Beispiel #1

modified dlight system to support seperate radius and intensity
void RE_AddDynamicLightToSceneET(const vec3_t org, float radius, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, qhandle_t hShader, int flags)
	trRefLight_t *light;

	if (!tr.registered)

	if (r_numLights >= MAX_REF_LIGHTS)

	if (intensity <= 0 || radius <= 0)

	light = &backEndData[tr.smpFrame]->lights[r_numLights++];

	light->l.rlType = RL_OMNI;
	//light->l.lightfx = 0;
	VectorCopy(org, light->l.origin);


	// HACK: this will tell the renderer backend to use tr.defaultLightShader
#if 0
	dl->shader = R_GetShaderByHandle(hShader);
	if (dl->shader == tr.defaultShader)
		dl->shader = NULL;
	light->l.attenuationShader = 0;

	light->l.radius[0] = radius;
	light->l.radius[1] = radius;
	light->l.radius[2] = radius;

	light->l.color[0] = r;
	light->l.color[1] = g;
	light->l.color[2] = b;

	light->l.noShadows      = r_dynamicLightCastShadows->integer ? qfalse : qtrue;
	light->l.inverseShadows = qfalse;

	light->isStatic = qfalse;
	light->additive = qtrue;

	light->l.scale = intensity;
#if 0
	if (light->l.scale <= r_lightScale->value)
		light->l.scale = r_lightScale->value;
Beispiel #2
void CG_ReflectVelocity(localEntity_t * le, trace_t * trace)
	vec3_t          velocity;
	float           dot;
	int             hitTime;

	// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
	hitTime = cg.time - cg.frametime + cg.frametime * trace->fraction;
	BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta(&le->pos, hitTime, velocity);
	dot = DotProduct(velocity, trace->plane.normal);
	VectorMA(velocity, -2 * dot, trace->plane.normal, le->pos.trDelta);

	VectorScale(le->pos.trDelta, le->bounceFactor, le->pos.trDelta);

	VectorCopy(trace->endpos, le->pos.trBase);
	le->pos.trTime = cg.time;

	// check for stop, making sure that even on low FPS systems it doesn't bobble
	if(trace->allsolid ||
	   (trace->plane.normal[2] > 0 && (le->pos.trDelta[2] < 40 || le->pos.trDelta[2] < -cg.frametime * le->pos.trDelta[2])))
		le->pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
		if(le->leFlags & LEF_TUMBLE)
			// collided with a surface so calculate the new rotation axis
			CrossProduct(trace->plane.normal, velocity, le->rotAxis);
			le->angVel = VectorNormalize(le->rotAxis) / le->radius;

			// save current orientation as a rotation from model's base orientation
			QuatMultiply0(le->quatRot, le->quatOrient);

			// reset the orientation
Beispiel #3
int RE_BuildSkeleton(refSkeleton_t * skel, qhandle_t hAnim, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, qboolean clearOrigin)
	skelAnimation_t *skelAnim;

	skelAnim = R_GetAnimationByHandle(hAnim);

	if(skelAnim->type == AT_MD5 && skelAnim->md5)
		int             i;
		md5Animation_t *anim;
		md5Channel_t   *channel;
		md5Frame_t     *newFrame, *oldFrame;
		vec3_t          newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t          newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		int             componentsApplied;

		anim = skelAnim->md5;

		// Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
		// This will write directly into the entity structure, so
		// when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
		// range checked again.
		   if((startFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (startFrame < 0) || (endFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (endFrame < 0))
		   ri.Printf(PRINT_DEVELOPER, "RE_BuildSkeleton: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n", startFrame, endFrame, anim->name);
		   //startFrame = 0;
		   //endFrame = 0;

		Q_clamp(startFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1);
		Q_clamp(endFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1);

		// compute frame pointers
		oldFrame = &anim->frames[startFrame];
		newFrame = &anim->frames[endFrame];

		// calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
		for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			skel->bounds[0][i] =
				oldFrame->bounds[0][i] < newFrame->bounds[0][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[0][i] : newFrame->bounds[0][i];
			skel->bounds[1][i] =
				oldFrame->bounds[1][i] > newFrame->bounds[1][i] ? oldFrame->bounds[1][i] : newFrame->bounds[1][i];

		for(i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++)
			// set baseframe values
			VectorCopy(channel->baseOrigin, newOrigin);
			VectorCopy(channel->baseOrigin, oldOrigin);

			QuatCopy(channel->baseQuat, newQuat);
			QuatCopy(channel->baseQuat, oldQuat);

			componentsApplied = 0;

			// update tranlation bits
			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TX)
				oldOrigin[0] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[0] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TY)
				oldOrigin[1] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[1] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TZ)
				oldOrigin[2] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				newOrigin[2] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			// update quaternion rotation bits
			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QX)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[0] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[0] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QY)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[1] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[1] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];

			if(channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QZ)
				((vec_t *) oldQuat)[2] = oldFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];
				((vec_t *) newQuat)[2] = newFrame->components[channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied];



