static std::shared_ptr<watchman_client> make_new_client( std::unique_ptr<watchman_stream>&& stm) { auto client = std::make_shared<watchman_user_client>(std::move(stm)); clients.wlock()->insert(client); // Start a thread for the client. // We used to use libevent for this, but we have // a low volume of concurrent clients and the json // parse/encode APIs are not easily used in a non-blocking // server architecture. try { std::thread thr([client]() { client_thread(client); }); thr.detach(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { clients.wlock()->erase(client); throw; } return client; }
bool FSEventsWatcher::start(const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root) { // Spin up the fsevents processing thread; it owns a ref on the root auto self = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<FSEventsWatcher>(shared_from_this()); try { // Acquire the mutex so thread initialization waits until we release it auto wlock = items_.wlock(); std::thread thread([self, root]() { try { self->FSEventsThread(root); } catch (const std::exception& e) { watchman::log(watchman::ERR, "uncaught exception: ", e.what()); root->cancel(); } // Ensure that we signal the condition variable before we // finish this thread. That ensures that don't get stuck // waiting in FSEventsWatcher::start if something unexpected happens. self->fse_cond.notify_one(); }); // We have to detach because the readChangesThread may wind up // being the last thread to reference the watcher state and // cannot join itself. thread.detach(); // Allow thread init to proceed; wait for its signal fse_cond.wait(wlock.getUniqueLock()); if (root->failure_reason) { w_log( W_LOG_ERR, "failed to start fsevents thread: %s\n", root->failure_reason.c_str()); return false; } return true; } catch (const std::exception& e) { watchman::log( watchman::ERR, "failed to start fsevents thread: ", e.what(), "\n"); return false; } }
bool FSEventsWatcher::waitNotify(int timeoutms) { auto wlock = items_.wlock(); fse_cond.wait_for( wlock.getUniqueLock(), std::chrono::milliseconds(timeoutms)); return !wlock->empty(); }
bool FSEventsWatcher::consumeNotify( const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root, PendingCollection::LockedPtr& coll) { struct timeval now; bool recurse; char flags_label[128]; std::deque<watchman_fsevent> items; { auto wlock = items_.wlock(); std::swap(items, *wlock); } gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); for (auto& item : items) { w_expand_flags(kflags, item.flags, flags_label, sizeof(flags_label)); w_log( W_LOG_DBG, "fsevents: got %s 0x%" PRIx32 " %s\n", item.path.c_str(), item.flags, flags_label); if (item.flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped) { root->scheduleRecrawl("kFSEventStreamEventFlagUserDropped"); break; } if (item.flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped) { root->scheduleRecrawl("kFSEventStreamEventFlagKernelDropped"); break; } if (item.flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount) { w_log( W_LOG_ERR, "kFSEventStreamEventFlagUnmount %s, cancel watch\n", item.path.c_str()); root->cancel(); break; } if (item.flags & kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged) { w_log( W_LOG_ERR, "kFSEventStreamEventFlagRootChanged %s, cancel watch\n", item.path.c_str()); root->cancel(); break; } recurse = (item.flags & (kFSEventStreamEventFlagMustScanSubDirs | kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRenamed)) ? true : false; coll->add( item.path, now, W_PENDING_VIA_NOTIFY | (recurse ? W_PENDING_RECURSIVE : 0)); } return !items.empty(); }
void FSEventsWatcher::FSEventsThread(const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root) { CFFileDescriptorRef fdref; CFFileDescriptorContext fdctx; w_set_thread_name("fsevents %s", root->root_path.c_str()); { // Block until fsevents_root_start is waiting for our initialization auto wlock = items_.wlock(); attempt_resync_on_drop = root->config.getBool("fsevents_try_resync", true); memset(&fdctx, 0, sizeof(fdctx)); = root.get(); fdref = CFFileDescriptorCreate( nullptr,, true, fse_pipe_callback, &fdctx); CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(fdref, kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack); { CFRunLoopSourceRef fdsrc; fdsrc = CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource(nullptr, fdref, 0); if (!fdsrc) { root->failure_reason = w_string_new_typed( "CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource failed", W_STRING_UNICODE); goto done; } CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), fdsrc, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); CFRelease(fdsrc); } stream = fse_stream_make( root, kFSEventStreamEventIdSinceNow, root->failure_reason); if (!stream) { goto done; } if (!FSEventStreamStart(stream->stream)) { root->failure_reason = w_string::printf( "FSEventStreamStart failed, look at your log file %s for " "lines mentioning FSEvents and see %s#fsevents for more information\n", log_name, cfg_get_trouble_url()); goto done; } // Signal to fsevents_root_start that we're done initializing fse_cond.notify_one(); } // Process the events stream until we get signalled to quit CFRunLoopRun(); done: if (stream) { delete stream; } if (fdref) { CFRelease(fdref); } w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "fse_thread done\n"); }
