template <  typename IN_PORT_TYPE, typename OUT_PORT_TYPE > int peak_detector_ib_base::_transformerServiceFunction( typename  std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > > &istreams ,
    typename  std::vector< gr_ostream< OUT_PORT_TYPE > > &ostreams  )
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > >   _IStreamList;
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_ostream< OUT_PORT_TYPE > >  _OStreamList;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(serviceThreadLock);

    if ( validGRBlock() == false ) {

        // create our processing block, and setup  property notifiers

        LOG_DEBUG( peak_detector_ib_base, " FINISHED BUILDING  GNU RADIO BLOCK");
    //process any Stream ID changes this could affect number of io streams

    if ( !validGRBlock() || istreams.size() == 0 || ostreams.size() == 0  ) {
        LOG_WARN( peak_detector_ib_base, "NO STREAMS ATTACHED TO BLOCK..." );
        return NOOP;

    _input_ready.resize( istreams.size() );
    _ninput_items_required.resize( istreams.size() );
    _ninput_items.resize( istreams.size() );
    _input_items.resize( istreams.size() );
    _output_items.resize( ostreams.size() );

    // RESOLVE: need to look at forecast strategy, 
    //    1)  see how many read items are necessary for N number of outputs
    //    2)  read input data and see how much output we can produce

    // Grab available data from input streams
    typename _OStreamList::iterator ostream;
    typename _IStreamList::iterator istream = istreams.begin();
    int nitems=0;
    for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end() && serviceThread->threadRunning() ; idx++, istream++ ) {
        // note this a blocking read that can cause deadlocks
        nitems = istream->read();
        if ( istream->overrun() ) {
            LOG_WARN( peak_detector_ib_base, " NOT KEEPING UP WITH STREAM ID:" << istream->streamID );

        if ( istream->sriChanged() ) {
            // RESOLVE - need to look at how SRI changes can affect Gnu Radio BLOCK state
            LOG_DEBUG( peak_detector_ib_base, "SRI CHANGED, STREAMD IDX/ID: " 
                      << idx << "/" << istream->pkt->streamID );
            setOutputStreamSRI( idx, istream->pkt->SRI );

    LOG_TRACE( peak_detector_ib_base, "READ NITEMS: "  << nitems );
    if ( nitems <= 0 && !_istreams[0].eos() ) {
        return NOOP;

    bool eos = false;
    int  nout = 0;
    bool workDone = false;

    while ( nout > -1 && serviceThread->threadRunning() ) {
        eos = false;
        nout = _forecastAndProcess( eos, istreams, ostreams );
        if ( nout > -1  ) {
            workDone = true;

            // we chunked on data so move read pointer..
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( ; istream != istreams.end(); istream++ ) {
                int idx=std::distance( istreams.begin(), istream );
                // if we processed data for this stream
                if ( _input_ready[idx] ) {
                    size_t nitems = 0;
                    try {
                        nitems = gr_sptr->nitems_read( idx );
                    } catch(...){}
                    if ( nitems > istream->nitems() ) {
                        LOG_WARN( peak_detector_ib_base,  "WORK CONSUMED MORE DATA THAN AVAILABLE,  READ/AVAILABLE "
                                 << nitems << "/" << istream->nitems() );
                        nitems = istream->nitems();
                    istream->consume( nitems );
                    LOG_TRACE( peak_detector_ib_base, " CONSUME READ DATA  ITEMS/REMAIN " << nitems << "/" << istream->nitems());

        // check for not enough data return
        if ( nout == -1 ) {

            // check for  end of stream
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( ; istream != istreams.end() ; istream++) {
                if ( istream->eos() ) {
            if ( eos ) {
                LOG_TRACE(  peak_detector_ib_base, "EOS SEEN, SENDING DOWNSTREAM " );
                _forecastAndProcess( eos, istreams, ostreams);

    if ( eos ) {
        istream = istreams.begin();
        for ( ; istream != istreams.end() ; istream++ ) {
            int idx=std::distance( istreams.begin(), istream );
            LOG_DEBUG( peak_detector_ib_base, " CLOSING INPUT STREAM IDX:" << idx );

