Beispiel #1

Creates an arc shaped polygon. First it creates vertices
for inner side of the arc and the for the outer side.
After creating of an vertex, it's put in to a polygon

QPolygonF Sector::createPolygonArc(double radius, double arcWidth,
								   double startAngle, double endAngle) const {
	QPolygonF arc;
	QPointF point;

	double spanAngle = 0.0;
	if(endAngle >= startAngle) {
		spanAngle = endAngle - startAngle;
	} else {
		spanAngle = (endAngle + 360) - startAngle;

	// inner edge of the polygon
	for(double angle = startAngle; angle <= (startAngle + spanAngle); ++angle) {
		point.setX(radius * cos(degreesToRadians(angle)));
		point.setY(radius * sin(degreesToRadians(angle)));
		arc << point;

	// outer edge
	double angle = 0.0;
	if(startAngle + spanAngle > 360) {
		angle = 360.0f + endAngle;
	} else {
		angle = endAngle;

	for( ; angle >= startAngle; --angle) {
		point.setX((arcWidth + radius) * cos(degreesToRadians(angle)));
		point.setY((arcWidth + radius) * sin(degreesToRadians(angle)));
		arc << point;

	return arc;
Beispiel #2
		void testDecomposeRQ3x3()
				// This test produces an incorrect result when the validation check in givensDecomposeRQ3x3 isn't used. 		
					( Eigen::Vector3d() << degreesToRadians( -90. ), degreesToRadians( 24.5916 ), degreesToRadians( -90. ) ).finished(),
					( Eigen::Matrix3d() << 1.94444, 0, 0, 0, 2.1875, 0, 0.0141111, 0.127, 1. ).finished()
				for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i )
						( Eigen::Vector3d() << randomNumber( -M_PI*.5, M_PI*.5 ), randomNumber( -M_PI*.5, M_PI*.5 ), randomNumber( -M_PI*.5, M_PI*.5 ) ).finished(),
						( Eigen::Matrix3d() << randomNumber( 0.1, 3. ), 0, 0, 0, randomNumber( 0.1, 3. ), 0, randomNumber( 0.1, 3. ), randomNumber( 0.1, 3. ), 1. ).finished()
			catch ( std::exception &e ) 
				BOOST_WARN( !e.what() );
				BOOST_CHECK( !"Exception thrown during DecomposeRQ3x3Test." );
Beispiel #3
 * Detects rotation at one edge of the area specified by left, top, right, bottom.
 * Which of the four edges to take depends on whether shiftX or shiftY is non-zero,
 * and what sign this shifting value has.
static double detectEdgeRotation(float deskewScanRange, float deskewScanStep, int deskewScanSize, float deskewScanDepth, int shiftX, int shiftY, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, struct IMAGE* image) {
    // either shiftX or shiftY is 0, the other value is -i|+i
    // depending on shiftX/shiftY the start edge for shifting is determined
    double rangeRad;
    double stepRad;
    double rotation;
    int peak;
    int maxPeak;
    double detectedRotation;
    double m;

