void AddOpenNeighboursToList (location_t here)
  if (HasExit (here, NORTH)) {
    ListAdd (Neighbour (here, NORTH));
  if (HasExit (here, EAST)) {
    ListAdd (Neighbour (here, EAST));
  if (HasExit (here, SOUTH)) {
    ListAdd (Neighbour (here, SOUTH));
  if (HasExit (here, WEST)) {
    ListAdd (Neighbour (here, WEST));
ColorClasses::Color Color3DTree::Node::classify(const Vector3<int>& color, unsigned int maxdistance, unsigned int maxneighbours)
  std::deque<Neighbour> nearestNeighbours;
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < maxneighbours; i++)
    nearestNeighbours.push_back(Neighbour(ClassifiedColor(ColorClasses::none, 0, 0, 0), maxdistance + 1));

  mNearestNeighbours(color, 0, maxneighbours, nearestNeighbours);

  unsigned int histogram[ColorClasses::numOfColors];
  //I have absolute no idea why, but memset dies not always set the histogram to 0
  //memset(histogram, 0, ColorClasses::numOfColors);
  for(int i = 0; i < ColorClasses::numOfColors; ++i)
    histogram[i] = 0;
  std::deque<Neighbour>::const_iterator it = nearestNeighbours.begin();
  std::deque<Neighbour>::const_iterator end = nearestNeighbours.end();
  for(; it < end; it++)
    const ClassifiedColor& cc = it->getColor();
    unsigned idx = cc.getColorClass();
    histogram[idx] += 1;
    if(histogram[idx] > maxneighbours / 2)
      return cc.getColorClass();
  // Color could not be classified. Classify into none.
  return ColorClasses::none;
void Color3DTree::Node::mNearestNeighbours(const Vector3<int>& color, unsigned int level,
    unsigned int maxneighbours, std::deque<Neighbour>& nearestNeighbours) const
  const int distance = this->color.distance(color);
  const unsigned int component = level % 3;
  const int d = color[component] - this->color.get(component);
  insertSorted(nearestNeighbours, Neighbour(this->color, distance), maxneighbours);
  const int lastDistance = nearestNeighbours.back().getDistance();
  if(d < 0)
      below->mNearestNeighbours(color, level + 1, maxneighbours, nearestNeighbours);
    if(above && (-d) < lastDistance)
      above->mNearestNeighbours(color, level + 1, maxneighbours, nearestNeighbours);
      above->mNearestNeighbours(color, level + 1, maxneighbours, nearestNeighbours);
    if(below && d < lastDistance)
      below->mNearestNeighbours(color, level + 1, maxneighbours, nearestNeighbours);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	// Initialise ros
	// Create ros handler for this node
	ros::NodeHandle n;
	std::string xPosArg = argv[1];
	std::string yPosString = argv[2];
	double yPos = atof(yPosString.c_str());
	double xPos = atof(xPosArg.c_str());
	neighbour.robotNode_stage_pub = n.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist>("cmd_vel",1000);
	neighbour.stageOdo_Sub = n.subscribe<nav_msgs::Odometry>("base_pose_ground_truth", 1000, &Neighbour::stageOdom_callback, &neighbour);
	neighbour.Neighbour_status_pub = n.advertise<se306project::human_status>("status",1000);
	//subscribe to laser
	neighbour.baseScan_Sub = n.subscribe<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("base_scan", 1000,callBackLaserScan);

	ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

	//Add initial movement
	se306project::human_status status_msg;
	neighbour.setStatus("Finding a robot");
	neighbour.addMovement("forward_x", -35, 1);
	// ROS infinite loop
	while (ros::ok()) {


		//determine the logic of neighbour movement
		if (neighbour.getMovementQueueSize() == 0){
			if(neighbour.getStatus().compare("Finding a robot")==0){  
				neighbour.addMovement("forward_x", neighbour.getOriginX()-neighbour.getX(), 1);
				neighbour.setStatus("Moving back");
				neighbour.setStatus("Finding a robot");
				neighbour.addMovement("forward_x", -35, 1);
		if(neighbour.getObstacleStatus().compare("Obstacle nearby")!=0){
		// Publish neighbour status
		status_msg.pos_x = neighbour.getX();
		status_msg.pos_y = neighbour.getY();
		status_msg.pos_theta = neighbour.getTheta();
		status_msg.status = neighbour.getStatus();
		status_msg.obstacle = neighbour.getObstacleStatus();
direction_t SmallestNeighbourDirection (location_t loc)
  direction_t result = NORTH;
  location_t neighbour;
  cost_t smallestCost;
  cost_t cost;

