void runKernelTransform(MatlabImportFilter::Pointer matlabImport,
			MatlabExportFilter::Pointer matlabExport) {

  // check number of input arguments (the kernel transform syntax
  // accepts up to 4 arguments only. Thus, we cannot use InputIndexType_MAX)
  matlabImport->CheckNumberOfArguments(4, 4);

  // retrieve pointers to the inputs that we are going to need here
  typedef MatlabImportFilter::MatlabInputPointer MatlabInputPointer; 
  MatlabInputPointer inX         = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("X");
  MatlabInputPointer inY         = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("Y");
  MatlabInputPointer inXI        = matlabImport->GetRegisteredInput("XI");

  // register the outputs for this function at the export filter
  typedef MatlabExportFilter::MatlabOutputPointer MatlabOutputPointer;
  MatlabOutputPointer outYI = matlabExport->RegisterOutput(OUT_YI, "YI");

  // get size of input arguments
  mwSize Mx = mxGetM(inX->pm); // number of source points
  mwSize Mxi = mxGetM(inXI->pm); // number of points to be warped
  mwSize ndimxi; // number of dimension of points to be warped
  const mwSize *dimsxi; // dimensions vector of array of points to be warped

  // create pointers to input matrices
  TScalarType *x 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inX->pm); // source points
  TScalarType *y 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inY->pm); // target points
  TScalarType *xi 
    = (TScalarType *)mxGetData(inXI->pm); // points to be warped
  if (x == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input X");
  if (y == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input Y");
  if (xi == NULL) {
    mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get a pointer to input XI");

  // type definitions and variables to store points for the kernel transform
  typedef typename TransformType::PointSetType PointSetType;
  typename PointSetType::Pointer fixedPointSet = PointSetType::New();
  typename PointSetType::Pointer movingPointSet = PointSetType::New();
  typename PointSetType::Pointer toWarpPointSet = PointSetType::New();
  typedef typename PointSetType::PointsContainer PointsContainer;
  typename PointsContainer::Pointer fixedPointContainer = PointsContainer::New();
  typename PointsContainer::Pointer movingPointContainer = PointsContainer::New();
  typedef typename PointSetType::PointType PointType;
  PointType fixedPoint;
  PointType movingPoint;
  PointType toWarpPoint;
  PointType warpedPoint;

  // duplicate the input x and y matrices to PointSet format so that
  // we can pass it to the ITK function
  mwSize pointId=0;
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mx; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      fixedPoint[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = y[Mx * col + row];
      movingPoint[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = x[Mx * col + row];
    fixedPointContainer->InsertElement(pointId, fixedPoint);
    movingPointContainer->InsertElement(pointId, movingPoint);

  // compute the transform
  typename TransformType::Pointer transform;
  transform = TransformType::New();
  // create output vector and pointer to populate it
  ndimxi = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(inXI->pm);
  dimsxi = mxGetDimensions(inXI->pm);
  std::vector<mwSize> size;
  for (mwIndex i = 0; i < ndimxi; ++i) {

  TScalarType *yi 
    = matlabExport->AllocateNDArrayInMatlab<TScalarType>(outYI, size);

  // transform points
  for (mwSize row=0; row < Mxi; ++row) {
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      toWarpPoint[CAST2MWSIZE(col)] = xi[Mxi * col + row];
    warpedPoint = transform->TransformPoint(toWarpPoint);
    for (mwSize col=0; col < (mwSize)Dimension; ++col) {
      yi[Mxi * col + row] = warpedPoint[CAST2MWSIZE(col)];
  // exit function