    rangeRad = degreesToRadians((double)deskewScanRange);
    stepRad = degreesToRadians((double)deskewScanStep);
    detectedRotation = 0.0;
    maxPeak = 0;    
    // iteratively increase test angle,  alterating between +/- sign while increasing absolute value
    for (rotation = 0.0; rotation <= rangeRad; rotation = (rotation>=0.0) ? -(rotation + stepRad) : -rotation ) {    
        m = tan(rotation);
        peak = detectEdgeRotationPeak(m, deskewScanSize, deskewScanDepth, shiftX, shiftY, left, top, right, bottom, image);
        if (peak > maxPeak) {
            detectedRotation = rotation;
            maxPeak = peak;
    return radiansToDegrees(detectedRotation);
Beispiel #4
// Environment  
void SMCEnvironment::fromXml(const ci::XmlTree& xml)
  for(ci::XmlTree::ConstIter elem = xml.begin(); elem != xml.end(); ++elem)
    const ci::XmlTree& obj = *elem;
    ci::Vec2f pos = ci::Vec2f(obj["PosX"].as<float>(), obj["PosY"].as<float>());
    if(obj.getTag() == "Line")
      Line* l = new Line (pos, degreesToRadians(obj["Angle"].as<float>()), obj["Length"].as<float>());
    else if (obj.getTag() == "Circle")
      Circle* c = new Circle (pos, obj["Radius"].as<float>());
    else if (obj.getTag() == "Torus")
      Torus* t = new Torus (pos, obj["Radius"].as<float>(), obj["Width"].as<float>());
      t->setPeak(obj.getAttributeValue<float>("Peak", 1.0f));
    else if (obj.getTag() == "Gradient")
      Gradient* c = new Gradient (pos, obj["Radius"].as<float>());
    else if (obj.getTag() == "Triangle")
      Triangle* t = new Triangle (pos, obj["Size"].as<float>());
    else if (obj.getTag() == "Gaussian")
      Gaussian* g = new Gaussian (pos, obj["Width"].as<float>(), obj["Height"].as<float>(), ci::Vec2f(obj["DirX"].as<float>(), obj["DirY"].as<float>()));
      // Not recognized as supported object

    bool visibility = obj.getAttributeValue<bool>("Visible", true);    
    m_objects[m_objects.size() - 1]->setVisibility(visibility);
    float posVarX = obj.getAttributeValue<float>("PosVarX", 0.0);
    float posVarY = obj.getAttributeValue<float>("PosVarY", 0.0);
    m_objects[m_objects.size() - 1]->setPositionVariance(ci::Vec2f(posVarX, posVarY));
    float angVar = degreesToRadians(obj.getAttributeValue<float>("AngleVar", 0.0));
    m_objects[m_objects.size() - 1]->setAngleVariance(angVar);

    Matrix Matrix::createRotationZ(float angle)
        Matrix result = identityMatrix;

        result.elements[0] = cos(degreesToRadians(angle));
        result.elements[4] = -sin(degreesToRadians(angle));
        result.elements[1] = sin(degreesToRadians(angle));
        result.elements[5] = cos(degreesToRadians(angle));

        return result;
void Bullet::fireBullet(GLfloat xPos, GLfloat yPos, GLfloat angle)
	m_isActive = true;

	m_collisionBox.xPos = xPos;
	m_collisionBox.yPos = yPos;
	m_collisionBox.height = BULLET_HEIGHT;
	m_collisionBox.width = BULLET_WIDTH;

	m_xVelocity = JCos(degreesToRadians(angle + 90));
	m_yVelocity = JSin(degreesToRadians(angle + 90));
Beispiel #7
/** Returns a rotated copy of the object by a given azimuth and elevation.
CPanelGroup CSailDisp::dispObject() const
    const CVector3d center =;

    CMatrix4x4 matrix;
    matrix.rotate(degreesToRadians(m_elevation), CVector3d(1, 0, 0));
    matrix.rotate(degreesToRadians(m_azimuth), CVector3d(0, 1, 0));

    return baseObject.transformed(matrix);
void FirstPersonCamera::use()
	// Obtain the reference point determined by the angles
	float eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ;
	getEyePosition(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ);
	float centerX = eyeX + cos(degreesToRadians(xzAngle))*cos(degreesToRadians(yAngle));
	float centerY = eyeY + sin(degreesToRadians(yAngle));
	float centerZ = eyeZ + sin(degreesToRadians(xzAngle))*cos(degreesToRadians(yAngle));
	setReferencePoint(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
	// Use the camera
Beispiel #9
EllipsePath::EllipsePath(Point center, MCFixed width, MCFixed height,
                         double startAngle, double endAngle) {
  startAngle = degreesToRadians(startAngle);
  endAngle = degreesToRadians(endAngle);
  int pointCount = 20;
  double angleDelta = (endAngle - startAngle) / pointCount;
  for (int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++) {
    double angle = startAngle + (angleDelta * i);
    emplace_back(Point(center.X + width * MCFixed(cos(angle)),
                       center.Y - height * MCFixed(sin(angle))));
  emplace_back(Point(center.X + width * MCFixed(cos(endAngle)),
                     center.Y - height * MCFixed(sin(endAngle))));
Beispiel #10
/* Rotating */
void FreeCamera::rotate(float angle)
	float eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ;
	float centerX, centerY, centerZ;
	getEyePosition(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ);
	getReferencePoint(centerX, centerY, centerZ);

