void rtl8188e_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(PADAPTER padapter, u8 mstatus)
	HAL_DATA_TYPE	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
	struct mlme_ext_priv	*pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
	struct mlme_ext_info	*pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
	struct mlme_priv	*pmlmepriv = &padapter->mlmepriv;
	struct sta_info *psta = NULL;
	BOOLEAN		bSendBeacon=_FALSE;
	BOOLEAN		bcn_valid = _FALSE;
	u8	DLBcnCount=0;
	u32 poll = 0;


	DBG_871X("%s mstatus(%x)\n", __FUNCTION__,mstatus);

	if(mstatus == 1)
		// We should set AID, correct TSF, HW seq enable before set JoinBssReport to Fw in 88/92C.
		// Suggested by filen. Added by tynli.
		rtw_write16(padapter, REG_BCN_PSR_RPT, (0xC000|pmlmeinfo->aid));
		// Do not set TSF again here or vWiFi beacon DMA INT will not work.
		//correct_TSF(padapter, pmlmeext);
		// Hw sequende enable by dedault. 2010.06.23. by tynli.
		//rtw_write16(padapter, REG_NQOS_SEQ, ((pmlmeext->mgnt_seq+100)&0xFFF));
		//rtw_write8(padapter, REG_HWSEQ_CTRL, 0xFF);

		//Set REG_CR bit 8. DMA beacon by SW.
		pHalData->RegCR_1 |= BIT0;
		rtw_write8(padapter,  REG_CR+1, pHalData->RegCR_1);

		// Disable Hw protection for a time which revserd for Hw sending beacon.
		// Fix download reserved page packet fail that access collision with the protection time.
		// 2010.05.11. Added by tynli.
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(padapter, 0, BIT3);
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(padapter, BIT4, 0);
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(3)));
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(4));

			DBG_871X("HalDownloadRSVDPage(): There is an Adapter is sending beacon.\n");
			bSendBeacon = _TRUE;

		// Set FWHW_TXQ_CTRL 0x422[6]=0 to tell Hw the packet is not a real beacon frame.
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl&(~BIT6)));
		pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl &= (~BIT6);

		// Clear beacon valid check bit.
		rtw_hal_set_hwreg(padapter, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, NULL);
		DLBcnCount = 0;
		poll = 0;
			// download rsvd page.
			SetFwRsvdPagePkt(padapter, _FALSE);
				// check rsvd page download OK.
				rtw_hal_get_hwreg(padapter, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, (u8*)(&bcn_valid));
			} while(!bcn_valid && (poll%10)!=0 && !padapter->bSurpriseRemoved && !padapter->bDriverStopped);

		}while(!bcn_valid && DLBcnCount<=100 && !padapter->bSurpriseRemoved && !padapter->bDriverStopped);

		//RT_ASSERT(bcn_valid, ("HalDownloadRSVDPage88ES(): 1 Download RSVD page failed!\n"));
		if(padapter->bSurpriseRemoved || padapter->bDriverStopped)
		else if(!bcn_valid)
			DBG_871X(ADPT_FMT": 1 DL RSVD page failed! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u\n",
				ADPT_ARG(padapter) ,DLBcnCount, poll);
		else {
			struct pwrctrl_priv *pwrctl = adapter_to_pwrctl(padapter);
			pwrctl->fw_psmode_iface_id = padapter->iface_id;
			DBG_871X(ADPT_FMT": 1 DL RSVD page success! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u\n",
				ADPT_ARG(padapter), DLBcnCount, poll);
		// We just can send the reserved page twice during the time that Tx thread is stopped (e.g. pnpsetpower)
		// becuase we need to free the Tx BCN Desc which is used by the first reserved page packet.
		// At run time, we cannot get the Tx Desc until it is released in TxHandleInterrupt() so we will return
		// the beacon TCB in the following code. 2011.11.23. by tynli.
		//if(bcn_valid && padapter->bEnterPnpSleep)
				rtw_hal_set_hwreg(padapter, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, NULL);
				DLBcnCount = 0;
				poll = 0;
					SetFwRsvdPagePkt(padapter, _TRUE);

						// check rsvd page download OK.
						rtw_hal_get_hwreg(padapter, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, (u8*)(&bcn_valid));
					} while(!bcn_valid && (poll%10)!=0 && !padapter->bSurpriseRemoved && !padapter->bDriverStopped);
				}while(!bcn_valid && DLBcnCount<=100 && !padapter->bSurpriseRemoved && !padapter->bDriverStopped);

