void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE lost_hand(xn::HandsGenerator &generator, XnUserID nId, XnFloat fTime, void *pCookie) { printf("Lost Hand %d \n", nId); gestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); if (kitchenMode) return; lo_send(addr, "/lost_user", NULL); }
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE Hand_Destroy( xn::HandsGenerator& generator, XnUserID nId, XnFloat fTime, void* pCookie) { gesture_generator.AddGesture(GESTURE, NULL); hand_recognized = false; }
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE lost_hand(xn::HandsGenerator &generator, XnUserID nId, XnFloat fTime, void *pCookie) { printf("Lost Hand %d \n", nId); gestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); if (kitchenMode) return; osc::OutboundPacketStream p( osc_buffer, OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE ); p << osc::BeginBundleImmediate; p << osc::BeginMessage("/lost_user"); p << (int)nId; p << osc::EndMessage; p << osc::EndBundle; transmitSocket->Send(p.Data(), p.Size()); }
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE handDestroy(HandsGenerator &generator, XnUserID user, XnFloat fTime, void *pCookie){ printf("hand destroy \n"); if (hand1ID == user) { hand1ID = -1; while (hand1.size() > 0) { hand1.pop(); } } else if (hand2ID == user) { hand2ID = -1; while (hand2.size() > 0) { hand2.pop(); } } oldZoom = 1; oldAngle = 0; g_GestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); }
void XN_CALLBACK_TYPE lost_hand(xn::HandsGenerator &generator, XnUserID nId, XnFloat fTime, void *pCookie) { printf("{\"lost_hand\":{\"userid\":%d}, \"elapsed\":%.3f}}\n", nId, clockAsFloat(last)); gestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { glue.Init(argc, argv, 640, 240, "TrackHand"); xn::Context context; XnStatus status = context.Init(); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't init OpenNi!" << std::endl; exit(1); }); xn::ImageGenerator image_generator; status = image_generator.Create(context); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't create image generator!" << std::endl; }); status = depth_generator.Create(context); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't create depth generator!" << std::endl; }); xn::ImageMetaData image_metadata; xn::DepthMetaData depth_metadata; // Create gesture & hands generators status = gesture_generator.Create(context); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't create gesture generator!" << std::endl; }); status = hands_generator.Create(context); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't create hands generator!" << std::endl; }); // Register to callbacks XnCallbackHandle h1, h2; gesture_generator .RegisterGestureCallbacks(Gesture_Recognized, Gesture_Process, NULL, h1); hands_generator .RegisterHandCallbacks(Hand_Create, Hand_Update, Hand_Destroy, NULL, h2); status = context.StartGeneratingAll(); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't generate all data!" << std::endl; }); status = gesture_generator.AddGesture(GESTURE, NULL); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't add gesture!" << std::endl; }); glue.BindDisplayFunc([&]{ glue.BeginDraw(); // here goes code for app main loop XnStatus status = context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); bmg::OnError(status, []{ std::cout << "Couldn't update and wait for new data!" << std::endl; }); image_generator.GetMetaData(image_metadata); unsigned imageX = image_metadata.XRes(); unsigned imageY = image_metadata.YRes(); glue.DrawOnTexture( (void*)image_metadata.RGB24Data(), imageX, imageY, imageX, imageY, 320, 0, 640, 240); depth_generator.GetMetaData(depth_metadata); unsigned depthX = depth_metadata.XRes(); unsigned depthY = depth_metadata.YRes(); XnRGB24Pixel* transformed_depth_map = new XnRGB24Pixel[depthX * depthY]; bmg::CalculateDepth( depth_generator.GetDepthMap(), depthX, depthY, MAX_DEPTH, transformed_depth_map); glue.DrawOnTexture( (void*)transformed_depth_map, depthX, depthY, depthX, depthY, 0, 0, 320, 240); delete [] transformed_depth_map; if (hand_recognized) { // Draw point over tracked hand glue.DrawPointOverRegion(static_cast<unsigned>(projective_point.X), static_cast<unsigned>(projective_point.Y), 0, 0); glue.DrawPointOverRegion(static_cast<unsigned>(projective_point.X), static_cast<unsigned>(projective_point.Y), 320, 0); } glue.EndDraw(); }); glue.BindKeyboardFunc([](unsigned char key, int x, int y){ switch(key) { case 27: exit(1); } }); glue.Run(); context.Release(); }
void GestureGenerator_AddGesture_wrapped(xn::GestureGenerator& self, std::string gesture) { checkValid(self); check( self.AddGesture(gesture.c_str(), NULL) ); //FIXME: add default params here }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // Start VideoCapture capture (CV_CAP_OPENNI); if(!capture.isOpened()) { int error = -1; return 1; } namedWindow( "Color Image", 1 ); //namedWindow( "Depth Map", 1); Mat view; bool blink = false; // NITE + openni XnStatus rc = XN_STATUS_OK; Context context; rc = context.Init(); rc = g_GestureGenerator.Create(context); rc = g_HandsGenerator.Create(context); XnCallbackHandle hcb1,hcb2; g_GestureGenerator.RegisterGestureCallbacks(Gesture_Recognized, Gesture_Process, NULL, hcb1); g_HandsGenerator.RegisterHandCallbacks(handCreate, handUpdate, handDestroy, NULL, hcb2); rc = context.StartGeneratingAll(); rc = g_GestureGenerator.AddGesture(GESTURE_TO_USE, NULL); double d = 1.0; double angle = 0.0; double angleZ = 0.0; Mat result; Mat orig = imread("crocus.jpg"); result.create(750, 750, CV_8UC3); double centerX = orig.cols/2; double centerY = orig.rows/2; warpPerspective(orig, orig, getScaleMatrix(1.0), orig.size(), INTER_CUBIC, BORDER_TRANSPARENT); while( capture.isOpened() ) { rc = context.WaitAndUpdateAll(); d = getZoom(); angle = getAngle(); angleZ = getAngle3D(); if (abs(d - oldZoom) > 0.009) { //printf("angle = %f \n",angle); oldAngle += angle; //create the transformation to be passed to warp Mat openCVTransform = getRotationMatrix2D(Point2f(centerX, centerY), oldAngle, d); //warp image to apply transformation result.setTo(Scalar(0)); warpAffine(orig, result, openCVTransform, result.size(), INTER_CUBIC, BORDER_TRANSPARENT); oldZoom = d; } imshow("Result", result); Mat bgrImage; capture.grab(); capture.retrieve( bgrImage, CV_CAP_OPENNI_BGR_IMAGE ); if (hand1ID != -1) { circle(bgrImage,Point(hand1.back().X + bgrImage.rows/2, bgrImage.cols/2 - hand1.back().Y),2,CV_RGB(0,255,0),3); } if (hand2ID != -1) { circle(bgrImage,Point(hand2.back().X + bgrImage.rows/2, bgrImage.cols/2 - hand2.back().Y),2,CV_RGB(0,255,0),3); } flip(bgrImage,bgrImage,1); imshow("Color Image", bgrImage); result.create(750, 750, CV_8UC3); if(waitKey(33) == 'q') { break; } } context.Shutdown(); return 0; }