	float distance = distance2D(eyeX, eyeZ, centerX, centerZ);
	centerX += distance*(cos(degreesToRadians(xzAngle + angle)) - cos(degreesToRadians(xzAngle)));
	centerZ += distance*(sin(degreesToRadians(xzAngle + angle)) - sin(degreesToRadians(xzAngle)));
	xzAngle += angle;

	setReferencePoint(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
Beispiel #11
Gosu::rotate(double angle, double aroundX, double aroundY)
    double c = std::cos(degreesToRadians(angle));
    double s = std::sin(degreesToRadians(angle));
    Gosu::Transform result = {
        +c, +s, 0, 0,
        -s, +c, 0, 0,
        0,  0,  1, 0,
        0,  0,  0, 1
    if (aroundX != 0 || aroundY != 0)
        result = multiply(multiply(translate(-aroundX, -aroundY), result), translate(aroundX, aroundY));
    return result;
// Descr: test degrees to radians and radians to degrees
// Implementation details: See gtest/samples for GTest syntax and usage
TEST(GeometryTest, D2RandR2D)
    //test converting Degrees to Radians
    // I know this 'should' be EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ, but even though the values were good to the 5th or 6th decimal place, it was failing.
    // So, there you go.
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(1),0.0174532925 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(254),4.4331363 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(360),6.283185307 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(degreesToRadians(15),0.261799388 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(3.14),179.908747671 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(0.174532925),10 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(1.745329252),100 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(.1234567),7.073547863 );
    EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(radiansToDegrees(6.195918845),355 );
Beispiel #13
void initBoardAlignment(const boardAlignment_t *boardAlignment)
    if (isBoardAlignmentStandard(boardAlignment)) {

    standardBoardAlignment = false;

    fp_angles_t rotationAngles;
    rotationAngles.angles.roll  = degreesToRadians(boardAlignment->rollDegrees );
    rotationAngles.angles.pitch = degreesToRadians(boardAlignment->pitchDegrees);
    rotationAngles.angles.yaw   = degreesToRadians(boardAlignment->yawDegrees  );

    buildRotationMatrix(&rotationAngles, boardRotation);
* CPotatoChainGunWeapon::fireWeapon
* @date Modified May 5, 2006
bool CPotatoChainGunWeapon::fireWeapon()
	if (!m_nAmmoLeft)
		return false;

	if (CTimer::getInstance().getTime() - m_fTimer >= 0.15f)
		CObjectManager::ObjectList loPlayers;
		CObjectManager::getInstance().getObjects(OBJ_PLAYER, &loPlayers);

		// use the player's position as the initial position of the potato
		D3DXVECTOR3 vPotatoPos;
		if (!getPlayer()->getWeaponActorPos(&vPotatoPos))
			vPotatoPos = m_poCharacter->getBV().centerPt;

		vPotatoPos += m_poCharacter->getOrientation() * 5.0f;
		vPotatoPos.x += cosf(degreesToRadians(m_nAngles[m_nBarrelIndex]));
		vPotatoPos.z += sinf(degreesToRadians(m_nAngles[m_nBarrelIndex]));
		// loop back to zero if we go over
		++m_nBarrelIndex %= 5;

		vPotatoPos.x *= BARREL_RADIUS;
		vPotatoPos.z *= BARREL_RADIUS;