        // close remaining output streams
        ostream = ostreams.begin();
        for ( ; eos && ostream != ostreams.end(); ostream++ ) {
            int idx=std::distance( ostreams.begin(), ostream );
            LOG_DEBUG( peak_detector_ib_base, " CLOSING OUTPUT STREAM IDX:" << idx );

    // set the read pointers of the GNU Radio Block to start at the beginning of the 
    // supplied buffers

    LOG_TRACE( peak_detector_ib_base, " END OF TRANSFORM SERVICE FUNCTION....." << noutput_items );

    if ( nout == -1 && eos == false && !workDone ) {
        return NOOP;
    } else {
        return NORMAL;
template <  typename IN_PORT_TYPE > int file_sink_s_base::_forecastAndProcess( bool &eos, typename  std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > > &istreams )
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > >   _IStreamList;

    typename _IStreamList::iterator istream = istreams.begin();
    int nout = 0;
    bool dataReady = false;
    if ( !eos ) {
        uint64_t max_items_avail = 0;
        for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end() && serviceThread->threadRunning() ; idx++, istream++ ) {
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "GET MAX ITEMS: STREAM:" << idx << " NITEMS/SCALARS:"
                      << istream->nitems() << "/" << istream->_data.size() );
            max_items_avail = std::max( istream->nitems(), max_items_avail );

        // calc number of output items to produce
        noutput_items = (int) (max_items_avail * gr_sptr->relative_rate ());
        noutput_items = round_down (noutput_items, gr_sptr->output_multiple ());

        if ( noutput_items <= 0  ) {
           LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "DATA CHECK - MAX ITEMS  NOUTPUT/MAX_ITEMS:" <<   noutput_items << "/" << max_items_avail);
           return -1;

        if ( gr_sptr->fixed_rate() ) {
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( int i=0; istream != istreams.end(); i++, istream++ ) {
                int t_noutput_items = gr_sptr->fixed_rate_ninput_to_noutput( istream->nitems() );
                if ( gr_sptr->output_multiple_set() ) {
                    t_noutput_items = round_up(t_noutput_items, gr_sptr->output_multiple());
                if ( t_noutput_items > 0 ) {
                    if ( noutput_items == 0 ) {
                        noutput_items = t_noutput_items;
                    if ( t_noutput_items <= noutput_items ) {
                        noutput_items = t_noutput_items;
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, " FIXED FORECAST NOUTPUT/output_multiple == " 
                      << noutput_items  << "/" << gr_sptr->output_multiple());

        // ask the block how much input they need to produce noutput_items...
        // if enough data is available to process then set the dataReady flag
        int32_t  outMultiple = gr_sptr->output_multiple();
        while ( !dataReady && noutput_items >= outMultiple  ) {
            // ask the block how much input they need to produce noutput_items...
            gr_sptr->forecast(noutput_items, _ninput_items_required);

            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "--> FORECAST IN/OUT " << _ninput_items_required[0]  << "/" << noutput_items  );

            istream = istreams.begin();
            uint32_t dr_cnt=0;
            for ( int idx=0 ; noutput_items > 0 && istream != istreams.end(); idx++, istream++ ) {
                // check if buffer has enough elements
                _input_ready[idx] = false;
                if ( istream->nitems() >= (uint64_t)_ninput_items_required[idx] ) {
                    _input_ready[idx] = true;
                LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "ISTREAM DATACHECK NELMS/NITEMS/REQ/READY:" << 
                          istream->nelems() << "/" << istream->nitems() << "/" << 
                          _ninput_items_required[idx] << "/" << _input_ready[idx]);
            if ( dr_cnt < istreams.size() ) {
                if ( outMultiple > 1 ) {
                    noutput_items -= outMultiple;
                } else {
                    noutput_items /= 2;
            } else {
                dataReady = true;
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, " TRIM FORECAST NOUTPUT/READY " << noutput_items << "/" << dataReady );

        // check if data is ready...
        if ( !dataReady ) {
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "DATA CHECK - NOT ENOUGH DATA  AVAIL/REQ:" 
                      <<   _istreams[0].nitems() << "/" << _ninput_items_required[0] );
            return -1;

        // reset looping variables
        int  ritems = 0;
        int  nitems = 0;