#if 1
			VectorLerp(oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatSlerp(oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat);
			VectorCopy(newOrigin, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatCopy(newQuat, lerpedQuat);

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[i].parentIndex = channel->parentIndex;

			if(channel->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin)

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[0], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[0]);
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[1], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[1]);
				VectorCopy(lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[i].origin);

			QuatCopy(lerpedQuat, skel->bones[i].rotation);

#if defined(REFBONE_NAMES)
			Q_strncpyz(skel->bones[i].name, channel->name, sizeof(skel->bones[i].name));

		skel->numBones = anim->numChannels;
		skel->type = SK_RELATIVE;
		return qtrue;
	else if(skelAnim->type == AT_PSA && skelAnim->psa)
		int             i;
		psaAnimation_t *anim;
		axAnimationKey_t *newKey, *oldKey;
		axReferenceBone_t *refBone;
		vec3_t          newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t          newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		refSkeleton_t   skeleton;

		anim = skelAnim->psa;

		Q_clamp(startFrame, 0, anim->info.numRawFrames - 1);
		Q_clamp(endFrame, 0, anim->info.numRawFrames - 1);

		ClearBounds(skel->bounds[0], skel->bounds[1]);

		skel->numBones = anim->info.numBones;
		for(i = 0, refBone = anim->bones; i < anim->info.numBones; i++, refBone++)
			oldKey = &anim->keys[startFrame * anim->info.numBones + i];
			newKey = &anim->keys[endFrame * anim->info.numBones + i];

			VectorCopy(newKey->position, newOrigin);
			VectorCopy(oldKey->position, oldOrigin);

			QuatCopy(newKey->quat, newQuat);
			QuatCopy(oldKey->quat, oldQuat);



			VectorLerp(oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin);
			QuatSlerp(oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat);

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[i].parentIndex = refBone->parentIndex;

			if(refBone->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin)

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[0], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[0]);
				VectorSubtract(skel->bounds[1], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[1]);
				VectorCopy(lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[i].origin);

			QuatCopy(lerpedQuat, skel->bones[i].rotation);

#if defined(REFBONE_NAMES)
			Q_strncpyz(skel->bones[i].name, refBone->name, sizeof(skel->bones[i].name));

			// calculate absolute values for the bounding box approximation
			VectorCopy(skel->bones[i].origin, skeleton.bones[i].origin);
			QuatCopy(skel->bones[i].rotation, skeleton.bones[i].rotation);

			if(refBone->parentIndex >= 0)
				vec3_t          rotated;
				quat_t          quat;
				refBone_t      *parent;
				refBone_t      *bone;

				bone = &skeleton.bones[i];
				parent = &skeleton.bones[refBone->parentIndex];

				QuatTransformVector(parent->rotation, bone->origin, rotated);

				VectorAdd(parent->origin, rotated, bone->origin);

				QuatMultiply1(parent->rotation, bone->rotation, quat);
				QuatCopy(quat, bone->rotation);

				AddPointToBounds(bone->origin, skel->bounds[0], skel->bounds[1]);

		skel->numBones = anim->info.numBones;
		skel->type = SK_RELATIVE;
		return qtrue;

	//ri.Printf(PRINT_WARNING, "RE_BuildSkeleton: bad animation '%s' with handle %i\n", anim->name, hAnim);

	// FIXME: clear existing bones and bounds?
	return qfalse;
Beispiel #4

ydnar: modified dlight system to support separate radius and intensity
void RE_AddDynamicLightToSceneET( const vec3_t org, float radius, float intensity, float r, float g, float b, qhandle_t, int flags )
	trRefLight_t *light;

	if ( !tr.registered )

	// set last lights restrictInteractionEnd if needed
	if ( r_numLights > r_firstSceneLight ) {
		light = &backEndData[ tr.smpFrame ]->lights[ r_numLights - 1 ];
		if( light->restrictInteractionFirst >= 0 ) {
			light->restrictInteractionLast = r_numEntities - r_firstSceneEntity - 1;

	if ( r_numLights >= MAX_REF_LIGHTS )

	if ( intensity <= 0 || radius <= 0 )

	light = &backEndData[ tr.smpFrame ]->lights[ r_numLights++ ];

	light->l.rlType = refLightType_t::RL_OMNI;
	VectorCopy( org, light->l.origin );

	QuatClear( light->l.rotation );
	VectorClear( light-> );