		CPotato *pPotato = (CPotato*)CObjectManager::getInstance().createObject(OBJ_WEAPONPROJ_POTATO);

		pPotato->m_pMesh = m_nPotatoMesh;
		pPotato->setPosition(vPotatoPos + m_poCharacter->getOrientation() * 5);
		pPotato->m_oBV.centerPt = pPotato->getPosition();
		pPotato->m_oBV.fRadius = 1.0f;
		pPotato->m_vVelocity = pPotato->getOrientation()* 100.0f;
		pPotato->m_nDamage = m_nDamage;
		pPotato->m_nAreaOfEffect = m_nAreaOfEffect;

		m_fTimer = CTimer::getInstance().getTime();
		// Play sound
		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #15
void Player::moveForward(const float speed)
    //Vector3 pos = getPosition();
    const float speed_multiplier = 40;

    float cosYaw = cosf(degreesToRadians(m_yaw));
    float sinYaw = sinf(degreesToRadians(m_yaw));
    //pos.x += float(cosYaw)*speed;
    //pos.z += float(sinYaw)*speed;

    btVector3 linearVelocity = getCollider()->getBody()->getLinearVelocity();

    getCollider()->getBody()->setLinearVelocity(btVector3(btScalar(float(cosYaw)*speed*speed_multiplier), linearVelocity.getY(), btScalar(float(sinYaw)*speed*speed_multiplier)));

Beispiel #16
mat4* mat4PerspectiveProjection(mat4* pOut, float fovY,
                                float aspect, float zNear,
                                float zFar) {
    float r = degreesToRadians(fovY / 2);
    float deltaZ = zFar - zNear;
    float s = sinf(r);
    float cotangent = 0;

    if (deltaZ == 0 || s == 0 || aspect == 0) {
        return NULL;

    /*cos(r) / sin(r) = cot(r)*/
    cotangent = cosf(r) / s;

    pOut->mat[0] = cotangent / aspect;
    pOut->mat[5] = cotangent;
    pOut->mat[10] = -(zFar + zNear) / deltaZ;
    pOut->mat[11] = -1;
    pOut->mat[14] = -2 * zNear * zFar / deltaZ;
    pOut->mat[15] = 0;

    return pOut;
Beispiel #17
Quaternion::Quaternion(float degrees, const Vector3 &axis)
	float halfRadians = degreesToRadians(degrees / 2.0f);

	w = std::cos(halfRadians);
	v = axis * std::sin(halfRadians);
// Behavior moveArcBehavior(target)
// Last modified: 07Nov2009
// Moves the robot using the parameterized movement vector,
// returning the appropriate robot behavior.
// Returns:     the appropriate robot behavior
// Parameters:
//      target  in/out  the target move of the behavior
Behavior Robot::moveArcBehavior(const Vector &target)
    GLfloat theta    = target.angle();
	  GLfloat phi      = this->heading.angle();
	  GLfloat delta    = degreesToRadians(theta);
    GLfloat cosDelta = cos(delta);
    GLfloat sinDelta = sin(delta);
	  GLfloat t        = cosDelta * cosDelta * sign(cosDelta);
	  GLfloat r        = sinDelta * sinDelta * sign(sinDelta);
	  behavior         = Behavior(ACTIVE, t, r, maxSpeed());
    if (abs(theta) < 90.0f)
	      behavior.setDiffVel(maxSpeed() * (t + r), maxSpeed() * (t - r));
        behavior.setDiffVel(maxSpeed() * (t - r), maxSpeed() * (t + r));
	  return behavior;
    GLfloat r     = target.magnitude();
    if (r <= threshold()) return moveStop();
    GLfloat theta = degreesToRadians(target.angle());
    if (theta == 0.0f)    return moveForwardBehavior(r);
    else return moveArcBehavior((abs(theta) >
                                degreesToRadians(angThreshold())) ?
                                0.0f :
                                r * theta / sin(theta), getDiameter() * theta);
}   // moveArcBehavior(const Vector &)
Quaternion Quaternion::Slerp(const Quaternion &q1, const Quaternion &q2,
                        float t)
    float theta = degreesToRadians(Angle(q1, q2));
    return (q1 * sinf((1 - t) * theta) + q2 * sinf(t * theta)) / sinf(theta);
Beispiel #20
void annexCode(void)

    int32_t throttleValue;

