Beispiel #1

  Synopsis    [Computes initial values of the new latches.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Vec_Int_t * Abc_NtkRetimeInitialValues( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkCone, Vec_Int_t * vValues, int fVerbose )
    Vec_Int_t * vSolution;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkMiter, * pNtkLogic;
    int RetValue;
    abctime clk;
    if ( pNtkCone == NULL )
        return Vec_IntDup( vValues );
    // convert the target network to AIG
    pNtkLogic = Abc_NtkDup( pNtkCone );
    Abc_NtkToAig( pNtkLogic );
    // get the miter
    pNtkMiter = Abc_NtkCreateTarget( pNtkLogic, pNtkLogic->vCos, vValues );
    if ( fVerbose )
        printf( "The miter for initial state computation has %d AIG nodes. ", Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtkMiter) );
    // solve the miter
    clk = Abc_Clock();
    RetValue = Abc_NtkMiterSat( pNtkMiter, (ABC_INT64_T)500000, (ABC_INT64_T)50000000, 0, NULL, NULL );
    if ( fVerbose ) 
        { ABC_PRT( "SAT solving time", Abc_Clock() - clk ); }
    // analyze the result
    if ( RetValue == 1 )
        printf( "Abc_NtkRetimeInitialValues(): The problem is unsatisfiable. DC latch values are used.\n" );
    else if ( RetValue == -1 )
        printf( "Abc_NtkRetimeInitialValues(): The SAT problem timed out. DC latch values are used.\n" );
    else if ( !Abc_NtkRetimeVerifyModel( pNtkCone, vValues, pNtkMiter->pModel ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkRetimeInitialValues(): The computed counter-example is incorrect.\n" );
    // set the values of the latches
    vSolution = RetValue? NULL : Vec_IntAllocArray( pNtkMiter->pModel, Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtkLogic) );
    pNtkMiter->pModel = NULL;
    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkMiter );
    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkLogic );
    return vSolution;

  Synopsis    [Interface with the FPGA mapping package.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFpga( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, float DelayTarget, int fRecovery, int fSwitching, int fLatchPaths, int fVerbose )
    int fShowSwitching = 1;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew;
    Fpga_Man_t * pMan;
    Vec_Int_t * vSwitching;
    float * pSwitching = NULL;

    assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );

    // print a warning about choice nodes
    if ( Abc_NtkGetChoiceNum( pNtk ) )
        printf( "Performing FPGA mapping with choices.\n" );

    // compute switching activity
    fShowSwitching |= fSwitching;
    if ( fShowSwitching )
        extern Vec_Int_t * Sim_NtkComputeSwitching( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nPatterns );
        vSwitching = Sim_NtkComputeSwitching( pNtk, 4096 );
        pSwitching = (float *)vSwitching->pArray;

    // perform FPGA mapping
    pMan = Abc_NtkToFpga( pNtk, fRecovery, pSwitching, fLatchPaths, fVerbose );    
    if ( pSwitching ) Vec_IntFree( vSwitching );
    if ( pMan == NULL )
        return NULL;
    Fpga_ManSetSwitching( pMan, fSwitching );
    Fpga_ManSetLatchPaths( pMan, fLatchPaths );
    Fpga_ManSetLatchNum( pMan, Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk) );
    Fpga_ManSetDelayTarget( pMan, DelayTarget );
    if ( !Fpga_Mapping( pMan ) )
        Fpga_ManFree( pMan );
        return NULL;

    // transform the result of mapping into a BDD network
    pNtkNew = Abc_NtkFromFpga( pMan, pNtk );
    if ( pNtkNew == NULL )
        return NULL;
    Fpga_ManFree( pMan );

    // make the network minimum base
    Abc_NtkMinimumBase( pNtkNew );

    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        pNtkNew->pExdc = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk->pExdc );

    // make sure that everything is okay
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtkNew ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkFpga: The network check has failed.\n" );
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkNew );
        return NULL;
    return pNtkNew;

  Synopsis    [Transforms the AIG into nodes.]

