XSI::CStatus XSIUnloadPlugin( const XSI::PluginRegistrar& in_reg )
	Application app;
#ifdef _DEBUG
	app.LogMessage( in_reg.GetName() + L" has been unloaded.");
	return XSI::CStatus::OK;
/** Registers the export command, the menu item, and the option dialog */
CStatus XSILoadPlugin( XSI::PluginRegistrar& registrar )
	registrar.PutAuthor( L"Steve Streeting" );
	registrar.PutName( L"OGRE Exporter Plugin" );	
    registrar.PutVersion( 1, 0 );

	// register the mesh export command
	registrar.RegisterCommand( L"OgreMeshExportCommand", L"OgreMeshExportCommand" );

    // register the menu under File > Export
	registrar.RegisterMenu(siMenuMainFileExportID, L"OgreMeshExportMenu", false, false);

	// register the export dialog properties factory
	registrar.RegisterProperty( L"OgreMeshExportOptions" );

#ifdef _DEBUG
    Application app;
    app.LogMessage( registrar.GetName() + L" has been loaded.");

    return XSI::CStatus::OK;	