  smallestCost = MAX_COST;
  if (HasExit (loc, NORTH)) {
    neighbour = Neighbour (loc, NORTH);
    cost = Cost (neighbour);
    if (cost < smallestCost) {
      smallestCost = cost;
      result = NORTH;
  if (HasExit (loc, EAST)) {
    neighbour = Neighbour (loc, EAST);
    cost = Cost (neighbour);
    if (cost < smallestCost) {
      smallestCost = cost;
      result = EAST;
  if (HasExit (loc, SOUTH)) {
    neighbour = Neighbour (loc, SOUTH);
    cost = Cost (neighbour);
    if (cost < smallestCost) {
      smallestCost = cost;
      result = SOUTH;
  if (HasExit (loc, WEST)) {
    neighbour = Neighbour (loc, WEST);
    cost = Cost (neighbour);
    if (cost < smallestCost) {
      smallestCost = cost;
      result = WEST;
  return result;
void ModifiedFlood (location_t here)
  direction_t direction;
  cost_t smallestCost;
  ListAdd (here);
  while (!ListIsEmpty()) {
    here = ListStackPop();
    if (Cost (here) == 0) {
    direction = SmallestNeighbourDirection (here);
    smallestCost = Cost (Neighbour (here, direction));
    SetDirection (here, direction);
    if (Cost (here) != smallestCost + 1) {
      SetCost (here, smallestCost + 1);
      AddOpenNeighboursToList (here);
Beispiel #7
 Neighbour neighbour( const Neighbour& u ) const {
     return Neighbour( u );
Beispiel #8
 Neighbour neighbour( const Element& x ) const {
     return Neighbour( x );
Beispiel #9
 Neighbour neighbour( int i, int c ) const {
     return Neighbour( i, c );
Beispiel #10
/* clear a single wall - looks after neighbours - set seen*/
void MazeRemoveWall (location_t location, direction_t direction)
  WallClear (&_walls[location.row][location.col], direction);
  location = Neighbour (location, direction);
  WallClear (&_walls[location.row][location.col], Behind (direction));
Beispiel #11
/* set a single wall - looks after neighbours - set seen*/
void MazeAddWall (location_t location, direction_t direction)
  WallSet (&_walls[location.row][location.col], direction);
  location = Neighbour (location, direction);
  WallSet (&_walls[location.row][location.col], Behind (direction));
void FloodMazeClassic (location_t target)
  location_t here;
  location_t nextLoc;
  cost_t costHere;
  cost_t costNext;
  for (here.row = 0; here.row < MAZE_ROWS; here.row++) {
    for (here.col = 0; here.col < MAZE_COLS; here.col++) {
      SetCost (here, MAX_COST);
      SetDirection (here, INVALID);
  SetCost (target, 0);
  ListAdd (target);
  while (!ListIsEmpty()) {
     * TODO: show costs and directions for all combinations
     * of testing against MAX_COST vs smaller than and stack vs queue
    here = ListQueueHead();
    //here = ListStackPop();
    costNext = Cost (here) + 1;
    if (HasExit (here, NORTH)) {
      nextLoc = Neighbour (here, NORTH);
      if (Cost (nextLoc) > costNext) {
        SetDirection (nextLoc, SOUTH);
        SetCost (nextLoc, costNext);
        ListAdd (nextLoc);

    if (HasExit (here, EAST)) {
      nextLoc = Neighbour (here, EAST);
      if (Cost (nextLoc) > costNext) {
        SetDirection (nextLoc, WEST);
        SetCost (nextLoc, costNext);
        ListAdd (nextLoc);

    if (HasExit (here, SOUTH)) {
      nextLoc = Neighbour (here, SOUTH);
      if (Cost (nextLoc) > costNext) {
        SetDirection (nextLoc, NORTH);
        SetCost (nextLoc, costNext);
        ListAdd (nextLoc);

    if (HasExit (here, WEST)) {
      nextLoc = Neighbour (here, WEST);
      if (Cost (nextLoc) > costNext) {
        SetDirection (nextLoc, EAST);
        SetCost (nextLoc, costNext);
        ListAdd (nextLoc);

  //printf ("Max List Length = %d List additions = %d path cost = %d\n", ListMaxSize(), ListAdditions(), Cost (Home()));
Beispiel #13
void mpi_manager_3D::setup(NumArray<int> &nproc, NumArray<int> &mx) {
	// Save number of processors in each dimension
	for(int dir=0; dir<DIM; ++dir) {
		this->nproc[dir] = nproc[dir];

