dogen::formatters::artefact enum_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::enumeration>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
            const auto ns(a.make_namespaces(e.name()));
            auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(ns));
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "enum class " << ye.name().simple() << " : " << a.get_qualified_name(ye.underlying_type()) << " {" << std::endl;
            dogen::formatters::sequence_formatter sf(ye.enumerators().size());
            for (const auto& en : ye.enumerators()) {
a.stream() << "    " << en.name() << " = " << en.value() << sf.postfix() << a.comment_inline(en.documentation()) << std::endl;
a.stream() << "};" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
        } // snf
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
std::list<std::string> enum_header_formatter::inclusion_dependencies(
    const formattables::inclusion_dependencies_builder_factory& f,
    const yarn::element& e) const {
    auto builder(f.make());
    builder.add(e.name(), types::traits::enum_header_archetype());
    return builder.build();
dogen::formatters::artefact enum_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::enumeration>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
            const auto ns(a.make_namespaces(ye.name()));
            auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(ns));
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "class " << ye.name().simple() << "_generator {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << ye.name().simple() << "_generator();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    typedef " << a.get_qualified_name(ye.name()) << " result_type;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    static void populate(const unsigned int position, result_type& v);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    static result_type create(const unsigned int position);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    result_type operator()();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "private:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    unsigned int position_;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "};" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
         } // snf
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
dogen::formatters::artefact forward_declarations_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);

    const auto arch(static_artefact());
    const auto& fd(a.as<fabric::forward_declarations>(arch, e));

    // FIXME: hack: legacy formatters do not support serialisation
    // forward declarations for some types.
    if (fd.is_enum() || fd.is_exception())
        return dogen::formatters::artefact();

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
        const auto qn(a.get_qualified_name(fd.name()));
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace boost {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace serialization {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<class Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void save(Archive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<class Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void load(Archive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "} }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
dogen::formatters::artefact exception_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::exception>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
            const auto ns(a.make_namespaces(ye.name()));
            auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(ns));
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "class " << ye.name().simple() << " : public virtual std::exception, public virtual boost::exception {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << ye.name().simple() << "() = default;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    ~" << ye.name().simple() << "() noexcept = default;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << ye.name().simple() << "(const std::string& message) : message_(message) { }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "public:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    const char* what() const noexcept { return(message_.c_str()); }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "private:" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    const std::string message_;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "};" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
        } // snf
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
std::list<std::string> forward_declarations_formatter::inclusion_dependencies(
    const formattables::inclusion_dependencies_builder_factory& f,
    const yarn::element& e) const {
    auto builder(f.make());

    using tp = formatters::types::traits;
    const auto tp_fn(tp::forward_declarations_archetype());
    builder.add(e.name(), tp_fn);

    return builder.build();
dogen::formatters::artefact enum_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::enumeration>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<class Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void serialize(Archive& ar, " << a.get_qualified_name(ye.name()) << "& v, unsigned int /*version*/){" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    using boost::serialization::make_nvp;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    ar & make_nvp(\"" << ye.name().simple() << "\", v);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "}" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
dogen::formatters::artefact class_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& o(a.as<yarn::object>(static_artefact(), e));

        const auto qn(a.get_qualified_name(o.name()));
        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());

        if (!o.is_parent() && o.parent()) {
            const auto& pn(*o.parent());
            const auto pqn(a.get_qualified_name(pn));
a.stream() << "namespace boost {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<>struct" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "is_virtual_base_of<" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << pqn << "," << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << qn << std::endl;
a.stream() << "> : public mpl::true_ {};" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "}" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "BOOST_SERIALIZATION_SPLIT_FREE(" << qn << ")" << std::endl;
        if (o.is_parent()) {
a.stream() << "BOOST_SERIALIZATION_ASSUME_ABSTRACT(" << qn << ")" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace boost {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace serialization {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<typename Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void save(Archive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<typename Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void load(Archive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "} }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
dogen::formatters::artefact enum_header_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), true/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::enumeration>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
            const auto ns(a.make_namespaces(ye.name()));
            auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(ns));
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "#ifdef ODB_COMPILER" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "#endif" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
        } // snf
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
dogen::formatters::artefact stitch_formatter::
format(const artefact_formatter_interface& stock_formatter, const context& ctx,
    const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto al(stock_formatter.archetype_location());
    const auto needs_guard(is_header(stock_formatter.inclusion_support_type()));
    const auto id(e.name().id());

    assistant a(ctx, al, needs_guard, id);
    const auto& fp(a.artefact_properties().file_path());
    auto stitch_template(fp);

