void WorkbenchUtils::addPaddingItk(itk::Image <PixelType, ImageDimension> *itkImage, Axis axis, bool append,
                                   int numberOfSlices, float pixelValue, Image::Pointer outImage) {
    // pixel type is templated. The input field for the value is set to float, so the user might enter some invalid values for the image type at hand.
    // since all primitive built-in types have well defined casting behaviour between each other, we'll just do a typecast. we will clip the entered
    // value at PixelTypes min/max to prevent an overflow. The possible loss of precision is ignored.
    float lower = itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::min();
    float upper = itk::NumericTraits<PixelType>::max();
    float clippedPixelValue = std::max(lower, std::min(pixelValue, upper));

    PixelType paddingPixelValue = (PixelType) clippedPixelValue;

    typedef itk::Image <PixelType, ImageDimension> ImageType;

    // gather all data
    typename ImageType::SizeType lowerBound;
    typename ImageType::SizeType upperBound;

    unsigned int itkAxis = convertToItkAxis(axis);
    if (append) {
        upperBound[itkAxis] = numberOfSlices;
    } else {
        lowerBound[itkAxis] = numberOfSlices;

    // setup the filter
    typedef itk::ConstantPadImageFilter <ImageType, ImageType> PadFilterType;
    typename PadFilterType::Pointer padFilter = PadFilterType::New();

    // Update the origin, since padding creates negative index that is lost when returned to MITK
    typename ImageType::Pointer paddedImage = padFilter->GetOutput();
    typename ImageType::RegionType paddedImageRegion = paddedImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
    typename ImageType::PointType origin;
    paddedImage->TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint(paddedImageRegion.GetIndex(), origin);

    // get the results and cast them back to mitk. return via out parameter.
    CastToMitkImage(paddedImage, outImage);
void runBSplineTransform(MatlabImportFilter::Pointer matlabImport,
			 MatlabExportFilter::Pointer matlabExport) {

  // retrieve pointers to the inputs that we are going to need here
  typedef MatlabImportFilter::MatlabInputPointer MatlabInputPointer; 
  MatlabInputPointer inX         = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("X");
  MatlabInputPointer inY         = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("Y");
  MatlabInputPointer inXI        = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("XI");
  MatlabInputPointer inORDER     = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("ORDER");
  MatlabInputPointer inLEVELS    = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("LEVELS");

  // register the output for this function at the export filter
  typedef MatlabExportFilter::MatlabOutputPointer MatlabOutputPointer;
  MatlabOutputPointer outYI = matlabExport->RegisterOutput(OUT_YI, "YI");

  // spline order (input argument): default or user-provided
  unsigned int splineOrder = matlabImport->ReadScalarFromMatlab<unsigned int>(inORDER, 3);

  // number of levels (input argument): default or user-provided
  unsigned int numOfLevels = matlabImport->ReadScalarFromMatlab<unsigned int>(inLEVELS, 5);

  // get size of input arguments
  mwSize Mx = mxGetM(inX->pm); // number of source points
  mwSize Mxi = mxGetM(inXI->pm); // number of points to be warped

  // pointers to input matrices
  TScalarType *x 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inX->pm); // source points
  TScalarType *y 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inY->pm); // target points
  TScalarType *xi 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inXI->pm); // points to be warped
  if (x == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input X");
  if (y == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input Y");
  if (xi == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input XI");

  // type definitions for the BSPline transform
  typedef itk::Vector<TScalarType, Dimension> DataType;
  typedef itk::PointSet<DataType, Dimension> PointSetType;
  typedef itk::Image<DataType, Dimension> ImageType;
  typedef typename 
						   ImageType> TransformType;

  // variables to store the input points
  typename PointSetType::Pointer pointSet = PointSetType::New();
  typename PointSetType::PointType xParam;
  DataType v; // v = y-x, i.e. displacement vector between source and
              // target landmark

