Beispiel #1
// get our Citizen save game directory
static std::wstring GetCitizenSavePath()
	PWSTR saveBasePath;

	// get the 'Saved Games' shell directory
	if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_SavedGames, 0, nullptr, &saveBasePath)))
		// create a STL string and free the used memory
		std::wstring savePath(saveBasePath);


		// append our path components
		AppendPathComponent(savePath, L"\\CitizenFX");
		AppendPathComponent(savePath, L"\\GTA4");

		// append a final separator
		savePath += L"\\";

		// and return the path
		return savePath;

	return GetOriginalSavePath();
Beispiel #2
// get a xliveless-compatible save game directory
static std::wstring GetOriginalSavePath()
	PWSTR documentsPath;

	// get the Documents folder
	if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetKnownFolderPath(FOLDERID_Documents, 0, nullptr, &documentsPath)))
		// put it into a string and free it
		std::wstring savePath(documentsPath);

		// append the R* bits
		AppendPathComponent(savePath, L"\\Rockstar Games");
		AppendPathComponent(savePath, L"\\GTA IV");
		AppendPathComponent(savePath, L"\\savegames");

		// append a final separator
		savePath += L"\\";

		// and return the path
		return savePath;

	// if not working, panic
	FatalError("Could not get Documents folder path for save games.");
Beispiel #3
wxString wxStandardPathsBase::AppendAppInfo(const wxString& dir) const
    wxString subdir(dir);

    if ( UsesAppInfo(AppInfo_VendorName) )
        subdir = AppendPathComponent(subdir, wxTheApp->GetVendorName());

    if ( UsesAppInfo(AppInfo_AppName) )
        subdir = AppendPathComponent(subdir, wxTheApp->GetAppName());

    return subdir;