CPhazonBeam::CPhazonBeam(CAssetId characterId, EWeaponType type, TUniqueId playerId, EMaterialTypes playerMaterial,
                         const zeus::CVector3f& scale)
: CGunWeapon(characterId, type, playerId, playerMaterial, scale)
, x238_aaBoxScale(zeus::CVector3f(-0.14664599f, 0.f, -0.14909725f) * scale.y(),
                  zeus::CVector3f(0.14664599f, 0.64619601f, 0.14909725f) * scale.y())
, x250_aaBoxTranslate(zeus::CVector3f(-0.0625f, 0.f, -0.09375f) * scale.y(),
                      zeus::CVector3f(0.0625f, -0.25f, 0.09375f) * scale.y()) {
  x21c_phazonVeins = g_SimplePool->GetObj("PhazonVeins");
  x228_phazon2nd1 = g_SimplePool->GetObj("Phazon2nd_1");
  x274_24_loaded = false;
  x274_25_clipWipeActive = true;
  x274_26_veinsAlphaActive = false;
  x274_27_phazonVeinsIdx = false;
bool CMVEBounce::GetValue(int frame, zeus::CVector3f& pVel, zeus::CVector3f& pPos) const
    if (!x14_planePrecomputed)
        /* Compute Hesse normal form of plane (for penetration testing) */
        x8_planeNormal->GetValue(frame, ((zeus::CVector3f&)x18_planeValidatedNormal));

        zeus::CVector3f a;
        x4_planePoint->GetValue(frame, a);

        (float&)(x24_planeD) = x18_planeValidatedNormal.dot(a);

    float dot = x18_planeValidatedNormal.dot(pPos);
    if ((dot - x24_planeD) <= 0.0f)
        if (x15_dieOnPenetrate)
            return true;
        return false;

    /* Deflection event */

    if (pVel.magSquared() > 0.0f)
        return false;

    zeus::CVector3f delta = pPos - pVel;
    pPos += zeus::CVector3f{(-((((delta.z * ((delta.x * (delta.y * x18_planeValidatedNormal.y))
                                             + ((pVel.x * (x18_planeValidatedNormal.y * pVel.y)) + x18_planeValidatedNormal.x))) + x18_planeValidatedNormal.z) - x24_planeD)) /
                             ((pVel.z * ((pVel.x * (x18_planeValidatedNormal.y * pVel.y)) + x18_planeValidatedNormal.x)) + x18_planeValidatedNormal.z)) - (
                (x18_planeValidatedNormal.z * ((x18_planeValidatedNormal.x * (x18_planeValidatedNormal.y * pVel.y)) + pVel.x)) +  pVel.z)} * pVel;

    float d = 0.0f;
    x10_restitution->GetValue(frame, d);
    pVel -= d * pVel;

    float c = 0.0f;
    xc_friction->GetValue(frame, c);
    pVel -= zeus::CVector3f{(1.0f + c) * ((x18_planeValidatedNormal.z * (x18_planeValidatedNormal.x * (x18_planeValidatedNormal.y * pVel.y)) + pVel.x) + pVel.x)} * x18_planeValidatedNormal;
    return false;
void do_sound_event(std::pair<u16, CSfxHandle>& sfxHandle, float& pitch, bool doPitchBend, u32 soundId, float weight,
                    u32 flags, float falloff, float maxDist, float minVol, float maxVol,
                    const zeus::CVector3f& posToCam, const zeus::CVector3f& pos, TAreaId aid, CStateManager& mgr) {
  if (posToCam.magSquared() >= maxDist * maxDist)

  u16 useSfxId = CSfxManager::TranslateSFXID(u16(soundId));
  u32 useFlags = 0x1; // Continuous parameter update
  if ((flags & 0x8) != 0)
    useFlags |= 0x8; // Doppler effect
  bool useAcoustics = (flags & 0x80) == 0;

  CAudioSys::C3DEmitterParmData parms;
  parms.x0_pos = pos;
  parms.xc_dir = zeus::skUp;
  parms.x18_maxDist = maxDist;
  parms.x1c_distComp = falloff;
  parms.x20_flags = useFlags;
  parms.x24_sfxId = useSfxId;
  parms.x26_maxVol = maxVol;
  parms.x27_minVol = minVol;
  parms.x28_important = false;
  parms.x29_prio = 0x7f;

