 std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
     if (query.tileKey().isSet())
         const TileKey &key = query.tileKey().get();
         unsigned int tileX = key.getTileX();
         unsigned int tileY = key.getTileY();
         unsigned int level = key.getLevelOfDetail();
         // TFS follows the same protocol as TMS, with the origin in the lower left of the profile.
         // osgEarth TileKeys are upper left origin, so we need to invert the tilekey to request the correct key.
         unsigned int numRows, numCols;
         key.getProfile()->getNumTiles(key.getLevelOfDetail(), numCols, numRows);
         tileY  = numRows - tileY - 1;
         std::stringstream buf;
         std::string path = osgDB::getFilePath(_options.url()->full());
         buf << path << "/" << level << "/"
                            << tileX << "/"
                            << tileY
                            << "." << _options.format().get();            
         OE_DEBUG << "TFS url " << buf.str() << std::endl;
         return buf.str();
     return "";                       
 std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
     if (query.tileKey().isSet())
         std::stringstream buf;
         std::string path = osgDB::getFilePath(_options.url()->full());
         buf << path << "/" << query.tileKey().get().getLevelOfDetail() << "/"
                            << query.tileKey().get().getTileX() << "/"
                            << query.tileKey().get().getTileY()
                            << "." << _options.format().get();            
         OE_DEBUG << "TFS url " << buf.str() << std::endl;
         return buf.str();
     return "";                       
    std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << _options.url()->full() << "?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature";
        buf << "&TYPENAME=" << _typeName;
        std::string outputFormat = "geojson";
        if (_options.outputFormat().isSet()) outputFormat = _options.outputFormat().get();
        buf << "&OUTPUTFORMAT=" << outputFormat;

        if (_options.maxFeatures().isSet())
            buf << "&MAXFEATURES=" << _options.maxFeatures().get();

        if (query.tileKey().isSet())
            buf << "&Z=" << query.tileKey().get().getLevelOfDetail() << 
                   "&X=" << query.tileKey().get().getTileX() <<
                   "&Y=" << query.tileKey().get().getTileY();
        else if (query.bounds().isSet())
            double buffer = *_options.buffer();            
            buf << "&BBOX=" << std::setprecision(16)
                            << query.bounds().get().xMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().xMax() + buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMax() + buffer;
        std::string str;
        str = buf.str();
        return str;
    std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << _options.url().get() << "?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=getfeature";
        buf << "&TYPENAME=" << _options.typeName().get();
        std::string outputFormat = "geojson";
        if (_options.outputFormat().isSet()) outputFormat = _options.outputFormat().get();
        buf << "&OUTPUTFORMAT=" << outputFormat;

        if (_options.maxFeatures().isSet())
            buf << "&MAXFEATURES=" << _options.maxFeatures().get();

        if (query.tileKey().isSet())
            buf << "&Z=" << query.tileKey().get().getLevelOfDetail() << 
                   "&X=" << query.tileKey().get().getTileX() <<
                   "&Y=" << query.tileKey().get().getTileY();
        else if (query.bounds().isSet())
            buf << "&BBOX=" << query.bounds().get().xMin() << "," << query.bounds().get().yMin() << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().xMax() << "," << query.bounds().get().yMax();
        return buf.str();
    std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
        if (query.tileKey().isSet())
            const TileKey& key = query.tileKey().get();
            unsigned int tileX = key.getTileX();
            unsigned int tileY = key.getTileY();
            unsigned int level = key.getLevelOfDetail();

            // attempt to verify that the request is within the first and max level
            // of the data source.
            const FeatureProfile* fp = getFeatureProfile();
            if (fp && fp->getTiled())
                if (fp->getFirstLevel() > level || fp->getMaxLevel() < level)
                    return "";

