void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnStmChange() { CKAHFW::HNETWORKLIST hNetList = NULL; CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHFW::GetNetworkList (&hNetList); if (result == CKAHUM::srOK) { int index = m_NetListCtrl.GetCurSel(); CKAHFW::Network network; if ((result = CKAHFW::NetworkList_GetItem (hNetList, index, &network)) == CKAHUM::srOK) { if (network.HasIPv4) { CKAHSTM::StmNet Net = { CKAHUM::IP(network.IPv4) , CKAHUM::IP(network.Maskv4) }; ClearResult (); result = CKAHSTM::AddNet( &Net ); SetResult (result); } if (network.HasIPv6) { CKAHSTM::StmNet Net = { CKAHUM::IP(network.IPv6) , CKAHUM::IP(network.Maskv6) }; ClearResult (); result = CKAHSTM::AddNet( &Net ); SetResult (result); } } CKAHFW::NetworkList_Delete (hNetList); } }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnFwStop() { ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHFW::Stop (); m_FirewallLevelSlider.EnableWindow (FALSE); SetResult (result); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool PostgresDatabase::Open(const AString& host, const AString& username, const AString& password, const AString& database) { bool success = false; if (!conn) { AString str; ClearResult(); connstr.Delete(); connstr.printf("postgresql://%s:%s@%s", username.str(), password.str(), host.str()); if (CheckConnection()) { str = connstr; if (database.Valid()) str.printf("/%s", database.ToLower().str()); success = (((conn = PQconnectdb(str.str())) != NULL) && (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK)); if (success) { if (database.Valid()) debug("Connected to database '%s' on %s\n", database.str(), host.str()); isopen = true; } else { if (database.Valid()) debug("Failed to connect to database '%s' on %s: %s\n", database.str(), host.str(), GetErrorMessage().str()); else debug("Failed to connect server %s: %s\n", host.str(), GetErrorMessage().str()); Close(); } } else debug("No connection to server!\n"); } return success; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CLargeNamedPipeFile::Write(const void* lpBuf, UINT nCount) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(nCount == 0) return; ClearResult(); CNamedPipeFile::Write(&nCount, sizeof(nCount)); if(HasErrors()) return; UINT nRemaining = nCount; UINT nTotal = 0; char* pBuf = (char*) lpBuf; UINT nPackets = (nCount / 65535) + 1; for(UINT i = 0; i < nPackets; i++) { UINT nWrite = nRemaining > 65535 ? 65535 : nRemaining; TRACE("writing %d bytes\n", nWrite); CNamedPipeFile::Write(pBuf, nWrite); nRemaining -= nWrite; pBuf += nWrite; if(HasErrors()) break; } }
void CDissolveDialog::Clear() { if(mSourceDialog) { for(WORD cellIndex = 0; mSourceDialog->GetCellNum() > cellIndex; ++cellIndex) { CItem* const item = (CItem*)mSourceDialog->GetIconForIdx( cellIndex); CItem* const inventoryItem = ITEMMGR->GetItem( item->GetDBIdx()); if(inventoryItem) { inventoryItem->SetLock( FALSE); } Clear( *item); } } ClearResult(); mIsEffectStart = FALSE; }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnSetparam() { UpdateData (); ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHIDS::SetIDSParam (m_SetParamID, m_SetParamNum, m_SetParamValue); SetResult (result); }
void WayPointSelector::EmitResult() { if(!mWayPoint) return; ClearResult(); mLastWayPoint = mWayPoint; mWayPoint = nullptr; SignalSelection.emit(mLastWayPoint); }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnReload() { USES_CONVERSION; UpdateData (); ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHUM::Reload (T2W((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)m_ReloadPath)); SetResult (result); }
