Ejemplo n.º 1
void rotate_stepper2(unsigned long steps, unsigned char direction, unsigned long frequency, unsigned char mode){
	if(mode){	// Full Stepper Mode
		if(direction){	// ClockWise Direction in Full Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 > 3) pos_stepper2 = 0;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_full2[pos_stepper2++];
		}else{			// CounterClockWise Direction in Full Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 < 0) pos_stepper2 = 3;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_full2[pos_stepper2--];
	}else{		// Half Stepper Mode
		if(direction){	// ClockWise Direction in Half Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 > 7) pos_stepper2 = 0;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_half2[pos_stepper2++];
		}else{			// CounterClockWise Direction in Half Stepper Mode
			while(steps > 0){
				if(pos_stepper2 < 0) pos_stepper2 = 7;
				STEPPERS_PORT = (STEPPERS_PORT|0xF0)& step_half2[pos_stepper2--];
Ejemplo n.º 2
*     Function Name:    sendnRFstring                               *
*     Parameters:       pointer to string, length of string.        *
*     Description:      Writes a string to the transmit FIFO of nRF *
*                       and toggels the CE line to start            *
*                       transmission.                               *
*                                                                   *
void sendnRFstring(unsigned char *nRFstring, int size)

    LDPageWriteSPI(0xA0, nRFstring, size);
    __delay32(200); // Delay for >10us
    _LATB15 = 1;
    __delay32(200); // Delay for >10us
    _LATB15 = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void PWMEnable()
// TODO: metti un commento, please
  // IDLE to 50% PWM

  FLTACON = 0;

  // L pwm out high
  P1OVDCON = 0x0015; 
  // allows driver boost capacitors to charge
  __delay32(24); // 8

  //P1OVDCON = 0x0000;

  // clear fault flag before start fault mechanism
  IFS3bits.FLTA1IF = 0;
  P1OVDCON = 0x3f00;

  SysStatus.PWM_is_disabled = 0;

  // Enable PWM generation
  PTCONbits.PTEN = 1;


  // PWM fault configuration
  // pin pair 1,2 and 3 are controlled by Fault Input A
  FLTACON = 7;
  FLTACON = 0; // fault disabled 
Ejemplo n.º 4
void delay_ms(U32 u32ms)
	U32 u32ticks;
	u32ticks = ( ((U32)u32ms * 1000)  / cTcy_ns) * 1000;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void delay_us(U32 u32us)
	U32 u32ticks;
	u32ticks = ( ((U32)u32us * 1000)  / cTcy_ns);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ADCDoOffsetCalibration(void)
// ADC Initialization:
// Performs offset calibration for ISENSES and initial base value acquisition for vdclink.
// Then setup ADC for for sequential sampling on  CH0=AN0, CH1=AN1, CH2=AN2. 
// without PWM sync and DMA, value and stored in MeasCurrParm.Offseta,b signed fractional form.
  int i;
  int ret;
  int led;
  // Configure ADC registers for calibration without PWM sync and DMA

  // Execute calibration and store values
  for(i=0;i<10000;i++){// delay  1s
     __delay32(4000); //delay 100us

  led = LED_status.RedBlinkRate;


	ret = ADCCalibrate() ;

    if(-1 == ret){

		/* AD is not working properly.
         * loop forever if fatal error
         * condition
		 SysError.ADCCalFailure = 1;


	}else if(-2 == ret){
		/* VDCLink is too low.
         * enlight red led, then
         * wait forever for VDClink to
         * raise 
		SysError.ADCCalFailure = 1;
       // break;
     	LED_status.RedBlinkRate = led;

Ejemplo n.º 7
int main() {
    TRISBbits.TRISB7 = 0;

    while(1) {
        LATBbits.LATB7 = ~PORTBbits.RB7;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void s_led_flash(void)
    unsigned int i;
        LATAbits.LATA3 = ~LATAbits.LATA3;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void ByteReadSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char *rdptr, unsigned char length )
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2( Add );                // WRITE word address to EEPROM
  getsSPI2( rdptr, length );           // read in multiple bytes
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect Device

