Beispiel #1
InitializeExceptions (
  EFI_STATUS           Status;
  BOOLEAN              IrqEnabled;
  BOOLEAN              FiqEnabled;

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
  ZeroMem (gExceptionHandlers,sizeof(*gExceptionHandlers));

  // Disable interrupts
  Cpu->GetInterruptState (Cpu, &IrqEnabled);
  Cpu->DisableInterrupt (Cpu);

  // EFI does not use the FIQ, but a debugger might so we must disable
  // as we take over the exception vectors.
  FiqEnabled = ArmGetFiqState ();
  ArmDisableFiq ();

  // AArch64 alignment? The Vector table must be 2k-byte aligned (bottom 11 bits zero)?
  //DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "vbar set addr: 0x%016lx\n",(UINTN)ExceptionHandlersStart));
  //ASSERT(((UINTN)ExceptionHandlersStart & ((1 << 11)-1)) == 0);

  // We do not copy the Exception Table at PcdGet32(PcdCpuVectorBaseAddress). We just set Vector Base Address to point into CpuDxe code.
  ArmWriteVBar ((UINTN)ExceptionHandlersStart);

  if (FiqEnabled) {
    ArmEnableFiq ();

  if (IrqEnabled) {
    // Restore interrupt state
    Status = Cpu->EnableInterrupt (Cpu);

  return Status;
Beispiel #2
  Enable/Disable the interrupt of debug timer and return the interrupt state
  prior to the operation.

  If EnableStatus is TRUE, enable the interrupt of debug timer.
  If EnableStatus is FALSE, disable the interrupt of debug timer.

  @param[in] EnableStatus    Enable/Disable.

  @retval TRUE  Debug timer interrupt were enabled on entry to this call.
  @retval FALSE Debug timer interrupt were disabled on entry to this call.

SaveAndSetDebugTimerInterrupt (
  IN BOOLEAN                EnableStatus
  BOOLEAN              FiqEnabled;

  FiqEnabled = ArmGetFiqState ();

  if (EnableStatus) {
    DebugAgentTimerSetPeriod (PcdGet32 (PcdGdbTimerPeriodMilliseconds));
    ArmEnableFiq ();
  } else {
    DebugAgentTimerSetPeriod (0);
    ArmDisableFiq ();

  return FiqEnabled;