Beispiel #1
 * Main entry point for the AMD_S3LATE_RESTORE function.
 * This entry point is responsible for restoring saved registers and preparing the
 * silicon components for OS restart.
 * @param[in,out] S3LateParams   Required input parameters for the AMD_S3LATE_RESTORE
 *                                  entry point.
 * @return        Aggregated status across all internal AMD S3 late restore calls invoked.
AmdS3LateRestore (
  UINT8  *BufferPointer;
  VOID   *OrMaskPtr;
  VOID   *LateContextPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS ReturnStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS CalledStatus;

  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdS3LateRestoreEntry, &S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "AmdS3LateRestore: Start\n\n");
  ReturnStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  ASSERT (S3LateParams != NULL);

  BufferPointer = (UINT8 *) S3LateParams->S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage;
  S3LateParams->StdHeader.HeapBasePtr = &BufferPointer[((S3_VOLATILE_STORAGE_HEADER *) S3LateParams->S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage)->HeapOffset];
  ASSERT (S3LateParams->StdHeader.HeapBasePtr != NULL);

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_PLATFORMCFG_OVERRIDE, &S3LateParams->PlatformConfig, &S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_BEFORE_S3_RESTORE, S3LateParams, &(S3LateParams->StdHeader));

  if (((S3_VOLATILE_STORAGE_HEADER *) S3LateParams->S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage)->RegisterDataSize != 0) {
    LateContextPtr = &BufferPointer[((S3_VOLATILE_STORAGE_HEADER *) S3LateParams->S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage)->RegisterDataOffset];
    // Restore registers before exiting self refresh
    RestorePreESRContext (&OrMaskPtr,
    // Restore registers after exiting self refresh
    RestorePostESRContext (OrMaskPtr,

  // Dispatch any features needing to run at this time point
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Dispatch CPU features at S3 late restore end\n");
  CalledStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_S3_LATE_RESTORE_END,
  if (CalledStatus > ReturnStatus) {
    ReturnStatus = CalledStatus;

  CalledStatus = S3ScriptRestore (&S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  if (CalledStatus > ReturnStatus) {
    ReturnStatus = CalledStatus;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_AFTER_S3_RESTORE, S3LateParams, &S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdS3LateRestoreExit, &S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "\nAmdS3LateRestore: End\n\n");
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE_S3_EXIT (&S3LateParams->StdHeader);
  return  ReturnStatus;
Beispiel #2
 * Post Node id and other context info to AP cores via mailbox.
 * @HtInterfaceMethod{::F_POST_MAP_TO_AP}
 * Since Ap's can not view map until after mp communication is established,
 * provide them with initial context info via a mailbox register. A mailbox
 * register is one that can be written in PCI space and read in MSR space.
 * @param[in] State Our state, access to socket, node maps
PostMapToAp (
  IN       STATE_DATA *State
  UINT8 ModuleType;
  UINT8 Module;
  AP_MAILBOXES ApMailboxes;
  UINT8 Node;
  UINT32 Degree;
  AGESA_STATUS CalledStatus;

  // Dispatch any features (such as Preserve Mailbox) that need to run as soon as discovery is completed.
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Dispatch CPU features after HT discovery\n");
  CalledStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_AFTER_COHERENT_DISCOVERY, State->PlatformConfiguration, State->ConfigHandle);