  __delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Ejemplo n.º 10
uint8_t osd_spi_read(int8_t addr)
	uint8_t SPIData;

	OSD_CS = 0;                     // Set active-low CS low to start the SPI cycle 
	spi_write_raw_byte(addr);       // Send the Address
	__delay32(20000UL * OSD_SF);
	SPIData = spi_xfer_raw_byte(0);
	OSD_CS = 1;                     // Set active-low CS high to end the SPI cycle 
	return SPIData;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void ByteWriteSPI2(unsigned char Add, unsigned char Data )
	DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
	WriteSPI2 ( Add );               // write address byte to EEPROM
	WriteSPI2 ( Data );                 // Write Byte to device
  	DS_CS_2 = 1;                             // Deselect device and initiate Write
	SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;		// Transmit started, SPIxTXB is empty

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: main.c Proyecto: wazuba/AFC
int main (void)
	while(OSCCONbits.LOCK!=1);	/* Wait for PLL to lock */

	__delay32(EEPROM_DELAY*10);	/* Wait for EEPROMs to settle */
    state = STATE_INIT;

		stateMachine();	/* call state machine */

Ejemplo n.º 13
  Figure out if there was a pulse without a trigger
  The trigger pulse is a sample pulse so it comes in the middle of current pulse.
  We should wait for 10us After this is entered.  If there has not been a trigger pulse durring that time 
  then it was a false tirgger
void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _INT3Interrupt(void) {
  // There was trigger on INT3
  _INT3IF = 0;
  __delay32(100); // wait for 10us

  if (!global_data_A36582.sample_complete) {
    // There was a current pulse without a sample trigger within the next 10us
Ejemplo n.º 14
void lights(void){
    LED1 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = !(resetStat & RST_POR);
    LED2 = !(resetStat & RST_BOR);
    LED3 = !(resetStat & RST_EXTR);
    LED4 = !(resetStat & RST_CM);
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
int main(void) {
    int duty = 500;
    write_duty(duty); //apply duty cycle change
    motoron = 1;//turn motor on
    kick();//kick start commutation
    while (1){
        LED1 = !S3;
        LED2 = !S2;
        LED3 = !S1;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/* The initialize function configures the PLL to set the internal clock
 * frequency. It also configures the digital IO and calls the initialization
 * functions for each of the modules. A light sequence signals the end of
 * initialization.
void initialize(void){
    /* Configure Phase Lock Loop for  the system clock reference at 40MHz */
    // Fosc (Clock frequency) is set at 80MHz
    // Fin is 7.37 MHz from internal FRC oscillator
    // FPLLI = Fin/N1 = 3.685 MHz
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPRE = 0;   // N1 = 2
    // FVCO = FPLLI*M1 = 162.14MHz
    PLLFBDbits.PLLDIV = 42;  // M = 44
    // FPLLO = FVCO/N2 = 81.07 MHz
    // FOSC ~= 80MHz, FCY ~= 40MHz
    CLKDIVbits.PLLPOST = 0;  // N2 = 2

    /* Initiate Clock Switch */
    //The __builtin macro handles unlocking the OSCCON register
    __builtin_write_OSCCONH(1); //New oscillator is FRC with PLL
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x01); //Enable clock switch

    while (OSCCONbits.COSC!= 1); //Wait for FRC with PLL to be clock source
    while (OSCCONbits.LOCK!= 1); //Wait for PLL to lock

    /* Configure IO*/
    TRISDbits.TRISD10 = 1;   //USER input
    //LED outputs
    ANSELBbits.ANSB13 = 0;  //Disable Analog on B13
    TRISBbits.TRISB13 = 0;  //LED1
    ANSELBbits.ANSB12 = 0;  //Disable Analog on B12
    TRISBbits.TRISB12 = 0;  //LED2
    TRISDbits.TRISD11 = 0;  //LED3
    TRISDbits.TRISD0 = 0;   //LED4
    //Magnet Control
    TRISBbits.TRISB14 = 0;   //Top Magnet