        // reset caching vectors
        istream = istreams.begin();

        for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end(); idx++, istream++ ) {
            // check if the stream is ready
            if ( !_input_ready[idx] ) continue;
            // get number of items remaining
            try {
                ritems = gr_sptr->nitems_read( idx );
            } catch(...){
                // something bad has happened, we are missing an input stream
                LOG_ERROR( file_sink_s_base, "MISSING INPUT STREAM FOR GR BLOCK, STREAM ID:" <<   istream->streamID );
                return -2;

            nitems = istream->nitems() - ritems;
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base,  " ISTREAM: IDX:" << idx  << " ITEMS AVAIL/READ/REQ " << nitems << "/" 
                      << ritems << "/" << _ninput_items_required[idx] );
            if ( nitems >= _ninput_items_required[idx] && nitems > 0 ) {
                //remove eos checks ...if ( nitems < _ninput_items_required[idx] ) nitems=0;
                _ninput_items.push_back( nitems );
                _input_items.push_back( (const void *) (istream->read_pointer(ritems)) );

        if ( _input_items.size() != 0 && serviceThread->threadRunning() ) {
            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, " CALLING WORK.....N_OUT:" << noutput_items << 
                      " N_IN:" << nitems << " ISTREAMS:" << _input_items.size() << 
                      " OSTREAMS:" << _output_items.size());
            nout = gr_sptr->general_work( noutput_items, _ninput_items, _input_items, _output_items);

            // sink/analyzer patterns do not return items, so consume_each is not called in Gnu Radio BLOCK
            if ( nout == 0 ) {

            LOG_TRACE( file_sink_s_base, "RETURN  WORK ..... N_OUT:" << nout);

        // check for stop condition from work method
        if ( nout < gr_block::WORK_DONE ) {
            LOG_WARN( file_sink_s_base, "WORK RETURNED STOP CONDITION..." << nout );
            eos = true;

    return nout;
template <  typename IN_PORT_TYPE, typename OUT_PORT_TYPE > int cpfsk_bc_base::_forecastAndProcess( bool &eos, typename  std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > > &istreams ,
                                 typename  std::vector< gr_ostream< OUT_PORT_TYPE > > &ostreams  )
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > >   _IStreamList;
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_ostream< OUT_PORT_TYPE > >  _OStreamList;

    typename _OStreamList::iterator ostream;
    typename _IStreamList::iterator istream = istreams.begin();
    int nout = 0;
    bool dataReady = false;
    if ( !eos ) {
        uint64_t max_items_avail = 0;
        for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end() && serviceThread->threadRunning() ; idx++, istream++ ) {
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "GET MAX ITEMS: STREAM:"<< idx << " NITEMS/SCALARS:" << 
                       istream->nitems() << "/" << istream->_data.size() );
            max_items_avail = std::max( istream->nitems(), max_items_avail );

        if ( max_items_avail == 0  ) {
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "DATA CHECK - MAX ITEMS  NOUTPUT/MAX_ITEMS:" <<   noutput_items << "/" << max_items_avail);
            return -1;

        // calc number of output elements based on input items available
        noutput_items = 0;
        if ( !gr_sptr->fixed_rate() )  {
            noutput_items = round_down((int32_t) (max_items_avail * gr_sptr->relative_rate()), gr_sptr->output_multiple());
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, " VARIABLE FORECAST NOUTPUT == " << noutput_items );
        } else {
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( int i=0; istream != istreams.end(); i++, istream++ ) {
                int t_noutput_items = gr_sptr->fixed_rate_ninput_to_noutput( istream->nitems() );
                if ( gr_sptr->output_multiple_set() ) {
                    t_noutput_items = round_up(t_noutput_items, gr_sptr->output_multiple());
                if ( t_noutput_items > 0 ) {
                    if ( noutput_items == 0 ) {
                        noutput_items = t_noutput_items;
                    if ( t_noutput_items <= noutput_items ) {
                        noutput_items = t_noutput_items;
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base,  " FIXED FORECAST NOUTPUT/output_multiple == " << 
                        noutput_items  << "/" << gr_sptr->output_multiple());

