Beispiel #1
void rotate_stepper2(unsigned long steps, unsigned char direction, unsigned long frequency, unsigned char mode){
	if(mode){	// Full Stepper Mode
		if(direction){	// ClockWise Direction in Full Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 > 3) pos_stepper2 = 0;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_full2[pos_stepper2++];
		}else{			// CounterClockWise Direction in Full Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 < 0) pos_stepper2 = 3;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_full2[pos_stepper2--];
	}else{		// Half Stepper Mode
		if(direction){	// ClockWise Direction in Half Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 > 7) pos_stepper2 = 0;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_half2[pos_stepper2++];
		}else{			// CounterClockWise Direction in Half Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 < 0) pos_stepper2 = 7;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_half2[pos_stepper2--];
Beispiel #2
*     Function Name:    sendnRFstring                               *
*     Parameters:       pointer to string, length of string.        *
*     Description:      Writes a string to the transmit FIFO of nRF *
*                       and toggels the CE line to start            *
*                       transmission.                               *
*                                                                   *
void sendnRFstring(unsigned char *nRFstring, int size)

    LDPageWriteSPI(0xA0, nRFstring, size);
    __delay32(200); // Delay for >10us
    _LATB15 = 1;
    __delay32(200); // Delay for >10us
    _LATB15 = 0;
Beispiel #3
void PWMEnable()
// TODO: metti un commento, please
  // IDLE to 50% PWM

  FLTACON = 0;

  // L pwm out high
  P1OVDCON = 0x0015; 
  // allows driver boost capacitors to charge
  __delay32(24); // 8

  //P1OVDCON = 0x0000;

  // clear fault flag before start fault mechanism
  IFS3bits.FLTA1IF = 0;
  P1OVDCON = 0x3f00;

  SysStatus.PWM_is_disabled = 0;

  // Enable PWM generation
  PTCONbits.PTEN = 1;


  // PWM fault configuration
  // pin pair 1,2 and 3 are controlled by Fault Input A
  FLTACON = 7;
  FLTACON = 0; // fault disabled 
Beispiel #4
void delay_ms(U32 u32ms)
	U32 u32ticks;
	u32ticks = ( ((U32)u32ms * 1000)  / cTcy_ns) * 1000;
Beispiel #5
void delay_us(U32 u32us)
	U32 u32ticks;
	u32ticks = ( ((U32)u32us * 1000)  / cTcy_ns);
Beispiel #6
void ADCDoOffsetCalibration(void)
// ADC Initialization:
// Performs offset calibration for ISENSES and initial base value acquisition for vdclink.
// Then setup ADC for for sequential sampling on  CH0=AN0, CH1=AN1, CH2=AN2. 
// without PWM sync and DMA, value and stored in MeasCurrParm.Offseta,b signed fractional form.
  int i;
  int ret;
  int led;
  // Configure ADC registers for calibration without PWM sync and DMA

  // Execute calibration and store values
  for(i=0;i<10000;i++){// delay  1s
     __delay32(4000); //delay 100us

  led = LED_status.RedBlinkRate;


	ret = ADCCalibrate() ;

    if(-1 == ret){

		/* AD is not working properly.
         * loop forever if fatal error
         * condition
		 SysError.ADCCalFailure = 1;


	}else if(-2 == ret){
		/* VDCLink is too low.
         * enlight red led, then
         * wait forever for VDClink to
         * raise 
		SysError.ADCCalFailure = 1;
       // break;
     	LED_status.RedBlinkRate = led;

Beispiel #7
int main() {
    TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 0;

    while(1) {
        LATBbits.LATB7 = ~PORTBbits.RB7;
Beispiel #8
static void s_led_flash(void)
    unsigned int i;
        LATAbits.LATA3 = ~LATAbits.LATA3;
Beispiel #9
void ByteReadSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char *rdptr, unsigned char length )
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2( Add );                // WRITE word address to EEPROM
  getsSPI2( rdptr, length );           // read in multiple bytes
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect Device

