Beispiel #1
bool TForm_Main::OpenFile()
	//  STOP!!!

	// Let go...
	if (m_hSample)
		m_hSample = NULL;

	// Get rid of the buffer if it's already been loaded
	if (m_pFileBuffer)
		m_pFileBuffer = NULL;

	// Remember the file name
	m_CurFile = c_Edit_FileName->Text;

	// Er, don't load if it doesn't exist...
	if (!FileExists(m_CurFile))
		m_CurFile = "";
		return false;

	m_hSample = AIL_allocate_sample_handle(m_hDigDriver);
	if (!m_hSample)
		ChangeStatus("Error allocating sample handle");
		m_CurFile = "";
		return false;

	char *pFileName = m_CurFile.c_str();

	// Bind to the file
	m_pFileBuffer = AIL_file_read(pFileName, NULL);
	if (!m_pFileBuffer)
		ChangeStatus("Error opening " + m_CurFile + " (" + IntToStr(AIL_file_error()) + ")");
		m_CurFile = "";
		return false;

	// Get the file size
	m_iFileSize = AIL_file_size(pFileName);


	AIL_set_named_sample_file(m_hSample, pFileName, m_pFileBuffer, m_iFileSize, 0);

	AIL_set_sample_loop_count(m_hSample, 0);

	AIL_set_sample_volume(m_hSample, 127);

	AIL_set_sample_processor(m_hSample, DP_FILTER, m_hCurFilter);

	ChangeStatus("Loaded " + m_CurFile);

	return true;
      // Play2D
      // Play a record as a 2D sample (TRUE if actually started)
      Bool Play2D
        Effect *e, Record *r, S32 vol, U32 owner, F32 priority, S32 loop, S32 pan

        // Request a 2D voice
        Voice *voice = Request(priority, FALSE, e->GetVoiceIndex());

        if (!voice)
          return (FALSE);

        // Request the cache data
        Cache::Item *item = Cache::Request(r);

        if (!item)
          // Unable to load data
          return (FALSE);

        // Stop any sounds from this owner
        if (owner != NO_OWNER) 

        // The current time
        U32 time = AIL_ms_count();

        // Are we under the minimum repeat time
        if ((time - r->lastUse) < MIN_REPEATTIME)
          return (FALSE);

        // Save info about this use
        r->lastUse = time;

        // Initialise the voice

        // Initialise the sound effect data
        if (!AIL_set_sample_file(voice->handle2D, item->data, 0))
          LOG_WARN(("Ignoring possibly corrupted file '%s'", r->Name()));
          r->valid = FALSE;
          return (FALSE);

        // Setup the voice
        voice->effect = e;
        voice->record = r;
        voice->owner = owner;
        voice->priority = priority;

        // Set the volume
        AIL_set_sample_volume(voice->handle2D, vol);

        // Set the stereo panning
        AIL_set_sample_pan(voice->handle2D, pan);

        // Set the loop count for this voice
        AIL_set_sample_loop_count(voice->handle2D, loop);

        // Start the sample playing

        return (TRUE);
Beispiel #3
 * PlayMusicFile:  Play given MIDI file and notify given window when done.
 *   If background music had been playing, it picks up where it left off.
 *   Returns 0 if successful, MCI error code otherwise.
DWORD PlayMusicFile(HWND hWndNotify, char *fname)
   if (!has_midi)
      return 0;

#ifdef M59_MSS
   char *ext;

   // If a sequence was paused, resume it
   if (music_pos != 0)
      return 0;

   // free memory from previous background music
   if (pMIDIBackground)

   // First try MP3 file
   ext = strstr( _strlwr( fname ), ".mid" );
   if( ext != NULL )
      strcpy( ext, ".mp3" );

   // load the file
   pMIDIBackground = (BYTE *) AIL_file_read( fname, NULL );
   if( !pMIDIBackground )
      // Next try xmi file
      ext = strstr(fname, ".mp3" );
      if( ext != NULL )
         strcpy( ext, ".xmi" );
      pMIDIBackground = (BYTE *) AIL_file_read( fname, NULL );
      if( !pMIDIBackground )
         debug(( "Failed to load music file %s.\n", fname ));
         return 0;

   // initialize the sequence
   if (!AIL_set_named_sample_file(hseqBackground, fname, pMIDIBackground,
                                  AIL_file_size(fname), 0 ) )
      debug(( "Failed to init music sequence %s.\n", fname ));
      return 0;

   // set to loop indefinitely
   AIL_set_sample_loop_count( hseqBackground, 0 );

   // Set volume
   float vol = ((float) config.music_volume) / CONFIG_MAX_VOLUME;
   AIL_set_sample_volume_levels(hseqBackground, vol, vol );

   // start playing
   AIL_start_sample( hseqBackground );
   debug(( "Playing music file %s.\n", fname ));
   playing_music = True;
   return 0;

   DWORD dwReturn;
   MCI_PLAY_PARMS mciPlayParms;
   char temp[81];

   if ((dwReturn = OpenMidiFile(fname)) != 0)
       debug(("OpenMidiFile error code = %d\n", dwReturn));
       mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, temp, 80);
       return dwReturn;

   /* If already playing music, pick up where we left off */
   if (music_pos != 0)

    * Begin playback. The window procedure function
    * for the parent window is notified with an
    * MM_MCINOTIFY message when playback is complete.
    * The window procedure then closes the device.
   mciPlayParms.dwCallback = (DWORD) hWndNotify;
   if (dwReturn = mciSendCommand(midi_element, MCI_PLAY,
                                 MCI_NOTIFY, (DWORD)(LPVOID) &mciPlayParms)) 
      mciGetErrorString(dwReturn, temp, 80);
      mciSendCommand(midi_element, MCI_CLOSE, 0, 0);
      return dwReturn;

   debug(("Playing music file, element = %d\n", midi_element));
   playing_music = True;
   return 0;