boost::filesystem::path path_derivatives_factory:: make_inclusion_path(const settings::path_settings& ps, const yarn::name& n) const { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Making inclusion path for: " << n.qualified(); boost::filesystem::path r; /* Header files require both the external module path and the * model module path in the file name path. */ if (ps.file_type() == formatters::file_types::cpp_header) { for (const auto& m : n.location().external_modules()) r /= m; const auto& mmp(n.location().model_modules()); r /= boost::algorithm::join(mmp, dot); } /* If there is a facet directory, and it is configured to * contribute to the file name path, add it. */ if (!ps.facet_directory().empty() && !ps.disable_facet_directories()) r /= ps.facet_directory(); // Add the module path of the modules internal to this model. for (const auto& m : n.location().internal_modules()) r /= m; /* Modules other than the model module contribute their simple * names to the directories. */ if (n != { const auto i(model_.elements().find(n.qualified())); if (i != model_.elements().end() && is<yarn::module>(i->second)) r /= n.simple(); } // handle the file name. std::ostringstream stream; stream << n.simple(); if (!ps.formatter_postfix().empty()) stream << underscore << ps.formatter_postfix(); if (!ps.facet_postfix().empty()) stream << underscore << ps.facet_postfix(); if (ps.file_type() == formatters::file_types::cpp_header) stream << dot << ps.header_file_extension(); else if (ps.file_type() == formatters::file_types::cpp_implementation) stream << dot << ps.implementation_file_extension(); r /= stream.str(); BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Done making the inclusion path. Result: " << r; return r; }
std::list<std::string> name_builder:: namespace_list(const yarn::name& n, const bool detect_model_name) const { const auto& l(n.location()); std::list<std::string> r(l.external_modules()); for (const auto& m : l.model_modules()) r.push_back(m); for (const auto& m : l.internal_modules()) r.push_back(m); if (!detect_model_name) return r; /* if the name belongs to the model's module, we need to remove the * module's simple name from the module path (it is in both the * module path and it is also the module's simple name). */ const bool no_internal_modules(l.internal_modules().empty()); const bool has_model_modules(!l.model_modules().empty()); const bool is_model_name(no_internal_modules && has_model_modules && n.simple() == l.model_modules().back()); if (is_model_name) r.pop_back(); return r; }
boost::filesystem::path path_derivatives_factory:: make_file_path(const settings::path_settings& ps, const boost::filesystem::path& inclusion_path, const yarn::name& n) const { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Creating file path for: " << n.qualified(); boost::filesystem::path r; const auto ft(ps.file_type()); const auto& mmp(n.location().model_modules()); switch (ft) { case formatters::file_types::cpp_header: r = options_.project_directory_path(); r /= boost::algorithm::join(mmp, dot); r /= ps.include_directory_name(); break; case formatters::file_types::cpp_implementation: r = options_.project_directory_path(); r /= boost::algorithm::join(mmp, dot); r /= ps.source_directory_name(); break; default: BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << unsupported_file_type << ft; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(building_error(unsupported_file_type + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(ft))); } r /= inclusion_path; BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, debug) << "Done creating file path. Result: " << r; return r; }
void generalization_expander::populate_properties_up_the_generalization_tree( const type_group& tg, const yarn::name& leaf, intermediate_model& im, yarn::object& o) const { /* * Add the leaf to all nodes of the tree except for the leaf node * itself. */ if (!o.is_leaf()) o.leaves().push_back(leaf); /* * If we do not have a parent we have reached the top of the * generalisation tree. */ if (!o.parent()) { /* * If the leaf name belongs to the target model, add it to * the model's list of leaves. Ignore non-target leaves. */ const auto& ll(leaf.location()); const auto& ml(; if (ll.model_modules() == ml.model_modules()) im.leaves().insert(leaf); return; } const auto pid(o.parent()->id()); auto j(im.objects().find(pid)); if (j == im.objects().end()) { BOOST_LOG_SEV(lg, error) << parent_not_found << pid; BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(expansion_error(parent_not_found + pid)); } auto& parent(j->second); populate_properties_up_the_generalization_tree(tg, leaf, im, parent); if (!parent.parent()) { /* * If our parent does not have a parent then it is our root * parent. */ o.root_parent(; } else { /* * On all other cases, inherit the root parent properties for * our direct parent; these would have been populated from the * root parent as per above. */ o.root_parent(parent.root_parent()); } }