    //Store bits indicating reason for reset
    resetStat = RCON;
    //Clear reset buffer so next reset reading is correct
    RCON = 0;

    /* Initialize peripherals*/
Ejemplo n.º 17
int main(void)
	if (!IS_MCU_PROGRAMMED()) /* Stay in programming */
	__delay32((unsigned long)((1000)*(FCY_UP)/1000ULL));

	mcu_id = MCU_ID;
	if (isPOWER_ON(rst_state = get_reset_state()))
		power_on_init(); /*	For POR, BOR and MCLR */

	rst_events |= rst_state; /* As RCON register */
	++rst_num; /* Calculate session reset number */

	check_traps(); /* Do some possible traps */

	/* SIM doesn't clear SRbits.IPL, ICD2 clears it */
	SET_CPU_IPL(MAIN_IPL); /* Set default by hands */

	clr_reset_state(); // Clear uParam and RCON

	return(0); /* Never return */
//ISR for CMP3
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _CMP3Interrupt(void){
	//Normal Mode
	if (sampling_mode==0){ //Normal Mode
		int temp=0;	
		ADCPC0bits.SWTRG0 = 1; //start conversion of AN0 and AN1 store 200 samples each
			while(ADCPC0bits.PEND0){} //conv pending becomes 0 when conv complete
				ADCPC0bits.SWTRG0 = 1; //start conversion of AN0 and AN1
								   // sets PEND0 to 1
		IEC1bits.AC3IE =0; //Disable interrupt
		//IFS1bits.AC3IF =0; //clear interrupt flag=0
Ejemplo n.º 19
void BurstWriteSPI2(unsigned char Address, unsigned char data0, unsigned char data1, 
                                                   unsigned char data2, unsigned char data3, 
                                                   unsigned char data4, unsigned char data5, 
                                                   unsigned char data6, unsigned char data7)
  DS_CS_2 = 0;                             // Select Device
  WriteSPI2 ( Address );               // write address byte to EEPROM
  WriteSPI2 ( data0 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data1 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data2 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data3 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data4 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data5 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data6 );                 // Write Byte to device
  WriteSPI2 ( data7 );                 // Write Byte to device
  DS_CS_2 = 1;                         // Deselect device and initiate Write
  SPI2STATbits.SPITBF = 0;

	__delay32(_3MICROSEC); //we have to wait at least 1 SPI-Clock-Cycle before the next chip-select
					//@400kHz -> 2.5us, I wait 3us -> 120 wait-cycles)

Ejemplo n.º 20
int main()
    int i = 0;
    _SWDTEN = 0;    // Disable watchdog timer
    _GIE    = 0;    // Disable interrupts


    __delay32(8000000/2);   // Wait about 500ms before change to PLL

    LED1_W = 1; LED2_W = 1; LED3_W = 1; LED4_W = 1; // turn off

    LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 1000);
    LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 1000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 2000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 2000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 3000);
   // LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 3000);

    LED1_W = 1; LED2_W = 1; LED3_W = 1; LED4_W = 1; // turn off

            //if (rx_data == 200)
                LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, LEDOn, 100);
                LED_Set_And_Wait(LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, LEDOff, 100);
            //led = 0;
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 21
void __attribute__((__interrupt__(__preprologue__("BCLR ADCON1, #1")), no_auto_psv)) _INT1Interrupt(void) {
    A sample trigger has been received

  // DPARKER these functions may mess with the timing
  global_data_A36582.sample_energy_mode = ETMCanSlaveGetPulseLevel();
  global_data_A36582.sample_index = ETMCanSlaveGetPulseCount();
  global_data_A36582.sample_complete = 1;

