int CHudDeathNotice :: Draw( float flTime )
	int x, y, r, g, b;

	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_DEATHNOTICES; i++ )
		if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId == 0 )
			break;  // we've gone through them all

		if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime < flTime )
		{ // display time has expired
			// remove the current item from the list
			memmove( &rgDeathNoticeList[i], &rgDeathNoticeList[i+1], sizeof(DeathNoticeItem) * (MAX_DEATHNOTICES - i) );
			i--;  // continue on the next item;  stop the counter getting incremented

		rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime = min( rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime, gHUD.m_flTime + DEATHNOTICE_DISPLAY_TIME );

		// Draw the death notice

		y = YRES(DEATHNOTICE_TOP) + 2 + (20 * i);  //!!!

		int id = (rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId == -1) ? m_HUD_d_skull : rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId;
		x = ScreenWidth - ConsoleStringLen(rgDeathNoticeList[i].szVictim) - (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).left);

		if ( !rgDeathNoticeList[i].iSuicide )
			x -= (5 + ConsoleStringLen( rgDeathNoticeList[i].szKiller ) );

			// Draw killers name
			if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor )
				gEngfuncs.pfnDrawSetTextColor( rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[0], rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[1], rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[2] );
			x = 5 + DrawConsoleString( x, y, rgDeathNoticeList[i].szKiller );

		r = 255;  g = 80;	b = 0;
		if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].iTeamKill )
			r = 10;	g = 240; b = 10;  // display it in sickly green

		// Draw death weapon
		SPR_Set( gHUD.GetSprite(id), r, g, b );
		SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id) );

		x += (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).left);

		// Draw victims name (if it was a player that was killed)
		if (rgDeathNoticeList[i].iNonPlayerKill == FALSE)
			if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor )
				gEngfuncs.pfnDrawSetTextColor( rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[0], rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[1], rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[2] );
			x = DrawConsoleString( x, y, rgDeathNoticeList[i].szVictim );

	return 1;
Beispiel #2
int CHudDeathNotice :: Draw( float flTime )
	int x, y, r, g, b;

	for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_DEATHNOTICES; i++ )
		if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId == 0 )
			break;  // we've gone through them all

		if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime < flTime )
		{ // display time has expired
			// remove the current item from the list
			memmove( &rgDeathNoticeList[i], &rgDeathNoticeList[i+1], sizeof(DeathNoticeItem) * (MAX_DEATHNOTICES - i) );
			i--;  // continue on the next item;  stop the counter getting incremented

		rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime = min( rgDeathNoticeList[i].flDisplayTime, gHUD.m_flTime + DEATHNOTICE_DISPLAY_TIME );

		// Only draw if the viewport will let me
		if ( gViewPort && gViewPort->AllowedToPrintText() )
			// Draw the death notice
			//y = DEATHNOTICE_TOP + (20 * i);  //!!!
			int theBaseY = DEATHNOTICE_TOP;

			// Bring down death messages when in top down or when we're drawing letter box
				// No HUD elements to compensate for
			else if(gHUD.GetInTopDownMode())
				theBaseY = .10*ScreenHeight();
			else if(gHUD.GetIsMarine())
				theBaseY = .26*ScreenHeight();
			else if(gHUD.GetIsAlien())
				theBaseY = kHiveNormScreenY*ScreenHeight() + (kMaxHives-1)*((kHiveNormScreenHeight + kHiveNormScreenVerticalSpacing)*ScreenHeight());

			// Lower death messages more when spectating so they don't overlap (due to letterbox)
			if(g_iUser1 != OBS_NONE)
				theBaseY += .06*ScreenHeight();

			y = theBaseY + (20 * i);  //!!!

			int id = (rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId == -1) ? m_HUD_d_skull : rgDeathNoticeList[i].iId;
			x = ScreenWidth() - ConsoleStringLen(rgDeathNoticeList[i].szVictim) - (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).left);

			if ( !rgDeathNoticeList[i].iSuicide )
				x -= (5 + ConsoleStringLen( rgDeathNoticeList[i].szKiller ) );

				// Draw killers name
				if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor )
					DrawSetTextColor( rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[0], rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[1], rgDeathNoticeList[i].KillerColor[2] );
				x = 5 + DrawConsoleString( x, y, rgDeathNoticeList[i].szKiller );

			r = 255;  g = 80;	b = 0;
			if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].iTeamKill )
				r = 10;	g = 240; b = 10;  // display it in sickly green

			// Draw death weapon
			SPR_Set( gHUD.GetSprite(id), r, g, b );
			SPR_DrawAdditive( 0, x, y, &gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id) );

			x += (gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).right - gHUD.GetSpriteRect(id).left);

			// Draw victims name (if it was a player that was killed)
			if (rgDeathNoticeList[i].iNonPlayerKill == FALSE)
				if ( rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor )
					DrawSetTextColor( rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[0], rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[1], rgDeathNoticeList[i].VictimColor[2] );
				x = DrawConsoleString( x, y, rgDeathNoticeList[i].szVictim );

	return 1;