OMR::CodeGenPhase::performSetupForInstructionSelectionPhase(TR::CodeGenerator * cg, TR::CodeGenPhase * phase)
   TR::Compilation *comp = cg->comp();

   if (TR::Compiler->target.cpu.isZ() && TR::Compiler->om.shouldGenerateReadBarriersForFieldLoads())
      // TODO (GuardedStorage): We need to come up with a better solution than anchoring aloadi's
      // to enforce certain evaluation order
      traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: in performSetupForInstructionSelectionPhase\n");

      auto mapAllocator = getTypedAllocator<std::pair<TR::TreeTop*, TR::TreeTop*> >(comp->allocator());

      std::map<TR::TreeTop*, TR::TreeTop*, std::less<TR::TreeTop*>, TR::typed_allocator<std::pair<TR::TreeTop* const, TR::TreeTop*>, TR::Allocator> >
         currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop(std::less<TR::TreeTop*> (), mapAllocator);

      TR_BitVector *unAnchorableAloadiNodes = comp->getBitVectorPool().get();

      for (TR::PreorderNodeIterator iter(comp->getStartTree(), comp); iter != NULL; ++iter)
         TR::Node *node = iter.currentNode();

         traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: Examining node = %p\n", node);

         // isNullCheck handles both TR::NULLCHK and TR::ResolveAndNULLCHK
         // both of which do not operate on their child but their
         // grandchild (or greatgrandchild).
         if (node->getOpCode().isNullCheck())
            // An aloadi cannot be anchored if there is a Null Check on
            // its child. There are two situations where this occurs.
            // The first is when doing an aloadi off some node that is
            // being NULLCHK'd (see Ex1). The second is when doing an
            // icalli in which case the aloadi loads the VFT of an
            // object that must be NULLCHK'd (see Ex2).
            // Ex1:
            //    n1n NULLCHK on n3n
            //    n2n    aloadi f    <-- First Child And Parent of Null Chk'd Node
            //    n3n       aload O
            // Ex2:
            //    n1n NULLCHK on n4n
            //    n2n    icall foo        <-- First Child
            //    n3n       aloadi <vft>  <-- Parent of Null Chk'd Node
            //    n4n          aload O
            //    n4n       ==> aload O

            TR::Node *nodeBeingNullChkd = node->getNullCheckReference();
            if (nodeBeingNullChkd)
               TR::Node *firstChild = node->getFirstChild();
               TR::Node *parentOfNullChkdNode = NULL;

               if (firstChild->getOpCode().isCall() &&
                  parentOfNullChkdNode = firstChild->getFirstChild();
                  parentOfNullChkdNode = firstChild;

               if (parentOfNullChkdNode &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aloadi &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getNumChildren() > 0 &&
                   parentOfNullChkdNode->getFirstChild() == nodeBeingNullChkd)
                  traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: Cannot anchor  %p\n", firstChild);
            bool shouldAnchorNode = false;

            if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aloadi &&
               shouldAnchorNode = true;
            else if (node->getOpCodeValue() == TR::aload &&
                     node->getSymbol()->isStatic() &&
               shouldAnchorNode = true;

            if (shouldAnchorNode)
               TR::TreeTop* anchorTreeTop = TR::TreeTop::create(comp, TR::Node::create(TR::treetop, 1, node));
               TR::TreeTop* appendTreeTop = iter.currentTree();

               if (currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop.count(appendTreeTop) > 0)
                  appendTreeTop = currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop[appendTreeTop];

               // Anchor the aload/aloadi before the current treetop
               currentTreeTopToappendTreeTop[iter.currentTree()] = anchorTreeTop;

               traceMsg(comp, "GuardedStorage: Anchored  %p to treetop = %p\n", node, anchorTreeTop);


   if (cg->shouldBuildStructure() &&
       (comp->getFlowGraph()->getStructure() != NULL))
      TR_Structure *rootStructure = TR_RegionAnalysis::getRegions(comp);


   // Dump preIR
   if (comp->getOption(TR_TraceRegisterPressureDetails) && !comp->getOption(TR_DisableRegisterPressureSimulation))
      traceMsg(comp, "         { Post optimization register pressure simulation\n");
      TR_BitVector emptyBitVector;
      vcount_t vc = comp->incVisitCount();
      for (TR::Block *block = comp->getStartBlock(); block; block = block->getNextExtendedBlock())
         TR_LinkHead<TR_RegisterCandidate> emptyCandidateList;
         TR::CodeGenerator::TR_RegisterPressureState state(NULL, 0, emptyBitVector, emptyBitVector, &emptyCandidateList, cg->getNumberOfGlobalGPRs(), cg->getNumberOfGlobalFPRs(), cg->getNumberOfGlobalVRFs(), vc);
         TR::CodeGenerator::TR_RegisterPressureSummary summary(state._gprPressure, state._fprPressure, state._vrfPressure);
         cg->simulateBlockEvaluation(block, &state, &summary);
      traceMsg(comp, "         }\n");

   TR::LexicalMemProfiler mp(phase->getName(), comp->phaseMemProfiler());
   LexicalTimer pt(phase->getName(), comp->phaseTimer());
