void AudioControls::onPlaybackStarted( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { if ( result.isNull() ) return; if ( m_currentTrack.isNull() || ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() && m_currentTrack.data()->id() != result.data()->id() ) ) onPlaybackLoading( result ); qint64 duration = AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrackTotalTime(); if ( duration == -1 ) duration = result.data()->duration() * 1000; ui->seekSlider->setRange( 0, duration ); ui->seekSlider->setValue( 0 ); m_phononTickCheckTimer.stop(); m_sliderTimeLine.stop(); m_sliderTimeLine.setDuration( duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setFrameRange( 0, duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setCurrentTime( 0 ); m_seekMsecs = -1; ui->seekSlider->setVisible( true ); m_noTimeChange = false; m_lastSliderCheck = 0; }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackLoading( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { if ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() ) { disconnect( m_currentTrack->album().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), this, SLOT( onAlbumCoverUpdated() ) ); disconnect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); } m_currentTrack = result; connect( m_currentTrack->album().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SLOT( onAlbumCoverUpdated() ) ); connect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); ui->artistTrackLabel->setResult( result ); ui->albumLabel->setResult( result ); ui->ownerLabel->setText( result->friendlySource() ); const QString duration = TomahawkUtils::timeToString( result.data()->duration() ); ui->timeLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length(), QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLeftLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length() + 1, QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + duration ); ui->stackedLayout->setCurrentWidget( ui->pauseButton ); ui->loveButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->loveButton->setVisible( true ); setAlbumCover(); setSocialActions(); }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackStarted( const Tomahawk::result_ptr result ) { if ( result.isNull() ) return; if ( m_currentTrack.isNull() || ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() && m_currentTrack.data()->id() != result.data()->id() ) ) onPlaybackLoading( result ); qint64 duration = AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrackTotalTime(); if ( duration <= 0 ) duration = result.data()->track()->duration() * 1000; ui->seekSlider->setRange( 0, duration ); ui->seekSlider->setValue( 0 ); ui->seekSlider->setEnabled( AudioEngine::instance()->canSeek() ); ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); tLog() << Q_FUNC_INFO << duration; m_sliderTimeLine.setDuration( duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setFrameRange( 0, duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setCurveShape( QTimeLine::LinearCurve ); m_sliderTimeLine.setCurrentTime( 0 ); m_seeked = false; int updateRate = (double)1000 / ( (double)ui->seekSlider->contentsRect().width() / (double)( duration / 1000 ) ); m_sliderTimeLine.setUpdateInterval( qBound( 40, updateRate, 500 ) ); m_lastSliderCheck = 0; m_phononTickCheckTimer.start( 500 ); }
void QueryLabel::setResult( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { if ( result.isNull() ) return; if ( !m_text.isEmpty() && contentsMargins().left() != 0 ) // FIXME: hacky m_textMargins = contentsMargins(); setContentsMargins( BOXMARGIN * 2, BOXMARGIN / 2, BOXMARGIN * 2, BOXMARGIN / 2); if ( m_result.isNull() || m_result.data() != result.data() ) { m_result = result; m_query = m_result->toQuery(); QList<Tomahawk::result_ptr> rl; rl << m_result; m_query->addResults( rl ); updateLabel(); emit textChanged( text() ); emit resultChanged( m_result ); } }
PlayableItem::PlayableItem( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result, PlayableItem* parent, int row ) : QObject( parent ) , m_result( result ) { init( parent, row ); connect( result.data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ) ); }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackLoading( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { tDebug( LOGEXTRA ) << Q_FUNC_INFO; m_currentTrack = result; ui->artistTrackLabel->setResult( result ); ui->albumLabel->setResult( result ); ui->ownerLabel->setText( result->friendlySource() ); ui->coverImage->setPixmap( m_defaultCover ); ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + TomahawkUtils::timeToString( result.data()->duration() ) ); ui->stackedLayout->setCurrentWidget( ui->pauseButton ); ui->loveButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->loveButton->setVisible( true ); result->loadSocialActions(); connect( result.data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), SLOT( socialActionsLoaded() ) ); }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackStarted( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { tDebug( LOGEXTRA ) << Q_FUNC_INFO; if ( result.isNull() ) return; if ( m_currentTrack.isNull() || ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() && m_currentTrack.data()->id() != result.data()->id() ) ) onPlaybackLoading( result ); qint64 duration = AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrackTotalTime(); if ( duration == -1 ) duration = result.data()->duration() * 1000; ui->seekSlider->setRange( 0, duration ); ui->seekSlider->setValue( 0 ); m_phononTickCheckTimer.stop(); m_sliderTimeLine.stop(); m_sliderTimeLine.setDuration( duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setFrameRange( 0, duration ); m_sliderTimeLine.setCurrentTime( 0 ); m_seekMsecs = -1; ui->seekSlider->setVisible( true ); m_noTimeChange = false; m_lastSliderCheck = 0; Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash trackInfo; trackInfo["artist"] = result->artist()->name(); trackInfo["album"] = result->album()->name(); Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoRequestData requestData; requestData.caller = s_acInfoIdentifier; requestData.type = Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoAlbumCoverArt; requestData.input = QVariant::fromValue< Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoStringHash >( trackInfo ); requestData.customData = QVariantMap(); Tomahawk::InfoSystem::InfoSystem::instance()->getInfo( requestData ); }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackLoading( const Tomahawk::result_ptr result ) { if ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() ) { disconnect( m_currentTrack->track().data(), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), this, SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) ); disconnect( m_currentTrack->track().