int draw_map(struct t_map* map, struct t_map_entity* persp, bool show_vis, bool show_fov, bool show_targets, bool show_heatmaps, bool hl_persp) { int cs = curs_set(0); int x,y; getsyx(y,x); wmove(mapwindow,0,0); for (int iy=0; iy< MAP_HEIGHT; iy++) { for (int ix=0; ix < MAP_WIDTH; ix++) { chtype tilech = mapchar[map->sq[iy*(MAP_WIDTH)+ix].type]; int tilevis = 1; tilevis = map->aidata.p_viewarr[iy * MAP_WIDTH + ix]; if (!show_vis && (tilevis<1)) tilevis = 1; chtype tileflags = 0; switch (tilevis) { case 1: tileflags = CP_BLUE; break; case 2: tileflags = CP_LIGHTGRAY; break; case 3: case 4: tileflags = CP_WHITE; break; default: break; } if (tilevis) mvwaddch(mapwindow,iy,ix, tileflags | tilech ); else if (dbgmode) mvwaddch (mapwindow,iy,ix,' '); } } if (show_heatmaps) { for (int yx=0; yx < HEATMAP_SIZE; yx++) { uint8_t y = yx / MAP_WIDTH; uint8_t x = yx % MAP_WIDTH; uint8_t m = map->aidata.e_hm[yx]; if (m) mvwaddch(mapwindow,y,x,'&' | ( (m > 2) ? CP_RED : ((m == 2) ? CP_GREEN : CP_YELLOW) ) ) ; } } for (int i=0; i < MAX_ENTITIES; i++) { if (map->ent[i].type == ET_NONE) continue; if ((map->ent[i].aidata) != NULL) { if (show_targets) { if (vtile(map->ent[i].aidata->dx,map->ent[i].aidata->dy)) mvwaddch(mapwindow,map->ent[i].aidata->dy,map->ent[i].aidata->dx,'%' | CP_PURPLE); } if (show_fov && (map->aidata.p_viewarr[map->ent[i].y * MAP_WIDTH + map->ent[i].x] >= 3)) { // if we can see the entity, that means we can see what direction it is currently looking at. // the next tile in that direction will be redrawn with a cyan color. uint8_t vx = map->ent[i].x + movediff[map->ent[i].aidata->viewdir][0]; uint8_t vy = map->ent[i].y + movediff[map->ent[i].aidata->viewdir][1]; if (vtile(vx,vy)) { chtype t = mvwinch(mapwindow,vy,vx); // we strip the original character of all previous attributes, // except the "alternate charset" one. chtype fcol = 0; switch(map->ent[i].aidata->task) { case AIT_WORKING: fcol = CP_BLUE; break; case AIT_PATROLLING: fcol = CP_CYAN; break; case AIT_CHECKING_OUT: case AIT_LOOKING_FOR: fcol = CP_YELLOW; break; case AIT_PLEASE_LEAVE: case AIT_PURSUING: case AIT_ATTACKING: fcol = CP_RED; break; case AIT_FLEEING: fcol = CP_MAGENTA; break; default: fcol = CP_GREEN; break; } mvwaddch(mapwindow,vy,vx,(t & (A_ALTCHARSET | A_CHARTEXT)) | fcol); } } } } for (int i= (MAX_ENTITIES - 1); i >= 0; i--) { if (map->ent[i].type == ET_NONE) continue; int ex = map->ent[i].x; int ey = map->ent[i].y; if ( (persp == NULL) || (map->ent[i].flags & EF_ALWAYSVISIBLE) || ((map->aidata.p_viewarr[ey * (MAP_WIDTH) + ex] >= 3) ) ) { int highlight = (hl_persp) && (&map->ent[i] == persp); mvwaddch(mapwindow,ey,ex,entchar(&map->ent[i]) | (highlight ? A_REVERSE : 0) ); } } wnoutrefresh(mapwindow); setsyx(y,x); curs_set(cs); doupdate(); return 0; }
int main (void) { int peg_A[8]; int peg_B[8]; int peg_C[8]; int disks; int choice; int index_from; char choice_from; char choice_to; int n_discs; peg my_pegs[3]; printf("Instructions on playing TOWERS OF HANOI:\nThere are\nthree pegs, labeled A, B, and C.\n\nInitially, peg A contains a certain\namount of disks, each one with a different size.\nThe disks are \nstacked\nin increasing size so that a disk is always on top of a larger one,\nforming a tower.\nThe goal of the game is to move all the disks from peg\nA to peg C.\nYou may move only one disk at a time.\n\nYou may move the\ntop disk from any peg to the top of the stack at another peg.\nThe\nonly\nlimitation is that you may not place a disk on top of one which is\nsmaller.\nYOU MAY STOP THE GAME ANYTIME BY ENTERING Q (THEN PRESSING \nTHE\nENTER KEY)"); get_number_of_disks(&disks); initialize(disks, peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); print_status(disks, peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); while (peg_C[disks-1]!=3) { validate_move_from(&choice_from, peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); if(choice_from=='Q' || choice_from=='q') { printf("1.print sol'n\n"); //sleep(10); printf("2.Display sol'n\n"); printf("3.Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printsoln(disks); break; case 2: initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ cbreak(); /* Line buffering disabled. Pass on every thing */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(FALSE); print_in_middle(0, LINES / 2, COLS, welcome_string, NULL); scanw("%d", &n_discs); timeout(TIME_OUT); noecho(); store_n_discs = n_discs; init_pegs(my_pegs, n_discs); show_pegs(stdscr, my_pegs, n_discs); solve_hanoi(my_pegs, n_discs, 0, 1, 2); free_pegs(my_pegs, n_discs); endwin(); /* End curses mode */ break; case 3: break; } break; } validate_move_to(disks, choice_from, &choice_to,&index_from, peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); if(choice_to=='Q' || choice_to=='q') { printf("1.print sol'n\n"); //sleep(10); printf("2.Display sol'n\n"); printf("3.Exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printsoln(disks); break; case 2: initscr(); /* Start curses mode */ cbreak(); /* Line buffering disabled. Pass on every thing */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(FALSE); print_in_middle(0, LINES / 2, COLS, welcome_string, NULL); scanw("%d", &n_discs); timeout(TIME_OUT); noecho(); store_n_discs = n_discs; init_pegs(my_pegs, n_discs); show_pegs(stdscr, my_pegs, n_discs); solve_hanoi(my_pegs, n_discs, 0, 1, 2); free_pegs(my_pegs, n_discs); endwin(); /* End curses mode */ break; case 3: printf("\nExiting"); break; } break; } move_disk(disks, choice_from, choice_to, index_from,peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); print_status(disks, peg_A, peg_B, peg_C); } if(peg_C[disks-1]==3) printf("Congratulations! You won!\n"); return 0; }
int Shop::fenceselect(squadst& customers) const { int ret=0; consolidateloot(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot); int page=0; vector<int> selected(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size(),0); do { erase(); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(0,0); addstr("What will you sell?"); if (ret > 0) { move(0,30); addstr("Estimated Liberal Amount: $"); addstr(tostring(ret).c_str()); } printparty(); int x = 1, y = 10; std::string outstr; std::string itemstr; for (int l = page * 18; l < (int)location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size() && l < page * 18 + 18; l++) { if (selected[l]) set_color(COLOR_GREEN,COLOR_BLACK,1); else set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); itemstr = location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[l]->equip_title(); if (location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[l]->get_number() > 1) { if(selected[l] > 0) { itemstr += " " + tostring(selected[l]) + "/"; } else itemstr += " x"; itemstr += tostring(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[l]->get_number()); } outstr = static_cast<char>(l - page * 18 + 'A'); outstr += " - " + itemstr; move(y,x); addstr(outstr.c_str()); x += 26; if (x > 53) { x = 1; y++; } } //PAGE UP