  __delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Beispiel #10
uint8_t osd_spi_read(int8_t addr)
	uint8_t SPIData;

	OSD_CS = 0;                     // Set active-low CS low to start the SPI cycle 
	spi_write_raw_byte(addr);       // Send the Address
	__delay32(20000UL * OSD_SF);
	SPIData = spi_xfer_raw_byte(0);
	OSD_CS = 1;                     // Set active-low CS high to end the SPI cycle 
	return SPIData;
Beispiel #11
void ByteWriteSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char Data )
	DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
	WriteSPI2 ( Add );               // write address byte to EEPROM
	WriteSPI2 ( Data );                 // Write Byte to device
  	DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect device and initiate Write
	SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;		// Transmit started, SPIxTXB is empty

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Beispiel #12
Datei: main.c Projekt: wazuba/AFC
int main (void)
	while(OSCCONbits.LOCK!=1);	/* Wait for PLL to lock */

	__delay32(EEPROM_DELAY*10);	/* Wait for EEPROMs to settle */
    state = STATE_INIT;

		stateMachine();	/* call state machine */

Beispiel #13
  Figure out if there was a pulse without a trigger
  The trigger pulse is a sample pulse so it comes in the middle of current pulse.
  We should wait for 10us After this is entered.  If there has not been a trigger pulse durring that time 
  then it was a false tirgger
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _INT3Interrupt(void) {
  // There was trigger on INT3
  _INT3IF = 0;
  __delay32(100); // wait for 10us

  if (!global_data_A36582.sample_complete) {
    // There was a current pulse without a sample trigger within the next 10us
Beispiel #14
void lights(void){
    LED1 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = !(resetStat & RST_POR);
    LED2 = !(resetStat & RST_BOR);
    LED3 = !(resetStat & RST_EXTR);
    LED4 = !(resetStat & RST_CM);
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
Beispiel #15
int main(void) {
    int duty = 500;
    write_duty(duty); //apply duty cycle change
    motoron = 1;//turn motor on
    kick();//kick start commutation
    while (1){
        LED1 = !S3;
        LED2 = !S2;
        LED3 = !S1;
    return 0;
Beispiel #16
/* The initialize function configures the PLL to set the internal clock
 * frequency. It also configures the digital IO and calls the initialization
 * functions for each of the modules. A light sequence signals the end of
 * initialization.
void initialize(void){
    /* Configure Phase Lock Loop for  the system clock reference at 40MHz */
    // Fosc (Clock frequency) is set at 80MHz
    // Fin is 7.37 MHz from internal FRC oscillator
    // FPLLI = Fin/N1 = 3.685 MHz
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;   // N1 = 2
    // FVCO = FPLLI*M1 = 162.14MHz
    PLLFBDbits.PLLDIV = 42;  // M = 44
    // FPLLO = FVCO/N2 = 81.07 MHz
    // FOSC ~= 80MHz, FCY ~= 40MHz
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;  // N2 = 2

    /* Initiate Clock Switch */
    //The __builtin macro handles unlocking the OSCCON register
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(1); //New oscillator is FRC with PLL
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x01); //Enable clock switch

    while (OSCCONbits.COSC!= 1); //Wait for FRC with PLL to be clock source
    while (OSCCONbits.LOCK!= 1); //Wait for PLL to lock

    /* Configure IO*/
    TRISDbits.TRISD10 = 1;   //USER input
    //LED outputs
    ANSELBbits.ANSB13 = 0;  //Disable Analog on B13
    TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0;  //LED1
    ANSELBbits.ANSB12 = 0;  //Disable Analog on B12
    TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0;  //LED2
    TRISDbits.TRISD11 = 0;  //LED3
    TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0;   //LED4
    //Magnet Control
    TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0;   //Top Magnet

    //Store bits indicating reason for reset
    resetStat = RCON;
    //Clear reset buffer so next reset reading is correct
    RCON = 0;

