) ; // q = h*theta*v
      //       coeff = h*(1-_theta);
      //       scal(coeff,*dotqold,*q,false); // q += h(1-theta)*vold
      //       *q += *qold;
      //       std::cout<<"new q before normalizing"<<endl;
      //       q->display();
      // #endif

      //       //q[3:6] must be normalized
      //       d->normalizeq();
      //       dotq->setValue(3,(q->getValue(3)-qold->getValue(3))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(4,(q->getValue(4)-qold->getValue(4))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(5,(q->getValue(5)-qold->getValue(5))/h);
      //       dotq->setValue(6,(q->getValue(6)-qold->getValue(6))/h);
      //       d->updateT();
      RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);
    else RuntimeException::selfThrow("SchatzmanPaoliOSI::updateState - not yet implemented for Dynamical system type: " + dsType);