set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); if (page > 0) { move(17,1); addprevpagestr(); } //PAGE DOWN if((page + 1) * 18 < (int)location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size()) { move(17,53); addnextpagestr(); } set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,0); move(23,1); addstr("Press a letter to select an item to sell."); move(24,1); addstr("Enter - Done"); refresh(); int c = getch(); translategetch(c); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'r') { int slot = c - 'a' + page * 18; if(slot >= 0 && slot < (int)location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size()) { if (selected[slot]) { ret -= location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->get_fencevalue() * selected[slot]; selected[slot] = 0; } else { if (!location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->is_good_for_sale()) { printparty(); move(8,15); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" You can't sell damaged goods."); refresh(); getch(); } else { if (location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->get_number() > 1) { selected[slot] = 1; printparty(); move(8,15); set_color(COLOR_WHITE,COLOR_BLACK,1); addstr(" How many? "); refresh(); char str[100]; keypad(stdscr,FALSE); raw_output(FALSE); echo(); curs_set(1); mvgetstr(8,32,str); curs_set(0); noecho(); raw_output(TRUE); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); selected[slot] = atoi(str); if (selected[slot] < 0) selected[slot] = 0; else if (selected[slot] > location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->get_number()) selected[slot]=location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->get_number(); } else selected[slot]=1; ret += location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[slot]->get_fencevalue() * selected[slot]; } } } } if(c == 'x'||c==10||c==ESC) break; //PAGE UP if((c == interface_pgup || c == KEY_UP || c == KEY_LEFT) && page > 0) page--; //PAGE DOWN if((c == interface_pgdn || c == KEY_DOWN || c == KEY_RIGHT) && (page + 1) * 18 < (int)location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size()) page++; } while (true); for(int l = location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot.size() - 1; l >= 0; l--) { if(selected[l] > 0) { location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[l]->decrease_number(selected[l]); if(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot[l]->get_number() <= 0) delete_and_remove(location[customers.squad[0]->base]->loot,l); } } return ret; }
/* * Handle a "special request" */ static errr Term_xtra_gcu(int n, int v) { term_data *td = (term_data *)(Term->data); /* Analyze the request */ switch (n) { /* Clear screen */ case TERM_XTRA_CLEAR: touchwin(td->win); (void)wclear(td->win); return (0); /* Make a noise */ case TERM_XTRA_NOISE: (void)write(1, "\007", 1); return (0); /* Flush the Curses buffer */ case TERM_XTRA_FRESH: (void)wrefresh(td->win); return (0); #ifdef USE_CURS_SET /* Change the cursor visibility */ case TERM_XTRA_SHAPE: curs_set(v); return (0); #endif /* Suspend/Resume curses */ case TERM_XTRA_ALIVE: return (Term_xtra_gcu_alive(v)); /* Process events */ case TERM_XTRA_EVENT: return (Term_xtra_gcu_event(v)); /* Flush events */ case TERM_XTRA_FLUSH: while (!Term_xtra_gcu_event(FALSE)); return (0); /* Delay */ case TERM_XTRA_DELAY: usleep(1000 * v); return (0); /* Get Delay of some milliseconds */ case TERM_XTRA_GET_DELAY: { int ret; struct timeval tv; ret = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); Term_xtra_long = (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000); return ret; } /* Subdirectory scan */ case TERM_XTRA_SCANSUBDIR: { DIR *directory; struct dirent *entry; scansubdir_max = 0; directory = opendir(scansubdir_dir); if (!directory) return 1; while ((entry = readdir(directory))) { char file[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX + 2]; struct stat filedata; file[PATH_MAX + NAME_MAX] = 0; strncpy(file, scansubdir_dir, PATH_MAX); strncat(file, "/", 2); strncat(file, entry->d_name, NAME_MAX); if (!stat(file, &filedata) && S_ISDIR((filedata.st_mode))) { string_free(scansubdir_result[scansubdir_max]); scansubdir_result[scansubdir_max] = string_make(entry->d_name); ++scansubdir_max; } } } /* React to events */ case TERM_XTRA_REACT: Term_xtra_gcu_react(); return (0); } /* Unknown */ return (1); }
// // Affiche une fenêtre de menu. // int displayMenu(char **choices, int nbChoices, char title[], bool logo) { if(choices == NULL || nbChoices < 1) return -1; //variables pour l'affichage du menu ITEM **menuItems = NULL; MENU *menu = NULL; WINDOW *menuWin = NULL; int i = 0, c; int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH; //largeur du menu = longueur du plus grand des choix possibles int menuWidth = max_strlen(choices, nbChoices) + 2; //on alloue de la mémoire pour initialiser les éléments du menu menuItems = (ITEM **) calloc(nbChoices + 1, sizeof(ITEM *)); //on créé de nouveaux éléments à partir des choix fournis for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; i++) { menuItems[i] = new_item(choices[i], NULL); } //on met un élément nul à la fin du tableau menuItems[nbChoices] = (ITEM *) NULL; while(true) { clear(); menuWin = (logo) ? getMenuWindow(nbChoices, title) : getMenuWindowNoLogo(nbChoices, title, -1, -1); //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait N lignes et 1 colonne set_menu_format(menu, nbChoices, 1); menu_opts_off(menu, O_NONCYCLIC); set_menu_mark(menu, "> "); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, menuWin); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(menuWin, nbChoices, menuWidth, (logo) ? 15 : 4, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); refresh(); wrefresh(menuWin); curs_set(0); noecho(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { bool resized = false; switch(c) { case KEY_DOWN: menu_driver(menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM); break; case KEY_UP: menu_driver(menu, REQ_UP_ITEM); break; case KEY_ESC_ALT: return -1; case KEY_RESIZE: //si on a redimensionné le terminal, on ré-exécute la boucle d'affichage resized = true; break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { int choice = item_index(current_item(menu)); //on libère la mémoire pour le menu, les choix, la fenêtre unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); clear(); refresh(); delwin(menuWin); //on réactive l'affichage des caractères tapés et du curseur echo(); curs_set(1); return choice; } } if(resized) break; wrefresh(menuWin); } } return 0; }