  Description [Threhold is the max number of nodes duplicated at a node.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMulti( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nThresh, int nFaninMax, int fCnf, int fMulti, int fSimple, int fFactor )
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew;

    assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );
    assert( nThresh >= 0 );
    assert( nFaninMax > 1 );

    // print a warning about choice nodes
    if ( Abc_NtkGetChoiceNum( pNtk ) )
        printf( "Warning: The choice nodes in the AIG are removed by renoding.\n" );

    // define the boundary
    if ( fCnf )
        Abc_NtkMultiSetBoundsCnf( pNtk );
    else if ( fMulti )
        Abc_NtkMultiSetBoundsMulti( pNtk, nThresh );
    else if ( fSimple )
        Abc_NtkMultiSetBoundsSimple( pNtk );
    else if ( fFactor )
        Abc_NtkMultiSetBoundsFactor( pNtk );
        Abc_NtkMultiSetBounds( pNtk, nThresh, nFaninMax );

    // perform renoding for this boundary
    pNtkNew = Abc_NtkStartFrom( pNtk, ABC_NTK_LOGIC, ABC_FUNC_BDD );
    Abc_NtkMultiInt( pNtk, pNtkNew );
    Abc_NtkFinalize( pNtk, pNtkNew );

    // make the network minimum base
    Abc_NtkMinimumBase( pNtkNew );

    // fix the problem with complemented and duplicated CO edges
    Abc_NtkLogicMakeSimpleCos( pNtkNew, 0 );

    // report the number of CNF objects
    if ( fCnf )
//        int nClauses = Abc_NtkGetClauseNum(pNtkNew) + 2*Abc_NtkPoNum(pNtkNew) + 2*Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtkNew);
//        printf( "CNF variables = %d. CNF clauses = %d.\n",  Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtkNew), nClauses );
//printf( "Maximum fanin = %d.\n", Abc_NtkGetFaninMax(pNtkNew) );

    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        pNtkNew->pExdc = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk->pExdc );
    // make sure everything is okay
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtkNew ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkMulti: The network check has failed.\n" );
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkNew );
        return NULL;
    return pNtkNew;
Beispiel #4

  Synopsis    [Used for automated debugging.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_NtkRetimeDebug( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    extern int Abc_NtkSecFraig( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk1, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk2, int nSeconds, int nFrames, int fVerbose );
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkRet;
    assert( Abc_NtkIsLogic(pNtk) );
    Abc_NtkToSop( pNtk, 0 );
//    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk ) )
//        fprintf( stdout, "Abc_NtkRetimeDebug(): Network check has failed.\n" );
//    Io_WriteBlifLogic( pNtk, "debug_temp.blif", 1 );
    pNtkRet = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk );
    Abc_NtkRetime( pNtkRet, 3, 0, 1, 0, 0 ); // debugging backward flow
    return !Abc_NtkSecFraig( pNtk, pNtkRet, 10000, 3, 0 );
Beispiel #5

  Synopsis    [Performs retiming in one direction.]

  Description [Currently does not retime over black boxes.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_NtkRetimeIncremental( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nDelayLim, int fForward, int fMinDelay, int fOneStep, int fVerbose )
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkCopy = NULL;
    Vec_Ptr_t * vBoxes;
    st__table * tLatches;
    int nLatches = Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk);
    int nIdMaxStart = Abc_NtkObjNumMax(pNtk);
    int RetValue;
    int nIterLimit = -1; // Suppress "might be used uninitialized"
    if ( Abc_NtkNodeNum(pNtk) == 0 )
        return 0;
    // reorder CI/CO/latch inputs
    Abc_NtkOrderCisCos( pNtk );
    if ( fMinDelay ) 
        nIterLimit = fOneStep? 1 : 2 * Abc_NtkLevel(pNtk);
        pNtkCopy = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk );
        tLatches = Abc_NtkRetimePrepareLatches( pNtkCopy );
        st__free_table( tLatches );
    // collect latches and remove CIs/COs
    tLatches = Abc_NtkRetimePrepareLatches( pNtk );
    // share the latches
    Abc_NtkRetimeShareLatches( pNtk, 0 );    
    // save boxes
    vBoxes = pNtk->vBoxes;  pNtk->vBoxes = NULL;
    // perform the retiming
    if ( fMinDelay )
        Abc_NtkRetimeMinDelay( pNtk, pNtkCopy, nDelayLim, nIterLimit, fForward, fVerbose );
        Abc_NtkRetimeOneWay( pNtk, fForward, fVerbose );
    if ( fMinDelay ) 
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkCopy );
    // share the latches
    Abc_NtkRetimeShareLatches( pNtk, 0 );    
    // restore boxes
    pNtk->vBoxes = vBoxes;
    // finalize the latches
    RetValue = Abc_NtkRetimeFinalizeLatches( pNtk, tLatches, nIdMaxStart );
    st__free_table( tLatches );
    if ( RetValue == 0 )
        return 0;
    // fix the COs
//    Abc_NtkLogicMakeSimpleCos( pNtk, 0 );
    // check for correctness
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk ) )
        fprintf( stdout, "Abc_NtkRetimeForward(): Network check has failed.\n" );
    // return the number of latches saved
    return nLatches - Abc_NtkLatchNum(pNtk);