    /* Initialize peripherals*/
Beispiel #17
int main(void)
	if (!IS_MCU_PROGRAMMED()) /* Stay in programming */
	__delay32((unsigned long)((1000)*(FCY_UP)/1000ULL));

	mcu_id = MCU_ID;
	if (isPOWER_ON(rst_state = get_reset_state()))
		power_on_init(); /*	For POR, BOR and MCLR */

	rst_events |= rst_state; /* As RCON register */
	++rst_num; /* Calculate session reset number */

	check_traps(); /* Do some possible traps */

	/* SIM doesn't clear SRbits.IPL, ICD2 clears it */
	SET_CPU_IPL(MAIN_IPL); /* Set default by hands */

	clr_reset_state(); // Clear uParam and RCON

	return(0); /* Never return */
//ISR for CMP3
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _CMP3Interrupt(void){
	//Normal Mode
	if (sampling_mode==0){ //Normal Mode
		int temp=0;	
		ADCPC0bits.SWTRG0 = 1; //start conversion of AN0 and AN1 store 200 samples each
			while(ADCPC0bits.PEND0){} //conv pending becomes 0 when conv complete
				ADCPC0bits.SWTRG0 = 1; //start conversion of AN0 and AN1
								   // sets PEND0 to 1
		IEC1bits.AC3IE =0; //Disable interrupt
		//IFS1bits.AC3IF =0; //clear interrupt flag=0
Beispiel #19
void BurstWriteSPI2(unsigned char Address, unsigned char data0, unsigned char data1, 
                                                   unsigned char data2, unsigned char data3, 
                                                   unsigned char data4, unsigned char data5, 
                                                   unsigned char data6, unsigned char data7)
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2 ( Address );               // write address byte to EEPROM
  WriteSPI2 ( data0 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data1 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data2 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data3 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data4 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data5 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data6 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data7 );                 // Write Byte to device
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                         // Deselect device and initiate Write
  SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)

int main()
    int i = 0;
    _SWDTEN = 0;    // Disable watchdog timer
    _GIE    = 0;    // Disable interrupts


    __delay32(8000000/2);   // Wait about 500ms before change to PLL

    LED1_W = 1; LED2_W = 1; LED3_W = 1; LED4_W = 1; // turn off

    LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 1000);
    LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 1000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 2000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 2000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 3000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 3000);

    LED1_W = 1; LED2_W = 1; LED3_W = 1; LED4_W = 1; // turn off

            //if (rx_data == 200)
                LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 100);
                LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 100);
            //led = 0;
    return 0;
Beispiel #21
void __attribute__((__interrupt__(__preprologue__("BCLR ADCON1, #1")), no_auto_psv)) _INT1Interrupt(void) {
    A sample trigger has been received

  // DPARKER these functions may mess with the timing
  global_data_A36582.sample_energy_mode = ETMCanSlaveGetPulseLevel();
  global_data_A36582.sample_index = ETMCanSlaveGetPulseCount();
  global_data_A36582.sample_complete = 1;

  // Check that there was enough time between pulses
  if ((TMR2 <= MINIMUM_PULSE_PERIOD_T2) && (_T2IF == 0)) {
  _T2IF = 0;
  TMR2 = 0;

  // Wait for the pulse energy to dissipate
  // Noise from the PFN will often trigger the pic interrupt input
  // This checks that the interrupt trigger was a real trigger pulse
  if (_RA12 == 0) {

  // Read the data from port
  PIN_OUT_TP_F = 1;
  global_data_A36582.imag_external_adc.filtered_adc_reading = SendAndReceiveSPI(0, ETM_SPI_PORT_2);
  PIN_OUT_TP_F = 0;