        // ask the block how much input they need to produce noutput_items...
        // if enough data is available to process then set the dataReady flag
        int32_t  outMultiple = gr_sptr->output_multiple();
        while ( !dataReady && noutput_items >= outMultiple  ) {
            // ask the block how much input they need to produce noutput_items...
            gr_sptr->forecast(noutput_items, _ninput_items_required);

            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "--> FORECAST IN/OUT " << _ninput_items_required[0]  << "/" << noutput_items  );

            istream = istreams.begin();
            uint32_t dr_cnt=0;
            for ( int idx=0 ; noutput_items > 0 && istream != istreams.end(); idx++, istream++ ) {
                // check if buffer has enough elements
                _input_ready[idx] = false;
                if ( istream->nitems() >= (uint64_t)_ninput_items_required[idx] ) {
                    _input_ready[idx] = true;
                LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "ISTREAM DATACHECK NELMS/NITEMS/REQ/READY:" <<   istream->nelems() << 
                          "/" << istream->nitems() << "/" << _ninput_items_required[idx] << "/" << _input_ready[idx]);
            if ( dr_cnt < istreams.size() ) {
                if ( outMultiple > 1 ) {
                    noutput_items -= outMultiple;
                } else {
                    noutput_items /= 2;
            } else {
                dataReady = true;
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, " TRIM FORECAST NOUTPUT/READY " << noutput_items << "/" << dataReady );

        // check if data is ready...
        if ( !dataReady ) {
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "DATA CHECK - NOT ENOUGH DATA  AVAIL/REQ:" <<   _istreams[0].nitems() << 
                      "/" << _ninput_items_required[0] );
            return -1;

        // reset looping variables
        int  ritems = 0;
        int  nitems = 0;

        // reset caching vectors
        istream = istreams.begin();

        for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end(); idx++, istream++ ) {
            // check if the stream is ready
            if ( !_input_ready[idx] ) {
            // get number of items remaining
            try {
                ritems = gr_sptr->nitems_read( idx );
            } catch(...){
                // something bad has happened, we are missing an input stream
                LOG_ERROR( cpfsk_bc_base, "MISSING INPUT STREAM FOR GR BLOCK, STREAM ID:" <<   istream->streamID );
                return -2;
            nitems = istream->nitems() - ritems;
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base,  " ISTREAM: IDX:" << idx  << " ITEMS AVAIL/READ/REQ " << nitems << "/" 
                       << ritems << "/" << _ninput_items_required[idx] );
            if ( nitems >= _ninput_items_required[idx] && nitems > 0 ) {
                //remove eos checks ...if ( nitems < _ninput_items_required[idx] ) nitems=0;
                _ninput_items.push_back( nitems );
                _input_items.push_back( (const void *) (istream->read_pointer(ritems)) );

        // setup output buffer vector based on noutput..
        ostream = ostreams.begin();
        for( ; ostream != ostreams.end(); ostream++ ) {
            _output_items.push_back((void*)(ostream->write_pointer()) );

        if ( _input_items.size() != 0 && serviceThread->threadRunning() ) {
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, " CALLING WORK.....N_OUT:" << noutput_items << " N_IN:" << nitems 
                      << " ISTREAMS:" << _input_items.size() << " OSTREAMS:" << _output_items.size());
            nout = gr_sptr->general_work( noutput_items, _ninput_items, _input_items, _output_items);
            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, "RETURN  WORK ..... N_OUT:" << nout);

        // check for stop condition from work method
        if ( nout < gr_block::WORK_DONE ) {
            LOG_WARN( cpfsk_bc_base, "WORK RETURNED STOP CONDITION..." << nout );
            eos = true;

    if (nout != 0 or eos ) {
        noutput_items = nout;
        LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base, " WORK RETURNED: NOUT : " << nout << " EOS:" << eos);
        ostream = ostreams.begin();
        typename IN_PORT_TYPE::dataTransfer *pkt=NULL;
        for ( int idx=0 ; ostream != ostreams.end(); idx++, ostream++ ) {

            int inputIdx = idx;
            if ( (size_t)(inputIdx) >= istreams.size() ) {
                for ( inputIdx= istreams.size()-1; inputIdx > -1; inputIdx--) {
                    if ( istreams[inputIdx].pkt != NULL ) {
                        pkt = istreams[inputIdx].pkt;
            } else {
                pkt = istreams[inputIdx].pkt;