void CRemotePlaybackDlg::OnPageUp() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here if ( m_nGetPage <= 1 || m_nCurPage <= 1) { return; } m_nCurPage --; m_nGetPage --; ClearResult(); m_mapNum=m_mapNum-1; if(GetNextPageInfo(&m_mapTemp[--m_mapNum])) { H264_DVR_FILE_DATA *szSend = new H264_DVR_FILE_DATA[100]; int nNum=0; int nRet=H264_DVR_FindFile(m_lLoginID,&m_mapTemp[m_mapNum],szSend,100,&nNum); m_nCurRecNum=nNum; if(nRet > 0 && nNum > 0) //处理没有录象的情况 { m_pstrFileVector.reserve(m_nCurRecNum); for ( int i = 0; i < m_nCurRecNum; i ++) { m_pstrFileVector.push_back(szSend+i); } m_nSearchInfo.nChannelN0=m_nSearchInfo.nChannelN0; m_nSearchInfo.nFileType=m_nSearchInfo.nFileType; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwYear=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.year; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwMonth=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.month; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwDay=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.day; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwHour=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.hour; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwMinute=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.minute; m_nSearchInfo.startTime.dwSecond=szSend[m_nCurRecNum-1].stEndTime.second; memcpy(&m_nSearchInfo.endTime,&m_mapTemp[m_mapNum].endTime,sizeof(m_nSearchInfo.endTime)); m_mapNum++; }else { if (szSend) { delete szSend; szSend = NULL; } } AddFileListInfo(m_nCurRecNum); SetPageBtnState(); } }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void PostgresDatabase::Close() { ClearResult(); if (conn) { PQfinish(conn); conn = NULL; } connstr.Delete(); isopen = false; }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnUnban() { UpdateData (); ClearResult (); CKAHUM::IP ip(0), mask(0); m_UnbanIPCtrl.GetAddress (ip.v4); m_UnbanMaskCtrl.GetAddress (mask.v4); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHIDS::UnbanHost (&ip, &mask); SetResult (result); }
NXCommandResult const *const NXRenderingEngine::addFrame(NXMoleculeSet *const molSetPtr) { ClearResult(commandResult); NXSGNode *newFrame = createSceneGraph(molSetPtr); if(newFrame != (NXSGNode*) NULL) { moleculeSets.push_back(molSetPtr); frames.push_back(newFrame); } return &commandResult; }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SQLQuery *PostgresDatabase::RunQuery(const AString& sql) { SQLQuery *query = NULL; if (conn) { ClearResult(); query = new PostgresQuery(this, sql); } return query; }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnSetidsparam() { UpdateData (); ClearResult (); ULONG ResponseFlags = (m_Deny ? FLAG_ATTACK_DENY : 0) | (m_Notify ? FLAG_ATTACK_NOTIFY : 0) | (m_Log ? FLAG_ATTACK_LOG : 0) | (m_Ban ? FLAG_ATTACK_BAN :0); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHIDS::SetIDSAttackNotifyParam (m_SetIDSParamID, ResponseFlags, m_BanTime); SetResult (result); }
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool PostgresDatabase::RunSQL(const AString& sql) { bool success = false; if (conn) { ClearResult(); success = (((res = PQexec(conn, sql.str())) != NULL) && (PQresultStatus(res) == PGRES_COMMAND_OK)); //debug("Running SQL '%s': %s\n", sql.str(), success ? "** success **" : GetErrorMessage().str()); } return success; }
/* CONSTRUCTOR */ NXRenderingEngine::NXRenderingEngine() : // rendererSet(), renderStyleMap(), graphicsManager(NULL), moleculeSets(), frames(), currentFrameIndex(-1), pluginsInitialized(false), commandResult() { ClearResult(commandResult); }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnGetparamcount() { UpdateData (); ClearResult (); ULONG Value = 0; CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHIDS::GetIDSParamCount (m_GetParamCountID, &Value); SetResult (result); if (result == CKAHUM::srOK) { SetDlgItemInt (IDC_GetParamCountValue, Value, FALSE); } }