  // Check that there was enough time between pulses
  if ((TMR2 <= MINIMUM_PULSE_PERIOD_T2) && (_T2IF == 0)) {
  _T2IF = 0;
  TMR2 = 0;

  // Wait for the pulse energy to dissipate
  // Noise from the PFN will often trigger the pic interrupt input
  // This checks that the interrupt trigger was a real trigger pulse
  if (_RA12 == 0) {

  // Read the data from port
  PIN_OUT_TP_F = 1;
  global_data_A36582.imag_external_adc.filtered_adc_reading = SendAndReceiveSPI(0, ETM_SPI_PORT_2);
  PIN_OUT_TP_F = 0;

  _INT1IF = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
void CalibrateGyro(void)
    int i;
    int ii;
    GyroOffset[0] = 0;
    GyroOffset[1] = 0;
    GyroOffset[2] = 0;
    AngleOffset[0] = 0;
    AngleOffset[1] = 0;

    for (i=0;i<1000;i++)
        /** Read sensors ******************************************************/
        __delay32(5000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny...
        accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
        accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
        for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
            GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii] + gyro[ii];
        AngleOffset[0] += accXangle;
        AngleOffset[1] += accYangle;
    for (ii=0;ii<3;ii++)
        GyroOffset[ii] = GyroOffset[ii]/1000;
    AngleOffset[0] = AngleOffset[0]/1000.0;
    AngleOffset[1] = AngleOffset[1]/1000.0;
    gyroXangle = AngleOffset[0];
    gyroYangle = AngleOffset[1];
    compAngleX = AngleOffset[0];
    compAngleY = AngleOffset[1];
Ejemplo n.º 23
void AllOfTheLights(void){
    LED1 = 0;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED4 = 1;
    LED1 = 0;
    LED2 = 0;
    LED3 = 0;
    LED4 = 0;
    LED1 = 1;
    LED2 = 1;
    LED3 = 1;
    LED4 = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
void ResetPulseLatches(void) {
 /* CS SENZA MOS DOPO ISO -> CS_H = 1 e CS_L = 0
    CS CON MOS DOPO ISO   -> CS_H = 0 e CS_L = 1 */
void __attribute__((__interrupt__,__auto_psv__)) _DMA4Interrupt(void) // DMA4 SPI
    _DMA4IF = 0;

    unsigned int static tmp __attribute__((space(dma),aligned(2)));
    int spi_temp;
    unsigned int cl=0;

    switch (StatoSPI)
       case 0:                             /* Idle */

       case 1:                             /* Start a new SPI Sequence */
            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;

            /* Toggle pin */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;                /* switch RG9 to 1 */
            __delay32(4074);                  /* Delay  */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;                /* switch RG9 to 0 */
            __delay32(4000);                  /* Delay  */

            /* Write only Sequence */
            DMA5CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Tx */ //Num byte + 1
            DMA5STA = (unsigned int) &SPI1_Buff16[0];
            DMA4CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &tmp;
            DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;                 /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x10;                   /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;                 /* Disable Null data Write */
            DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Tx */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Rx */
            DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;             /* Force Start DMA Tx */

            for (cl=0; cl<4000; cl++);
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */

            SPI_WRITING = 0;


        case 2:  //READ TX

            /* Toggle pin */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */
            __delay32(5074);                  /* Delay  */
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;               /* switch RG9 to 0 */

            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;

            /* Write only Sequence */
            DMA5CNT = 2;                     /* DMA (SPI) Tx */
            DMA5STA = (unsigned int) &data_req[0];
            DMA4CNT = 2;                     /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &tmp;
            DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;               /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x10;                 /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;               /* Disable Null data Write */
            DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Tx */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Rx */
            DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;           /* Force Start DMA Tx */

            for (cl=0; cl<5000; cl++);

            SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
            spi_temp = SPI2BUF;
            DMA4STA = (unsigned int) &data_rx[0];
            DMA4CNT = read_size;             /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
            DMA4CON &= 0xFFEF;               /* Use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
            DMA4CON |= 0x800;                /* Null data Write in addition do Peripheral to RAM write */
            DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;            /* Enable DMA Rx */
            SPI2BUF = 0;                     /* Start DMA sequence */

            for (cl=0; cl<18000; cl++);
            PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */


        case 3:      /* Start a new SPI Sequence */

            for(cicli_dma=0; cicli_dma <= cicli_init+1; cicli_dma+=4){

                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;              /* switch RG9 to 1 */
                /* Delay */
                __delay32(4074);                 /* Delay  */
                /* Toggle pin */
                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_L;             /* switch RG9 to 0 */

                SPI1_Buff16[0] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma];
                SPI1_Buff16[1] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+1];
                SPI1_Buff16[2] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+2];
                SPI1_Buff16[3] = VettoreInit[cicli_dma+3];

                SPI2STATbits.SPIROV = 0;
                /* Write only Sequence */
                DMA5CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Tx */
                DMA5STA = (unsigned  int) &SPI1_Buff16[0];
                DMA4CNT = 3;                       /* DMA (SPI) Rx */
                DMA4STA = (unsigned  int) &tmp;
                DMA5CON &= 0xFFEF;                 /* Use DMA Tx Post-Incrementation */
                DMA4CON |= 0x10;                   /* Do not use DMA Rx Post-Incrementation */
                DMA4CON &= 0xF7FF;                 /* Disable Null data Write */
                DMA5CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Tx */
                DMA4CONbits.CHEN = 1;              /* Enable DMA Rx */
                DMA5REQbits.FORCE = 1;             /* Force Start DMA Tx */

                for (cl=0; cl<12000; cl++);
                PORTGbits.RG9 = CS_H;               /* switch RG9 to 1 */

                for (cl=0; cl<20000; cl++);


        default:                            /* Sequence finished */
            StatoSPI = 0;               /* Should never happend */

    }                                    /* End of switch case sequence*/

    IFS2bits.DMA4IF = 0;				// Clear the DMA0 interrupt flag bit

}        /* End of interrupt */
Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: user.c Proyecto: dsky7/PIC
void delay_ms(unsigned int N)
Ejemplo n.º 27
void RCInitCypressCYRF6936(void)
    unsigned char Address;                     //Low Order Address Byte
    unsigned char Data=0;                       //Data Byte
    unsigned char Length; 
    unsigned char PageString[128];

#if 0
    RC_reset = 1;               // Reset the Cypress
    __delay32(MILLISEC);  // 1 milisec delay
    RC_reset = 0;               // Reset the Cypress
    __delay32(MILLISEC);  // 1 milisec delay   

    Address = 0x81;                              // TX_LENGTH_ADR
    Data = 0x10;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x82;                              // TX_CTRL_ADR -> TX disabled
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x83;                              // TX_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x2F;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x86;                              // RX_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x4A;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x87;                              // RX_IRQ_STATUS_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8B;                              // PWR_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8C;                              // XTAL_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x04;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8D;                              // IO_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x41;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8E;                              // GPIO_CTRL_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x90;                              // FRAMING_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0xEE;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9B;                              // TX_OFFSET_LSB_ADR
    Data = 0x55;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9C;                              // TX_OFFSET_MSB_ADR
    Data = 0x05;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9D;                              // MODE_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x18;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xB2;                              // AUTO_CAL_TIME
    Data = 0x3C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xB5;                              // AUTO_CAL_OFFSET
    Data = 0x14;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9E;                              // RX_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x90;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x9F;                              // TX_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x00;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x8F;                              // XACT_CFG_ADR
    Data = 0x2C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA8;                              // CLK_EN_ADR
    Data = 0x02;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA7;                              // CLK_OVERRIDE_ADR
    Data = 0x02;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0xA2;                              // SOP_CODE_ADR
    BurstWriteSPI2(Address, 0xDF, 0xB1, 0xC0, 0x49, 0x62, 0xDF, 0xC1, 0x49);