// The client thread reads and decodes json packets, // then dispatches the commands that it finds static void client_thread(std::shared_ptr<watchman_client> client) noexcept { struct watchman_event_poll pfd[2]; json_error_t jerr; bool client_alive = true; // Keep a persistent vector around so that we can avoid allocating // and releasing heap memory when we collect items from the publisher std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const watchman::Publisher::Item>> pending; client->stm->setNonBlock(true); w_set_thread_name( "client=%p:stm=%p:pid=%d", client.get(), client->stm.get(), client->stm->getPeerProcessID()); client->client_is_owner = client->stm->peerIsOwner(); pfd[0].evt = client->stm->getEvents(); pfd[1].evt = client->ping.get(); while (!stopping && client_alive) { // Wait for input from either the client socket or // via the ping pipe, which signals that some other // thread wants to unilaterally send data to the client ignore_result(w_poll_events(pfd, 2, 2000)); if (stopping) { break; } if (pfd[0].ready) { auto request = client->reader.decodeNext(client->stm.get(), &jerr); if (!request && errno == EAGAIN) { // That's fine } else if (!request) { // Not so cool if (client->reader.wpos == client->reader.rpos) { // If they disconnected in between PDUs, no need to log // any error goto disconnected; } send_error_response( client.get(), "invalid json at position %d: %s", jerr.position, jerr.text); w_log(W_LOG_ERR, "invalid data from client: %s\n", jerr.text); goto disconnected; } else if (request) { client->pdu_type = client->reader.pdu_type; client->capabilities = client->reader.capabilities; dispatch_command(client.get(), request, CMD_DAEMON); } } if (pfd[1].ready) { while (client->ping->testAndClear()) { // Enqueue refs to pending log payloads pending.clear(); getPending(pending, client->debugSub, client->errorSub); for (auto& item : pending) { client->enqueueResponse(json_ref(item->payload), false); } // Maybe we have subscriptions to dispatch? auto userClient = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<watchman_user_client>(client); if (userClient) { std::vector<w_string> subsToDelete; for (auto& subiter : userClient->unilateralSub) { auto sub = subiter.first; auto subStream = subiter.second; watchman::log( watchman::DBG, "consider fan out sub ", sub->name, "\n"); pending.clear(); subStream->getPending(pending); bool seenSettle = false; for (auto& item : pending) { auto dumped = json_dumps(item->payload, 0); watchman::log( watchman::DBG, "Unilateral payload for sub ", sub->name, " ", dumped ? dumped : "<<MISSING!!>>", "\n"); free(dumped); if (item->payload.get_default("canceled")) { auto resp = make_response(); watchman::log( watchman::ERR, "Cancel subscription ", sub->name, " due to root cancellation\n"); resp.set({{"root", item->payload.get_default("root")}, {"unilateral", json_true()}, {"canceled", json_true()}, {"subscription", w_string_to_json(sub->name)}}); client->enqueueResponse(std::move(resp), false); // Remember to cancel this subscription. // We can't do it in this loop because that would // invalidate the iterators and cause a headache. subsToDelete.push_back(sub->name); continue; } if (item->payload.get_default("state-enter") || item->payload.get_default("state-leave")) { auto resp = make_response(); json_object_update(item->payload, resp); // We have the opportunity to populate additional response // fields here (since we don't want to block the command). // We don't populate the fat clock for SCM aware queries // because determination of mergeBase could add latency. resp.set({{"unilateral", json_true()}, {"subscription", w_string_to_json(sub->name)}}); client->enqueueResponse(std::move(resp), false); watchman::log( watchman::DBG, "Fan out subscription state change for ", sub->name, "\n"); continue; } if (!sub->debug_paused && item->payload.get_default("settled")) { seenSettle = true; continue; } } if (seenSettle) { sub->processSubscription(); } } for (auto& name : subsToDelete) { userClient->unsubByName(name); } } } } /* now send our response(s) */ while (!client->responses.empty() && client_alive) { auto& response_to_send = client->responses.front(); client->stm->setNonBlock(false); /* Return the data in the same format that was used to ask for it. * Update client liveness based on send success. */ client_alive = client->writer.pduEncodeToStream( client->pdu_type, client->capabilities, response_to_send, client->stm.get()); client->stm->setNonBlock(true); client->responses.pop_front(); } } disconnected: w_set_thread_name( "NOT_CONN:client=%p:stm=%p:pid=%d", client.get(), client->stm.get(), client->stm->getPeerProcessID()); // Remove the client from the map before we tear it down, as this makes // it easier to flush out pending writes on windows without worrying // about w_log_to_clients contending for the write buffers clients.wlock()->erase(client); }