            LOG_TRACE( cpfsk_bc_base,  "PUSHING DATA   ITEMS/STREAM_ID " << ostream->nitems() << "/" << ostream->streamID );    
            if ( _maintainTimeStamp ) {

                // set time stamp for output samples based on input time stamp
                if ( ostream->nelems() == 0 )  {
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "SEED - TS SRI:  xdelta:" << std::setprecision(12) << ostream->sri.xdelta );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "OSTREAM WRITE:   maint:" << _maintainTimeStamp );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                  mode:" <<  ostream->tstamp.tcmode );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                status:" <<  ostream->tstamp.tcstatus );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                offset:" <<  ostream->tstamp.toff );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                 whole:" <<  std::setprecision(10) << ostream->tstamp.twsec );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "SEED - TS         frac:" <<  std::setprecision(12) << ostream->tstamp.tfsec );
                    ostream->setTimeStamp( pkt->T, _maintainTimeStamp );

                // write out samples, and set next time stamp based on xdelta and  noutput_items
                ostream->write ( noutput_items, eos );
            } else {
// use incoming packet's time stamp to forward
                if ( pkt ) {
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "OSTREAM  SRI:  items/xdelta:" << noutput_items << "/" << std::setprecision(12) << ostream->sri.xdelta );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "PKT - TS         maint:" << _maintainTimeStamp );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                  mode:" <<  pkt->T.tcmode );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                status:" <<  pkt->T.tcstatus );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                offset:" <<  pkt->T.toff );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                 whole:" <<  std::setprecision(10) << pkt->T.twsec );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "PKT - TS          frac:" <<  std::setprecision(12) << pkt->T.tfsec );
                    ostream->write( noutput_items, eos, pkt->T  );
                } else {
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "OSTREAM  SRI:  items/xdelta:" << noutput_items << "/" << std::setprecision(12) << ostream->sri.xdelta );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "OSTREAM TOD      maint:" << _maintainTimeStamp );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                  mode:" <<  ostream->tstamp.tcmode );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                status:" <<  ostream->tstamp.tcstatus );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                offset:" <<  ostream->tstamp.toff );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "                 whole:" <<  std::setprecision(10) << ostream->tstamp.twsec );
      LOG_DEBUG( cpfsk_bc_base, "OSTREAM TOD       frac:" <<  std::setprecision(12) << ostream->tstamp.tfsec );
                    // use time of day as time stamp
                    ostream->write( noutput_items, eos,  _maintainTimeStamp );

        } // for ostreams

    return nout;     
    template<typename T> void
    encodeImageToPNG (typename std::vector<T>& image_arg,
                      size_t width_arg,
                      size_t height_arg,
                      int image_format_arg,
                      typename std::vector<uint8_t>& pngData_arg,
                      int png_level_arg)
      png_structp png_ptr;
      png_infop info_ptr;
      volatile int channels;

      if (image_arg.size () ==0)

      // Get amount of channels
      switch (image_format_arg)
         case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY:
           channels = 1;
           channels = 2;
         case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB:
           channels = 3;
           channels = 4;
           channels = 0;

      // Ensure valid input array
      assert (image_arg.size () == width_arg*height_arg*channels);

      // Initialize write structure
      png_ptr = png_create_write_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
      assert (png_ptr && "creating png_create_write_structpng_create_write_struct failed");

      // Initialize info structure
      info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
      assert (info_ptr && "Could not allocate info struct");

      // Setup Exception handling

      // reserve memory for output data (300kB)
      pngData_arg.clear ();
      pngData_arg.reserve (300 * 1024);

      // Define I/O methods
      png_set_write_fn (png_ptr, reinterpret_cast<void*> (&pngData_arg), 
                        user_write_data, user_flush_data);

      // Define zlib compression level
      if (png_level_arg >= 0)
        png_set_compression_level (png_ptr, png_level_arg);
        png_set_compression_level (png_ptr, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION);

      // Write header
      png_set_IHDR (png_ptr, info_ptr, width_arg, height_arg, sizeof(T) * 8,

      png_write_info (png_ptr, info_ptr);