  _INT1IF = 0;
Beispiel #22
void CalibrateGyro(void)
    int i;
    int ii;
    GyroOffset[0] = 0;
    GyroOffset[1] = 0;
    GyroOffset[2] = 0;
    AngleOffset[0] = 0;
    AngleOffset[1] = 0;

    for (i=0;i<1000;i++)
        /** Read sensors ******************************************************/
        __delay32(5000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny...
        accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
        accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
        for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
            GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii] + gyro[ii];
        AngleOffset[0] += accXangle;
        AngleOffset[1] += accYangle;
    for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
        GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii]/1000;
    AngleOffset[0] = AngleOffset[0]/1000.0;
    AngleOffset[1] = AngleOffset[1]/1000.0;
    gyroXangle = AngleOffset[0];
    gyroYangle = AngleOffset[1];
    compAngleX = AngleOffset[0];
    compAngleY = AngleOffset[1];
Beispiel #23
void AllOfTheLights(void){
    LED1 = 0;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = 0;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
Beispiel #24
void ResetPulseLatches(void) {
 /* CS SENZA MOS DOPO ISO -> CS_H = 1 e CS_L = 0
    CS CON MOS DOPO ISO   -> CS_H = 0 e CS_L = 1 */
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,__auto_psv__)) _DMA4Interrupt(void) // DMA4 SPI
    _DMA4IF = 0;

    unsigned int static tmp __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(2)));
    int spi_temp;
    unsigned int cl=0;

    switch (StatoSPI)
       case 0:                             /* Idle */

       case 1:                             /* Start a new SPI Sequence */
            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;

            /* Toggle pin */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;                /* switch RG9 to 1 */
            __delay32(4074);                  /* Delay  */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;                /* switch RG9 to 0 */
            __delay32(4000);                  /* Delay  */

            /* Write only Sequence */
            DMA5CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Tx */ //Num byte + 1
            DMA5STA = (unsigned int) &SPI1_Buff16[0];
            DMA4CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &tmp;
            DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;                 /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x10;                   /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;                 /* Disable Null data Write */
            DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Tx */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Rx */
            DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;             /* Force Start DMA Tx */

            for (cl=0; cl<4000; cl++);
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */

            SPI_WRITING = 0;


        case 2:  //READ TX

            /* Toggle pin */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */
            __delay32(5074);                  /* Delay  */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;               /* switch RG9 to 0 */

            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;

            /* Write only Sequence */
            DMA5CNT = 2;                     /* DMA (SPI) Tx */
            DMA5STA = (unsigned int) &data_req[0];
            DMA4CNT = 2;                     /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &tmp;
            DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;               /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x10;                 /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;               /* Disable Null data Write */
            DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Tx */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Rx */
            DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;           /* Force Start DMA Tx */

            for (cl=0; cl<5000; cl++);

            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &data_rx[0];
            DMA4CNT = read_size;             /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4CON &= 0xFFEF;               /* Use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x800;                /* Null data Write in addition do Peripheral to RAM write */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Rx */
            SPI2BUF = 0;                     /* Start DMA sequence */

            for (cl=0; cl<18000; cl++);
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */


        case 3:      /* Start a new SPI Sequence */

            for(cicli_dma=0; cicli_dma <= cicli_init+1; cicli_dma+=4){

                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;              /* switch RG9 to 1 */
                /* Delay */
                __delay32(4074);                 /* Delay  */
                /* Toggle pin */
                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;             /* switch RG9 to 0 */

                SPI1_Buff16[0] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma];
                SPI1_Buff16[1] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+1];
                SPI1_Buff16[2] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+2];
                SPI1_Buff16[3] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+3];

                SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
                /* Write only Sequence */
                DMA5CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Tx */
                DMA5STA = (unsigned  int) &SPI1_Buff16[0];
                DMA4CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
                DMA4STA = (unsigned  int) &tmp;
                DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;                 /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
                DMA4CON |= 0x10;                   /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
                DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;                 /* Disable Null data Write */
                DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Tx */
                DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Rx */
                DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;             /* Force Start DMA Tx */

                for (cl=0; cl<12000; cl++);
                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */

                for (cl=0; cl<20000; cl++);


        default:                            /* Sequence finished */
            StatoSPI = 0;               /* Should never happend */