	// Determine the rank of the current task
	MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);

	// Get number of ranks from MPI
	int ntasks;
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &ntasks);
	this->ntasks = ntasks;

	// Set the distribution of processes:
	if(ntasks != nproc[0]*nproc[1]*nproc[2]){
		std::cerr << " Wrong number of processes " << std::endl;
		std::cout << ntasks << " " << nproc[0]*nproc[1]*nproc[2] << std::endl;

	if(rank==0) {
		std::cout << " Number of tasks: " << ntasks << std::endl;

	// Check if grid can be subdevided as desired
	for(int dir = 0; dir < DIM; ++dir) {
		if(mx[dir] < nproc[dir] && nproc[dir] > 1) {
			if(rank == 0) {
				std::cerr << " Wrong grid topology for dimension ";
				std::cerr << dir << std::endl;
				std::cerr << "  mx[" << dir << "]:" << mx[dir] << std::endl;
				std::cerr << " nproc[" << dir << "]:" << nproc[dir] << std::endl;

	// Check if grid is a power of 2:
	double eps = 1.e-12;
	for(int dir = 0; dir < DIM; ++dir) {
		double exponent = log(mx[dir])/log(2.);
		int i_exponent = static_cast<int>(exponent+eps);

		if(exponent - i_exponent > 2.*eps) {
			if(rank == 0) {
				std::cerr << " Error: grid must be of the form mx = 2^n ";
				std::cerr << std::endl;
				std::cerr << " Exiting " << std::endl;

	// Grid is not periodic
	int periods[3] = {false, false, false};
	int reorder = false;
	// If all is okay: Create new communicator "comm3d"  
	MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, DIM, nproc, periods, reorder, &comm3d);

	// Retrieve the cartesian topology
	if (rank == 0) {
		int TopoType;
		std::cout << " Cart topology:  ";
		MPI_Topo_test(comm3d, &TopoType);
		switch (TopoType) {
			std::cout << " MPI_UNDEFINED " << std::endl;
		case MPI_GRAPH     :
			std::cout << "MPI_GRAPH" << std::endl;
		case MPI_CART      :
			std::cout << "MPI_CART" << std::endl;
	//   Determine rank again for cartesian communicator -> overwrite rank
	MPI_Comm_rank(comm3d, &rank);

	// std::cout << " my rank: " << rank << std::endl;

	// Translate rank to coordinates
	MPI_Cart_coords(comm3d, rank, DIM, coords);

	// // Backwards translation
	// int TranslateRank;
	// MPI_Cart_rank(comm3d, coords, &TranslateRank);

	// Find neighbouring ranks
	// Syntax: comm3d, shift direction, displacement, source, destination
	MPI_Cart_shift(comm3d, 0, 1, &left , &right);
	MPI_Cart_shift(comm3d, 1, 1, &front, &back);
	MPI_Cart_shift(comm3d, 2, 1, &bottom, &top);

	// std::cout << " My rank " << rank << " " << left << " " << right << " " << front << " " << back << " " << bottom << " " << top << std::endl;
	if(rank==0) {
		std::cout << " nearby " << right << " " << back << " " << top << std::endl;

	// Determine ranks of neighbour processes:
	int shiftcoord[DIM];
	int lbound[DIM],ubound[DIM];
	for(int dim=0;dim<DIM;dim++){
		ubound[dim]= 1;

	for(int dim0=-1; dim0<=1; dim0++){
		shiftcoord[0] = (coords[0]+dim0)%nproc[0];
		if(shiftcoord[0] < 0) shiftcoord[0]+=nproc[0];
		for(int dim1=-1; dim1<=1; dim1++){
			shiftcoord[1] = (coords[1]+dim1)%nproc[1];
			if(shiftcoord[1] < 0) shiftcoord[1]+=nproc[1];
			for(int dim2=-1; dim2<=1; dim2++){
				shiftcoord[2] = (coords[2]+dim2)%nproc[2];
				if(shiftcoord[2] < 0) shiftcoord[2]+=nproc[2];
				MPI_Cart_rank(comm3d, shiftcoord,&Neighbour(dim0,dim1,dim2));
	// if(rank==1) {
	// 	for(int dim0=-1; dim0<=1; dim0++){
	// 		for(int dim1=-1; dim1<=1; dim1++){
	// 			for(int dim2=-1; dim2<=1; dim2++){
	// 				std::cout << " neighbour " << dim0 << " " << dim1 << " ";
	// 				std::cout << dim2 << " " << Neighbour(dim0, dim1, dim2);
	// 				std::cout << std::endl;
	// 			}
	// 		}
	// 	}
	// }

