Beispiel #1
int8 platform_init(void)
	int8 ret8;
	uint32 retu32;
	uint8 tx_size[8]={2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; // Device default memory setting
	uint8 rx_size[8]={2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};

	RCC_Configuration();	// Configure the system clocks
	GPIO_Configuration();	// Configure GPIO Pin setting
	NVIC_Configuration();	// Configure the vector table
	retu32 = SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/SYSTICK_HZ);	// SysTick Configuration - 1ms
	if(retu32 != 0) return RET_NOK;

	ret8 = wizpf_uart_init(WIZ_USART1);
	if(ret8 != RET_OK) return RET_NOK;

	ret8 = wizspi_init(WIZ_SPI1);
	if(ret8 != RET_OK) {
		ERR("wizspi_init fail");
		return RET_NOK;

	DEVICE_INIT_WITH_MEMCHK(tx_size, rx_size);

	wizpf_led_set(WIZ_LED1, VAL_ON);	// LED3 and LED4 On by default
	wizpf_led_set(WIZ_LED2, VAL_ON);

	return RET_OK;
Beispiel #2
int8 platform_init(usart_param *up)
	int8 ret8;
	uint32 retu32;
	usart_param up_tmp;
	uint8 tx_size[8]={2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}; // Device default memory setting
	uint8 rx_size[8]={2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2};

	RCC_Configuration();	// Configure the system clocks
	GPIO_Configuration();	// Configure GPIO Pin setting
	NVIC_Configuration();	// Configure the vector table
	retu32 = SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock/SYSTICK_HZ);	// SysTick Configuration - 1ms
	if(retu32 != 0) return RET_NOK;

	if(up == NULL) {
		WIZPF_USART_SET_PARAM(&up_tmp, UBR_115200, UWL_8, UST_1, UPB_NO, UFC_NO);
		up = &up_tmp;
	ret8 = wizpf_usart_init(WIZ_USART1, up);
	if(ret8 != RET_OK) return RET_NOK;

	//ret8 = wizspi_init(WIZ_SPI1);
	ret8 = wizspi_init(WIZ_SPI2); // For W5500 FPGA board
	if(ret8 != RET_OK) {
		ERR("wizspi_init fail");
		return RET_NOK;

	DEVICE_INIT_WITH_MEMCHK(tx_size, rx_size);

	wizpf_led_set(WIZ_LED1, VAL_ON);	// LED3 and LED4 On by default
	wizpf_led_set(WIZ_LED2, VAL_ON);

	return RET_OK;