  Synopsis    [Creates the mapped network.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkFromMapSuperChoice( Map_Man_t * pMan, Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    extern Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMulti( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nThresh, int nFaninMax, int fCnf, int fMulti, int fSimple, int fFactor );
    ProgressBar * pProgress;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew, * pNtkNew2;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
    int i;

    // save the pointer to the mapped nodes
    Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pNext = pNode->pCopy;
    Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pNext = pNode->pCopy;
    Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pNext = pNode->pCopy;

    // duplicate the network
    pNtkNew2 = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk );
    pNtkNew  = Abc_NtkMulti( pNtkNew2, 0, 20, 0, 0, 1, 0 );
    if ( !Abc_NtkBddToSop( pNtkNew, -1, ABC_INFINITY ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkFromMapSuperChoice(): Converting to SOPs has failed.\n" );
        return NULL;

    // set the old network to point to the new network
    Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pCopy = pNode->pCopy->pCopy;
    Abc_NtkForEachPo( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pCopy = pNode->pCopy->pCopy;
    Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pNode->pCopy = pNode->pCopy->pCopy;
    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkNew2 );

    // set the pointers from the mapper to the new nodes
    Abc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pNode, i )
        Map_NodeSetData( Map_ManReadInputs(pMan)[i], 0, (char *)Abc_NtkCreateNodeInv(pNtkNew,pNode->pCopy) );
        Map_NodeSetData( Map_ManReadInputs(pMan)[i], 1, (char *)pNode->pCopy );

  Synopsis    [Prepares the IVY package.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkIvyAfter( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Ivy_Man_t * pMan, int fSeq, int fHaig )
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkAig;
    int nNodes, fCleanup = 1;
    // convert from the AIG manager
    if ( fSeq )
        pNtkAig = Abc_NtkFromIvySeq( pNtk, pMan, fHaig );
        pNtkAig = Abc_NtkFromIvy( pNtk, pMan );
    // report the cleanup results
    if ( !fHaig && fCleanup && (nNodes = Abc_AigCleanup(pNtkAig->pManFunc)) )
        printf( "Warning: AIG cleanup removed %d nodes (this is not a bug).\n", nNodes );
    // duplicate EXDC 
    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        pNtkAig->pExdc = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk->pExdc );
    // make sure everything is okay
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtkAig ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkStrash: The network check has failed.\n" );
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkAig );
        return NULL;
    return pNtkAig;

  Synopsis    [Interface with the mapping package.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Abc_NtkMap( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, double DelayTarget, double AreaMulti, double DelayMulti, float LogFan, float Slew, float Gain, int nGatesMin, int fRecovery, int fSwitching, int fSkipFanout, int fVerbose )
    static int fUseMulti = 0;
    int fShowSwitching = 1;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkNew;
    Map_Man_t * pMan;
    Vec_Int_t * vSwitching = NULL;
    float * pSwitching = NULL;
    abctime clk, clkTotal = Abc_Clock();
    Mio_Library_t * pLib = (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen();

    assert( Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) );
    // derive library from SCL
    // if the library is created here, it will be deleted when pSuperLib is deleted in Map_SuperLibFree()
    if ( Abc_FrameReadLibScl() && Abc_SclHasDelayInfo( Abc_FrameReadLibScl() ) )
        pLib = Abc_SclDeriveGenlib( Abc_FrameReadLibScl(), Slew, Gain, nGatesMin, fVerbose );
        if ( Abc_FrameReadLibGen() )
            Mio_LibraryTransferDelays( (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen(), pLib );
        // remove supergate library
        Map_SuperLibFree( (Map_SuperLib_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibSuper() );
        Abc_FrameSetLibSuper( NULL );
    // quit if there is no library
    if ( pLib == NULL )
        printf( "The current library is not available.\n" );
        return 0;
    if ( AreaMulti != 0.0 )
        fUseMulti = 1, printf( "The cell areas are multiplied by the factor: <num_fanins> ^ (%.2f).\n", AreaMulti );
    if ( DelayMulti != 0.0 )
        fUseMulti = 1, printf( "The cell delays are multiplied by the factor: <num_fanins> ^ (%.2f).\n", DelayMulti );

    // penalize large gates by increasing their area
    if ( AreaMulti != 0.0 )
        Mio_LibraryMultiArea( pLib, AreaMulti );
    if ( DelayMulti != 0.0 )
        Mio_LibraryMultiDelay( pLib, DelayMulti );