  ASSERT (State->Fabric != NULL);
  Degree = 0;
  // Compute the degree of the system by finding the maximum degree of any node.
  for (Node = 0; Node < (State->NodesDiscovered + 1); Node++) {
    if (State->Fabric->SysDegree[Node] > Degree) {
      Degree = State->Fabric->SysDegree[Node];
  // Post the information on all nodes.
  for (Node = 0; Node < (State->NodesDiscovered + 1); Node++) {
    ModuleType = 0;
    Module = 0;
    State->Nb->GetModuleInfo (Node, &ModuleType, &Module, State->Nb);
    ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Info = 0;
    ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Fields.Node = Node;
    ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Fields.Socket = State->HtInterface->GetSocketFromMap (Node, State);
    ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Fields.ModuleType = ModuleType;
    ApMailboxes.ApMailInfo.Fields.Module = Module;
    ApMailboxes.ApMailExtInfo.Info = 0;
    ApMailboxes.ApMailExtInfo.Fields.SystemDegree = Degree;
    // other fields of the extended info are used during ap init, and will be initialized at that time.
    State->Nb->PostMailbox (Node, ApMailboxes, State->Nb);
  // Now that the mailboxes have been initialized, cache the info on the BSC.  The APs
  // will cache during heap initialization.
  CacheApMailbox (State->ConfigHandle);
Beispiel #3
 * Main entry point for the AMD_INIT_MID function.
 * This entry point is responsible for performing any necessary functions needed
 * after PCI bus enumeration and just before control is passed to the video option ROM.
 * @param[in,out] MidParams      Required input parameters for the AMD_INIT_MID
 *                                  entry point.
 * @return        Aggregated status across all internal AMD mid calls invoked.
AmdInitMid (
  AGESA_STATUS  AgesaStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS  CalledStatus;
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "AmdInitMid: Start\n\n");
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitMidEntry, &MidParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&MidParams->StdHeader);

  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  ASSERT (MidParams != NULL);
  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_MID_BEFORE, MidParams, &MidParams->StdHeader);

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "DispatchCpuFeatures: MidStart\n");
  CalledStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_INIT_MID_END, &MidParams->PlatformConfig, &MidParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "DispatchCpuFeatures: MidEnd\n");
  if (CalledStatus > AgesaStatus) {
    AgesaStatus = CalledStatus;

  CalledStatus = GnbInitAtMid (MidParams);
  if (CalledStatus > AgesaStatus) {
    AgesaStatus = CalledStatus;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_MID_AFTER, MidParams, &MidParams->StdHeader);

  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&MidParams->StdHeader);
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitMidExit, &MidParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "\nAmdInitMid: End\n\n");
  return AgesaStatus;
Beispiel #4
 * Main entry point for the AMD_INIT_LATE function.
 * This entry point is responsible for creating any desired ACPI tables, providing
 * information for DMI, and to prepare the processors for the operating system
 * bootstrap load process.
 * @param[in,out] LateParams     Required input parameters for the AMD_INIT_LATE
 *                                  entry point.
 * @return        Aggregated status across all internal AMD late calls invoked.
AmdInitLate (
  AGESA_STATUS  AgesaStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS  AmdInitLateStatus;
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "AmdInitLate: Start\n\n");
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitLateEntry, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&LateParams->StdHeader);

  ASSERT (LateParams != NULL);
  AmdInitLateStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_LATE_BEFORE, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "CreatSystemTable: Start\n");
  // _PSS, XPSS, _PCT, _PSD, _PPC, _CST, _CSD Tables
  if ((LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionPState) || (IsFeatureEnabled (IoCstate, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->StdHeader))) {
    AgesaStatus = ((*(OptionPstateLateConfiguration.SsdtFeature)) (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->AcpiPState));
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // SRAT Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionSrat) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiSrat (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->AcpiSrat);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // SLIT Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionSlit) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiSlit (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->AcpiSlit);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // WHEA Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionWhea) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiWhea (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->AcpiWheaMce, &LateParams->AcpiWheaCmc);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // DMI Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionDmi) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateDmiRecords (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->DmiTable);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "CreatSystemTable: End\n");