            // TFS follows the same protocol as TMS, with the origin in the lower left of the profile.
            // osgEarth TileKeys are upper left origin, so we need to invert the tilekey to request the correct key.            
            if (_options.invertY() == false)
                unsigned int numRows, numCols;
                key.getProfile()->getNumTiles(key.getLevelOfDetail(), numCols, numRows);
                tileY  = numRows - tileY - 1;            

            std::stringstream buf;
            std::string path = osgDB::getFilePath(_options.url()->full());
            buf << path << "/" << level << "/"
                               << tileX << "/"
                               << tileY
                               << "." << _options.format().get();            
            return buf.str();
        return "";                       
    std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << _options.url()->full() << "?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature";
        buf << "&TYPENAME=" << _options.typeName().get();
        std::string outputFormat = "geojson";
        if (_options.outputFormat().isSet()) outputFormat = _options.outputFormat().get();
        buf << "&OUTPUTFORMAT=" << outputFormat;

        if (_options.maxFeatures().isSet())
            buf << "&MAXFEATURES=" << _options.maxFeatures().get();

        if (query.tileKey().isSet())

            unsigned int tileX = query.tileKey().get().getTileX();
            unsigned int tileY = query.tileKey().get().getTileY();
            unsigned int level = query.tileKey().get().getLevelOfDetail();
            // Tiled WFS follows the same protocol as TMS, with the origin in the lower left of the profile.
            // osgEarth TileKeys are upper left origin, so we need to invert the tilekey to request the correct key.
            unsigned int numRows, numCols;
            query.tileKey().get().getProfile()->getNumTiles(level, numCols, numRows);
            tileY  = numRows - tileY - 1;

            buf << "&Z=" << level << 
                   "&X=" << tileX <<
                   "&Y=" << tileY;
        else if (query.bounds().isSet())
            double buffer = *_options.buffer();            
            buf << "&BBOX=" << std::setprecision(16)
                            << query.bounds().get().xMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().xMax() + buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMax() + buffer;
        std::string str;
        str = buf.str();
        return str;
    std::string createURL(const Symbology::Query& query)
        std::stringstream buf;
        buf << _options.url()->full() << "?SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetFeature";
        buf << "&TYPENAME=" << _options.typeName().get();
        std::string outputFormat = "geojson";
        if (_options.outputFormat().isSet()) outputFormat = _options.outputFormat().get();
        buf << "&OUTPUTFORMAT=" << outputFormat;

        if (_options.maxFeatures().isSet())
            buf << "&MAXFEATURES=" << _options.maxFeatures().get();

        if (query.tileKey().isSet())

            unsigned int tileX = query.tileKey().get().getTileX();
            unsigned int tileY = query.tileKey().get().getTileY();
            unsigned int level = query.tileKey().get().getLevelOfDetail();
#if 0
            unsigned int numRows, numCols;
            query.tileKey().get().getProfile()->getNumTiles(level, numCols, numRows);
            tileY  = numRows - tileY - 1;

            buf << "&Z=" << level << 
                   "&X=" << tileX <<
                   "&Y=" << tileY;
        else if (query.bounds().isSet())
            double buffer = *_options.buffer();            
            buf << "&BBOX=" << std::setprecision(16)
                            << query.bounds().get().xMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMin() - buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().xMax() + buffer << ","
                            << query.bounds().get().yMax() + buffer;
        std::string str;
        str = buf.str();
        return str;
FeatureCursorOGR::FeatureCursorOGR(OGRDataSourceH dsHandle,
                                   OGRLayerH layerHandle,
                                   const FeatureProfile* profile,
                                   const Symbology::Query& query,
                                   const FeatureFilterList& filters ) :
_dsHandle( dsHandle ),
_layerHandle( layerHandle ),
_resultSetHandle( 0L ),
_profile( profile ),
_query( query ),
_filters( filters ),
_chunkSize( 500 ),
_nextHandleToQueue( 0L ),
_spatialFilter( 0L )
    //_resultSetHandle = _layerHandle;

        std::string expr;
        std::string from = OGR_FD_GetName( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( _layerHandle ));
        from = std::string("'") + from + std::string("'");

        if ( query.expression().isSet() )
            // build the SQL: allow the Query to include either a full SQL statement or
            // just the WHERE clause.
            expr = query.expression().value();

            // if the expression is just a where clause, expand it into a complete SQL expression.
            std::string temp = expr;
            std::transform( temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower );
            bool complete = temp.find( "select" ) == 0;
            if ( temp.find( "select" ) != 0 )
                std::stringstream buf;
                buf << "SELECT * FROM " << from << " WHERE " << expr;
                std::string bufStr;
                bufStr = buf.str();
                expr = bufStr;
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << "SELECT * FROM " << from;
            expr = buf.str();

