文件: View.cpp 项目: hpepper/wt-test
  Constructor for View


View::View(const Wt::WEnvironment& env)
    : Wt::WApplication(env)
  setTitle("DropDown Demo");

  log("info") << "Test";

  // This is the container for the full screen.
  Wt::WContainerWidget *pScreenContainer = new Wt::WContainerWidget();
  pScreenContainer->resize(Wt::WLength::Auto, Wt::WLength::Auto);
  // Add the primary container to the root widget?

  // Choose the grid layout.
  Wt::WGridLayout *pScreenLayout = new Wt::WGridLayout();

  int nRow = 0;
  int nColoumn = 0;

  // Create the label
  Wt::WText *lblSeriesChoice = new Wt::WText("Series:");
  // set right align the label
  pScreenLayout->addWidget(lblSeriesChoice, nRow, nColoumn+0);

  // Create the dropdown
  Wt::WComboBox *cbSeries = new Wt::WComboBox();
  cbSeries->addItem("Krakken awoke");
  cbSeries->addItem("Appocalypse survival");
  cbSeries->setCurrentIndex(0); // Empty string
  pScreenLayout->addWidget(cbSeries, nRow, nColoumn+1);

  // Create the connection
  cbSeries->activated().connect(this, &View::DropDownSelectionChangeOtherDropDown);
  cbSeries->activated().connect(this, &View::DropDownSelectionChangeTab);
  /* Signals connect to Slots.
  * You may specify up to 6 arguments which may be of arbitrary types that are Copyable, that may be passed through the signal to connected slots.
  *   https://www.webtoolkit.eu/wt/doc/reference/html/group__signalslot.html
  * I think the 
  *   first parm - is a pointer to the target class.
  *   second parm - is the name of the method?
  * See: Wt::Signal.

  * Let row 1 and column 1 take the excess space.?
  pScreenLayout->setRowStretch(0, 0);
  pScreenLayout->setColumnStretch(0, 0);
} // end
MenuBar::MenuBar(WContainerWidget * parent) : WContainerWidget(parent)

  // create demo menu
  Wt::WComboBox *cb = new Wt::WComboBox(this);
  cb->addItem("Display a map");
  cb->addItem("Create and style clusters");
  cb->addItem("Change a map's style");
  cb->addItem("Create a heatmap from points");
  cb->addItem("Height Lines");
  cb->addItem("Raster Tiles");
  cb->addItem("Fit to Bounds");
  cb->addItem("Set Language");
  cb->addItem("Pitch and Bearing");
  cb->addItem("Change map colors");
  cb->addItem("Layer Order");
  cb->addItem("Add a GeoJSON line");
  cb->addItem("Add a GeoJSON polygon");
  cb->addItem("Draw GeoJSON points");
  cb->addItem("Get coordinates from mouse");
  cb->addItem("Display a Popup");
  cb->addItem("Get features below mouse pointer");
  cb->addItem("Get feature on click");
  cb->addItem("Info in Popup");
  cb->addItem("Mouse Highlight");
  cb->addItem("Data Driven Colors");
  cb->addItem("Add an image");
  cb->addItem("Add a video");
  cb->addItem("Realtime Data");
  cb->addItem("Add Controls");


  // add all demo's to stack
  Wt::WStackedWidget * stack = new Wt::WStackedWidget(this);
  stack->addWidget(new DisplayMap());
  stack->addWidget(new CreateClusters());
  stack->addWidget(new MapStyle());
  stack->addWidget(new Heatmap());
  stack->addWidget(new HeightLines());
  stack->addWidget(new RasterTiles());
  stack->addWidget(new FitBounds());
  stack->addWidget(new SetLanguage());
  stack->addWidget(new PitchAndBearing());
  stack->addWidget(new ChangeColors());
  stack->addWidget(new LayerOrder());
  stack->addWidget(new GeoJSONLine());
  stack->addWidget(new GeoJSONPoly());
  stack->addWidget(new GeoJSONPoint());
  stack->addWidget(new GetCoordinates());
  stack->addWidget(new DisplayPopup());
  stack->addWidget(new FeaturesBelowMouse());
  stack->addWidget(new FeatureOnClick());
  stack->addWidget(new InfoPopup());
  stack->addWidget(new MouseHighlight());
  stack->addWidget(new DataDrivenColors());
  stack->addWidget(new AddImage());
  stack->addWidget(new AddVideo());
  stack->addWidget(new RealtimeData());
  stack->addWidget(new AddControls());

  cb->changed().connect(std::bind([=]() {
    int choice = cb->currentIndex();
    if (choice < stack->count()) {
      ((Demo *)stack->currentWidget())->onHide();
      ((Demo *)stack->currentWidget())->onShow();
