int main() { YSE::System().init(); // create a Triangle wavetable with 8 harmonics, 1024 samples long wavetable.createTriangle(2, 1024); // the sound will play this buffer (looping) sound.create(wavetable, nullptr, true).play(); std::cout << "In this demo a small wavetable is created and played as a loop." << std::endl; std::cout << "(Press e to exit.)" << std::endl; while (true) { if (_kbhit()) { char ch = _getch(); switch (ch) { case 'e': goto exit; } } YSE::System().sleep(100); YSE::System().update(); } exit: YSE::System().close(); return 0; }
static YSE::DSP::wavetable & getTable() { static YSE::DSP::wavetable table; if (!tableReady) { table.createTriangle(8, 1024); tableReady = true; } return table; }