      // Write image data
      size_t y;
      for (y = 0; y < height_arg; y++)
        png_write_row (png_ptr, reinterpret_cast<png_bytep> (&image_arg[y * width_arg * channels]));

      // End write
      png_write_end (png_ptr, 0);

      if (info_ptr)
        png_free_data (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_FREE_ALL, -1);
      if (png_ptr)
        png_destroy_write_struct (&png_ptr, 0);
    template<typename T> void
    decodePNGImage (typename std::vector<uint8_t>& pngData_arg,
                    typename std::vector<T>& imageData_arg,
                    size_t& width_arg,
                    size_t& height_arg,
                    unsigned int& channels_arg)
      int y;
      png_structp png_ptr;
      png_infop info_ptr;
      png_uint_32 png_width;
      png_uint_32 png_height;
      int png_bit_depth, png_color_type, png_interlace_type;

      png_bytep * row_pointers;

      if (pngData_arg.size () == 0)

      png_ptr = png_create_read_struct (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0);
      assert (png_ptr && "creating png_create_write_structpng_create_write_struct failed");

      // Initialize info structure
      info_ptr = png_create_info_struct (png_ptr);
      assert(info_ptr && "Could not allocate info struct");

      // Setup Exception handling
      setjmp (png_jmpbuf(png_ptr));

      uint8_t* input_pointer = &pngData_arg[0];
      png_set_read_fn (png_ptr, reinterpret_cast<void*> (&input_pointer), user_read_data);

      png_read_info (png_ptr, info_ptr);

      png_get_IHDR (png_ptr, info_ptr, &png_width, &png_height, &png_bit_depth,
          &png_color_type, &png_interlace_type, NULL, NULL);

      // ensure a color bit depth of 8

      unsigned int png_channels;
      switch (png_color_type)
        case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY:
          png_channels = 1;
          png_channels = 2;
        case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB:
          png_channels = 3;
          png_channels = 4;
          png_channels = 0;

      width_arg = png_width;
      height_arg = png_height;
      channels_arg = png_channels;

      imageData_arg.clear ();
      imageData_arg.resize (png_height * png_width * png_channels);

      row_pointers = reinterpret_cast<png_bytep*> (malloc (sizeof(png_bytep) * png_height));

      for (y = 0; y < png_height; y++)
        row_pointers[y] = reinterpret_cast<png_byte*> (&imageData_arg[y * png_width * png_channels]);

      png_read_image (png_ptr, row_pointers);

      if (info_ptr)
        png_free_data (png_ptr, info_ptr, PNG_FREE_ALL, -1);
      if (png_ptr)
        png_destroy_read_struct (&png_ptr, 0, 0);
      if (row_pointers)
        free (row_pointers);
void VisusIndexedData::addText(XMLNode& node, const std::vector<std::vector<T > >* items) const
  // Count max number of items
  int maxitems = 0;
  for (typename std::vector<std::vector<T> >::const_iterator iiter=items->begin(); 
       iiter!=items->end(); ++iiter) 
      maxitems += iiter->size() + 1;

  // Construct contiguous buffer
  const int bufsize = sizeof(T) * maxitems;
  unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[bufsize+1];

  node.addAttribute("numItems", (long) items->size());
  node.addAttribute("bufsize", bufsize);

  int position = 0;
  // Copy non-contiguous data into contiguous buffer
  for (typename std::vector<std::vector<T> >::const_iterator iiter=items->begin(); 
       iiter!=items->end(); ++iiter) 
    // Save Num Items
    T value = items->size();
    memcpy(&buffer[position], &value, sizeof(T));
    position += sizeof(T);

    // Load Vector's Vector of items into buffer
    for (typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator idtIter=iiter->begin(); 
       idtIter!=iiter->end(); ++idtIter) 
       vassert(position < bufsize);
       memcpy(&buffer[position], &(*idtIter), sizeof(T));
       position += sizeof(T);
  vassert(position == bufsize);