	// Determine absolute position of any rank:
	for(int dim0=0; dim0<nproc[0]; ++dim0) {
		for(int dim1=0; dim1<nproc[1]; ++dim1) {
			for(int dim2=0; dim2<nproc[2]; ++dim2) {
				int coord[3] = {dim0, dim1, dim2};
				MPI_Cart_rank(comm3d, coord, &AllRanks(dim0, dim1, dim2));

	// if(rank==2) {
	// 	std::cout << " Neigh: " << rank << " "<<Neighbour(0,0,0) << " " << AllRanks(2,0,0) << std::endl;
	// }

	// Now make additional mpi groups relating to planes:

	int count(0);
	int num_xy = nproc[0]*nproc[1];
	int num_xz = nproc[0]*nproc[2];
	int num_yz = nproc[1]*nproc[2];
	NumMatrix<int,1> x_ranks[nproc[0]];
	NumMatrix<int,1> y_ranks[nproc[1]];
	NumMatrix<int,1> z_ranks[nproc[2]];

	// Walk trough z-axis -- xy plane
	for(int irz=0; irz<nproc[2]; irz++) {
		count = 0;
		z_ranks[irz].resize(Index::set(0), Index::set(num_xy));
		for(int irx=0; irx<nproc[0]; irx++) {
			for(int iry=0; iry<nproc[1]; iry++) {
				z_ranks[irz](count) = AllRanks(irx,iry,irz);

	// Walk trough y-axis -- xz plane
	for(int iry=0; iry<nproc[1]; iry++) {
		count = 0;
		y_ranks[iry].resize(Index::set(0), Index::set(num_xz));
		for(int irx=0; irx<nproc[0]; irx++) {
			for(int irz=0; irz<nproc[2]; irz++) {
				y_ranks[iry](count) = AllRanks(irx,iry,irz);

	// Walk trough x-axis -- yz plane
	for(int irx=0; irx<nproc[0]; irx++) {
		count = 0;
		x_ranks[irx].resize(Index::set(0), Index::set(num_yz));
		for(int iry=0; iry<nproc[1]; iry++) {
			for(int irz=0; irz<nproc[2]; irz++) {
				x_ranks[irx](count) = AllRanks(irx,iry,irz);

	// Build local communicator:
	MPI_Group group_all, group_constz, group_consty, group_constx;
	// Get standard group handle:
	MPI_Comm_group(comm3d, &group_all);

	// Devide tasks into groups based on z-position
	MPI_Group_incl(group_all, num_xy, z_ranks[coords[2]], &group_constz);

	// Devide tasks into groups based on z-position
	MPI_Group_incl(group_all, num_xz, y_ranks[coords[1]], &group_consty);

	// Devide tasks into groups based on x-position
	MPI_Group_incl(group_all, num_yz, x_ranks[coords[0]], &group_constx);

	// // Make corresponding communicators:
	// MPI_Comm_create(comm3d, group_constz, &comm_plane_xy); // const z
	// MPI_Comm_create(comm3d, group_consty, &comm_plane_xz); // const x
	// MPI_Comm_create(comm3d, group_constx, &comm_plane_yz); // const x
	// // Get corresponding rank
	// MPI_Group_rank (group_constz, &rank_plane_xy);
	// MPI_Group_rank (group_consty, &rank_plane_xz);
	// MPI_Group_rank (group_constx, &rank_plane_yz);

	int remain_dims[3];
	// x-y plane:
	remain_dims[0] = 1;
	remain_dims[1] = 1;
	remain_dims[2] = 0;
	MPI_Cart_sub(comm3d, remain_dims, &comm_plane_xy);
	MPI_Comm_rank(comm_plane_xy, &rank_plane_xy);

	// x-z plane
	remain_dims[0] = 1;
	remain_dims[1] = 0;
	remain_dims[2] = 1;
	MPI_Cart_sub(comm3d, remain_dims, &comm_plane_xz);
	MPI_Comm_rank(comm_plane_xz, &rank_plane_xz);

	// y-z plane
	remain_dims[0] = 0;
	remain_dims[1] = 1;
	remain_dims[2] = 1;
	MPI_Cart_sub(comm3d, remain_dims, &comm_plane_yz);
	MPI_Comm_rank(comm_plane_yz, &rank_plane_yz);