bool JumpToDocDialogue::run(DocMgr::Connection &db, IDList *id_list) { bool retval = false; clear(); frame(); writestr(2, 0, "Jump to Document"); curs_set(1); _stack.push_back(""); if (_stack.size() > 10) _stack.erase(_stack.begin()); _sp = _stack.size() - 1; _id_str = ""; _field = new TextField(_x + 2, _y + 2, _w - 4, _id_str); _field->focus(true); _field->display(); doupdate(); InteractorList interaction; interaction.push_back(*_field); interaction.push_back(*this); bool ok = false; string err_msg; while (!ok) { doupdate(); _completed = false; while (!_completed) { interaction.process_key(); doupdate(); } ok = true; if (_id_str != "") { ok = true; if (!DocMgr::DocID::valid(_id_str)) { ok = false; err_msg = "INVALID DOCUMENT ID!"; } else { DocMgr::DocID id(_id_str); if (!id_list->id_visible(id)) { DocMgr::Query tmp_q(db); vector<DocMgr::DocID> ids;; bool found = false; for (int idx = 0; idx < ids.size(); ++idx) if (ids[idx] == id) { found = true; break; } if (!found) { ok = false; err_msg = "DOCUMENT ID NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!"; } else { retval = true; id_list->clear_query(); id_list->set_current(id); _stack[_sp] = _id_str; } } else { _stack[_sp] = _id_str; id_list->set_current(id); if (_sp != _stack.size() - 1) _stack.erase(_stack.end()); } } } else { _stack.erase(_stack.end()); --_sp; } if (!ok) { string blank(getmaxx(stdscr), ' '); mvaddstr(0, 0, blank.c_str()); wattron(stdscr, A_BOLD); mvaddstr(0, 0, err_msg.c_str()); wattroff(stdscr, A_BOLD); wnoutrefresh(stdscr); _field->display(); } } curs_set(0); clear(); delete _field; return retval; }
Ui *ui_curses_new(void) { UiCurses *uic = calloc(1, sizeof(UiCurses)); Ui *ui = (Ui*)uic; if (!uic) return NULL; if (!(uic->termkey = termkey_new(STDIN_FILENO, TERMKEY_FLAG_UTF8))) goto err; termkey_set_canonflags(uic->termkey, TERMKEY_CANON_DELBS); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); if (!getenv("ESCDELAY")) set_escdelay(50); char *term = getenv("TERM"); if (!term) term = "xterm"; if (!newterm(term, stderr, stdin)) { snprintf(uic->info, sizeof(uic->info), "Warning: unknown term `%s'", term); if (!newterm(strstr(term, "-256color") ? "xterm-256color" : "xterm", stderr, stdin)) goto err; } start_color(); use_default_colors(); raw(); noecho(); nonl(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); meta(stdscr, TRUE); curs_set(0); /* needed because we use getch() which implicitly calls refresh() which would clear the screen (overwrite it with an empty / unused stdscr */ refresh(); *ui = (Ui) { .init = ui_init, .start = ui_start, .free = ui_curses_free, .termkey_get = ui_termkey_get, .suspend = ui_suspend, .resize = ui_resize, .update = ui_update, .window_new = ui_window_new, .window_free = ui_window_free, .window_focus = ui_window_focus, .window_swap = ui_window_swap, .draw = ui_draw, .redraw = ui_redraw, .arrange = ui_arrange, .die = ui_die, .info = ui_info, .info_hide = ui_info_hide, .haskey = ui_haskey, .getkey = ui_getkey, .terminal_save = ui_terminal_save, .terminal_restore = ui_terminal_restore, }; struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_handler = sigwinch_handler; sigaction(SIGWINCH, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGCONT, &sa, NULL); ui_resize(ui); return ui; err: ui_curses_free(ui); return NULL; }
void get_command(void) { char com[255]; int text_width, text_startx; allocated_block_t *allocated_block = NULL; int i = 0; int count = 0; WINDOW *command_win = NULL; List allocated_blocks = NULL; ListIterator results_i; if (params.commandline && !params.command) { printf("Configure won't work with commandline mode.\n"); printf("Please remove the -c from the commandline.\n"); bg_configure_ba_fini(); exit(0); } if (working_cluster_rec) { char *cluster_name = slurm_get_cluster_name(); if (xstrcmp(working_cluster_rec->name, cluster_name)) { xfree(cluster_name); endwin(); printf("To use the configure option you must be on the " "cluster the configure is for.\nCross cluster " "support doesn't exist today.\nSorry for the " "inconvenince.\n"); bg_configure_ba_fini(); exit(0); } xfree(cluster_name); } /* make sure we don't get any noisy debug */ ba_configure_set_ba_debug_flags(0); bg_configure_ba_setup_wires(); color_count = 0; allocated_blocks = list_create(_destroy_allocated_block); if (params.commandline) { snprintf(com, sizeof(com), "%s", params.command); goto run_command; } else { text_width = text_win->_maxx; text_startx = text_win->_begx; command_win = newwin(3, text_width - 1, LINES - 4, text_startx + 1); curs_set(1); echo(); } while (xstrcmp(com, "quit")) { clear_window(grid_win); print_grid(); clear_window(text_win); box(text_win, 0, 0); box(grid_win, 0, 0); if (!params.no_header) _print_header_command(); if (error_string != NULL) { i = 0; while (error_string[i] != '\0') { if (error_string[i] == '\n') { main_ycord++; main_xcord=1; i++; } mvwprintw(text_win, main_ycord, main_xcord, "%c", error_string[i++]); main_xcord++; } main_ycord++; main_xcord = 1; memset(error_string, 0, 255); } results_i = list_iterator_create(allocated_blocks); count = list_count(allocated_blocks) - (LINES-(main_ycord+5)); if (count<0) count=0; i=0; while ((allocated_block = list_next(results_i)) != NULL) { if (i >= count) _print_text_command(allocated_block); i++; } list_iterator_destroy(results_i); wnoutrefresh(text_win); wnoutrefresh(grid_win); doupdate(); clear_window(command_win); box(command_win, 0, 0); mvwprintw(command_win, 0, 3, "Input Command: (type quit to change view, " "exit to exit)"); wmove(command_win, 1, 1); wgetstr(command_win, com); if (!xstrcmp(com, "exit")) { endwin(); FREE_NULL_LIST(allocated_blocks); bg_configure_ba_fini(); exit(0); } run_command: if (!xstrcmp(com, "quit") || !xstrcmp(com, "\\q")) { break; } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "layout", 6)) { _set_layout(com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "midplane", 8) || !strncasecmp(com, "basepartition", 13)) { _set_midplane_cnode_cnt(com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "nodecard", 8)) { _set_nodecard_cnt(com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "resolve", 7) || !strncasecmp(com, "r ", 2)) { _resolve(com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "resume", 6)) { mvwprintw(text_win, main_ycord, main_xcord, "%s", com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "drain", 5)) { mvwprintw(text_win, main_ycord, main_xcord, "%s", com); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "alldown", 7)) { _change_state_all_bps(com, NODE_STATE_DOWN); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "down", 4)) { _change_state_bps(com, NODE_STATE_DOWN); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "allup", 5)) { _change_state_all_bps(com, NODE_STATE_IDLE); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "up", 2)) { _change_state_bps(com, NODE_STATE_IDLE); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "remove", 6) || !strncasecmp(com, "delete", 6) || !strncasecmp(com, "drop", 4)) { _remove_allocation(com, allocated_blocks); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "create", 6)) { _create_allocation(com, allocated_blocks); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "copy", 4) || !strncasecmp(com, "c ", 2) || !strncasecmp(com, "c\0", 2)) { _copy_allocation(com, allocated_blocks); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "save", 4)) { _save_allocation(com, allocated_blocks); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "load", 4)) { _load_configuration(com, allocated_blocks); } else if (!strncasecmp(com, "clear all", 9) || !strncasecmp(com, "clear", 5)) { list_flush(allocated_blocks); } else { memset(error_string, 0, 255); sprintf(error_string, "Unknown command '%s'",com); } if (params.commandline) { bg_configure_ba_fini(); exit(1); } } FREE_NULL_LIST(allocated_blocks); params.display = 0; noecho(); clear_window(text_win); main_xcord = 1; main_ycord = 1; curs_set(0); print_date(); get_job(); return; }