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); } m_currentTrack = result; connect( m_currentTrack->track().data(), SIGNAL( coverChanged() ), SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) ); connect( m_currentTrack->track().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); ui->artistLabel->setResult( result ); ui->trackLabel->setResult( result ); const QString duration = TomahawkUtils::timeToString( result.data()->track()->duration() ); ui->timeLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length(), QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLeftLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length() + 1, QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + duration ); m_lastTextSecondShown = 0; ui->playPauseButton->setVisible( false ); ui->pauseButton->setVisible( true ); /* ui->loveButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->loveButton->setVisible( true ); ui->socialButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->socialButton->setVisible( m_shouldShowShareAction );*/ delete ui->horizontalLayout->takeAt( 1 ); ui->horizontalSpacer = new QSpacerItem( 162, 8, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Minimum ); ui->horizontalLayout->insertSpacerItem( 1, ui->horizontalSpacer ); ui->horizontalLayout->invalidate(); ui->dashLabel->setVisible( true ); ui->ownerButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->ownerButton->setVisible( true ); ui->timeLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Elapsed" ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Remaining" ) ); ui->shuffleButton->setToolTip( tr( "Shuffle" ) ); ui->repeatButton->setToolTip( tr( "Repeat" ) ); // ui->socialButton->setToolTip( tr( "Share" ) ); // ui->loveButton->setToolTip( tr( "Love" ) ); ui->ownerButton->setToolTip( QString( tr( "Playing from %1" ) ).arg( result->friendlySource() ) ); // stop the seek slider while we're still loading the track ui->seekSlider->setRange( 0, 0 ); ui->seekSlider->setValue( 0 ); ui->seekSlider->setVisible( true ); m_sliderTimeLine.stop(); onControlStateChanged(); QPixmap sourceIcon = result->sourceIcon( TomahawkUtils::RoundedCorners, ui->ownerButton->size() ); if ( !sourceIcon.isNull() ) { ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( sourceIcon ); } else { ui->ownerButton->clear(); ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultResolver, TomahawkUtils::Original, QSize( 34, 34 ) ) ); } if ( QUrl( result->linkUrl() ).isValid() || !result->resolvedByCollection().isNull() ) ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor ); else ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ); setCover(); setSocialActions(); }
void AudioControls::onPlaybackLoading( const Tomahawk::result_ptr& result ) { if ( !m_currentTrack.isNull() ) { disconnect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), this, SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) ); disconnect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), this, SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); } m_currentTrack = result; connect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( updated() ), SLOT( onCoverUpdated() ) ); connect( m_currentTrack->toQuery().data(), SIGNAL( socialActionsLoaded() ), SLOT( onSocialActionsLoaded() ) ); ui->artistTrackLabel->setResult( result ); ui->albumLabel->setResult( result ); const QString duration = TomahawkUtils::timeToString( result.data()->duration() ); ui->timeLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length(), QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLabel->setText( TomahawkUtils::timeToString( 0 ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setFixedWidth( ui->timeLeftLabel->fontMetrics().width( QString( duration.length() + 1, QChar( '0' ) ) ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setText( "-" + duration ); m_lastTextSecondShown = 0; ui->stackedLayout->setCurrentWidget( ui->pauseButton ); ui->loveButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->loveButton->setVisible( true ); ui->socialButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->socialButton->setVisible( true ); ui->ownerButton->setEnabled( true ); ui->ownerButton->setVisible( true ); ui->timeLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Elapsed" ) ); ui->timeLeftLabel->setToolTip( tr( "Time Remaining" ) ); ui->shuffleButton->setToolTip( tr( "Shuffle" ) ); ui->repeatButton->setToolTip( tr( "Repeat" ) ); ui->socialButton->setToolTip( tr( "Share" ) ); ui->loveButton->setToolTip( tr( "Love" ) ); ui->ownerButton->setToolTip( QString( tr( "Playing from %1" ) ).arg( result->friendlySource() ) ); // If the ViewManager doesn't know a page for the current interface, we can't offer the jump link ui->artistTrackLabel->setJumpLinkVisible( ( ViewManager::instance()->pageForInterface( AudioEngine::instance()->currentTrackPlaylist() ) ) ); onControlStateChanged(); QPixmap sourceIcon = result->sourceIcon( TomahawkUtils::RoundedCorners, ui->ownerButton->size() ); if ( !sourceIcon.isNull() ) { ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( sourceIcon ); } else { ui->ownerButton->clear(); ui->ownerButton->setPixmap( TomahawkUtils::defaultPixmap( TomahawkUtils::DefaultResolver, TomahawkUtils::Original, QSize( 34, 34 ) ) ); } if ( QUrl( result->linkUrl() ).isValid() || !result->collection().isNull() ) ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::PointingHandCursor ); else ui->ownerButton->setCursor( Qt::ArrowCursor ); setCover(); setSocialActions(); }