  // Cpu Features
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "DispatchCpuFeatures: LateStart\n");
  AgesaStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_INIT_LATE_END, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "DispatchCpuFeatures: LateEnd\n");
  if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
    AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // It is the last function run by the AGESA CPU module and prepares the processor
  // for the operating system bootstrap load process.
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "AmdCpuLate: Start\n");
  AgesaStatus = AmdCpuLate (&LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "AmdCpuLate: End\n");
  if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
    AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  AgesaStatus = GnbInitAtLate (LateParams);
  if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
    AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_LATE_AFTER, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_BEFORE_OS, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&LateParams->StdHeader);
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitLateExit, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (MAIN_FLOW, "\nAmdInitLate: End\n\n");
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (EndAgesaTps, &LateParams->StdHeader);
//End Debug Print Service
  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE_EXIT (&LateParams->StdHeader);
  return  AmdInitLateStatus;
Beispiel #5
 * Main entry point for the AMD_INIT_LATE function.
 * This entry point is responsible for creating any desired ACPI tables, providing
 * information for DMI, and to prepare the processors for the operating system
 * bootstrap load process.
 * @param[in,out] LateParams     Required input parameters for the AMD_INIT_LATE
 *                                  entry point.
 * @return        Aggregated status across all internal AMD late calls invoked.
AmdInitLate (
  AGESA_STATUS  AgesaStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS  AmdInitLateStatus;

  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitLateEntry, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&LateParams->StdHeader);

  ASSERT (LateParams != NULL);
  AmdInitLateStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_LATE_BEFORE, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);

  // _PSS, XPSS, _PCT, _PSD, _PPC Tables
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionPState) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiTables (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->AcpiPState);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // SRAT Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionSrat) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiSrat (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->AcpiSrat);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // SLIT Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionSlit) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiSlit (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->AcpiSlit);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // WHEA Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionWhea) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateAcpiWhea (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->AcpiWheaMce, &LateParams->AcpiWheaCmc);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // DMI Table Generation
  if (LateParams->PlatformConfig.UserOptionDmi) {
    AgesaStatus = CreateDmiRecords (&LateParams->StdHeader, &LateParams->DmiTable);
    if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
      AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // Cpu Features
  AgesaStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_INIT_LATE_END, &LateParams->PlatformConfig, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
    AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  // It is the last function run by the AGESA CPU module and prepares the processor
  // for the operating system bootstrap load process.
  AgesaStatus = AmdCpuLate (&LateParams->StdHeader);
  if (AgesaStatus > AmdInitLateStatus) {
    AmdInitLateStatus = AgesaStatus;

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_INIT_LATE_AFTER, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_BEFORE_OS, LateParams, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  IDS_PERF_TIME_MEASURE (&LateParams->StdHeader);
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAmdInitLateExit, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  AGESA_TESTPOINT (EndAgesaTps, &LateParams->StdHeader);
  return  AmdInitLateStatus;
Beispiel #6
 * Performs CPU related initialization at the early entry point
 * This function performs a large list of initialization items.  These items
 * include:
 *    -1      local APIC initialization
 *    -2      MSR table initialization
 *    -3      PCI table initialization
 *    -4      HT Phy PCI table initialization
 *    -5      microcode patch loading
 *    -6      namestring determination/programming
 *    -7      AP initialization
 *    -8      power management initialization
 *    -9      core leveling
 * This routine must be run by all cores in the system.  Please note that
 * all APs that enter will never exit.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader         Config handle for library and services
 * @param[in]  PlatformConfig    Config handle for platform specific information
 * @retval     AGESA_SUCCESS
AmdCpuEarly (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader,
  UINT8         WaitStatus;
  UINT8         i;
  UINT8         StartCore;
  UINT8         EndCore;
  UINT32        NodeNum;
  UINT32        PrimaryCore;
  UINT32        SocketNum;
  UINT32        ModuleNum;
  UINT32        HighCore;
  UINT32        ApHeapIndex;
  UINT32        CurrentPerformEarlyFlag;
  UINT32        TargetApicId;
  AGESA_STATUS  CalledStatus;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  CalledStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  AmdCpuEarlyInitializer (StdHeader, PlatformConfig, &CpuEarlyParams);

  IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_CPU_Early_Override, &CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