static WINDOW * ncurses_setup(void){ struct ncurses_input_marshal *nim; const char *errstr = NULL; WINDOW *w = NULL; fprintf(stderr,"Entering ncurses mode...\n"); if(initscr() == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't initialize ncurses\n"); return NULL; } if(cbreak() != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't disable input buffering\n"; goto err; } if(noecho() != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't disable input echoing\n"; goto err; } if(intrflush(stdscr,TRUE) != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't set flush-on-interrupt\n"; goto err; } if(scrollok(stdscr,FALSE) != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't disable scrolling\n"; goto err; } if(nonl() != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't disable nl translation\n"; goto err; } if(start_color() != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't initialize ncurses color\n"; goto err; } if(use_default_colors()){ errstr = "Couldn't initialize ncurses colordefs\n"; goto err; } w = stdscr; ESCDELAY = 100; keypad(stdscr,TRUE); if(nodelay(stdscr,FALSE) != OK){ errstr = "Couldn't set blocking input\n"; goto err; } if(curs_set(0) == ERR){ errstr = "Couldn't disable cursor\n"; goto err; } if(setup_statusbar(COLS)){ errstr = "Couldn't setup status bar\n"; goto err; } if(COLORS < 16){ assert(init_pair(BORDER_COLOR,COLOR_GREEN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(HEADER_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(FOOTER_COLOR,COLOR_YELLOW,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(DBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(DHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(PBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_YELLOW,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(PHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_RED,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BULKTEXT_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BULKTEXT_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(IFACE_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); // will use A_BOLD via OUR_BOLD assert(init_pair(UCAST_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LSELECTED_COLOR,-1,COLOR_CYAN) == OK); assert(init_pair(USELECTED_COLOR,-1,COLOR_CYAN) == OK); assert(init_pair(MSELECTED_COLOR,-1,COLOR_BLUE) == OK); assert(init_pair(BSELECTED_COLOR,-1,COLOR_MAGENTA) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(SUBDISPLAY_COLOR,COLOR_WHITE,-1) == OK); }else{ int z; assert(init_pair(BORDER_COLOR,COLOR_ALUMINIUM,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(HEADER_COLOR,COLOR_MODBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(FOOTER_COLOR,COLOR_MODYELLOW,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(DBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_ALUMINIUM,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(DHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_MODCYAN,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_ORANGE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(PBORDER_COLOR,COLOR_MODBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(PHEADING_COLOR,COLOR_MODRED,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BULKTEXT_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BULKTEXT_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,COLOR_PALEALUMINIUM) == OK); assert(init_pair(IFACE_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_COLOR,COLOR_MODBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_COLOR,COLOR_MODVIOLET,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LSELECTED_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,COLOR_CHAMELEON_50) == OK); assert(init_pair(USELECTED_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,COLOR_BLUE_50) == OK); assert(init_pair(MSELECTED_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,COLOR_SKYBLUE_50) == OK); assert(init_pair(BSELECTED_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,COLOR_VIOLET_50) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_L3_COLOR,COLOR_VIOLET_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_RES_COLOR,COLOR_VIOLET_50,-1) == OK); // Disable altrow stuff for now. It's hard to read and ugly. assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_MODBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_COLOR,COLOR_MODVIOLET,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_L3_COLOR,COLOR_VIOLET_75,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(LCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_CHAMELEON_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(UCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_BLUE_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(MCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_SKYBLUE_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(BCAST_ALTROW_RES_COLOR,COLOR_VIOLET_50,-1) == OK); assert(init_pair(SUBDISPLAY_COLOR,COLOR_MODWHITE,-1) == OK); for(z = FIRST_FREE_COLOR ; z < COLORS && z < COLOR_PAIRS ; ++z){ assert(init_pair(z,z,-1) == OK); } } if(draw_main_window(w)){ errstr = "Couldn't use ncurses\n"; goto err; } if((nim = malloc(sizeof(*nim))) == NULL){ goto err; } nim->w = w; nim->maintid = pthread_self(); // Panels aren't yet being used, so we need call refresh() to // paint the main window. refresh(); if(pthread_create(&inputtid,NULL,ncurses_input_thread,nim)){ errstr = "Couldn't create UI thread\n"; free(nim); goto err; } // FIXME install SIGWINCH() handler...? return w; err: mandatory_cleanup(&w); fprintf(stderr,"%s",errstr); return NULL; }