  // Save Buffer out to XML
  switch (VisusXMLInterface::sWriteXMLDataStorage)
    case BASE64:
      // Save data as BASE64
      XMLParserBase64Tool base64;
      XMLSTR encoded = base64.encode(buffer, bufsize);
      vwarning("saving data to external file is not yet supported");
    case ASCII:
      vwarning("saving data to external file is not yet supported");

  delete [] buffer;
template < typename IN_PORT_TYPE > int tagged_file_sink_b_base::_analyzerServiceFunction( typename  std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > > &istreams )
    typedef typename std::vector< gr_istream< IN_PORT_TYPE > > _IStreamList;

    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(serviceThreadLock);

    if ( validGRBlock() == false ) {
        // create our processing block

        LOG_DEBUG( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " FINISHED BUILDING  GNU RADIO BLOCK");
    // process any Stream ID changes this could affect number of io streams
    if ( !validGRBlock() || istreams.size() == 0 ) {
        LOG_WARN( tagged_file_sink_b_base, "NO STREAMS ATTACHED TO BLOCK..." );
        return NOOP;

    // resize data vectors for passing data to GR_BLOCK object
    _input_ready.resize( istreams.size() );
    _ninput_items_required.resize( istreams.size());
    _ninput_items.resize( istreams.size());
    // RESOLVE: need to look at forecast strategy, 
    //    1)  see how many read items are necessary for N number of outputs
    //    2)  read input data and see how much output we can produce
    // Grab available data from input streams
    typename _IStreamList::iterator istream = istreams.begin();
    int nitems=0;
    for ( int idx=0 ; istream != istreams.end() && serviceThread->threadRunning() ; idx++, istream++ ) {
        // note this a blocking read that can cause deadlocks
        nitems = istream->read();

        if ( istream->overrun() ) {
            LOG_WARN( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " NOT KEEPING UP WITH STREAM ID:" << istream->streamID );
        // RESOLVE issue when SRI changes that could affect the GNU Radio BLOCK
        if ( istream->sriChanged() ) {
            LOG_DEBUG( tagged_file_sink_b_base, "SRI CHANGED, STREAMD IDX/ID: " 
                   << idx << "/" << istream->pkt->streamID );

    LOG_TRACE( tagged_file_sink_b_base, "READ NITEMS: "  << nitems );
    if ( nitems <= 0 && !_istreams[0].eos() ) return NOOP;

    bool eos = false;
    int  nout = 0;
    while ( nout > -1 && serviceThread->threadRunning() ) {
        eos = false;
        nout = _forecastAndProcess( eos, istreams );
        if ( nout > -1  ) {
            // we chunked on data so move read pointer..
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( ; istream != istreams.end(); istream++ ) {

                int idx=std::distance( istreams.begin(), istream );
                // if we processed data for this stream
                if ( _input_ready[idx] ) {
                    size_t nitems = 0;
                    try {
                        nitems = gr_sptr->nitems_read( idx );
                    } catch(...){}
                    if ( nitems > istream->nitems() ) {
                        LOG_WARN( tagged_file_sink_b_base,  "WORK CONSUMED MORE DATA THAN AVAILABLE,  READ/AVAILABLE " 
                                 << nitems << "/" << istream->nitems() );
                        nitems = istream->nitems();
                    istream->consume( nitems );
                    LOG_TRACE( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " CONSUME READ DATA  ITEMS/REMAIN " << nitems << "/" << istream->nitems());

        // check for not enough data return
        if ( nout == -1 ) {

            // check for  end of stream
            istream = istreams.begin();
            for ( ; istream != istreams.end() ; istream++) {
                if ( istream->eos() ) {

            if ( eos ) {
                LOG_TRACE( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " DATA NOT READY, EOS:" << eos );
                _forecastAndProcess( eos, istreams );

    if ( eos ) {
        istream = istreams.begin();
        for ( ; istream != istreams.end() ; istream++) {
            int idx=std::distance( istreams.begin(), istream );
            LOG_TRACE( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " CLOSING INPUT STREAM IDX:" << idx );

    // set the read pointers of the GNU Radio Block to start at the beginning of the 
    // supplied buffers

    LOG_TRACE( tagged_file_sink_b_base, " END OF ANALYZER SERVICE FUNCTION....." << noutput_items );

    if ( nout == -1 && eos == false ) {
        return NOOP; 
    } else {
        return NORMAL;
 int size() const { return m_int2name.size(); }