diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus getMemoryStatus() { diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus memoryStatus; memoryStatus.name = "memoryStatus"; memoryStatus.message = "The current memory status is "; float percentage = (memory.memFree + memory.memCached + memory.memBuffers) * 1.0 / memory.memTotal; if (0.3 <= percentage) { memoryStatus.level = 0; memoryStatus.message += " OK"; } else if (0.2 <= percentage) { memoryStatus.level = 1; memoryStatus.message += " moderate"; } else { memoryStatus.level = 2; memoryStatus.message += " weak"; } memoryStatus.hardware_id = "memory"; memoryStatus.values.resize(5); floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << percentage; memoryStatus.values[0].key = "free"; floatStringHelper >> memoryStatus.values[0].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.memTotal; memoryStatus.values[1].key = "memTotal"; floatStringHelper >> memoryStatus.values[1].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.memFree; memoryStatus.values[2].key = "memFree"; floatStringHelper >> memoryStatus.values[2].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.memCached; memoryStatus.values[3].key = "memCached"; floatStringHelper >> memoryStatus.values[3].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.memBuffers; memoryStatus.values[4].key = "memBuffers"; floatStringHelper >> memoryStatus.values[4].value; return memoryStatus; }
void GuiHelper::printBytesPercent(GRender& render, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, long total, long other) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss.imbue(std::locale("")); std::string unit; int div = 1; int digits = 0; switch (bytePercentUnit) { case GH_TYPE_BYTE: div = 1; digits = 0; unit = " B"; break; case GH_TYPE_KBYTE: div = 1024; digits = 1; unit = " KiB"; break; case GH_TYPE_MBYTE: div = 1024 * 1024; digits = 1; unit = " MiB"; break; } float percent = (total) ? (100.0 * other / (total)) : (0); ss << " (" << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1) << percent << "%)"; render.printR(x, y, ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << std::setprecision(digits) << (other / (float) div) << unit ; render.printR(x-9, y, ss.str()); }
void printERRLOG() { std::string errLine; while( std::getline(ERRLOG,errLine) ) { std::cerr << errLine << std::endl; } ERRLOG.clear(); }
// This resets the flags of streamToReset and sets its string to be // newString. inline void ParsingUtilities::ResetStringstream( std::stringstream& streamToReset, std::string const& newString ) { streamToReset.clear(); streamToReset.str( newString ); }
void init(uint64_t const _i) { i = _i; if (options.doubleIndexing) { indexBeginQry = (length(gH.qrySeqs) / options.queryPart) * i; indexEndQry = (i+1 == options.queryPart) // last interval ? length(gH.qrySeqs) // reach until end : (length(gH.qrySeqs) / options.queryPart) * (i+1); // make sure different frames of one sequence in same interval indexBeginQry -= (indexBeginQry % qNumFrames(blastProgram)); indexEndQry -= (indexEndQry % qNumFrames(blastProgram)); } else { indexBeginQry = qNumFrames(blastProgram) * i; indexEndQry = qNumFrames(blastProgram) * (i+1); } clear(seeds); clear(seedIndex); matches.clear(); seedRefs.clear(); seedRanks.clear(); // stats.clear(); statusStr.clear(); statusStr.precision(2); }
void NaCl::flushLogs() { string loutStr = lout.str(); if(loutStr.length() != 0) { accumulatedEvents.Set("isDirty", true); accumulatedEvents.Set("messages", loutStr); lout.str(string()); lout.clear(); } string lerrStr = lerr.str(); if(lerrStr.length() != 0) { accumulatedEvents.Set("isDirty", true); accumulatedEvents.Set("errors", lerrStr); lerr.str(string()); lerr.clear(); } }
void setup () { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize the Log component // Name of log file log_file = Parameters::get_optional<std::string>( "Log.log_file", "log.txt"); log_file = Driver::output_dir + log_file; // Open log file #ifdef PARALLEL_MPI if (Driver::proc_ID == log_master) { lout.open(log_file.c_str()); } #else // PARALLEL_MPI lout.open(log_file.c_str()); #endif // PARALLEL_MPI initialized = true; // Write the log file header lout << "Hydrodynamics Simulation" << std::endl << std::endl; // If the buffer is not empty, push it to the file lout << buffer.str(); buffer.clear(); buffer.str(""); }
// stringstreamをクリアして再利用できるようにする void IPBase::clear_stringstream(std::stringstream &ss) { static const std::string empty_string; ss.str(empty_string); ss.clear(); ss << std::dec; // clear()でも元に戻らないので、毎回指定する。 }
void CPlayer::SendSteamMessages(MessageTypes type, std::stringstream &ss) { if (!ss.str().empty()) { std::string item; while (std::getline(ss, item)) { item = MSG_COLOR_WHITE + item + "|r"; // Default chat to white. const char* msg = item.c_str(); if ((type & CHAT_BOX) != 0) ChatHandler(GetSession()).SendSysMessage(msg); if ((type & CHAT_WIDE) != 0) { WorldPacket data(SMSG_NOTIFICATION, (strlen(msg) + 1)); data << msg; GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); } } ss.str(""); // Clear content ss.clear(); // Clear state flags. } }