				//RT_ASSERT(bcn_valid, ("HalDownloadRSVDPage(): 2 Download RSVD page failed!\n"));
				if(padapter->bSurpriseRemoved || padapter->bDriverStopped)
				else if(!bcn_valid)
					DBG_871X("%s: 2 Download RSVD page failed! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u\n", __FUNCTION__ ,DLBcnCount, poll);
					DBG_871X("%s: 2 Download RSVD success! DLBcnCount:%u, poll:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, DLBcnCount, poll);

		// Enable Bcn
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(padapter, BIT3, 0);
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(padapter, 0, BIT4);
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(3));
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(4)));

		// To make sure that if there exists an adapter which would like to send beacon.
		// If exists, the origianl value of 0x422[6] will be 1, we should check this to
		// prevent from setting 0x422[6] to 0 after download reserved page, or it will cause
		// the beacon cannot be sent by HW.
		// 2010.06.23. Added by tynli.
			rtw_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl|BIT6));
			pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl |= BIT6;

		// Update RSVD page location H2C to Fw.
			rtw_hal_set_hwreg(padapter, HW_VAR_BCN_VALID, NULL);
			DBG_871X("Set RSVD page location to Fw.\n");
			//FillH2CCmd88E(Adapter, H2C_88E_RSVDPAGE, H2C_RSVDPAGE_LOC_LENGTH, pMgntInfo->u1RsvdPageLoc);

		// Do not enable HW DMA BCN or it will cause Pcie interface hang by timing issue. 2011.11.24. by tynli.
			// Clear CR[8] or beacon packet will not be send to TxBuf anymore.
			pHalData->RegCR_1 &= (~BIT0);
			rtw_write8(padapter,  REG_CR+1, pHalData->RegCR_1);
	if (adapter_to_pwrctl(padapter)->wowlan_mode){
		JoinBssRptParm.OpMode = mstatus;
		psta = rtw_get_stainfo(&padapter->stapriv, get_bssid(pmlmepriv));
		if (psta != NULL) {
			JoinBssRptParm.MacID = psta->mac_id;
		} else {
			JoinBssRptParm.MacID = 0;
		FillH2CCmd_88E(padapter, H2C_COM_MEDIA_STATUS_RPT, sizeof(JoinBssRptParm), (u8 *)&JoinBssRptParm);
		DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_info_, "%s opmode:%d MacId:%d\n", __func__, JoinBssRptParm.OpMode, JoinBssRptParm.MacID);
	} else {
		DBG_871X_LEVEL(_drv_info_, "%s wowlan_mode is off\n", __func__);
Beispiel #2
void rtl8192d_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(_adapter* padapter, u8 mstatus)
	u8	u1JoinBssRptParm[1]={0};
	HAL_DATA_TYPE	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
	struct mlme_ext_priv	*pmlmeext = &(padapter->mlmeextpriv);
	struct mlme_ext_info	*pmlmeinfo = &(pmlmeext->mlmext_info);
	BOOLEAN	bRecover = _FALSE;

	DBG_871X("%s\n", __FUNCTION__);

	if(mstatus == 1)
		// We should set AID, correct TSF, HW seq enable before set JoinBssReport to Fw in 88/92C.
		// Suggested by filen. Added by tynli.
		rtw_write16(padapter, REG_BCN_PSR_RPT, (0xC000|pmlmeinfo->aid));
		// Do not set TSF again here or vWiFi beacon DMA INT will not work.
		//rtw_hal_set_hwreg(Adapter, HW_VAR_CORRECT_TSF, (pu1Byte)(&bTypeIbss));
		// Hw sequende enable by dedault. 2010.06.23. by tynli.

		//set REG_CR bit 8
		pHalData->RegCR_1 |= BIT0;
		rtw_write8(padapter,  REG_CR+1, pHalData->RegCR_1);

		// Disable Hw protection for a time which revserd for Hw sending beacon.
		// Fix download reserved page packet fail that access collision with the protection time.
		// 2010.05.11. Added by tynli.
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(Adapter, 0, BIT3);
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(Adapter, BIT4, 0);
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(3)));
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(4));

		// Set FWHW_TXQ_CTRL 0x422[6]=0 to tell Hw the packet is not a real beacon frame.
			bRecover = _TRUE;
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl&(~BIT6)));
		pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl &= (~BIT6);
		SetFwRsvdPagePkt(padapter, 0);
		// 2010.05.11. Added by tynli.
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(Adapter, BIT3, 0);
		//SetBcnCtrlReg(Adapter, 0, BIT4);
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)|BIT(3));
		rtw_write8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL, rtw_read8(padapter, REG_BCN_CTRL)&(~BIT(4)));