int main(void) { //extern variables char *help_topic=NULL,*fname=NULL,buff[5000]={'\0'},file[50]={}; int logc,logr,ch,i,j,k,flag; FILE *fp; // initialise curses mode and colors initCurses(); noecho(); cbreak(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); mousemask(ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS,NULL); curs_set(0); //displays starting blue screen Screen(); while(1) { int ch; ch=getResponse(); switch(ch) { //file menu case 1: //pop up menu file (WINDOW**)draw_menu(fmenu,SIZE(fmenu),1,0); break; //new item case 2: refresh(); //draws black screen new_file(); noecho(); //displays filename and line number on black screen New(); break; //Return To Shell case 5: clear(); refresh(); endwin(); system("sh"); clear(); refresh(); Screen(); break; //exit menu case 6: clear(); refresh(); endwin(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; /*compile menu case 7: //pop up menu compile (WINDOW**)draw_menu(cmenu,SIZE(cmenu),1,12); break; */ /*compile item case 8: compile(); break;*/ //help menu case 11: //pop up help menu (WINDOW**)draw_menu(hmenu,SIZE(hmenu),1,27); break; //help index case KEY_F(1): case 12: Help(); break; //help topic case 13: help_topic=(char*)calloc(30,sizeof(char)); help_topic=dialog("| Help |"," Find "," Cancel "); break; //open file case KEY_F(3): case 3: k=0; for(i=2;i<22;++i) { for(j=0;j<78;++j) buff[k++]=(mvinch(i,j)&A_CHARTEXT); buff[k++]='\n'; } new_file(); //pops up open dialogbox fname=(char*)calloc(30,sizeof(char)); fname=dialog("| Open |"," Open "," Cancel "); //if user press cancel display screen contents if((strlen(fname)==0)) { logc=1;logr=2; for(k=0;buff[k]!='\0';++k) { refresh(); if(buff[k]=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,buff[k]); logc+=1; } } } //othewise open a file and display it's contents else { //redraws new screen new_file(); if(!(fp=fopen(fname,"r"))) { warning("| Warning |"," No such file ","Press a key to return !!!"); getch(); //new_file(); logc=1;logr=2; for(k=0;buff[k]!='\0';++k) { refresh(); if(buff[k]=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,buff[k]); logc+=1; } } } //if file is exist display contents else { new_file(); logc=1;logr=2; while((ch=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { if(ch=='\n') { logr+=1; logc=1; move(logr+1,logc); } else { mvaddch(logr,logc,ch); logc+=1; } } fclose(fp); move(2,2); refresh(); //displays file name move(1,2); hline(ACS_HLINE,75); strcat(file,"| "); strcat(file,fname); strcat(file," |"); //move(1,2); //hline(ACS_HLINE,60); writeString(stdscr,1,35,file,white_black); } } break; } } }
int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { int argc = __argc; char **argv = __argv; #else int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #endif #ifdef ENABLE_LOGGING setupDebug(); #endif int seed = time(NULL); // set locale to system default setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain("cataclysm-dda", "lang/mo"); bind_textdomain_codeset("cataclysm-dda", "UTF-8"); textdomain("cataclysm-dda"); //args: world seeding only. argc--; argv++; while (argc){ if(std::string(argv[0]) == "--seed"){ argc--; argv++; if(argc){ seed = djb2_hash((unsigned char*)argv[0]); argc--; argv++; } } else // ignore unknown args. argc--; argv++; } // ncurses stuff load_options(); // For getting size options initscr(); // Initialize ncurses noecho(); // Don't echo keypresses cbreak(); // C-style breaks (e.g. ^C to SIGINT) keypad(stdscr, true); // Numpad is numbers init_colors(); // See color.cpp // curs_set(0); // Invisible cursor set_escdelay(10); // Make escape actually responsive std::srand(seed); bool quit_game = false; bool delete_world = false; g = new game; if(g->game_error()) exit_handler(-999); g->init_ui(); MAPBUFFER.set_game(g); g->load_artifacts(); //artifacts have to be loaded before any items are created if(g->game_error()) exit_handler(-999); MAPBUFFER.load(); curs_set(0); // Invisible cursor here, because MAPBUFFER.load() is crash-prone #if (!(defined _WIN32 || defined WINDOWS)) struct sigaction sigIntHandler; sigIntHandler.sa_handler = exit_handler; sigemptyset(&sigIntHandler.sa_mask); sigIntHandler.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &sigIntHandler, NULL); #endif do { g->setup(); while (!g->do_turn()) ; if (g->uquit == QUIT_DELETE_WORLD) delete_world = true; if (g->game_quit() || g->game_error()) quit_game = true; } while (!quit_game); if (delete_world) { g->delete_save(); } else { MAPBUFFER.save_if_dirty(); } exit_handler(-999); return 0; }
void tx_refresh_screen(void) { endwin(); doupdate(); curs_set(0); }
/* Draws possibly centered formatted message with specified title and control * message on error_win. */ static void draw_msg(const char title[], const char msg[], const char ctrl_msg[], int centered, int recommended_width) { enum { margin = 1 }; int sw, sh; int w, h; int max_h; int len; size_t ctrl_msg_n; size_t wctrl_msg; size_t i; int first_line_x = 1; const int first_line_y = 2; curs_set(0); getmaxyx(stdscr, sh, sw); ctrl_msg_n = MAX(measure_sub_lines(ctrl_msg, &wctrl_msg), 1U); max_h = sh - 2 - ctrl_msg_n + !cfg.display_statusline; h = max_h; /* The outermost condition is for VLA below (to calm static analyzers). */ w = MAX(2 + 2*margin, MIN(sw - 2, MAX(MAX(recommended_width, sw/3), (int)MAX(wctrl_msg, determine_width(msg)) + 4))); wresize(error_win, h, w); werase(error_win); len = strlen(msg); if(len <= w - 2 && strchr(msg, '\n') == NULL) { first_line_x = (w - len)/2; h = 5 + ctrl_msg_n; wresize(error_win, h, w); mvwin(error_win, (sh - h)/2, (sw - w)/2); checked_wmove(error_win, first_line_y, first_line_x); wprint(error_win, msg); } else { int i = 0; int cy = first_line_y; while(i < len) { int j; char buf[w - 2 - 2*margin + 1]; int cx; copy_str(buf, sizeof(buf), msg + i); for(j = 0; buf[j] != '\0'; j++) if(buf[j] == '\n') break; if(buf[j] != '\0') i++; buf[j] = '\0'; i += j; if(buf[0] == '\0') continue; if(cy >= max_h - (int)ctrl_msg_n - 3) { /* Skip trailing part of the message if it's too long, just print how * many lines we're omitting. */ size_t max_len; const int more_lines = 1U + measure_sub_lines(msg + i, &max_len); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "<<%d more line%s not shown>>", more_lines, (more_lines == 1) ? "" : "s"); /* Make sure this is the last iteration of the loop. */ i = len; } h = 1 + cy + 1 + ctrl_msg_n + 1; wresize(error_win, h, w); mvwin(error_win, (sh - h)/2, (sw - w)/2); cx = centered ? (w - utf8_strsw(buf))/2 : (1 + margin); if(cy == first_line_y) { first_line_x = cx; } checked_wmove(error_win, cy++, cx); wprint(error_win, buf); } } box(error_win, 0, 0); if(title[0] != '\0') { mvwprintw(error_win, 0, (w - strlen(title) - 2)/2, " %s ", title); } /* Print control message line by line. */ for(i = ctrl_msg_n; i > 0U; --i) { const size_t len = strcspn(ctrl_msg, "\n"); mvwaddnstr(error_win, h - i - 1, MAX(0, (w - (int)len)/2), ctrl_msg, len); ctrl_msg = skip_char(ctrl_msg + len + 1U, '/'); } checked_wmove(error_win, first_line_y, first_line_x); }