    }                                    /* End of switch case sequence*/

    IFS2bits.DMA4IF = 0;				// Clear the DMA0 interrupt flag bit

}        /* End of interrupt */
Beispiel #26
Datei: user.c Projekt: dsky7/PIC
void delay_ms(unsigned int N)
Beispiel #27
void RCInitCypressCYRF6936(void)
    unsigned char Address;                     //Low Order Address Byte
    unsigned char Data=0;                       //Data Byte
    unsigned char Length; 
    unsigned char PageString[128];

#if 0
    RC_reset = 1;               // Reset the Cypress
    __delay32(MILLISEC);  // 1 milisec delay
    RC_reset = 0;               // Reset the Cypress
    __delay32(MILLISEC);  // 1 milisec delay   

    Address = 0x81;                              // TX_LENGTH_ADR
    Data = 0x10;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x82;                              // TX_CTRL_ADR -> TX disabled
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x83;                              // TX_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x2F;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x86;                              // RX_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x4A;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x87;                              // RX_IRQ_STATUS_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8B;                              // PWR_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8C;                              // XTAL_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x04;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8D;                              // IO_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x41;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8E;                              // GPIO_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x90;                              // FRAMING_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0xEE;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9B;                              // TX_OFFSET_LSB_ADR
    Data = 0x55;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9C;                              // TX_OFFSET_MSB_ADR
    Data = 0x05;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9D;                              // MODE_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x18;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xB2;                              // AUTO_CAL_TIME
    Data = 0x3C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xB5;                              // AUTO_CAL_OFFSET
    Data = 0x14;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9E;                              // RX_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x90;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9F;                              // TX_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8F;                              // XACT_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x2C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA8;                              // CLK_EN_ADR
    Data = 0x02;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA7;                              // CLK_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x02;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA2;                              // SOP_CODE_ADR
    BurstWriteSPI2(Address, 0xDF, 0xB1, 0xC0, 0x49, 0x62, 0xDF, 0xC1, 0x49);

    Address = 0x8F;                              // XACT_CFG_ADR -> clr FRC END
    Data = 0x0C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x41;                              // TX_LENGTH_ADR
    Length = 16;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x5D;                              
    Length = 3;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x66;                           
    Length = 3;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x72;                           
    Length = 1;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x75;                           
    Length = 1;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

Beispiel #28
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _T1Interrupt(void)
    unsigned int *chptr;           // For sending a float value
    unsigned int command;          // For sending commands to Axis Converter
    double gyroXrate, gyroYrate;
    char nRFstatus;
    unsigned char rfCommands[32];            // Commands received from remote
    unsigned char nRFregisters[10];
    int iii;
    long long xSpeedFilterSum = 0;
    long long ySpeedFilterSum = 0;
    // Toggle LED
    _LATA4 = 1;
    /** Read sensors ******************************************************/
    __delay32(1000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny...
    accXangle = ((atan2(accel[0], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[0];
    accYangle = ((atan2(accel[1], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[1];
    gyroXrate = ((double)gyro[0]-(double)GyroOffset[0])/131;
    gyroYrate = -(((double)gyro[1]-(double)GyroOffset[1])/131);

    /** Feedback Loop *****************************************************/
    compAngleX = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleX+(gyroYrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accXangle); // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter
    compAngleY = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleY+(gyroXrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accYangle);
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        iCompAngleY += compAngleY;
        iCompAngleX += compAngleX;
        iCompAngleY = 0.0;
        iCompAngleX = 0.0;
    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroXrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeed = -((compAngleX-sGAIN)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroYrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = xSpeed;
    ySpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = ySpeed;
    for(iii = 0; iii<=SpeedFilterLength;iii++)
        xSpeedFilterSum += xSpeedFilter[iii];
        ySpeedFilterSum += ySpeedFilter[iii];
    xSpeed = (long long)xSpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
    ySpeed = (long long)ySpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
//    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    xSpeed = -((compAngleX)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    if (xSpeed<0)
//        xSpeed = -(xSpeed*xSpeed);
//    else
//        xSpeed = xSpeed*xSpeed;
//    if (ySpeed<0)
//        ySpeed = -(ySpeed*ySpeed);
//    else
//        ySpeed = ySpeed*ySpeed;
    compAngleXlast = compAngleX;
    compAngleYlast = compAngleY;
//    xSpeed = gyroXrate *1000;
//    ySpeed = gyroYrate *1000;