std::vector<fuzzy_obj> LuaWrap::GenerateListFromLuaTable() { /*If I read the documentation correctly, lua_next empties the table and I end up cleaning the pushed key-value pairs, so I will flag this method as a single use method that calls clean stack and resets the state of result! Make sure you limit your script-engine communication such that this method is called once or the spawning script function is called multiple times! */ std::vector<fuzzy_obj> tmp; lua_gettable(Lua, LUA_TOPITEM);//index of table size_t t = lua_tointeger(Lua, 2); if(lua_isnil(Lua, LUA_TOPITEM))//check the table is valid return tmp; lua_pushnil(Lua);//Push top key? http://pgl.yoyo.org/luai/i/lua_next //http://eliasdaler.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/lua_and_cpp_pt2/ while(lua_next(Lua, t))//Obtain key-value pairs { fuzzy_obj obj; obj.flag = GetResultType(Lua); switch(obj.flag) { case 'i': obj.number = lua_extractInt(Lua); break; case 'd': obj.decimal = lua_extractDouble(Lua); break; case 'b': obj.answer = lua_extractBool(Lua); break; case 'c': obj.c = lua_extractChar(Lua); break; case 's': obj.str = lua_extractStr(Lua); break; case 'v': obj.ptr = lua_extractPtr(Lua); break; default: std::cout << "Error: Argument from array returned by script function is not a valid type! " << "Wow, the cake is a lie!" << std::endl; } tmp.push_back(obj); } //Let's clean the stack from the new items ClearResult(); hasResult = false;//Flag the result as destroyed //Return copy of the vector! return tmp; }
void WebRequestObject::RequestStart(const char* page) { MyAssert( IsBusy() == false ); if( IsBusy() ) return; ClearResult(); Reset(); sprintf_s( m_PageWanted, MAX_URLLength, page ); strcat_s( m_PageWanted, MAX_URLLength, "?" ); //LOGInfo( LOGTag, "WebRequestObject - RequestStart %s\n", m_PageWanted ); }
void CImplVulfix::Reset() { m_arrLeaks.RemoveAll(); m_arrFixedVuls.RemoveAll(); m_arrIgnoredVuls.RemoveAll(); m_arrInvalid.RemoveAll(); m_arrReplacedUpdates.RemoveAll(); m_arrSoftLeaks.RemoveAll(); ClearResult( m_arrIgnoredVulsFromSoft ); m_dbOS.Reset(); m_dbOffice.Reset(); m_dbSoft.Reset(); }
void SectionSelector::EmitResult() { if(!mSection) return; if(mSection == mLastSection) { mSection = nullptr; return; } ClearResult(); mLastSection = mSection; mLastNearest = mNearest; mSection = nullptr; SignalSelection.emit(mLastSection, mLastNearest); }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnHScroll(UINT nSBCode, UINT nPos, CScrollBar* pScrollBar) { if (nSBCode == SB_ENDSCROLL && pScrollBar->GetSafeHwnd () == m_FirewallLevelSlider.GetSafeHwnd ()) { if (m_nLastSliderPos != m_FirewallLevelSlider.GetPos ()) { ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHFW::SetWorkingMode ((CKAHFW::WorkingMode)(m_nLastSliderPos = m_FirewallLevelSlider.GetPos ())); SetResult (result); } } CDialog::OnHScroll(nSBCode, nPos, pScrollBar); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT CLargeNamedPipeFile::Read(void* lpBuf, UINT nCount) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); // and i quote (CFile) avoid win32 null read if(nCount == 0) return 0; // total msg size in bytes UINT nSize; ClearResult(); if(CNamedPipeFile::Read(&nSize, sizeof(nSize)) != sizeof(nSize)) return 0; if(HasErrors()) return 0; if(nCount > 0 && nCount < nSize) { SetResultCode(CResult::errOS); SetOSResult(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); return 0; } UINT nRemaining = nCount; UINT nRead = 0; UINT nTotal = 0; char* pBuf = (char*) lpBuf; UINT nPackets = (nSize / 65535) + 1; for(UINT i = 0; i < nPackets; i++) { nRead = CNamedPipeFile::Read(pBuf, nRemaining > 65535 ? 65535 : nRemaining); TRACE("read %d bytes\n", nRead); nRemaining -= nRead; nTotal += nRead; pBuf += nRead; if(HasErrors()) break; } return nTotal; }
void SectionEndSelector::EmitResult() { if(!mSection) return; if(mSectionEnd == mLastSectionEnd) { mSection = nullptr; mSectionEnd = nullptr; return; } ClearResult(); mLastSection = mSection; mLastSectionEnd = mSectionEnd; mSection = nullptr; mSectionEnd = nullptr; SignalSelection.emit(mLastSection, mLastSectionEnd); }