  // init variables to contain the limits of a bounding box that
  // contains all the points
  typename ImageType::PointType orig, term;
  for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
    orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::numeric_limits<TScalarType>::max();
    term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::numeric_limits<TScalarType>::min();

  // find bounding box limits
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mx; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::min((TScalarType)orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], x[Mx * col + row]);
      term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::max((TScalarType)term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], x[Mx * col + row]);
      orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::min((TScalarType)orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], y[Mx * col + row]);
      term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::max((TScalarType)term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], y[Mx * col + row]);
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mxi; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::min((TScalarType)orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], xi[Mxi * col + row]);
      term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = std::max((TScalarType)term[CAST2MWSIZE(col)], xi[Mxi * col + row]);

  // compute length of each size of the bounding box
  DataType len = term - orig;
  TScalarType lenmax = std::numeric_limits<TScalarType>::min();
  for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
    lenmax = std::max(lenmax, len[CAST2MWSIZE(col)]);

  // duplicate the input x and y matrices to PointSet format so that
  // we can pass it to the ITK function
  // we also translate and scale all points so that the bounding box
  // fits within the domain [0, 1] x [0, 1] x [0,1]. We need to do
  // this because the BSpline function requires the parametric domain
  // to be within [0, 1] x [0, 1] x [0,1]
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mx; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      v[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = (y[Mx * col + row] - x[Mx * col + row]) / lenmax;
      xParam[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = (x[Mx * col + row] - orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)]) / lenmax;
    pointSet->SetPoint(row, xParam);
    pointSet->SetPointData(row, v);

  // instantiate and set-up transform
  typename TransformType::Pointer transform = TransformType::New();
  typename TransformType::ArrayType ncps ;
  ncps.Fill(splineOrder + 1);

  // note that closedim, spacing, sz and orig are all refered to the
  // parametric domain, i.e. the domain of x and xi
  typename TransformType::ArrayType closedim;
  typename ImageType::SpacingType spacing;
  typename ImageType::SizeType sz;

  // the parametric domain is not periodic in any dimension

  // as we are not creating the image, we don't need to provide a
  // sensible number of voxels. But size has to be at least 2 voxels
  // to avoid a run-time error

  // because the parameterization is in [0, 1] x [0, 1] x [0,1], and
  // we have only size = 2 voxels in every dimension, the spacing will
  // be 1.0 / (2 - 1) = 1.0

  // because of the reparameterization, the origin we have to pass to
  // the transform is not the origin of the real points, but the
  // origin of the [0, 1] x [0, 1] x [0,1] bounding box
  typename ImageType::PointType origZero;

  // run transform

  // create output vector and pointer to populate it
  mwSize ndimxi = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(inXI->pm); 
  const mwSize *dimsxi = mxGetDimensions(inXI->pm);
  std::vector<mwSize> size;
  for (mwIndex i = 0; i < ndimxi; ++i) {
  TScalarType *yi 
    = matlabExport->AllocateNDArrayInMatlab<TScalarType>(outYI, size);

  // from ITK v4.x, we need to instantiate a function to evaluate
  // points of the B-spline, as the Evaluate() method has been removed
  // from the TransformType
  // Note: in the following, we have to use TCoordRep=double, because
  // ITK gives a compilation error of an abstract class not having
  // been implemented. Otherwise, we would use
  // TCoordRep=TScalar=float, as in the rest of this program
  typedef typename 
    itk::BSplineControlPointImageFunction<ImageType, double> EvalFunctionType;
  typename EvalFunctionType::Pointer function = EvalFunctionType::New();


  // sample the warp field
  DataType vi; // warp field sample
  typename PointSetType::PointType xiParam; // sampling coordinates
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mxi; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      xiParam[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = (xi[Mxi * col + row] - orig[CAST2MWSIZE(col)]) / lenmax;
    transform->Evaluate(xiParam, vi);
    vi = function->Evaluate(xiParam);
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      yi[Mxi * col + row] = xi[Mxi * col + row] + vi[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] * lenmax;

  // exit function