    /** Build command string **********************************************/
    command = 0b1000000000000000;
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        command = command | 0b0100000000000000;
    /* Send data to Axis Controller ***************************************/
    chptr = (unsigned char *) &angle;  // For sending a float value
    CS_Axis = 0;
    /* Command: MSB
     * 15: 0 = NO Speed Values
     * 14: 1 = Enable Stepper Driver
     * 13:
    WriteSPI2(command);                 // Command: MSB
    WriteSPI2(xSpeed);                  // Send x-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(ySpeed);                  // Send y-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(*chptr++);                // Sending first part of float value
    WriteSPI2(*chptr);                // Sending second part of float value
    CS_Axis = 1;

    /** Prepare telemetry *************************************************/
    /**** Telemetry string format for command=0x42 ************************/
    /** command, axh, axl, ayh, ayl, azh, azl, th, tl,             9byte **/
    /** gxh, gxl, gyh, gyl, gzh, gzl, cxh, cxl, cyh, cyl, czh, czl,12byte**/
    /** motorStatus                                                 1byte**/
    /**   --Total 22byte                                                 **/

    serString[16] = xSpeed & 0xFF; // Temporary sending additional telemetry
    serString[15] = xSpeed >> 8;
    serString[18] = ySpeed & 0xFF;
    serString[17] = ySpeed >> 8;
//        serString[18] = iax & 0xFF;
//        serString[17] = iax >> 8;
//        serString[20] = igy & 0xFF;
//        serString[19] = igy >> 8;

    serString[21] = enableSteppers;

    if (SpeedFilterCounter> SpeedFilterLength)
        SpeedFilterCounter = 0;
    /** Receive RF commands if any ********************************************/
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);
    nRFstatus = LDBytePollnRF();
    for(iii=0; iii<10;iii++) // For debug
        nRFregisters[iii] = readnRFbyte(iii);
    if (nRFstatus & 0b01000000)  // Data Ready RX FIFO
    //    _LATB4 = 1;
////        Delay10TCYx(100);
        LDByteReadSPI(0x61, rfCommands, 21);    // Read RX FIFO
        LDByteWriteSPI(0x27 , 0b01000000);        // Clear RX FIFO interrupt bit
        //ByteWriteSPI(0xE2 , 0xFF); //Flush RX FIFO
        if(rfCommands[0] == 0x82)
                enableSteppers = 0;
                buttonState = 0;
                //_LATB4 = 0;
            } else {
                enableSteppers = 1;
                buttonState = 2;
                //_LATB4 = 1;
        } else if (rfCommands[0] == 0x83)
            _LATB4 = 1;
            // Set the received values to variables
            for(iii=1;iii<19;iii += 3){
                    setValueCode[rfCommands[iii]] = (rfCommands[iii+1]<<8) + rfCommands[iii+2];
            pGAIN = setValueCode[1];
            dGAIN = setValueCode[2];
            compFilterGyro = (float)setValueCode[4]/(float)1000;
            compFilterAccel = 1.0 - compFilterGyro;
            iGAIN = (float)setValueCode[3]/100.0;
            //angle = (setValueCode[6]-180)* PI /180.0;
            //SpeedFilterLength = setValueCode[5];
            LDByteWriteI2C(0x00D0, 0x1A, setValueCode[5]); // 0.0 ms and disable FSYNC
            sGAIN = (float)(setValueCode[6]-1000)/100.0;