// // Affiche le tableau des high-scores dans une fenêtre modale. // void displayLeaderboard() { int i, c; const int menuWidth = 10; const int winHeight = MAX_SAVED_SCORES_COUNT + 6; const int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH + 20; const int colRank = 2; const int colScore = 20; const int colName = 35; const int colBoard = 55; ITEM* menuItems[2]; MENU* menu; Score scores[MAX_SAVED_SCORES_COUNT]; int n = loadScoreBoard(scores); while (true) { clear(); refresh(); WINDOW* win = newwin(winHeight, winWidth, (LINES - winHeight) / 2, (COLS - winWidth) / 2); box(win, 0, 0); mvwaddch(win, 2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mvwhline(win, 2, 1, ACS_HLINE, winWidth - 1); mvwaddch(win, 2, winWidth - 1, ACS_RTEE); mvwprintw(win, 1, colRank, "CLASSEMENT"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colScore, "SCORE"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colName, "PSEUDO"); mvwprintw(win, 1, colBoard, "PLATEAU"); mvwaddch(win, 0, colScore - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colScore - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colScore - 2, ACS_BTEE); mvwaddch(win, 0, colName - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colName - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colName - 2, ACS_BTEE); mvwaddch(win, 0, colBoard - 2, ACS_TTEE); mvwvline(win, 1, colBoard - 2, ACS_VLINE, winHeight - 2); mvwaddch(win, winHeight - 1, colBoard - 2, ACS_BTEE); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colRank, "#%d", i+1); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colScore, "%d", scores[i].score); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colName, "%s", scores[i].username); mvwprintw(win, i + 3, colBoard, "%s", scores[i].boardName); } menuItems[0] = new_item("<Retour>", NULL); menuItems[1] = (ITEM *) NULL; //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait 1 ligne et 1 colonne set_menu_format(menu, 1, 1); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, win); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(win, 1, menuWidth, winHeight - 2, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); set_menu_mark(menu, ""); noecho(); curs_set(0); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); wrefresh(win); refresh(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { bool resized = false; switch(c) { case KEY_RESIZE: //si le terminal a été redimensionné, on ré-exécute la boucle d'affichage resized = true; break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); clear(); refresh(); delwin(win); curs_set(1); echo(); return; } } if(resized) break; wrefresh(win); } } }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ extern char *optarg; int c; int colouron = 0; time_t last_update = 0; WINDOW *window; extern int errno; int delay=2; sg_init(); if(sg_drop_privileges() != 0){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to drop setuid/setgid privileges\n"); return 1; } #ifdef COLOR_SUPPORT while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:cvh")) != -1){ #else while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:vh")) != -1){ #endif switch (c){ case 'd': delay = atoi(optarg); if (delay < 1){ fprintf(stderr, "Time must be 1 second or greater\n"); exit(1); } break; #ifdef COLOR_SUPPORT case 'c': colouron = 1; break; #endif case 'v': version_num(argv[0]); break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); return 1; break; } } signal(SIGWINCH, sig_winch_handler); initscr(); #ifdef COLOR_SUPPORT /* turn on colour */ if (colouron) { if (has_colors()) { start_color(); use_default_colors(); init_pair(1,COLOR_RED,-1); init_pair(2,COLOR_GREEN,-1); init_pair(3,COLOR_YELLOW,-1); init_pair(4,COLOR_BLUE,-1); init_pair(5,COLOR_MAGENTA,-1); init_pair(6,COLOR_CYAN,-1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Colour support disabled: your terminal does not support colour."); colouron = 0; } } #endif nonl(); curs_set(0); cbreak(); noecho(); timeout(delay * 1000); window=newwin(0, 0, 0, 0); clear(); if(!get_stats()){ fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get all the stats. Please check correct permissions\n"); endwin(); return 1; } display_headings(); for(;;){ time_t now; int ch = getch(); if (ch == 'q'){ break; } /* To keep the numbers slightly accurate we do not want them * updating more frequently than once a second. */ now = time(NULL); if ((now - last_update) >= 1) { get_stats(); } last_update = now; if(sig_winch_flag) { clear(); display_headings(); sig_winch_flag = 0; } display_data(colouron); } endwin(); return 0; }
/*#DOC*/ int viewG_cursorVisibility(int visib) { if (ERR == curs_set(visib)) return ERR; return OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c, i; struct panelw *actw; MEVENT event; const char *cb; args.address = 0x20; args.bus = 0x02; args.columns = 16; args.rows = 2; do { i = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "abc::r::h", options, &i); switch(c) { case 'a': if (optarg) { args.address = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (args.address == 0x00) help(argv, "Address of a chip must be a number!"); } break; case 'b': if (optarg) { args.bus = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (args.bus == 0x00) help(argv, "Bus number must be a number!"); } break; case 'c': if (optarg) { args.columns = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (args.columns == 0x00) help(argv, "The display is not in the list below:"); } break; case 'r': if (optarg) { args.rows = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); if (args.rows == 0x00) help(argv, "The display is not in the list below:"); } break; case 'f': if (optarg) strncpy(args.headername, optarg, 32); else strncpy(args.headername, "./gcbitmap.h", 32); break; case 'h': help(argv, ""); case -1: break; case '?': help(argv, "Unknown option"); break; default: help(argv, "No options given"); break; } }while(c != -1); initscr(); refresh(); keypad(stdscr, TRUE); nonl(); cbreak(); noecho(); curs_set(1); if (has_colors()) { start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_GREEN); init_pair(2, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); init_pair(4, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); wattron(stdscr, COLOR_PAIR(4)); wbkgd(stdscr, COLOR_PAIR(4)); } openEditor(&args, &ed); actw = ed._actw; for(i=0; i < 8; i++) lcdSetGC(&ed.lcd, i, gcbitmap[i]); setWindowState(actw, 1); gcActivateHandler(actw->next); while(((c = wgetch(actw->win)) != KEY_F(10))) { // switch(c) { case KEY_F(5): ed.brght -= ed.brght > 0 ? 1 : 0; lcdSetBacklight(&ed.lcd, ed.brght); mvwprintw(ed.potss->win, 1, 1, "Brightness:\t0x%02X", ed.brght); update_panels(); doupdate(); refresh(); continue; case KEY_F(6): ed.brght += ed.brght < 0x3f ? 1 : 0; lcdSetBacklight(&ed.lcd, ed.brght); mvwprintw(ed.potss->win, 1, 1, "Brightness:\t0x%02X", ed.brght); update_panels(); doupdate(); refresh(); continue; case KEY_F(4): ed.contr -= ed.contr > 0 ? 1 : 0; lcdSetContrast(&ed.lcd, ed.contr); mvwprintw(ed.potss->win, 2, 1, "Contrast:\t0x%02X", ed.contr); update_panels(); doupdate(); refresh(); continue; case KEY_F(3): ed.contr += ed.contr < 0x3f ? 1 : 0; lcdSetContrast(&ed.lcd, ed.contr); mvwprintw(ed.potss->win, 2, 1, "Contrast:\t0x%02X", ed.contr); update_panels(); doupdate(); refresh(); continue; case 9: setWindowState(actw, 0); actw = returnNextWindow(&ed); setWindowState(actw, 1); continue; case KEY_MOUSE: if(getmouse(&event) == OK) { printf("%d %d\n", event.x, event.y); } continue; default: if(actw->handler) actw->handler(actw, c); continue; } } closeEditor(&ed); clear(); endwin(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ /* Initialize pseudo random number generator */ srand(time(NULL)); /* Read command line arguments */ struct basic_options op; struct multi_options mop; if (get_options(argc, argv, &op, &mop) == 1) return 1; /* Setup signal handlers */ struct sigaction newhandler; /* new settings */ sigset_t blocked; /* set of blocked sigs */ newhandler.