     * If the template does not yet exist, we should just create an
     * empty artefact.
     * This scenario happens when creating a new model or when adding
     * a new artefact formatter for the first time.
    if (!boost::filesystem::exists(stitch_template)) {
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Stitch template not found: "
                                 << fp.generic_string();

        dogen::formatters::artefact r;
        return r;

     * Since the template exists, we can instantiate it.
    auto r(instantiator_.instantiate(stitch_template));
    return r;
enum_formatter::format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), id);
    const auto& ye(a.as<yarn::enumeration>(static_artefact(), e));
        const auto sn(e.name().simple());
        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
a.stream() << "using System;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "using System.Collections;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "using System.Collections.Generic;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
            const auto ns(a.make_namespaces(e.name()));
            auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(ns));
a.stream() << "    /// <summary>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    /// Generates sequences of " << sn << "." << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    /// </summary>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    public static class " << sn << "SequenceGenerator" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        static internal " << sn << " Create(uint position)" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            var result = (" << sn << ")(position % " << ye.enumerators().size() << ");" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            return result;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        #region Enumerator" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        private class " << sn << "Enumerator : IEnumerator, IEnumerator<" << sn << ">, IDisposable" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #region Properties" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            private uint _position;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            private " << sn << " _current;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            private void PopulateCurrent()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                _current = " << sn << "SequenceGenerator.Create(_position);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #region IDisposable" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public void Dispose()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #region IEnumerator implementation" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public bool MoveNext()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                ++_position;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                PopulateCurrent();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                return true;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public void Reset()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                _position = 0;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                PopulateCurrent();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public object Current {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                get" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                    return _current;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            " << sn << " IEnumerator<" << sn << ">.Current" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                get" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                    return _current;" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public " << sn << "Enumerator()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                PopulateCurrent();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        #region Enumerable" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        private class " << sn << "Enumerable : IEnumerable, IEnumerable<" << sn << ">" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #region IEnumerable implementation" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                return new " << sn << "Enumerator();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            IEnumerator<" << sn << "> IEnumerable<" << sn << ">.GetEnumerator()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "                return new " << sn << "Enumerator();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        #endregion" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        static public IEnumerable<" << sn << "> Sequence()" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "            return new " << sn << "Enumerable();" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "        }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    }" << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();
    const formatters::repository& frp,
    const inclusion_dependencies_builder_factory& idf,
    const yarn::element& e) const {

    const auto id(e.name().id());
    BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Creating inclusion dependencies for: " << id;

     * First we must obtain all formatters for the type of element we
     * are building includes for. They may or may not exist in the
     * formatters' collection - for example, we do not have any
     * formatters for concepts at present. If so, we're done.
     * Note also that we must query the formatters by type index
     * rather than use the archetype configuration container
     * directly. This is due to element segmentation, as we may have
     * more than one element associated with an id. To generate the
     * inclusion dependencies we must make sure we pick the pair of
     * element and the formatters that support it.
    element_inclusion_dependencies_type r;
    const auto ti(std::type_index(typeid(e)));
    const auto i(frp.stock_artefact_formatters_by_type_index().find(ti));
    if (i == frp.stock_artefact_formatters_by_type_index().end()) {
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "No formatters for type: " << ti.name();
        return r;

    for (const auto fmt : i->second) {
        const auto arch(fmt->archetype_location().archetype());
        const auto fmtn(fmt->formatter_name());
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Providing for: " << arch
                                 << " using formatter: " << fmtn;

         * Obtain the formatter's list of inclusion dependencies. If
         * none, we're done.
        auto deps(fmt->inclusion_dependencies(idf, e));
        if (deps.empty())

         * Ensure the dependencies are sorted according to a well
         * defined order and all duplicates are removed. Duplicates
         * arise because an element may refer to another element more
         * than once - e.g. std::list<T> as well as std::vector<T>.

         * Now slot in the results, ensuring our formatter name is
         * unique. We have guaranteed in the registrar that the
         * formatter name is unique, so no need to perform any
         * insertion checks here.
        r[arch] = deps;

    BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Finished creating inclusion dependencies for: "
                             << id << ". Result: " << r;

    return r;
void inclusion_expander::compute_inclusion_directives(const type_group& tg,
    const yarn::element& e, const formatter_list_type& formatters,
    const locator& l, inclusion_directives_container_type& idc) const {

    const auto& n(e.name());
    const auto id(n.id());