//        //LATDbits.LATD3 = 0;
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);   //
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x26, 0b00000010);   // Set RC_CH to reset retransmit counter
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE2);            // Flush RX buffer (not during ACK)
    /** Send telemetry ********************************************************/
//    _LATB15 = 0;                        // Set CE low to stop receiving data
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001010);  // Set to send mode
//    __delay32(100);
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00010000);   // clear MAX_RT (max retries)
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE1);            // Flush TX buffer (tx buffer contains last failed transmission)
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
    sendnRFstring( serString, 22);
    /** Set nRF to recive mode ************************************************/
//    __delay32(1000);
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001011); // Set to receive mode
//    _LATB15 = 1;     // Set CE high to start receiving data
    /* Done with interrupt ****************************************************/
    _LATA4 = 0;
    _T1IF = 0;  // Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag

Beispiel #29
int16_t main(void)

    unsigned int buttonCounter = 20000;
    int i;

    /* Configure the oscillator for the device */
    /* Initialize IO ports and peripherals */
    __delay32(1600000); // allow for POR for all devices
    ControlByte = 0x00D0; // mpu6050 address
//    InitHMC5883L();
    /** Init control loop *****************************************************/
    accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
    accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
    gyroXangle = accXangle;
    gyroYangle = accYangle;
    compAngleX = accXangle;
    compAngleY = accYangle;
    AngleOffset[0] = accXangle;
    AngleOffset[1] = accYangle;

    CalibrateGyro();    // Finding the gyro zero-offset
//////    int serStringN = 14;
//////    char nRFstatus = 0;
////////    int i;
//////    delaytime = 1;
//////    bool mode = 0;
        /** Read Button RB7 for enable steppers *******************************/
        if (buttonState == 0 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 1;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonState == 1 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            enableSteppers = 2;
            buttonState = 2;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 1;
        if (buttonState == 2 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 3;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonState == 3 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 0;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonCounter)
        for (i=0;i<100;i++)
//        __delay32(100);

Beispiel #30
int ADCCalibrate(void)
// Calculate mean value of ADC_CAL_N_SAMPLES samples for iA, iB and Vdc and store in
// MeasCurrParm.Offseta, Offsetb 
// DMA AND ADC isr are not enabled here!
// An error in estimation of current offset results in a cogging torque when 
// torque set point is 0; the value can be adjusted looking at the 3 phase ia, ib, and ic
// and centering all values around 0
  int i,TOT;
  long ADCVdcZero = 0;
  long ADCOffs1 = 0, ADCOffs2 = 0;
  // Put an 'accettable' value in case of error in the calibration process
  MeasCurrParm.Offseta = 0x0;
  MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = 0x0;

  // Turn on ADC module
  AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1;
    // samples AN0
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 0;
    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;

    // TODO: TRIM ME (eventually:)

    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE)
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumulate values
    ADCOffs1 += (int)ADC1BUF0;

    // Samples AN1
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 1;
    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;


    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE )
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumuulate values
    ADCOffs2 += (int)ADC1BUF0;
    // Samples AN2 (Vdc)
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 2;

    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;

    // TODO TRIM ME */

    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;
    // don't mind about int generated

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE )
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumuulate values
    ADCVdcZero += (int)ADC1BUF0;

   /* if the measured VDCLINK is lower than this threshold
    * then we cannot be sure the Allegro are properly powered.
    * For this reason the ADC calibration is not reliable.
	 return -2;

  // divide for number of samples in order to get mean

  // associate the calculated offset
  MeasCurrParm.Offseta = ADCOffs1;
  MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = ADCOffs2;

// TODO: mettere a posto la correzione dell'offset
//   e quindi togliere questi bypass!
//MeasCurrParm.Offseta = 0x200;
//MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = 0x200;

// TODO: un commentino, no?
  TargetDCbus = ADCVdcZero;

  // Turn off ADC module
  AD1CON1bits.ADON = 0;

  return 0;