    Address = 0x8F;                              // XACT_CFG_ADR -> clr FRC END
    Data = 0x0C;
    ByteWriteSPI2(Address, Data);

    Address = 0x41;                              // TX_LENGTH_ADR
    Length = 16;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x5D;                              
    Length = 3;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x66;                           
    Length = 3;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x72;                           
    Length = 1;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

    Address = 0x75;                           
    Length = 1;
    ByteReadSPI2(Address, PageString, Length );                          //Low Density Byte Read

Ejemplo n.º 28
void __attribute__((__interrupt__, __auto_psv__)) _T1Interrupt(void)
    unsigned int *chptr;           // For sending a float value
    unsigned int command;          // For sending commands to Axis Converter
    double gyroXrate, gyroYrate;
    char nRFstatus;
    unsigned char rfCommands[32];            // Commands received from remote
    unsigned char nRFregisters[10];
    int iii;
    long long xSpeedFilterSum = 0;
    long long ySpeedFilterSum = 0;
    // Toggle LED
    _LATA4 = 1;
    /** Read sensors ******************************************************/
    __delay32(1000); // Without this delay, the I2C command acts funny...
    accXangle = ((atan2(accel[0], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[0];
    accYangle = ((atan2(accel[1], accel[2]))*RAD_TO_DEG)-AngleOffset[1];
    gyroXrate = ((double)gyro[0]-(double)GyroOffset[0])/131;
    gyroYrate = -(((double)gyro[1]-(double)GyroOffset[1])/131);

    /** Feedback Loop *****************************************************/
    compAngleX = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleX+(gyroYrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accXangle); // Calculate the angle using a Complimentary filter
    compAngleY = (compFilterGyro*(compAngleY+(gyroXrate*(double)SAMPLE_TIME)))+(compFilterAccel*accYangle);
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        iCompAngleY += compAngleY;
        iCompAngleX += compAngleX;
        iCompAngleY = 0.0;
        iCompAngleX = 0.0;
    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroXrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeed = -((compAngleX-sGAIN)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN+gyroYrate*(double)iGAIN);
    xSpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = xSpeed;
    ySpeedFilter[SpeedFilterCounter] = ySpeed;
    for(iii = 0; iii<=SpeedFilterLength;iii++)
        xSpeedFilterSum += xSpeedFilter[iii];
        ySpeedFilterSum += ySpeedFilter[iii];
    xSpeed = (long long)xSpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
    ySpeed = (long long)ySpeedFilterSum/(SpeedFilterLength+1);
//    ySpeed = -((compAngleY)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleY-compAngleYlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    xSpeed = -((compAngleX)*(double)pGAIN+(compAngleX-compAngleXlast)*(double)dGAIN);
//    if (xSpeed<0)
//        xSpeed = -(xSpeed*xSpeed);
//    else
//        xSpeed = xSpeed*xSpeed;
//    if (ySpeed<0)
//        ySpeed = -(ySpeed*ySpeed);
//    else
//        ySpeed = ySpeed*ySpeed;
    compAngleXlast = compAngleX;
    compAngleYlast = compAngleY;
//    xSpeed = gyroXrate *1000;
//    ySpeed = gyroYrate *1000;

    /** Build command string **********************************************/
    command = 0b1000000000000000;
    if (enableSteppers == 1)
        command = command | 0b0100000000000000;
    /* Send data to Axis Controller ***************************************/
    chptr = (unsigned char *) &angle;  // For sending a float value
    CS_Axis = 0;
    /* Command: MSB
     * 15: 0 = NO Speed Values
     * 14: 1 = Enable Stepper Driver
     * 13:
    WriteSPI2(command);                 // Command: MSB
    WriteSPI2(xSpeed);                  // Send x-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(ySpeed);                  // Send y-velocity vector
    WriteSPI2(*chptr++);                // Sending first part of float value
    WriteSPI2(*chptr);                // Sending second part of float value
    CS_Axis = 1;