  if (mgr.GetActiveRandom()->Float() <= weight) {
    if ((soundId & 0x80000000) != 0) {
      if (!sfxHandle.second) {
        CSfxHandle hnd;
        if ((soundId & 0x40000000) != 0)
          hnd = CSfxManager::SfxStart(useSfxId, 1.f, 0.f, true, 0x7f, true, aid);
          hnd = CSfxManager::AddEmitter(parms, useAcoustics, 0x7f, true, aid);
        if (hnd) {
          sfxHandle.first = useSfxId;
          sfxHandle.second = hnd;
          if (doPitchBend)
            CSfxManager::PitchBend(hnd, pitch);
      } else {
        if (sfxHandle.first == useSfxId) {
          CSfxManager::UpdateEmitter(sfxHandle.second, parms.x0_pos, parms.xc_dir, parms.x26_maxVol);
        } else if ((flags & 0x4) != 0) // Pausable
          CSfxHandle hnd = CSfxManager::AddEmitter(parms, useAcoustics, 0x7f, true, aid);
          if (hnd) {
            sfxHandle.first = useSfxId;
            sfxHandle.second = hnd;
            if (doPitchBend)
              CSfxManager::PitchBend(hnd, pitch);
    } else {
      CSfxHandle hnd;
      if ((soundId & 0x40000000) != 0)
        hnd = CSfxManager::SfxStart(useSfxId, 1.f, 0.f, true, 0x7f, false, aid);
        hnd = CSfxManager::AddEmitter(parms, useAcoustics, 0x7f, false, aid);
      if (doPitchBend)
        CSfxManager::PitchBend(hnd, pitch);
void CSpaceWarpFilter::draw(const zeus::CVector3f& pt) {
  /* Indirect coords are full-texture sampling when warp is completely in viewport */
  m_uniform.m_indXf[1][1] = 1.f;
  m_uniform.m_indXf[0][0] = 1.f;
  m_uniform.m_indXf[2][0] = 0.f;
  m_uniform.m_indXf[2][1] = 0.f;

  /* Warp effect is fixed at 192x192 rectangle in original (1/2.5 viewport height) */
  float aspect = CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width / float(CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height);
  m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1] = 1.f / 2.5f;
  m_uniform.m_matrix[0][0] = m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1] / aspect;

  SClipScreenRect clipRect = {};
  clipRect.x4_left = ((pt[0] - m_uniform.m_matrix[0][0]) / 2.f + 0.5f) * CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width;
  if (clipRect.x4_left >= CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width)
  clipRect.x8_top = ((pt[1] - m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1]) / 2.f + 0.5f) * CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height;
  if (clipRect.x8_top >= CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height)
  clipRect.xc_width = CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width * m_uniform.m_matrix[0][0];
  if (clipRect.x4_left + clipRect.xc_width <= 0)
  clipRect.x10_height = CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height * m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1];
  if (clipRect.x8_top + clipRect.x10_height <= 0)

  float oldW = clipRect.xc_width;
  if (clipRect.x4_left < 0) {
    clipRect.xc_width += clipRect.x4_left;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[0][0] = clipRect.xc_width / oldW;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[2][0] = -clipRect.x4_left / oldW;
    clipRect.x4_left = 0;

  float oldH = clipRect.x10_height;
  if (clipRect.x8_top < 0) {
    clipRect.x10_height += clipRect.x8_top;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[1][1] = clipRect.x10_height / oldH;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[2][1] = -clipRect.x8_top / oldH;
    clipRect.x8_top = 0;

  float tmp = clipRect.x4_left + clipRect.xc_width;
  if (tmp >= CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width) {
    clipRect.xc_width = CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width - clipRect.x4_left;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[0][0] = clipRect.xc_width / oldW;

  tmp = clipRect.x8_top + clipRect.x10_height;
  if (tmp >= CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height) {
    clipRect.x10_height = CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height - clipRect.x8_top;
    m_uniform.m_indXf[1][1] = clipRect.x10_height / oldH;

  /* Transform UV coordinates of rectangle within viewport and sampled scene texels (clamped to viewport bounds) */
  zeus::CVector2f vp{float(CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width), float(CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height)};
  m_uniform.m_matrix[0][0] = clipRect.xc_width / vp.x();
  m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1] = clipRect.x10_height / vp.y();
  m_uniform.m_matrix[3][0] = pt.x() + (1.f / vp.x());
  m_uniform.m_matrix[3][1] = pt.y() + (1.f / vp.y());
  if (CGraphics::g_BooPlatform == boo::IGraphicsDataFactory::Platform::OpenGL) {
    m_uniform.m_matrix[3][2] = pt.z() * 2.f - 1.f;
  } else {
    m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1] *= -1.f;
    m_uniform.m_matrix[3][1] *= -1.f;
    m_uniform.m_matrix[3][2] = pt.z();

  if (clipRect.x4_left) {
    clipRect.x4_left -= 1;
    clipRect.xc_width += 1;
  if (clipRect.x8_top) {
    clipRect.x8_top -= 1;
    clipRect.x10_height += 1;
  if (clipRect.x4_left + clipRect.xc_width < CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.xc_width)
    clipRect.xc_width += 1;
  if (clipRect.x8_top + clipRect.x10_height < CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x10_height)
    clipRect.x10_height += 1;

  clipRect.x4_left += CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x4_left;
  clipRect.x8_top += CGraphics::g_CroppedViewport.x8_top;
  clipRect.x8_top = g_Viewport.xc_height - clipRect.x10_height - clipRect.x8_top;

  m_uniform.m_strength.x() =
      m_uniform.m_matrix[0][0] * m_strength * 0.5f * (clipRect.x10_height / float(clipRect.xc_width));
  m_uniform.m_strength.y() = m_uniform.m_matrix[1][1] * m_strength * 0.5f;
  m_uniBuf->load(&m_uniform, sizeof(m_uniform));

  CGraphics::DrawArray(0, 4);