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; /* options */ sigemptyset(&blocked); /* clear all bits */ newhandler.sa_mask = blocked; /* store blockmask */ newhandler.sa_handler = on_timer; /* handler function */ if ( sigaction(SIGALRM, &newhandler, NULL) == -1 ) perror("sigaction"); /* prepare the terminal for the animation */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); initscr(); /* initialize the library and screen */ cbreak(); /* put terminal into non-blocking input mode */ noecho(); /* turn off echo */ start_color(); clear(); /* clear the screen */ curs_set(0); /* hide the cursor */ use_default_colors(); init_pair(0, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(2, COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(3, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(4, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(5, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(6, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(7, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(8, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); color_set(0, NULL); assume_default_colors(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK); clear(); struct state st; struct ui ui; /* Initialize the parameters of the program */ attrset(A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(2)); mvaddstr(0,0,"Map is generated. Please wait."); refresh(); state_init(&st, &op, &mop); ui_init(&st, &ui); clear(); /* non-blocking input */ int fd_flags = fcntl(0, F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, (fd_flags|O_NONBLOCK)); /* Start the real time interval timer with delay interval size */ struct itimerval it; it.it_value.tv_sec = 0; it.it_value.tv_usec = 10000; it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; it.it_interval.tv_usec = 10000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL); refresh(); input_ready = 0; time_to_redraw = 1; if (!mop.multiplayer_flag) { /* Run the game */ run(&st, &ui); } else { if (mop.server_flag) run_server(&st, mop.clients_num, mop.val_server_port); else run_client(&st, &ui, mop.val_server_addr, mop.val_server_port, mop.val_client_port); } /* Restore the teminal state */ echo(); curs_set(1); clear(); endwin(); if (!mop.multiplayer_flag || mop.server_flag) printf ("Random seed was %i\n", st.map_seed); free(mop.val_server_addr); free(mop.val_server_port); free(mop.val_client_port); return 0; }
static void ui_terminal_save(Ui *ui) { UiCurses *uic = (UiCurses*)ui; curs_set(1); reset_shell_mode(); termkey_stop(uic->termkey); }
//GOODEND or BADEND void END(int end,int stgnum,node_t *trees,int auto_or_mamual,Agent_status *agent) { int total_points = agent->X; if (end == 0) { if (agent->X < 0) { total_points = 0; agent->X = 0; } if (agent->ENEMY_TOUCH_FLAG == 1) { total_points -= 50; } if (total_points < 0) { total_points = 0; } //BadEND if (agent->ON_OFF == 0){ mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-10,"(>_<;) (>_< )"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GAME OVER"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-12,"(>_<;)) (>_< ) "); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GAME OVER"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-14,"(>_<;)))) (T-T ) "); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GAME OVER"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-16,"(>_<;)))))sorry (T-T )"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GAME OVER"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); mvprintw(LINES/4,COLS/2-20,"%d DISTANCE = TOTAL %d POINTS!!!",agent->X,total_points); Refresh(agent); } //agent->END_FLAG = 1; agent->TOTAL_POINTS = total_points; } else { //GoodEND if(agent->ON_OFF == 0) { clear(); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-8,"(*´<) (>'*)"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GOOD END"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); clear(); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-7,"(*´<) (>'*)"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GOOD END"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); clear(); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-6,"(*´<) (>'*)"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GOOD END"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); clear(); mvprintw(LINES/2+1,COLS/2-5,"(*´з)(ε'*)chu!!"); mvprintw(LINES/2,COLS/2-4,"GOOD END"); mvaddstr(LINES/2-3,COLS/2-10,"retry or quit [r/q] ?"); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); } total_points += agent->TIMES; mvprintw(LINES/4,COLS/2-30,"%d TIMES + %d DISTANCE = TOTAL %d POINTS!!!",agent->TIMES,agent->X,total_points); curs_set(0); Refresh(agent); }//Dead or Goal agent->END_FLAG = 1; agent->TOTAL_POINTS = total_points; }
int dialog_inputbox(WINDOW *main_window, const char *title, const char *prompt, const char *init, char **resultp, int *result_len) { int prompt_lines = 0; int prompt_width = 0; WINDOW *win; WINDOW *prompt_win; WINDOW *form_win; PANEL *panel; int i, x, y; int res = -1; int cursor_position = strlen(init); int cursor_form_win; char *result = *resultp; if (strlen(init)+1 > *result_len) { *result_len = strlen(init)+1; *resultp = result = realloc(result, *result_len); } /* find the widest line of msg: */ prompt_lines = get_line_no(prompt); for (i = 0; i < prompt_lines; i++) { const char *line = get_line(prompt, i); int len = get_line_length(line); prompt_width = max(prompt_width, len); } if (title) prompt_width = max(prompt_width, strlen(title)); /* place dialog in middle of screen */ y = (LINES-(prompt_lines+4))/2; x = (COLS-(prompt_width+4))/2; strncpy(result, init, *result_len); /* create the windows */ win = newwin(prompt_lines+6, prompt_width+7, y, x); prompt_win = derwin(win, prompt_lines+1, prompt_width, 2, 2); form_win = derwin(win, 1, prompt_width, prompt_lines+3, 2); keypad(form_win, TRUE); (void) wattrset(form_win, attributes[INPUT_FIELD]); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[INPUT_BOX]); box(win, 0, 0); (void) wattrset(win, attributes[INPUT_HEADING]); if (title) mvwprintw(win, 0, 3, "%s", title); /* print message */ (void) wattrset(prompt_win, attributes[INPUT_TEXT]); fill_window(prompt_win, prompt); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%*s", prompt_width, " "); cursor_form_win = min(cursor_position, prompt_width-1); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%s", result + cursor_position-cursor_form_win); /* create panels */ panel = new_panel(win); /* show the cursor */ curs_set(1); touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); while ((res = wgetch(form_win))) { int len = strlen(result); switch (res) { case 10: /* ENTER */ case 27: /* ESCAPE */ case KEY_F(F_HELP): case KEY_F(F_EXIT): case