    /** Prepare telemetry *************************************************/
    /**** Telemetry string format for command=0x42 ************************/
    /** command, axh, axl, ayh, ayl, azh, azl, th, tl,             9byte **/
    /** gxh, gxl, gyh, gyl, gzh, gzl, cxh, cxl, cyh, cyl, czh, czl,12byte**/
    /** motorStatus                                                 1byte**/
    /**   --Total 22byte                                                 **/

    serString[16] = xSpeed & 0xFF; // Temporary sending additional telemetry
    serString[15] = xSpeed >> 8;
    serString[18] = ySpeed & 0xFF;
    serString[17] = ySpeed >> 8;
//        serString[18] = iax & 0xFF;
//        serString[17] = iax >> 8;
//        serString[20] = igy & 0xFF;
//        serString[19] = igy >> 8;

    serString[21] = enableSteppers;

    if (SpeedFilterCounter> SpeedFilterLength)
        SpeedFilterCounter = 0;
    /** Receive RF commands if any ********************************************/
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);
    nRFstatus = LDBytePollnRF();
    for(iii=0; iii<10;iii++) // For debug
        nRFregisters[iii] = readnRFbyte(iii);
    if (nRFstatus & 0b01000000)  // Data Ready RX FIFO
    //    _LATB4 = 1;
////        Delay10TCYx(100);
        LDByteReadSPI(0x61, rfCommands, 21);    // Read RX FIFO
        LDByteWriteSPI(0x27 , 0b01000000);        // Clear RX FIFO interrupt bit
        //ByteWriteSPI(0xE2 , 0xFF); //Flush RX FIFO
        if(rfCommands[0] == 0x82)
                enableSteppers = 0;
                buttonState = 0;
                //_LATB4 = 0;
            } else {
                enableSteppers = 1;
                buttonState = 2;
                //_LATB4 = 1;
        } else if (rfCommands[0] == 0x83)
            _LATB4 = 1;
            // Set the received values to variables
            for(iii=1;iii<19;iii += 3){
                    setValueCode[rfCommands[iii]] = (rfCommands[iii+1]<<8) + rfCommands[iii+2];
            pGAIN = setValueCode[1];
            dGAIN = setValueCode[2];
            compFilterGyro = (float)setValueCode[4]/(float)1000;
            compFilterAccel = 1.0 - compFilterGyro;
            iGAIN = (float)setValueCode[3]/100.0;
            //angle = (setValueCode[6]-180)* PI /180.0;
            //SpeedFilterLength = setValueCode[5];
            LDByteWriteI2C(0x00D0, 0x1A, setValueCode[5]); // 0.0 ms and disable FSYNC
            sGAIN = (float)(setValueCode[6]-1000)/100.0;

//        //LATDbits.LATD3 = 0;
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20, 0b00001010);   //
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x26, 0b00000010);   // Set RC_CH to reset retransmit counter
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE2);            // Flush RX buffer (not during ACK)
    /** Send telemetry ********************************************************/
//    _LATB15 = 0;                        // Set CE low to stop receiving data
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001010);  // Set to send mode
//    __delay32(100);
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00010000);   // clear MAX_RT (max retries)
    LDCommandWriteSPI(0xE1);            // Flush TX buffer (tx buffer contains last failed transmission)
    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
    sendnRFstring( serString, 22);
    /** Set nRF to recive mode ************************************************/
//    __delay32(1000);
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x27, 0b00100000);   // clear TX_DS (ACK received)
//    LDByteWriteSPI(0x20 , 0b00001011); // Set to receive mode
//    _LATB15 = 1;     // Set CE high to start receiving data
    /* Done with interrupt ****************************************************/
    _LATA4 = 0;
    _T1IF = 0;  // Clear Timer 1 interrupt flag