void CSensor_btprox::BtDiscover() { guilogf("btprox: scanning..."); SWAP(GPtrArray*, iResult, iOldResult); ClearResult(iResult); iInquirySockAddr.SetIAC(KGIAC); iInquirySockAddr.SetAction(KHostResInquiry|KHostResName); // We should also specify KHostResIgnoreCache if we did not // want cache BT friendly names, but in most cases we do not // require genuine name discovery, and device discovery is // slow enough as it is. iHostResolver.GetByAddress(iInquirySockAddr, iNameEntry, iStatus); SetActive(); iState = EDiscovering; }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnBreakConnection() { ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHUM::srOpFailed; int nSelIndex = m_OpenConnectionListCtrl.GetCurSel (); if (nSelIndex != LB_ERR) { CKAHFW::Connection Connection; if (CKAHFW::ConnectionList_GetItem (m_hConnectionList, nSelIndex, &Connection) == CKAHUM::srOK) { result = CKAHFW::BreakConnection (Connection.Proto, &Connection.LocalIP, Connection.LocalPort, &Connection.RemoteIP, Connection.RemotePort); } } SetResult (result); }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnFwStart() { ClearResult (); CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHFW::Start (PacketRuleCallback, this, ApplicationRuleCallback, this, ChecksumChangedCallback, this); if (result == CKAHUM::srOK || result == CKAHUM::srAlreadyStarted) { CKAHFW::WorkingMode wm = CKAHFW::wmAllowNotFiltered; if (CKAHFW::GetWorkingMode (&wm) == CKAHUM::srOK) { m_FirewallLevelSlider.SetPos (m_nLastSliderPos = (int)wm); m_FirewallLevelSlider.EnableWindow (TRUE); } } SetResult (result); }
bool LuaWrap::executeFunction(const std::string& funcName) { size_t argCount = 0; int errStatus = 0; if(hasResult) { ClearResult(); } //Now, let's set the function! lua_setglobal(Lua, funcName.c_str()); if(lua_isfunction(Lua, LUA_TOPITEM)) { std::cout << "Error attempting to run function: " << funcName <<". Check that the name is a valid Lua function in the current Engine Version!" << std::endl; return false; } //Check for the presence of arguments before deciding how to run the function! if(!argStack->empty()) { //Let's reverse the order of the stack. A queue would have done the same job, but I like stacks! *argStack = reverseOrderStack(*argStack); argCount = argStack->size(); while(!argStack->empty()) { PushToLua(Lua, argStack->top()); argStack->pop(); } } //Let's run the function! /*The following function uses a mixture of the Lua documentation (http://pgl.yoyo.org/luai/i/lua_pcall) and a stack overflow question about how to extract the stacktrace from the pcall execution function (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12256455/print-stacktrace-from-c-code-with-embedded-lua) */ errStatus = lua_pcall(Lua, argCount, LUA_MULTRET, lua_gettop(Lua) - LUA_TOPITEM - argCount); //Check status code ErrF(Lua, errStatus); return true; }
bool NXRenderingEngine::importRendererPluginsFromGraphicsManager(void) { ClearResult(commandResult); if(graphicsManager == NULL) { string const msg = "Graphics-manager not set"; SetResult(commandResult, NX_INITIALIZATION_ERROR, msg); NXLOG_SEVERE("NXRenderingEngine (import plugins from graphics manager)", msg); return false; } bool success = true; // rendererSet.clear(); vector<string> renderStyleCodes = graphicsManager->getRenderStyles(); vector<string>::const_iterator renderStyleCodeIter; for(renderStyleCodeIter = renderStyleCodes.begin(); renderStyleCodeIter != renderStyleCodes.end(); ++renderStyleCodeIter) { NXRendererPlugin *const plugin = graphicsManager->getRenderer(*renderStyleCodeIter); NXRendererPlugin *const renderer = plugin->newInstance(this); if(renderer == NULL) { string const& renderStyleName = graphicsManager->getRenderStyleName(*renderStyleCodeIter); string const msg = "Failed to create new instance of renderer-plugin" " for style '" + renderStyleName + "' from graphics-manager"; NXLOG_SEVERE("NXRenderingEngine", msg); SetResult(commandResult, NX_PLUGIN_CAUSED_ERROR, msg); success = false; } else { renderStyleMap[*renderStyleCodeIter] = renderer; // rendererSet.push_back(renderer); } } return success; }
void CCKAHUMTESTUI2Dlg::OnFwApprules() { ClearResult (); CKAHFW::HAPPRULES hRules = NULL; CKAHUM::OpResult result = CKAHFW::GetApplicationRules (&hRules); if (result == CKAHUM::srOK) { CApplicationRulesDlg ApplicationRulesDlg (hRules, this); if (ApplicationRulesDlg.DoModal () == IDOK) { result = CKAHFW::SetApplicationRules (ApplicationRulesDlg.m_hRules); } } CKAHFW::ApplicationRules_Delete (hRules); SetResult (result); }