        // if there's a spatial extent in the query, build the spatial filter:
        if ( query.bounds().isSet() )
            OGRGeometryH ring = OGR_G_CreateGeometry( wkbLinearRing );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMax(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMax(), query.bounds()->yMax(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMax(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );

            _spatialFilter = OGR_G_CreateGeometry( wkbPolygon );
            OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly( _spatialFilter, ring ); 
            // note: "Directly" above means _spatialFilter takes ownership if ring handle

        _resultSetHandle = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( _dsHandle, expr.c_str(), _spatialFilter, 0L );

        if ( _resultSetHandle )
            OGR_L_ResetReading( _resultSetHandle );

FeatureCursorOGR::FeatureCursorOGR(OGRDataSourceH           dsHandle,
                                   OGRLayerH                layerHandle,
                                   const FeatureSource*     source,
                                   const FeatureProfile*    profile,
                                   const Symbology::Query&  query,
                                   const FeatureFilterList& filters ) :
_source           ( source ),
_dsHandle         ( dsHandle ),
_layerHandle      ( layerHandle ),
_resultSetHandle  ( 0L ),
_spatialFilter    ( 0L ),
_query            ( query ),
_chunkSize        ( 500 ),
_nextHandleToQueue( 0L ),
_profile          ( profile ),
_filters          ( filters )

        std::string expr;
        std::string from = OGR_FD_GetName( OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( _layerHandle ));        
        std::string driverName = OGR_Dr_GetName( OGR_DS_GetDriver( dsHandle ) );             
        // Quote the layer name if it is a shapefile, so we can handle any weird filenames like those with spaces or hyphens.
        // Or quote any layers containing spaces for PostgreSQL
        if (driverName == "ESRI Shapefile" || from.find(" ") != std::string::npos)
            std::string delim = "'";  //Use single quotes by default
            if (driverName.compare("PostgreSQL") == 0)
                //PostgreSQL uses double quotes as identifier delimeters
                delim = "\"";
            from = delim + from + delim;                    

        if ( query.expression().isSet() )
            // build the SQL: allow the Query to include either a full SQL statement or
            // just the WHERE clause.
            expr = query.expression().value();

            // if the expression is just a where clause, expand it into a complete SQL expression.
            std::string temp = expr;
            std::transform( temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower );
            //bool complete = temp.find( "select" ) == 0;
            if ( temp.find( "select" ) != 0 )
                std::stringstream buf;
                buf << "SELECT * FROM " << from << " WHERE " << expr;
                std::string bufStr;
                bufStr = buf.str();
                expr = bufStr;
            std::stringstream buf;
            buf << "SELECT * FROM " << from;
            expr = buf.str();

        //Include the order by clause if it's set
        if (query.orderby().isSet())
            std::string orderby = query.orderby().value();
            std::string temp = orderby;
            std::transform( temp.begin(), temp.end(), temp.begin(), ::tolower );

            if ( temp.find( "order by" ) != 0 )
                std::stringstream buf;
                buf << "ORDER BY " << orderby;                
                std::string bufStr;
                bufStr = buf.str();
                orderby = buf.str();
            expr += (" " + orderby );

        // if there's a spatial extent in the query, build the spatial filter:
        if ( query.bounds().isSet() )
            OGRGeometryH ring = OGR_G_CreateGeometry( wkbLinearRing );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMax(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMax(), query.bounds()->yMax(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMax(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );
            OGR_G_AddPoint(ring, query.bounds()->xMin(), query.bounds()->yMin(), 0 );

            _spatialFilter = OGR_G_CreateGeometry( wkbPolygon );
            OGR_G_AddGeometryDirectly( _spatialFilter, ring ); 
            // note: "Directly" above means _spatialFilter takes ownership if ring handle

        OE_DEBUG << LC << "SQL: " << expr << std::endl;
        _resultSetHandle = OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL( _dsHandle, expr.c_str(), _spatialFilter, 0L );

        if ( _resultSetHandle )
            OGR_L_ResetReading( _resultSetHandle );