bool KQueueWatcher::startWatchFile(struct watchman_file* file) { struct kevent k; auto full_name = w_dir_path_cat_str(file->parent, file->getName()); { auto rlock = maps_.rlock(); if (rlock->name_to_fd.find(full_name) != rlock->name_to_fd.end()) { // Already watching it return true; } } w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "watch_file(%s)\n", full_name.c_str()); FileDescriptor fdHolder(open(full_name.c_str(), O_EVTONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); auto rawFd = fdHolder.fd(); if (rawFd == -1) { watchman::log( watchman::ERR, "failed to open ", full_name, ", O_EVTONLY: ", strerror(errno), "\n"); return false; } memset(&k, 0, sizeof(k)); EV_SET( &k, rawFd, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_RENAME | NOTE_ATTRIB, 0, (w_string_t*)full_name); { auto wlock = maps_.wlock(); wlock->name_to_fd[full_name] = std::move(fdHolder); wlock->fd_to_name[rawFd] = full_name; } if (kevent(kq_fd.fd(), &k, 1, nullptr, 0, 0)) { watchman::log( watchman::DBG, "kevent EV_ADD file ", full_name, " failed: ", full_name.c_str(), strerror(errno), "\n"); auto wlock = maps_.wlock(); wlock->name_to_fd.erase(full_name); wlock->fd_to_name.erase(rawFd); } else { watchman::log( watchman::DBG, "kevent file ", full_name, " -> ", rawFd, "\n"); } return true; }
bool KQueueWatcher::consumeNotify( const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root, PendingCollection::LockedPtr& coll) { int n; int i; struct timespec ts = { 0, 0 }; struct timeval now; errno = 0; n = kevent( kq_fd.fd(), nullptr, 0, keventbuf, sizeof(keventbuf) / sizeof(keventbuf[0]), &ts); w_log( W_LOG_DBG, "consume_kqueue: %s n=%d err=%s\n", root->root_path.c_str(), n, strerror(errno)); if (root->inner.cancelled) { return 0; } gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); for (i = 0; n > 0 && i < n; i++) { uint32_t fflags = keventbuf[i].fflags; bool is_dir = IS_DIR_BIT_SET(keventbuf[i].udata); char flags_label[128]; int fd = keventbuf[i].ident; w_expand_flags(kflags, fflags, flags_label, sizeof(flags_label)); auto wlock = maps_.wlock(); auto it = wlock->fd_to_name.find(fd); w_string path = it == wlock->fd_to_name.end() ? nullptr : it->second; if (!path) { // Was likely a buffered notification for something that we decided // to stop watching w_log(W_LOG_DBG, " KQ notif for fd=%d; flags=0x%x %s no ref for it in fd_to_name\n", fd, fflags, flags_label); continue; } w_log( W_LOG_DBG, " KQ fd=%d path %s [0x%x %s]\n", fd,, fflags, flags_label); if ((fflags & (NOTE_DELETE|NOTE_RENAME|NOTE_REVOKE))) { struct kevent k; if (w_string_equal(path, root->root_path)) { w_log( W_LOG_ERR, "root dir %s has been (re)moved [code 0x%x], canceling watch\n", root->root_path.c_str(), fflags); root->cancel(); return 0; } // Remove our watch bits memset(&k, 0, sizeof(k)); EV_SET(&k, fd, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_DELETE, 0, 0, nullptr); kevent(kq_fd.fd(), &k, 1, nullptr, 0, 0); wlock->name_to_fd.erase(path); wlock->fd_to_name.erase(fd); } coll->add( path, now, is_dir ? 0 : (W_PENDING_RECURSIVE | W_PENDING_VIA_NOTIFY)); } return n > 0; }
std::unique_ptr<watchman_dir_handle> KQueueWatcher::startWatchDir( const std::shared_ptr<w_root_t>& root, struct watchman_dir* dir, struct timeval, const char* path) { struct stat st, osdirst; struct kevent k; auto osdir = w_dir_open(path); FileDescriptor fdHolder(open(path, O_NOFOLLOW | O_EVTONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); auto rawFd = fdHolder.fd(); if (rawFd == -1) { // directory got deleted between opendir and open throw std::system_error( errno, std::generic_category(), std::string("open O_EVTONLY: ") + path); } if (fstat(rawFd, &st) == -1 || fstat(osdir->getFd(), &osdirst) == -1) { // whaaa? root->scheduleRecrawl("fstat failed"); throw std::system_error( errno, std::generic_category(), std::string("fstat failed for dir ") + path); } if (st.st_dev != osdirst.st_dev || st.st_ino != osdirst.st_ino) { // directory got replaced between opendir and open -- at this point its // parent's being watched, so we let filesystem events take care of it throw std::system_error( ENOTDIR, std::generic_category(), std::string("directory replaced between opendir and open: ") + path); } memset(&k, 0, sizeof(k)); auto dir_name = dir->getFullPath(); EV_SET( &k, rawFd, EVFILT_VNODE, EV_ADD | EV_CLEAR, NOTE_WRITE | NOTE_DELETE | NOTE_EXTEND | NOTE_RENAME, 0, SET_DIR_BIT((w_string_t*)dir_name)); // Our mapping needs to be visible before we add it to the queue, // otherwise we can get a wakeup and not know what it is { auto wlock = maps_.wlock(); wlock->name_to_fd[dir_name] = std::move(fdHolder); wlock->fd_to_name[rawFd] = dir_name; } if (kevent(kq_fd.fd(), &k, 1, nullptr, 0, 0)) { w_log(W_LOG_DBG, "kevent EV_ADD dir %s failed: %s", path, strerror(errno)); auto wlock = maps_.wlock(); wlock->name_to_fd.erase(dir_name); wlock->fd_to_name.erase(rawFd); } else { watchman::log(watchman::DBG, "kevent dir ", dir_name, " -> ", rawFd, "\n"); } return osdir; }