Ejemplo n.º 29
int16_t main(void)

    unsigned int buttonCounter = 20000;
    int i;

    /* Configure the oscillator for the device */
    /* Initialize IO ports and peripherals */
    __delay32(1600000); // allow for POR for all devices
    ControlByte = 0x00D0; // mpu6050 address
//    InitHMC5883L();
    /** Init control loop *****************************************************/
    accXangle = (atan2(accel[0], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
    accYangle = (atan2(accel[1], accel[2])*RAD_TO_DEG);
    gyroXangle = accXangle;
    gyroYangle = accYangle;
    compAngleX = accXangle;
    compAngleY = accYangle;
    AngleOffset[0] = accXangle;
    AngleOffset[1] = accYangle;

    CalibrateGyro();    // Finding the gyro zero-offset
//////    int serStringN = 14;
//////    char nRFstatus = 0;
////////    int i;
//////    delaytime = 1;
//////    bool mode = 0;
        /** Read Button RB7 for enable steppers *******************************/
        if (buttonState == 0 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 1;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonState == 1 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            enableSteppers = 2;
            buttonState = 2;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 1;
        if (buttonState == 2 && PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 3;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonState == 3 && !PORTBbits.RB7 && !buttonCounter)
            buttonState = 0;
            buttonCounter = 20000;
            enableSteppers = 0;
        if (buttonCounter)
        for (i=0;i<100;i++)
//        __delay32(100);

Ejemplo n.º 30
int ADCCalibrate(void)
// Calculate mean value of ADC_CAL_N_SAMPLES samples for iA, iB and Vdc and store in
// MeasCurrParm.Offseta, Offsetb 
// DMA AND ADC isr are not enabled here!
// An error in estimation of current offset results in a cogging torque when 
// torque set point is 0; the value can be adjusted looking at the 3 phase ia, ib, and ic
// and centering all values around 0
  int i,TOT;
  long ADCVdcZero = 0;
  long ADCOffs1 = 0, ADCOffs2 = 0;
  // Put an 'accettable' value in case of error in the calibration process
  MeasCurrParm.Offseta = 0x0;
  MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = 0x0;

  // Turn on ADC module
  AD1CON1bits.ADON = 1;
    // samples AN0
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 0;
    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;

    // TODO: TRIM ME (eventually:)

    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE)
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumulate values
    ADCOffs1 += (int)ADC1BUF0;

    // Samples AN1
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 1;
    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;


    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE )
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumuulate values
    ADCOffs2 += (int)ADC1BUF0;
    // Samples AN2 (Vdc)
    AD1CHS0bits.CH0SA = 2;

    AD1CON1bits.DONE = 0;
    // amplifiers holding
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 1;

    // TODO TRIM ME */

    // convert!
    AD1CON1bits.SAMP = 0;
    // don't mind about int generated

    // init time out timer
    // poll for end of conversion
    while( 0 == AD1CON1bits.DONE )
      // Avoids polling lock
      if (ADC_CAL_TIMEOUT == ++TOT)
        // offset correction error signaling 
        return -1;
    // accumuulate values
    ADCVdcZero += (int)ADC1BUF0;

   /* if the measured VDCLINK is lower than this threshold
    * then we cannot be sure the Allegro are properly powered.
    * For this reason the ADC calibration is not reliable.
	 return -2;

  // divide for number of samples in order to get mean

  // associate the calculated offset
  MeasCurrParm.Offseta = ADCOffs1;
  MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = ADCOffs2;

// TODO: mettere a posto la correzione dell'offset
//   e quindi togliere questi bypass!
//MeasCurrParm.Offseta = 0x200;
//MeasCurrParm.Offsetbc = 0x200;

// TODO: un commentino, no?
  TargetDCbus = ADCVdcZero;

  // Turn off ADC module
  AD1CON1bits.ADON = 0;

  return 0;