LRESULT COption::ExtractProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CFolderDialog FolderDlg; static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; // Extraction Settings static constexpr std::array<LPCTSTR, 3> ExtractCheckText{{ _T("Extract each folder"), _T("Fix the CRC of OGG files upon extraction"), _T("Enable simple decoding") }}; static const std::array<BOOL*, 4> ExtractCheckFlag{{ &pOption->bCreateFolder, &pOption->bFixOgg, &pOption->bEasyDecrypt, &pOption->bRenameScriptExt }}; static std::array<CCheckBox, ExtractCheckText.size()> ExtractCheck; static CCheckBox ExtractCheckAlpha; static CLabel ExtractLabelPng, ExtractLabelAlpha, ExtractLabelBuf, ExtractLabelTmp; static CRadioBtn ExtractRadioImage, ExtractRadioSave; static CUpDown ExtractUpDownPng; static CEditBox ExtractEditPng, ExtractEditAlpha, ExtractEditSave, ExtractEditBuf, ExtractEditTmp; static CButton ExtractBtnSave, ExtractBtnTmp; static CGroupBox ExtractGroupImage, ExtractGroupSave; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheckText.size(); i++) { ExtractCheck[i].Create(hWnd, ExtractCheckText[i], ID++, x, y += 20, 230, 20); ExtractCheck[i].SetCheck(*ExtractCheckFlag[i]); } // int y_image = y; ExtractGroupImage.Create(hWnd, _T("Output image format"), ID++, x, y_image += 34, 240, 110); ExtractRadioImage.Close(); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("BMP"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 18, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("PNG"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 20, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(0, pOption->bDstBMP); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(1, pOption->bDstPNG); ExtractLabelPng.Create(hWnd, _T("Compression Level"), ID++, x + xx + 50, y_image + 3, 100, 20); ExtractEditPng.Create(hWnd, _T(""), ID++, x + xx + 150, y_image, 40, 22); ExtractEditPng.SetLimit(1); ExtractUpDownPng.Create(hWnd, ExtractEditPng.GetCtrlHandle(), pOption->CmplvPng, ID++, 9, 0); // ExtractCheckAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Enable alpha blending"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 22, 140, 20); ExtractCheckAlpha.SetCheck(pOption->bAlphaBlend); ExtractLabelAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Background color"), ID++, x + xx * 2 + 4, y_image += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditAlpha.Create(hWnd, pOption->szBgRGB, ID++, x + xx * 2 + 100, y_image - 4, 100, 22); ExtractEditAlpha.SetLimit(6); ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(pOption->bAlphaBlend); // const int x_save = x + 200; int y_save = y; ExtractGroupSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Destination"), ID++, x_save + 50, y_save += 34, 290, 110); ExtractRadioSave.Close(); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Specify each time"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 18, 220, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Same folder as input source"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("The following folder"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(0, pOption->bSaveSel); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(1, pOption->bSaveSrc); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(2, pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractEditSave.Create(hWnd, pOption->SaveDir, ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 40, y_save += 20, 200, 22); ExtractEditSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractBtnSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 250, y_save + 1, 50, 20); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); // y = (y_image > y_save) ? y_image : y_save; ExtractLabelBuf.Create(hWnd, _T("Buffer Size(KB)"), ID++, x, y += 44, 100, 20); ExtractEditBuf.Create(hWnd, pOption->BufSize, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 110, 22); // ExtractLabelTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Temporary Folder"), ID++, x, y += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditTmp.Create(hWnd, pOption->TmpDir, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 200, 22); ExtractBtnTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + 310, y - 3, 50, 20); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Checkbox if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractCheck.front().GetID() && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractCheck.back().GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Alpha blend check box if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractCheckAlpha.GetID()) { ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck()); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } //Output image format radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(1)) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Destination radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(2)) { ExtractEditSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Output folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnSave.GetID()) { TCHAR szSaveDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditSave.GetText(szSaveDir, sizeof(szSaveDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select the output folder"), szSaveDir)) ExtractEditSave.SetText(szSaveDir); break; } // Temporary folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnTmp.GetID()) { TCHAR szTmpDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditTmp.GetText(szTmpDir, sizeof(szTmpDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select a temporary folder"), szTmpDir)) ExtractEditTmp.SetText(szTmpDir); break; } // Contents of the edit box have been changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // OK/Apply, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheck.size(); i++) *ExtractCheckFlag[i] = ExtractCheck[i].GetCheck(); // pOption->bDstBMP = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(0); pOption->bDstPNG = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(1); ExtractEditPng.GetText(&pOption->CmplvPng, FALSE); // pOption->bAlphaBlend = ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck(); ExtractEditAlpha.GetText(&pOption->BgRGB, TRUE); _stprintf(pOption->szBgRGB, _T("%06x"), pOption->BgRGB); // pOption->bSaveSel = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(0); pOption->bSaveSrc = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(1); pOption->bSaveDir = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2); ExtractEditSave.GetText(pOption->SaveDir); // ExtractEditBuf.GetText(&pOption->BufSize, FALSE); // ExtractEditTmp.GetText(pOption->TmpDir); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) Apply(); return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; }
VT00WindowBuffer(int x, int y, int width, int height) :_x(x),_y(y),_width(width),_height(height), _scroll(true), _handle(nullptr) { // configure handle update_handle(); // configure charater buffer setg(&_input.front(), &_input.front(), &_input.back() - 1); setp(&_output.front(), &_output.back() - 1); }
static const std::array<size_t, 14> & getSizes() { static constexpr std::array<size_t, 14> sizes{ 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536 }; static_assert(sizes.front() >= sizeof(Block), "Can't make allocations smaller than sizeof(Block)"); return sizes; }
VT00WindowBuffer(const VT00WindowBuffer& copy) :_x(copy._x), _y(copy._y), _width(copy._width), _height(copy._height), _scroll(copy._scroll), _handle(nullptr) { update_handle(); // configure charater buffer setg(&_input.front(), &_input.front(), &_input.back() - 1); setp(&_output.front(), &_output.back() - 1); }
Json::Value doAccountObjects (RPC::Context& context) { auto const& params = context.params; if (! params.isMember (jss::account)) return RPC::missing_field_error (jss::account); std::shared_ptr<ReadView const> ledger; auto result = RPC::lookupLedger (ledger, context); if (ledger == nullptr) return result; AccountID accountID; { auto const strIdent = params[jss::account].asString (); if (auto jv = RPC::accountFromString (accountID, strIdent)) { for (auto it = jv.begin (); it != jv.end (); ++it) result[it.memberName ()] = it.key (); return result; } } if (! ledger->exists(keylet::account (accountID))) return rpcError (rpcACT_NOT_FOUND); auto type = ltINVALID; if (params.isMember (jss::type)) { static std::array<std::pair<char const *, LedgerEntryType>, 9> const types {{ { jss::account, ltACCOUNT_ROOT }, { jss::amendments, ltAMENDMENTS }, { jss::directory, ltDIR_NODE }, { jss::fee, ltFEE_SETTINGS }, { jss::hashes, ltLEDGER_HASHES }, { jss::offer, ltOFFER }, { jss::signer_list, ltSIGNER_LIST }, { jss::state, ltRIPPLE_STATE }, { jss::ticket, ltTICKET } } }; auto const& p = params[jss::type]; if (! p.isString ()) return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::type, "string"); auto const filter = p.asString (); auto iter = std::find_if (types.begin (), types.end (), [&filter](decltype (types.front ())& t) { return t.first == filter; }); if (iter == types.end ()) return RPC::invalid_field_error (jss::type); type = iter->second; } unsigned int limit; if (auto err = readLimitField(limit, RPC::Tuning::accountObjects, context)) return *err; uint256 dirIndex; uint256 entryIndex; if (params.isMember (jss::marker)) { auto const& marker = params[jss::marker]; if (! marker.isString ()) return RPC::expected_field_error (jss::marker, "string"); std::stringstream ss (marker.asString ()); std::string s; if (!std::getline(ss, s, ',')) return RPC::invalid_field_error (jss::marker); if (! dirIndex.SetHex (s)) return RPC::invalid_field_error (jss::marker); if (! std::getline (ss, s, ',')) return RPC::invalid_field_error (jss::marker); if (! entryIndex.SetHex (s)) return RPC::invalid_field_error (jss::marker); } if (! RPC::getAccountObjects (*ledger, accountID, type, dirIndex, entryIndex, limit, result)) { result[jss::account_objects] = Json::arrayValue; } result[jss::account] = (accountID); context.loadType = Resource::feeMediumBurdenRPC; return result; }