void print(const x0::BufferRef& v, const char *msg = 0) { if (msg && *msg) printf("buffer.view(%s): '%s'\n", msg, v.str().c_str()); else printf("buffer.view: '%s'\n", v.str().c_str()); printf(" size=%ld\n", v.size()); }
void print(const x0::BufferRef& v, const char* msg = 0) { char prefix[64]; if (msg && *msg) snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "\nbuffer.view(%s)", msg); else snprintf(prefix, sizeof(prefix), "\nbuffer.view"); if (v) printf("\n%s: '%s' (size=%ld)\n", prefix, v.str().c_str(), v.size()); else printf("\n%s: NULL\n", prefix); }
void onContent(const x0::BufferRef& chunk) { if (chunk.empty()) { if (created_) request_->status = x0::HttpStatus::Created; else request_->status = x0::HttpStatus::NoContent; request_->finish(); ::close(fd_); delete this; } else { ::write(fd_, chunk.data(), chunk.size()); // check return code and possibly early abort request with error code indicating diagnostics } }
void FastCgiHealthMonitor::onStdOut(const x0::BufferRef& chunk) { TRACE("onStdOut: chunk.size=%ld", chunk.size()); process(chunk); }