KEY_F(F_BACK): break; case 127: case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (cursor_position > 0) { memmove(&result[cursor_position-1], &result[cursor_position], len-cursor_position+1); cursor_position--; cursor_form_win--; len--; } break; case KEY_DC: if (cursor_position >= 0 && cursor_position < len) { memmove(&result[cursor_position], &result[cursor_position+1], len-cursor_position+1); len--; } break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_RIGHT: if (cursor_position < len) { cursor_position++; cursor_form_win++; } break; case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_LEFT: if (cursor_position > 0) { cursor_position--; cursor_form_win--; } break; case KEY_HOME: cursor_position = 0; cursor_form_win = 0; break; case KEY_END: cursor_position = len; cursor_form_win = min(cursor_position, prompt_width-1); break; default: if ((isgraph(res) || isspace(res))) { /* one for new char, one for '\0' */ if (len+2 > *result_len) { *result_len = len+2; *resultp = result = realloc(result, *result_len); } /* insert the char at the proper position */ memmove(&result[cursor_position+1], &result[cursor_position], len-cursor_position+1); result[cursor_position] = res; cursor_position++; cursor_form_win++; len++; } else { mvprintw(0, 0, "unknown key: %d\n", res); } break; } if (cursor_form_win < 0) cursor_form_win = 0; else if (cursor_form_win > prompt_width-1) cursor_form_win = prompt_width-1; wmove(form_win, 0, 0); wclrtoeol(form_win); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%*s", prompt_width, " "); mvwprintw(form_win, 0, 0, "%s", result + cursor_position-cursor_form_win); wmove(form_win, 0, cursor_form_win); touchwin(win); refresh_all_windows(main_window); if (res == 10) { res = 0; break; } else if (res == 27 || res == KEY_F(F_BACK) || res == KEY_F(F_EXIT)) { res = KEY_EXIT; break; } else if (res == KEY_F(F_HELP)) { res = 1; break; } } /* hide the cursor */ curs_set(0); del_panel(panel); delwin(prompt_win); delwin(form_win); delwin(win); return res; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { initscr(); // initialize ncurses display nodelay(stdscr, 1); // don't wait for key presses noecho(); // don't echo key presses gz_spi_set_width(2); // Pass blocks of 2 bytes on SPI gz_clock_ena(GZ_CLK_5MHz, 80); // 250 kHz erase(); outputs_off(); printw("Modulating PWMs.\n"); printw("Press 'n' for next test, any other key to stop.\n"); int key = 0; while(1) { exercise_pwms(); key = getch(); if (key != -1) { break; } } if (key == 'n') { printw("Toggling all outputs.\n"); printw("Press 'n' for next test, any other key to stop.\n"); while(1) { exercise_outputs(0xff, 0x00); key = getch(); if (key != -1) { break; } } } if (key == 'n') { erase(); printw("Toggling alternate outputs.\n"); printw("Press 'n' for next test, any other key to stop.\n"); while(1) { exercise_outputs(0xaa, 0x55); key = getch(); if (key != -1) { break; } } } if (key == 'n') { erase(); printw("Walking outputs.\n"); printw("Press 'n' for next test, any other key to stop.\n"); unsigned char current = 0xfe; while(1) { exercise_outputs(current, (current << 1) | 0x01); current = (current << 2) | 0x03; if (current == 0xff) { current = 0xfe; } key = getch(); if (key != -1) { break; } } } if (key == 'n') { erase(); curs_set(0); // Hide the cursor printw("Reading inputs.\n"); printw("Press any key to stop.\n"); while(1) { display_inputs(); key = getch(); if (key != -1) { break; } } move(getcury(stdscr) + 1 ,0); curs_set(1); refresh(); } gz_spi_close(); // close SPI channel erase(); reset_shell_mode(); // turn off ncurses return 0; }
int xyControl() { define_key("\033Op", 1000); define_key("\033Oq", 1001); define_key("\033Or", 1002); define_key("\033Os", 1003); define_key("\033Ot", 1004); define_key("\033Ou", 1005); define_key("\033Ov", 1006); define_key("\033Ow", 1007); define_key("\033Ox", 1008); define_key("\033Oy", 1009); // non-arrow keypad keys (for macros) define_key("\033OM", 1010); // Enter define_key("\033OP", 1011); // NumLock define_key("\033OQ", 1012); // / define_key("\033OR", 1013); // * define_key("\033OS", 1014); // - define_key("\033Oj", 1015); // * define_key("\033Ok", 1016); // + define_key("\033Ol", 1017); // + define_key("\033Om", 1018); // . define_key("\033On", 1019); // . define_key("\033Oo", 1020); // - clearScreen(); echo(); curs_set(2); int Xdist = 0; int Ydist = 0; while(!quit) { //must be acuroind to servoblaster wiring convention move(10,0); clrtoeol(); move(14,0); clrtoeol(); refresh(); mvprintw(10,5,"Curent Position: X:%d\tY:%d",posX,posY); mvprintw(14,5,"Move:"); mvprintw(14,12,"X:%d",Xdist); mvprintw(14,22,"Y:%d",Ydist); move(14,14); refresh(); char valueString [6]; char c = getch(); if(c=='q'||c=='Q') return 0; if(c!='\n') { printw(" "); refresh(); ungetch(c); move(14,14); getnstr(valueString,6); Xdist = atoi(valueString); } move(14,24); c = getch(); if(c=='q'||c=='Q') return 0; if(c!='\n') { printw(" "); refresh(); ungetch(c); move(14,24); getnstr(valueString,6); Ydist = atoi(valueString); } move(15,4); clrtoeol; //getch(); mvprintw(15,5,"MOVING X:%d, Y:%d ",Xdist,Ydist); refresh(); posX +=Xdist; posY +=Ydist; moveXY(Xdist,Ydist); } }
// // Demande à l'utilisateur s'il souhaite rejouer. // bool wantsToReplay(WINDOW *win, int top) { if(win == NULL || top < 0) return false; //variables pour l'affichage du menu ITEM **menuItems = NULL; MENU *menu = NULL; int i = 0, c; int nbChoices = 2; char *choices[] = { "Menu Principal", "Quitter" }; int winWidth = POPUP_WINDOW_WIDTH; //largeur du menu = longueur du plus grand des choix possibles int menuWidth = 22; //on alloue de la mémoire pour initialiser les éléments du menu menuItems = (ITEM **) calloc(nbChoices + 1, sizeof(ITEM *)); //on créé de nouveaux éléments à partir des choix fournis for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; i++) { menuItems[i] = new_item(choices[i], NULL); } //on met un élément nul à la fin du tableau menuItems[nbChoices] = (ITEM *) NULL; //on initialise le menu menu = new_menu((ITEM **) menuItems); //on lui précise bien que le menu fait 1 ligne et 2 colonnes set_menu_format(menu, 1, 2); //on associe le menu à une fenêtre et une sous-fenêtre set_menu_win(menu, win); //fenêtre hauteur largeur x y set_menu_sub(menu, derwin(win, nbChoices, menuWidth, top, (winWidth - menuWidth) / 2)); menu_opts_off(menu, O_NONCYCLIC); set_menu_mark(menu, ""); //et hop, on affiche le menu et on rafraîchit. post_menu(menu); refresh(); wrefresh(win); curs_set(0); noecho(); //boucle pour le menu while((c = getch())) { switch(c) { case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_UP: menu_driver(menu, REQ_LEFT_ITEM); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_DOWN: menu_driver(menu, REQ_RIGHT_ITEM); break; case KEY_MENU_ENTER: { int choice = item_index(current_item(menu)); unpost_menu(menu); free_menu(menu); for(i = 0; i < nbChoices; ++i) free_item(menuItems[i]); //si l'indice est 1 on renvoie 0 et vice-versa return !choice; } } wrefresh(win); } return false; }