 * (set-video-mode <width> <height> <bits per pixel>?) or
 * (set-video-mode <width> <height> <bits per pixel> <mode flags>+)
 * where <symbols> are:
 *  swsurface
 *  hwsurface
 *  asyncblit
 *  anyformat
 *  hwpalette
 *  doublebuf
 *  fullscreen
 *  opengl
 *  openglblit
 *  resizable
 *  noframe
cons_t* set_video_mode(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 2);
  assert_type(INTEGER, car(p));
  assert_type(INTEGER, cadr(p));

  // dimension
  int x = car(p)->integer;
  int y = cadr(p)->integer;

  // default values
  int bits = 32;
  uint32_t mode = 0;


  // bits per pixel
  if ( integerp(caddr(p)) )
    bits = caddr(p)->integer;

  // options
  cons_t *opts = symbolp(caddr(p))? cddr(p) :
                 symbolp(cadddr(p))? cdddr(p) : nil();;

  for ( cons_t *s = opts; !nullp(s); s = cdr(s) ) {
    assert_type(SYMBOL, car(s));

    std::string sym = symbol_name(s);
    int size = sizeof(sdl_flags) / sizeof(key_value_t<std::string, uint32_t>);

    for ( int n=0; n < size; ++n )
      if ( sym == sdl_flags[n].key ) {
printf("flag %s\n", sym.c_str());
printf("value %d and %d\n", sdl_flags[n].value, SDL_HWSURFACE);
        mode |= sdl_flags[n].value;
        goto NEXT_FLAG;

    raise(runtime_exception("Unknown SDL video mode flag: " + sym));


  printf("video mode\n"); fflush(stdout);

  SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(x, y, bits, mode);

  if ( screen == NULL )

  return pointer(new pointer_t("sdl-surface", (void*)screen));
Beispiel #2
cons_t* proc_import(cons_t* p, environment_t* e)
  assert_length_min(p, 1);
  assert_type(PAIR, car(p));

   * Handle all import sets in (import <import set> ...)
  for ( ; !nullp(p); p = cdr(p) ) {
    environment_t *impenv = import_set(car(p));

     * Now we need to bring the imported environment to the environment,
     * so that the new definitions are available there.
     * We do this by copying the definitions.
    merge(e, impenv);

     * But we also need to connect the lower level imported environment to
     * definitions found in its outer environment.
     * This is because the exported functions in impenv must be able to see
     * definitions in the toplevel, controlling, environment.
     * Consider the (mickey environment) module, which has a "syntactic"
     * procedure bound?.
     * If we (import (scheme write)) then we get the procedure display.  But
     * if we now (import (mickey environment)) and call (bound? display)
     * then bound? will not be able to see any definition of display, and
     * will wrongly return #f.
     * Note that I'm not entirely certain that this is the correct way of
     * handling things, since closures must be evaluated in the environment
     * they were defined in.
     * TODO: Think hard about this and write some tests.
     * Note that this behaviour might be different for libraries that are
     * imported as scheme source code.  They must be first evaluated in
     * their own closed environment (to bind definitions) before being
     * connected to the outer one.
     * I think what we need is a global pointer to the ACTUAL top-level
     * environment.
    impenv->outer = e;

   * TODO: Should we return the final environment, so we can easily run
   * cond-expand on it from outside define-library?  E.g., (cond-expand
   * (import (foo bar)))
  return unspecified(nil());
 * (set-video-mode <width> <height> <bits per pixel>?) or
 * (set-video-mode <width> <height> <bits per pixel> <mode flags>+)
 * where <symbols> are:
 *  swsurface
 *  hwsurface
 *  asyncblit
 *  anyformat
 *  hwpalette
 *  doublebuf
 *  fullscreen
 *  opengl
 *  openglblit
 *  resizable
 *  noframe
cons_t* set_video_mode(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 2);
  assert_type(INTEGER, car(p));
  assert_type(INTEGER, cadr(p));

  // dimension
  int x = intval(car(p));
  int y = intval(cadr(p));

  // default values
  int bits = 32;
  uint32_t mode = 0;

  // bits per pixel
  if ( length(p) > 2 && integerp(caddr(p)) )
    bits = intval(caddr(p));

  // mode options
  if ( length(p) > 3 ) {
    cons_t *opts = symbolp(caddr(p))? cddr(p) :
                   symbolp(cadddr(p))? cdddr(p) : nil();;


    for ( cons_t *s = opts; !nullp(s); s = cdr(s) ) {
      assert_type(SYMBOL, car(s));

      std::string sym = symbol_name(car(s));

      for ( size_t n=0; n < num_sdl_flags; ++n )
        if ( sym == sdl_flags[n].key ) {
          mode |= sdl_flags[n].value;
          goto NEXT_FLAG;

      raise(runtime_exception("Unknown SDL video mode flag: " + sym));


  SDL_Surface *screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(x, y, bits, mode);

  if ( screen == NULL )

  return pointer(
    new pointer_t("sdl-surface",
Beispiel #4
cons_t* proc_environment(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 1);

  environment_t *out = null_environment(7);

  // Handle import sets
  for ( ; !nullp(p); p = cdr(p) ) {
    environment_t *impenv = import_set(car(p));
    merge(out, impenv);
    impenv->outer = out;

  return environment(out);
cons_t* proc_max(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 1);
  cons_t *max = car(p);

  while ( !nullp(p) ) {

    if ( number_to_real(car(p)) > number_to_real(max) )
      max = car(p);

    p = cdr(p);

  return max;
cons_t* proc_min(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 1);
  cons_t *min = car(p);

  while ( !nullp(p) ) {

    if ( number_to_real(car(p)) < number_to_real(min) )
      min = car(p);

    p = cdr(p);

  return min;
 * True if number sequence is monotonically decreasing.
cons_t* proc_greater(cons_t* p, environment_t*)
  assert_length_min(p, 2);

  for ( ; !nullp(cdr(p)); p = cdr(p) ) {
    if ( nanp(car(p)) || nanp(cadr(p)) )
      return boolean(false);


    real_t x = integerp(car(p))? car(p)->number.integer :

    real_t y = integerp(cadr(p))? cadr(p)->number.integer :
    if ( !(x > y) )
      return boolean(false);

  return boolean(true);