void SettingsDAOSqlite3Impl::set( const std::string& key, const double& value ) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss << value; set( key, ss.str() ); }
virtual std::string generateIndexedIndependent(const OperationNode<Base>& indexedIndep, const IndexPattern& ip) override { bool isX = indexedIndep.getInfo()[0] == 0; if (isX) { return _nameGen->generateIndexedIndependent(indexedIndep, ip); } size_t nIndex = indexedIndep.getArguments().size(); CPPADCG_ASSERT_KNOWN(indexedIndep.getOperationType() == CGOpCode::LoopIndexedIndep, "Invalid node type"); CPPADCG_ASSERT_KNOWN(nIndex > 0, "Invalid number of arguments"); std::vector<const IndexDclrOperationNode<Base>*> indices(nIndex); for (size_t i = 0; i < nIndex; ++i) {// typically there is only one index but there may be more CPPADCG_ASSERT_KNOWN(indexedIndep.getArguments()[i].getOperation() != nullptr, "Invalid argument"); CPPADCG_ASSERT_KNOWN(indexedIndep.getArguments()[i].getOperation()->getOperationType() == CGOpCode::Index, "Invalid argument"); indices[i] = &static_cast<const IndexOperationNode<Base>&> (*indexedIndep.getArguments()[i].getOperation()).getIndex(); } _ss.clear(); _ss.str(""); _ss << _multName << "[" << LanguageC<Base>::indexPattern2String(ip, indices) << "]"; return _ss.str(); }
void NCursesIOManager::setupNewLine(std::stringstream & ss, int & positionX, int & positionY) const { move(positionY, positionX); ++positionY; ss.clear(); ss.str(""); }
bool XQueryCompiler::getLanguageMode(std::stringstream& s) const { const size_t lPeekSize = 7; char lPeek[lPeekSize]; s.get(lPeek, lPeekSize); s.clear(); s.seekg(0, s.beg); bool lXQueryMode; if (strncmp(lPeek, "jsoniq", lPeekSize - 1) == 0) { lXQueryMode = false; } else if (strncmp(lPeek, "xquery", lPeekSize - 1) == 0) { lXQueryMode = true; } else { if (theCompilerCB->theRootSctx) // could be null in eval { StaticContextConsts::language_kind_t lKind = theCompilerCB->theRootSctx->language_kind(); lXQueryMode = (lKind != StaticContextConsts::language_kind_jsoniq); } else { lXQueryMode = true; } } return lXQueryMode; }
std::string to_string(const T& item) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.clear(); ss << item; return ss.str(); }
returnType from_hex_string(std::string str) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.clear(); ss << std::hex << str; returnType retval; ss >> retval; return retval; }
returnType from_string(const std::string& str) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.clear(); ss << str; returnType retval; ss >> retval; return retval; }
diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus getSwapStatus() { diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus swapStatus; swapStatus.name = "swapStatus"; swapStatus.message = "The current swap space status is "; float percentage = (memory.swapFree + memory.swapCached) * 1.0 / memory.swapTotal; if (0.5 <= percentage) { swapStatus.level = 0; swapStatus.message += " OK"; } else if (0.25 <= percentage) { swapStatus.level = 1; swapStatus.message += " moderate"; } else { swapStatus.level = 2; swapStatus.message += " weak"; } swapStatus.hardware_id = "swap_space"; swapStatus.values.resize(4); floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << percentage; swapStatus.values[0].key = "free"; floatStringHelper >> swapStatus.values[0].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.swapTotal; swapStatus.values[1].key = "swapTotal"; floatStringHelper >> swapStatus.values[1].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.swapFree; swapStatus.values[2].key = "swapFree"; floatStringHelper >> swapStatus.values[2].value; floatStringHelper.clear(); floatStringHelper << memory.swapCached; swapStatus.values[3].key = "swapCached"; floatStringHelper >> swapStatus.values[3].value; return swapStatus; }
void GuiHelper::printInt(GRender& render, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, long val) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss.imbue(std::locale("")); ss << val; render.printR(x, y, ss.str()); }
virtual std::string generateIndependent(const OperationNode<Base>& independent) override { size_t id = independent.getVariableID(); if (id < _minMultiplierID) { return _nameGen->generateIndependent(independent); } _ss.clear(); _ss.str(""); _ss << _multName << "[" << (id - _minMultiplierID) << "]"; return _ss.str(); }
