  const double current_time,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  ParamVec* deriv_p,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_g,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dx,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dxdot,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dp)
  // Evaluate response g
  if (mp_g != NULL)
    for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)

  // Evaluate dg/dx
  if (mp_dg_dx != NULL)
    for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)
      (*mp_dg_dx)[i].PutScalar(1.0 / mp_x[0].GlobalLength());

  // Evaluate dg/dxdot
  if (mp_dg_dxdot != NULL)

  // Evaluate dg/dp
  if (mp_dg_dp != NULL)
  const double curr_time,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdotdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_g)
  Teuchos::Array<ParamVec> pp = p;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdot = NULL;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdotdot = NULL;

  SGConverter c(this, commT);
  for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++) {

    for (int k=0; k<mp_p_index.size(); k++) {
      int kk = mp_p_index[k];
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<pp[kk].size(); j++)
	pp[kk][j].baseValue = mp_p_vals[kk][j].coeff(i);

    if (mp_xdot != NULL)
      xdot = mp_xdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_xdotdot != NULL)
      xdotdot = mp_xdotdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    // Evaluate response function
    c.evaluateResponse(curr_time, xdot, xdotdot, mp_x[i], pp, mp_g[i]);
  const double current_time,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdotdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  ParamVec* deriv_p,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_g,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dx,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dxdot,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dxdotdot,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_dg_dp)
  Teuchos::Array<ParamVec> pp = p;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdot = NULL;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdotdot = NULL;
  Epetra_Vector* g = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dx = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dxdot = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dxdotdot = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* dg_dp = NULL;
  for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++) {

    for (int k=0; k<mp_p_index.size(); k++) {
      int kk = mp_p_index[k];
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<pp[kk].size(); j++) {
	pp[kk][j].baseValue = mp_p_vals[kk][j].coeff(i);
	if (deriv_p != NULL) {
	  for (unsigned int l=0; l<deriv_p->size(); l++)
	    if ((*deriv_p)[l].family->getName() == pp[kk][j].family->getName())
	      (*deriv_p)[l].baseValue = pp[kk][j].baseValue;

    if (mp_xdot != NULL)
      xdot = mp_xdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_xdotdot != NULL)
      xdotdot = mp_xdotdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_g != NULL)
      g = mp_g->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_dg_dx != NULL)
      dg_dx = mp_dg_dx->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if(mp_dg_dxdot != NULL)
      dg_dxdot = mp_dg_dxdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if(mp_dg_dxdotdot != NULL)
      dg_dxdotdot = mp_dg_dxdotdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_dg_dp != NULL)
      dg_dp = mp_dg_dp->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    // Evaluate response function
    evaluateGradient(current_time, xdot, xdotdot,  mp_x[i], pp, deriv_p, 
		     g, dg_dx, dg_dxdot, dg_dxdotdot, dg_dp);
  const double alpha, 
  const double beta, 
  const double omega, 
  const double current_time,
  bool sum_derivs,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdotdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  ParamVec* deriv_p,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vx,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vxdot,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vxdotdot,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vp,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_g,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_JV,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_gp)
  // Evaluate response g
  if (mp_g != NULL)
    for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)

  // Evaluate tangent of g = dg/dx*Vx + dg/dxdot*Vxdot + dg/dp*Vp
  // If Vx == NULL, Vx is the identity
  if (mp_JV != NULL) {
    if (Vx != NULL)
      for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)
	for (int j=0; j<Vx->NumVectors(); j++)
      for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)
  if (mp_gp != NULL)
evaluateMPResponse(const double curr_time,
		   const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
		   const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdotdot,
		   const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
		   const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
		   const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
		   const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
		   Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_g)
  for (int i=0; i<mp_g.size(); i++)
    cullSolution(mp_x[i], mp_g[i]);
  const double current_time,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_g)
  for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++)
  const double alpha, 
  const double beta, 
  const double omega, 
  const double current_time,
  bool sum_derivs,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_xdotdot,
  const Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector& mp_x,
  const Teuchos::Array<ParamVec>& p,
  const Teuchos::Array<int>& mp_p_index,
  const Teuchos::Array< Teuchos::Array<MPType> >& mp_p_vals,
  ParamVec* deriv_p,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vx,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vxdot,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vxdotdot,
  const Epetra_MultiVector* Vp,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraVector* mp_g,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_JV,
  Stokhos::ProductEpetraMultiVector* mp_gp)
  Teuchos::Array<ParamVec> pp = p;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdot = NULL;
  const Epetra_Vector* xdotdot = NULL;
  Epetra_Vector* g = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* JV = NULL;
  Epetra_MultiVector* gp = NULL;
  SGConverter c(this, commT);
  for (int i=0; i<mp_x.size(); i++) {

    for (int k=0; k<mp_p_index.size(); k++) {
      int kk = mp_p_index[k];
      for (unsigned int j=0; j<pp[kk].size(); j++) {
	pp[kk][j].baseValue = mp_p_vals[kk][j].coeff(i);
	if (deriv_p != NULL) {
	  for (unsigned int l=0; l<deriv_p->size(); l++)
	    if ((*deriv_p)[l].family->getName() == pp[kk][j].family->getName())
	      (*deriv_p)[l].baseValue = pp[kk][j].baseValue;

    if (mp_xdot != NULL)
      xdot = mp_xdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_xdotdot != NULL)
      xdotdot = mp_xdotdot->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_g != NULL)
      g = mp_g->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if (mp_JV != NULL)
      JV = mp_JV->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    if(mp_gp != NULL)
      gp = mp_gp->getCoeffPtr(i).get();
    // Evaluate response function
    c.evaluateTangent(alpha, beta, omega, current_time, sum_derivs,
                      xdot, xdotdot, mp_x[i], pp, deriv_p, Vxdot, Vxdotdot, Vx, Vp,
                      g, JV, gp);