    // derive the supergate library
    if ( fUseMulti || Abc_FrameReadLibSuper() == NULL )
        if ( fVerbose )
            printf( "Converting \"%s\" into supergate library \"%s\".\n", 
                Mio_LibraryReadName(pLib), Extra_FileNameGenericAppend(Mio_LibraryReadName(pLib), ".super") );
        // compute supergate library to be used for mapping
        Map_SuperLibDeriveFromGenlib( pLib, fVerbose );

    // return the library to normal
    if ( AreaMulti != 0.0 )
        Mio_LibraryMultiArea( (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen(), -AreaMulti );
    if ( DelayMulti != 0.0 )
        Mio_LibraryMultiDelay( (Mio_Library_t *)Abc_FrameReadLibGen(), -DelayMulti );

    // print a warning about choice nodes
    if ( fVerbose && Abc_NtkGetChoiceNum( pNtk ) )
        printf( "Performing mapping with choices.\n" );

    // compute switching activity
    fShowSwitching |= fSwitching;
    if ( fShowSwitching )
        extern Vec_Int_t * Sim_NtkComputeSwitching( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nPatterns );
        vSwitching = Sim_NtkComputeSwitching( pNtk, 4096 );
        pSwitching = (float *)vSwitching->pArray;

    // perform the mapping
    pMan = Abc_NtkToMap( pNtk, DelayTarget, fRecovery, pSwitching, fVerbose );
    if ( pSwitching ) Vec_IntFree( vSwitching );
    if ( pMan == NULL )
        return NULL;
clk = Abc_Clock();
    Map_ManSetSwitching( pMan, fSwitching );
    Map_ManSetSkipFanout( pMan, fSkipFanout );
    if ( LogFan != 0 )
        Map_ManCreateNodeDelays( pMan, LogFan );
    if ( !Map_Mapping( pMan ) )
        Map_ManFree( pMan );
        return NULL;
//    Map_ManPrintStatsToFile( pNtk->pSpec, Map_ManReadAreaFinal(pMan), Map_ManReadRequiredGlo(pMan), Abc_Clock()-clk );

    // reconstruct the network after mapping
    pNtkNew = Abc_NtkFromMap( pMan, pNtk );
    Map_ManFree( pMan );
    if ( pNtkNew == NULL )
        return NULL;

    if ( pNtk->pExdc )
        pNtkNew->pExdc = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk->pExdc );
if ( fVerbose )
ABC_PRT( "Total runtime", Abc_Clock() - clkTotal );

    // make sure that everything is okay
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtkNew ) )
        printf( "Abc_NtkMap: The network check has failed.\n" );
        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkNew );
        return NULL;
    return pNtkNew;

  Synopsis    [Write the network into file.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Io_Write( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, char * pFileName, Io_FileType_t FileType )
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtkTemp, * pNtkCopy;
    // check if the current network is available
    if ( pNtk == NULL )
        fprintf( stdout, "Empty network.\n" );
    // check if the file extension if given
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_NONE || FileType == IO_FILE_UNKNOWN )
        fprintf( stdout, "The generic file writer requires a known file extension.\n" );
    // write the AIG formats
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_AIGER || FileType == IO_FILE_BAF )
        if ( !Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) )
            fprintf( stdout, "Writing this format is only possible for structurally hashed AIGs.\n" );
        if ( FileType == IO_FILE_AIGER )
            Io_WriteAiger( pNtk, pFileName, 1 );
        else // if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BAF )
            Io_WriteBaf( pNtk, pFileName );
    // write non-netlist types
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_CNF )
        Io_WriteCnf( pNtk, pFileName, 0 );
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_DOT )
        Io_WriteDot( pNtk, pFileName );
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_GML )
        Io_WriteGml( pNtk, pFileName );
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BLIFMV )
        Io_WriteBlifMv( pNtk, pFileName );
    // convert logic network into netlist
    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_PLA )
        if ( Abc_NtkLevel(pNtk) > 1 )
            fprintf( stdout, "PLA writing is available for collapsed networks.\n" );
        if ( Abc_NtkIsComb(pNtk) )
            pNtkTemp = Abc_NtkToNetlist( pNtk );
            fprintf( stdout, "Latches are writen into the PLA file at PI/PO pairs.\n" );
            pNtkCopy = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk );
            Abc_NtkMakeComb( pNtkCopy );
            pNtkTemp = Abc_NtkToNetlist( pNtk );
            Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkCopy );
        if ( !Abc_NtkToSop( pNtk, 1 ) )
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BENCH )
        if ( !Abc_NtkIsStrash(pNtk) )
            fprintf( stdout, "Writing traditional BENCH is available for AIGs only (use \"write_bench\").\n" );
        pNtkTemp = Abc_NtkToNetlistBench( pNtk );
        pNtkTemp = Abc_NtkToNetlist( pNtk );