		// To make sure that if there exists an adapter which would like to send beacon.
		// If exists, the origianl value of 0x422[6] will be 1, we should check this to
		// prevent from setting 0x422[6] to 0 after download reserved page, or it will cause 
		// the beacon cannot be sent by HW.
		// 2010.06.23. Added by tynli.
			rtw_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2, (pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl|BIT6));
			pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl |= BIT6;

		// Clear CR[8] or beacon packet will not be send to TxBuf anymore.
		pHalData->RegCR_1 &= (~BIT0);
		rtw_write8(padapter,  REG_CR+1, pHalData->RegCR_1);

	FillH2CCmd92D(padapter, H2C_JOINBSSRPT, 1, u1JoinBssRptParm);

Beispiel #3
void rtl8723a_set_FwJoinBssReport_cmd(struct rtw_adapter *padapter, u8 mstatus)
	struct joinbssrpt_parm	JoinBssRptParm;
	struct hal_data_8723a	*pHalData = GET_HAL_DATA(padapter);
	struct mlme_ext_priv *pmlmeext = &padapter->mlmeextpriv;
	struct mlme_ext_info *pmlmeinfo = &pmlmeext->mlmext_info;

	DBG_8723A("%s mstatus(%x)\n", __func__, mstatus);

	if (mstatus == 1) {
		bool bRecover = false;
		u8 v8;

		/*  We should set AID, correct TSF, HW seq enable before set JoinBssReport to Fw in 88/92C. */
		/*  Suggested by filen. Added by tynli. */
		rtl8723au_write16(padapter, REG_BCN_PSR_RPT,
		/*  Do not set TSF again here or vWiFi beacon DMA INT will not work. */
		/* correct_TSF23a(padapter, pmlmeext); */
		/*  Hw sequende enable by dedault. 2010.06.23. by tynli. */
		/* rtl8723au_write16(padapter, REG_NQOS_SEQ, ((pmlmeext->mgnt_seq+100)&0xFFF)); */
		/* rtl8723au_write8(padapter, REG_HWSEQ_CTRL, 0xFF); */

		/*  set REG_CR bit 8 */
		v8 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, REG_CR+1);
		v8 |= BIT(0); /*  ENSWBCN */
		rtl8723au_write8(padapter,  REG_CR+1, v8);

		/*  Disable Hw protection for a time which revserd for Hw sending beacon. */
		/*  Fix download reserved page packet fail that access collision with the protection time. */
		/*  2010.05.11. Added by tynli. */
/*			SetBcnCtrlReg23a(padapter, 0, BIT(3)); */
/*			SetBcnCtrlReg23a(padapter, BIT(4), 0); */
		SetBcnCtrlReg23a(padapter, BIT(4), BIT(3));

		/*  Set FWHW_TXQ_CTRL 0x422[6]= 0 to tell Hw the packet is not a real beacon frame. */
		if (pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl & BIT(6))
			bRecover = true;

		/*  To tell Hw the packet is not a real beacon frame. */
		/* U1bTmp = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL+2); */
		rtl8723au_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL + 2,
				 pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl & ~BIT(6));
		pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl &= ~BIT(6);
		SetFwRsvdPagePkt(padapter, 0);

		/*  2010.05.11. Added by tynli. */
		SetBcnCtrlReg23a(padapter, BIT(3), BIT(4));

		/*  To make sure that if there exists an adapter which would like to send beacon. */
		/*  If exists, the origianl value of 0x422[6] will be 1, we should check this to */
		/*  prevent from setting 0x422[6] to 0 after download reserved page, or it will cause */
		/*  the beacon cannot be sent by HW. */
		/*  2010.06.23. Added by tynli. */
		if (bRecover) {
			rtl8723au_write8(padapter, REG_FWHW_TXQ_CTRL + 2,
					 pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl | BIT(6));
			pHalData->RegFwHwTxQCtrl |= BIT(6);

		/*  Clear CR[8] or beacon packet will not be send to TxBuf anymore. */
		v8 = rtl8723au_read8(padapter, REG_CR+1);
		v8 &= ~BIT(0); /*  ~ENSWBCN */
		rtl8723au_write8(padapter, REG_CR+1, v8);

	JoinBssRptParm.OpMode = mstatus;

	FillH2CCmd(padapter, JOINBSS_RPT_EID, sizeof(JoinBssRptParm), (u8 *)&JoinBssRptParm);