  GetCpuServicesOfCurrentCore ((CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
  EarlyTableOnCore = NULL;
  FamilySpecificServices->GetEarlyInitOnCoreTable (FamilySpecificServices, (CONST S_PERFORM_EARLY_INIT_ON_CORE **)&EarlyTableOnCore, &CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
  if (EarlyTableOnCore != NULL) {
    GetPerformEarlyFlag (&CurrentPerformEarlyFlag, StdHeader);
    for (i = 0; EarlyTableOnCore[i].PerformEarlyInitOnCore != NULL; i++) {
      if ((EarlyTableOnCore[i].PerformEarlyInitFlag & CurrentPerformEarlyFlag) != 0) {
        IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Perform core init step %d\n", i);
        EarlyTableOnCore[i].PerformEarlyInitOnCore (FamilySpecificServices, &CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

  // B S P    C O D E    T O    I N I T I A L I Z E    A Ps
  // -------------------------------------------------------
  // -------------------------------------------------------
  // IMPORTANT: Here we determine if we are BSP or AP
  if (IsBsp (StdHeader, &CalledStatus)) {

    // Even though the bsc does not need to send itself a heap index, this sequence performs other important initialization.
    // Use '0' as a dummy heap index value.
    GetSocketModuleOfNode (0, &SocketNum, &ModuleNum, StdHeader);
    GetCpuServicesOfSocket (SocketNum, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
    FamilySpecificServices->SetApCoreNumber (FamilySpecificServices, SocketNum, ModuleNum, 0, StdHeader);
    FamilySpecificServices->TransferApCoreNumber (FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);

    // Clear BSP's Status Byte
    ApUtilWriteControlByte (CORE_ACTIVE, StdHeader);

    NodeNum = 0;
    ApHeapIndex = 1;
    while (NodeNum < MAX_NODES &&
          GetSocketModuleOfNode (NodeNum, &SocketNum, &ModuleNum, StdHeader)) {
      GetCpuServicesOfSocket (SocketNum, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
      GetGivenModuleCoreRange (SocketNum, ModuleNum, &PrimaryCore, &HighCore, StdHeader);
      if (NodeNum == 0) {
        StartCore = (UINT8) PrimaryCore + 1;
      } else {
        StartCore = (UINT8) PrimaryCore;

      EndCore = (UINT8) HighCore;
      for (i = StartCore; i <= EndCore; i++) {
        FamilySpecificServices->SetApCoreNumber (FamilySpecificServices, SocketNum, ModuleNum, ApHeapIndex, StdHeader);
        IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Launch socket %d core %d\n", SocketNum, i);
        if (FamilySpecificServices->LaunchApCore (FamilySpecificServices, SocketNum, ModuleNum, i, PrimaryCore, StdHeader)) {
          IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Waiting for socket %d core %d\n", SocketNum, i);
          GetLocalApicIdForCore (SocketNum, i, &TargetApicId, StdHeader);
          WaitStatus = CORE_IDLE;
          WaitForStatus.Status = &WaitStatus;
          WaitForStatus.NumberOfElements = 1;
          WaitForStatus.RetryCount = WAIT_INFINITELY;
          WaitForStatus.WaitForStatusFlags = WAIT_STATUS_EQUALITY;
          ApUtilWaitForCoreStatus (TargetApicId, &WaitForStatus, StdHeader);

    // B S P    P h a s e - 1   E N D

    IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_BEFORE_PM_INIT, &CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcCpuBeforePMFeatureInit, StdHeader);
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Dispatch CPU features before early power mgmt init\n");
    CalledStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_BEFORE_PM_INIT, PlatformConfig, StdHeader);
    if (CalledStatus > Status) {
      Status = CalledStatus;

    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcCpuPowerMgmtInit, StdHeader);
    CalledStatus = PmInitializationAtEarly (&CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
    if (CalledStatus > Status) {
      Status = CalledStatus;

    AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpProcCpuEarlyFeatureInit, StdHeader);
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Dispatch CPU features after early power mgmt init\n");
    CalledStatus = DispatchCpuFeatures (CPU_FEAT_AFTER_PM_INIT, PlatformConfig, StdHeader);


    // Sleep all APs
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  Halting all APs\n");
    ApUtilWriteControlByte (CORE_IDLE_HLT, StdHeader);
  } else {
    ApEntry (StdHeader, &CpuEarlyParams);

  if (CalledStatus > Status) {
    Status = CalledStatus;

  return (Status);