     * First we extract the data required to generated include
     * directives for this element. Note that we generate this setting
     * for _all elements_ even if the user did not specify any
     * meta-data (we do so via defaults).
     * The question we are asking is: "does this element require any
     * inclusion directives at all, across all facets?". Not all
     * elements do; for example bool, int and so on don't require any
     * inclusions at all across all facets. If the user did not
     * override this, we default it to true because normally elements
     * require inclusion.
    const auto& a(e.annotation());
    const bool required(make_top_level_inclusion_required(tg, a));
    if (!required) {
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Inclusion not required for element.";

     * Now we start working at the formatter level.
    for (const auto& fmt : formatters) {
        const auto arch(fmt->archetype_location().archetype());
        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Archetype: " << arch;

         * Does the archetype require an inclusion directive for this
         * specific formatter? Some elements require inclusion
         * directives for some archetypes, but not for others. For
         * example, we may need an include for serialising a
         * std::list, but in test data we make use of helpers and thus
         * not require an include.
         * Again, we default this flag to true.
        const auto id_cfg(make_inclusion_directive_configuration(tg, arch, a));
        if (!id_cfg.inclusion_required()) {
            BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Inclusion directive not required "
                                     << " for archetype: " << arch;

         * Does the configuration provide a "hard-coded" inclusion
         * directive?  That is, the archetype has an hard-coded
         * incantation for its include. This is the case for proxy
         * models such as boost, std etc where we can't compute the
         * inclusion directive.
        std::string directive;
        if (!id_cfg.inclusion_directive().empty())
            directive = id_cfg.inclusion_directive();
        else {
             * Finally, we have no alternative but to compute the
             * inclusion directive according to a well-defined
             * heuristic.
            const auto path(fmt->inclusion_path(l, n));
            directive = to_inclusion_directive(path);

        BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Inclusion directive: " << directive;
        insert_inclusion_directive(id, arch, directive, idc);
dogen::formatters::artefact class_implementation_formatter::
format(const context& ctx, const yarn::element& e) const {
    const auto id(e.name().id());
    assistant a(ctx, archetype_location(), false/*requires_header_guard*/, id);
    const auto& o(a.as<yarn::object>(static_artefact(), e));

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());

        const auto qn(a.get_qualified_name(o.name()));
        const bool has_attributes(!o.local_attributes().empty());
        const bool has_parent(o.parent());
        const bool has_attributes_or_parent(has_attributes || has_parent);

        if (o.is_parent() || o.parent()) {
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "BOOST_CLASS_TRACKING(" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << qn << "," << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    boost::serialization::track_selectively)" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace boost {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace serialization {" << std::endl;

         * Save function
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template<typename Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void save(Archive& " << (has_attributes_or_parent ? "ar" : "/*ar*/") << "," << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    const " << qn << "& " << (has_attributes_or_parent ? "v" : "/*v*/") << "," << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    const unsigned int /*version*/) {" << std::endl;
        if (o.parent()) {
            const auto& pn(*o.parent());
            const auto pqn(a.get_qualified_name(pn));
a.stream() << "    ar << make_nvp(\"" << pn.simple() << "\", base_object<" << pqn << ">(v));" << std::endl;

        if (has_attributes && has_parent)
a.stream() << std::endl;
        for (const auto attr : o.local_attributes()) {
a.stream() << "    ar << make_nvp(\"" << attr.name().simple() << "\", v." << a.make_member_variable_name(attr) << ");" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "}" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
         * Load function
a.stream() << "template<typename Archive>" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "void load(Archive& " << (has_attributes_or_parent ? "ar," : "/*ar*/,") << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    " << qn << "& " << (has_attributes_or_parent ? "v" : "/*v*/") << "," << std::endl;
a.stream() << "    const unsigned int /*version*/) {" << std::endl;
        if (o.parent()) {
            const auto& pn(*o.parent());
            const auto pqn(a.get_qualified_name(pn));
a.stream() << "    ar >> make_nvp(\"" << pn.simple() << "\", base_object<" << pqn << ">(v));" << std::endl;
            if (has_attributes && has_parent)
a.stream() << std::endl;

        for (const auto attr : o.local_attributes()) {
a.stream() << "    ar >> make_nvp(\"" << attr.name().simple() << "\", v." << a.make_member_variable_name(attr) << ");" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "}" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "} }" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace boost {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "namespace serialization {" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void save(archive::polymorphic_oarchive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void load(archive::polymorphic_iarchive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void save(archive::text_oarchive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void load(archive::text_iarchive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void save(archive::binary_oarchive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void load(archive::binary_iarchive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void save(archive::xml_oarchive& ar, const " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << "template void load(archive::xml_iarchive& ar, " << qn << "& v, unsigned int version);" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "} }" << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_artefact();