	// HACK: this will tell the renderer backend to use tr.defaultLightShader
	light->l.attenuationShader = 0;

	light->l.radius = radius;

	light->l.color[ 0 ] = r;
	light->l.color[ 1 ] = g;
	light->l.color[ 2 ] = b;

	light->l.inverseShadows = (flags & REF_INVERSE_DLIGHT) != 0;
	light->l.noShadows = !r_dynamicLightCastShadows->integer && !light->l.inverseShadows;

	if( flags & REF_RESTRICT_DLIGHT ) {
		light->restrictInteractionFirst = r_numEntities - r_firstSceneEntity;
		light->restrictInteractionLast = 0;
	} else {
		light->restrictInteractionFirst = -1;
		light->restrictInteractionLast = -1;

	light->isStatic = false;
	light->additive = true;

	if( light->l.inverseShadows )
		light->l.scale = -intensity;
		light->l.scale = intensity;
Beispiel #5
int RE_BuildSkeleton( refSkeleton_t *skel, qhandle_t hAnim, int startFrame, int endFrame, float frac, bool clearOrigin )
	skelAnimation_t *skelAnim;

	skelAnim = R_GetAnimationByHandle( hAnim );

	if ( skelAnim->type == animType_t::AT_IQM && skelAnim->iqm ) {
		return IQMBuildSkeleton( skel, skelAnim, startFrame, endFrame, frac );
	else if ( skelAnim->type == animType_t::AT_MD5 && skelAnim->md5 )
		int            i;
		md5Animation_t *anim;
		md5Channel_t   *channel;
		md5Frame_t     *newFrame, *oldFrame;
		vec3_t         newOrigin, oldOrigin, lerpedOrigin;
		quat_t         newQuat, oldQuat, lerpedQuat;
		int            componentsApplied;

		anim = skelAnim->md5;

		// Validate the frames so there is no chance of a crash.
		// This will write directly into the entity structure, so
		// when the surfaces are rendered, they don't need to be
		// range checked again.

		   if((startFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (startFrame < 0) || (endFrame >= anim->numFrames) || (endFrame < 0))
		   Log::Debug("RE_BuildSkeleton: no such frame %d to %d for '%s'\n", startFrame, endFrame, anim->name);
		   //startFrame = 0;
		   //endFrame = 0;

		startFrame = Math::Clamp( startFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1 );
		endFrame = Math::Clamp( endFrame, 0, anim->numFrames - 1 );

		// compute frame pointers
		oldFrame = &anim->frames[ startFrame ];
		newFrame = &anim->frames[ endFrame ];

		// calculate a bounding box in the current coordinate system
		for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			skel->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] =
			  oldFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] < newFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] ? oldFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ] : newFrame->bounds[ 0 ][ i ];
			skel->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] =
			  oldFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] > newFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] ? oldFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ] : newFrame->bounds[ 1 ][ i ];

		for ( i = 0, channel = anim->channels; i < anim->numChannels; i++, channel++ )
			// set baseframe values
			VectorCopy( channel->baseOrigin, newOrigin );
			VectorCopy( channel->baseOrigin, oldOrigin );

			QuatCopy( channel->baseQuat, newQuat );
			QuatCopy( channel->baseQuat, oldQuat );

			componentsApplied = 0;

			// update tranlation bits
			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TX )
				oldOrigin[ 0 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 0 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TY )
				oldOrigin[ 1 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 1 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_TZ )
				oldOrigin[ 2 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				newOrigin[ 2 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			// update quaternion rotation bits
			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QX )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 0 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 0 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QY )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 1 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 1 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			if ( channel->componentsBits & COMPONENT_BIT_QZ )
				( ( vec_t * ) oldQuat ) [ 2 ] = oldFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];
				( ( vec_t * ) newQuat ) [ 2 ] = newFrame->components[ channel->componentsOffset + componentsApplied ];

			QuatCalcW( oldQuat );
			QuatNormalize( oldQuat );

			QuatCalcW( newQuat );
			QuatNormalize( newQuat );

#if 1
			VectorLerp( oldOrigin, newOrigin, frac, lerpedOrigin );
			QuatSlerp( oldQuat, newQuat, frac, lerpedQuat );
			VectorCopy( newOrigin, lerpedOrigin );
			QuatCopy( newQuat, lerpedQuat );

			// copy lerped information to the bone + extra data
			skel->bones[ i ].parentIndex = channel->parentIndex;

			if ( channel->parentIndex < 0 && clearOrigin )
				VectorClear( skel->bones[ i ].t.trans );
				QuatClear( skel->bones[ i ].t.rot );

				// move bounding box back
				VectorSubtract( skel->bounds[ 0 ], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[ 0 ] );
				VectorSubtract( skel->bounds[ 1 ], lerpedOrigin, skel->bounds[ 1 ] );
				VectorCopy( lerpedOrigin, skel->bones[ i ].t.trans );

			QuatCopy( lerpedQuat, skel->bones[ i ].t.rot );
			skel->bones[ i ].t.scale = 1.0f;

#if defined( REFBONE_NAMES )
			Q_strncpyz( skel->bones[ i ].name, channel->name, sizeof( skel->bones[ i ].name ) );

		skel->numBones = anim->numChannels;
		skel->type = refSkeletonType_t::SK_RELATIVE;
		return true;

	// FIXME: clear existing bones and bounds?
	return false;