    if ( pNtkTemp == NULL )
        fprintf( stdout, "Converting to netlist has failed.\n" );

    if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BLIF )
        if ( !Abc_NtkHasSop(pNtkTemp) && !Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtkTemp) )
            Abc_NtkToSop( pNtkTemp, 0 );
        Io_WriteBlif( pNtkTemp, pFileName, 1 );
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BLIFMV )
        if ( !Abc_NtkConvertToBlifMv( pNtkTemp ) )
        Io_WriteBlifMv( pNtkTemp, pFileName );
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_BENCH )
        Io_WriteBench( pNtkTemp, pFileName );
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_PLA )
        Io_WritePla( pNtkTemp, pFileName );
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_EQN )
        if ( !Abc_NtkHasAig(pNtkTemp) )
            Abc_NtkToAig( pNtkTemp );
        Io_WriteEqn( pNtkTemp, pFileName );
    else if ( FileType == IO_FILE_VERILOG )
        if ( !Abc_NtkHasAig(pNtkTemp) && !Abc_NtkHasMapping(pNtkTemp) )
            Abc_NtkToAig( pNtkTemp );
        Io_WriteVerilog( pNtkTemp, pFileName );
        fprintf( stderr, "Unknown file format.\n" );
    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtkTemp );
Beispiel #10

  Synopsis    [Starts the record for the given network.]

  Description []

  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Abc_NtkRecStart( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk, int nVars, int nCuts )
    Abc_ManRec_t * p;
    Abc_Obj_t * pObj, ** ppSpot;
    char Buffer[10];
    unsigned * pTruth;
    int i, RetValue;
    int clkTotal = clock(), clk;

    assert( s_pMan == NULL );
    if ( pNtk == NULL )
        assert( nVars > 2 && nVars <= 16 );
        pNtk = Abc_NtkAlloc( ABC_NTK_STRASH, ABC_FUNC_AIG, 1 );
        pNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( "record" );
        if ( Abc_NtkGetChoiceNum(pNtk) > 0 )
            printf( "The starting record should be a network without choice nodes.\n" );
        if ( Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk) > 16 )
            printf( "The starting record should be a network with no more than %d primary inputs.\n", 16 );
        if ( Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk) > nVars )
            printf( "The starting record has %d inputs (warning only).\n", Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk) );
        pNtk = Abc_NtkDup( pNtk );
    // create the primary inputs
    for ( i = Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk); i < nVars; i++ )
        pObj = Abc_NtkCreatePi( pNtk );
        Buffer[0] = 'a' + i;
        Buffer[1] = 0;
        Abc_ObjAssignName( pObj, Buffer, NULL );
    Abc_NtkCleanCopy( pNtk );
    Abc_NtkCleanEquiv( pNtk );

    // start the manager
    p = ABC_ALLOC( Abc_ManRec_t, 1 );
    memset( p, 0, sizeof(Abc_ManRec_t) );
    p->pNtk = pNtk;
    p->nVars = Abc_NtkPiNum(pNtk);
    p->nWords = Kit_TruthWordNum( p->nVars );
    p->nCuts = nCuts;
    p->nVarsInit = nVars;

    // create elementary truth tables
    p->vTtElems = Vec_PtrAlloc( 0 );
    assert( p->vTtElems->pArray == NULL );
    p->vTtElems->nSize = p->nVars;
    p->vTtElems->nCap = p->nVars;
    p->vTtElems->pArray = (void *)Extra_TruthElementary( p->nVars );

    // allocate room for node truth tables
    if ( Abc_NtkObjNum(pNtk) > (1<<14) )
        p->vTtNodes = Vec_PtrAllocSimInfo( 2 * Abc_NtkObjNum(pNtk), p->nWords );
        p->vTtNodes = Vec_PtrAllocSimInfo( 1<<14, p->nWords );

    // create hash table
    p->nBins = 50011;
    p->pBins = ABC_ALLOC( Abc_Obj_t *, p->nBins );
    memset( p->pBins, 0, sizeof(Abc_Obj_t *) * p->nBins );

    // set elementary tables
    Kit_TruthFill( Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtNodes, 0), p->nVars );
    Abc_NtkForEachPi( pNtk, pObj, i )
    Kit_TruthCopy( Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtNodes, pObj->Id), Vec_PtrEntry(p->vTtElems, i), p->nVars );

    // compute the tables
    clk = clock();
    Abc_AigForEachAnd( pNtk, pObj, i )
        RetValue = Abc_NtkRecComputeTruth( pObj, p->vTtNodes, p->nVars );
        assert( RetValue );