void NetworkDataSource::FetchData(IVariables* variables) { static std::stringstream str; auto result = recv(socket_, inputBuff_, BUFF_SIZE - 1, 0); if (result <= 0) return; inputBuff_[result] = '\0'; if (str.str().size() > 10000) { str.clear(); } bool newline = false; for (int i = 0; i < result; ++i) if (inputBuff_[i] == '\n') { newline = true; } str << inputBuff_; if (newline) { std::string command; std::getline(str, command); std::cout << "\n-------\nRECV:\n\t" << command << "\n------------\n"; std::stringstream cmd(command); std::string type, name, value; char eqSign = 0; cmd >> type >> name >> eqSign >> value; if (eqSign != '=') return; if (type == "int") { variables->Set(name, std::stoi(value)); } else if (type == "float") { variables->Set(name, std::stof(value)); } else if (type == "string") { std::string tmp; while (cmd >> tmp) { value += " "; value += tmp; } variables->Set(name, value); } }
void lua_console::read_stream( std::stringstream &stream, nc_color text_color ) { std::string line; while( std::getline( stream, line ) ) { for( auto str : foldstring( line, width ) ) { text_stack.push_back( {str, text_color} ); } } stream.str( std::string() ); // empty the buffer stream.clear(); }
void GuiHelper::printFloat(GRender& render, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, float val, const std::string& unit) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed); ss << std::setprecision(1); ss << val << unit; render.printR(x, y, ss.str()); }
int readLine(std::istream& is, std::stringstream& currentLine) { if (is.eof()) return -1; currentLine.str(""); currentLine.clear(); is.get(*currentLine.rdbuf()); if (is.fail()) // fail is set on empty lines is.clear(); G2O_FSKIP_LINE(is); // read \n not read by get() return static_cast<int>(currentLine.str().size()); }
/* * Transfer the next line of input to a stringstream */ bool getLine(std::istream& in, std::stringstream& line) { std::string string; line.str(string); line.clear(); if (!in.eof()) { getline(in, string); line.str(string); return true; } else { return false; } }
void newtestinit() { // Reset counters N_SUCCESS = 0; N_FAIL = 0; // Clear error stream ERRLOG.clear(); ERRLOG.str(""); std::cout << std::endl << "UNIT TESTING STARTED" << std::endl; }
void Environment::run_file(std::string path) { std::ifstream file(path.c_str(), std::ios::ate|std::ios::binary); if(!file) { std::string msg = std::string("Unable to open file to run: "); msg.append(path); throw std::runtime_error(msg); } std::streampos length = file.tellg(); std::vector<char> buffer(length); file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); file.read(&buffer[0], length); stream.clear(); stream.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(&buffer[0], length); CompiledFile* cf = CompiledFile::load(stream); if(cf->magic != "!RBIX") throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file"); if((signature_ > 0 && cf->signature != signature_) || cf->version != version_) { throw BadKernelFile(path); } cf->execute(state); if(state->vm()->thread_state()->raise_reason() == cException) { Exception* exc = as<Exception>(state->vm()->thread_state()->current_exception()); std::ostringstream msg; msg << "exception detected at toplevel: "; if(!exc->message()->nil_p()) { if(String* str = try_as<String>(exc->message())) { msg << str->c_str(state); } else { msg << "<non-string Exception message>"; } } else if(Exception::argument_error_p(state, exc)) { msg << "given " << as<Fixnum>(exc->get_ivar(state, state->symbol("@given")))->to_native() << ", expected " << as<Fixnum>(exc->get_ivar(state, state->symbol("@expected")))->to_native(); } msg << " (" << exc->klass()->debug_str(state) << ")"; std::cout << msg.str() << "\n"; exc->print_locations(state); Assertion::raise(msg.str().c_str()); } delete cf; }
void GuiHelper::printIntPercent(GRender& render, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, long total, long other, const std::string& unit) { static std::stringstream ss; ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss.imbue(std::locale("")); float percent = (total) ? (100.0 * other / (total)) : (0); ss << " (" << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed) << std::setprecision(1) << percent << "%)"; render.printR(x, y, ss.str()); ss.str(""); ss << other << unit ; render.printR(x-9, y, ss.str()); }
void buildLine(std::stringstream& ss, TTF_Font *face) { TextLine oTempLine; ss << '\0'; oTempLine.sLineStr = ss.str(); int w, h; TTF_SizeText(face, oTempLine.sLineStr.c_str(), &w, &h); oTempLine.iLineWidth = w; iMaxLineWidth = MAX(iMaxLineWidth, oTempLine.iLineWidth); ss.clear(); ss.str(""); vLines.push_back(oTempLine); }
void getCode() { if (cntTAB == 0) std::cout << "$ "; else { for (int i = 1; i <= cntTAB; ++i) std::cout << "\t"; } std::string s; do { getline(std::cin, s); } while (s == ""); ss.str(""); ss.clear(); ss << s; // std::cerr << "hello" << s << "bye"; }
void MAVShell::tokenize_stream(std::stringstream &sstream) { string cmd_line; //get command line (everything up to '\n') while( getline(sstream, cmd_line) ) { istringstream cmd_stream(cmd_line); // copy cmd_line to vector as whitespace separated strings istream_iterator<string> begin(cmd_stream); istream_iterator<string> end; vector<string> argv(begin, end); execute_cmd(argv); } // we have to clear the stringstream, otherwise all operations on the stream will fail instantly sstream.clear(); }