    // Compute ROLL PITCH and YAW command
    rcCommand[ROLL] = getAxisRcCommand(rcData[ROLL], currentControlRateProfile->rcExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.deadband);
    rcCommand[PITCH] = getAxisRcCommand(rcData[PITCH], currentControlRateProfile->rcExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.deadband);
    rcCommand[YAW] = -getAxisRcCommand(rcData[YAW], currentControlRateProfile->rcYawExpo8, currentProfile->rcControlsConfig.yaw_deadband);

    //Compute THROTTLE command
    throttleValue = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck, PWM_RANGE_MAX);
    throttleValue = (uint32_t)(throttleValue - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck) * PWM_RANGE_MIN / (PWM_RANGE_MAX - masterConfig.rxConfig.mincheck);       // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000]
    rcCommand[THROTTLE] = rcLookupThrottle(throttleValue);

        const float radDiff = degreesToRadians(DECIDEGREES_TO_DEGREES(attitude.values.yaw) - headFreeModeHold);
        const float cosDiff = cos_approx(radDiff);
        const float sinDiff = sin_approx(radDiff);
        const int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff;
        rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff;
        rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH;

    } else {
        if (IS_RC_MODE_ACTIVE(BOXARM) == 0) {

        if (!STATE(SMALL_ANGLE)) {

        if (isCalibrating() || isSystemOverloaded()) {

#if defined(NAV)
        if (naivationBlockArming()) {

        if (ARMING_FLAG(OK_TO_ARM)) {
        } else {


    // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities.
    if (gyro.temperature)
Beispiel #21
void imuInit(void)
    smallAngleCosZ = cos_approx(degreesToRadians(imuRuntimeConfig->small_angle));
    gyroScale = gyro.scale * (M_PIf / 180.0f);  // gyro output scaled to rad per second
    accVelScale = 9.80665f / acc_1G / 10000.0f;

void drawLineCircle(CGPoint center, float radius, CGColor color) {
    glTranslatef(center.x, center.y,0);
    for (int i = 0; i <= 360; i++) {
        float x = radius * cosf(degreesToRadians(i));
        float y = radius * sinf(degreesToRadians(i));
        glVertex2f(x,y);//output vertex
//This method makes a rotation matrix that rotates around the z axis,
//the y axis, and the x axis in that order.
Matrix3 Matrix3::EulerZYX(float xDegrees, float yDegrees, float zDegrees)
    float xDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(xDegrees);
    float yDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(yDegrees);
    float zDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(zDegrees);

    float sX = std::sinf(xDegreesInRadians);
    float cX = std::cosf(xDegreesInRadians);
    float sY = std::sinf(yDegreesInRadians);
    float cY = std::cosf(yDegreesInRadians);
    float sZ = std::sinf(zDegreesInRadians);
    float cZ = std::cosf(zDegreesInRadians);

    return Matrix3(cY * cZ,                -cY * sZ,                 sY,
                   cZ * sX * sY + cX * sZ,  cX * cZ - sX * sY * sZ, -cY * sX,
                   sX * sZ - cX * cZ * sY,  cZ * sX + cX * sY * sZ,  cX * cY);
//This method makes a rotation matrix that rotates around the x axis,
//the y axis, and the z axis in that order.
Matrix3 Matrix3::EulerXYZ(float xDegrees, float yDegrees, float zDegrees)
    float xDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(xDegrees);
    float yDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(yDegrees);
    float zDegreesInRadians = degreesToRadians(zDegrees);
    float sX = std::sinf(xDegreesInRadians);
    float cX = std::cosf(xDegreesInRadians);
    float sY = std::sinf(yDegreesInRadians);
    float cY = std::cosf(yDegreesInRadians);
    float sZ = std::sinf(zDegreesInRadians);
    float cZ = std::cosf(zDegreesInRadians);
    return Matrix3( cY * cZ, cZ * sX * sY - cX * sZ, cX * cZ * sY + sX * sZ,
                    cY * sZ, cX * cZ + sX * sY * sZ, cX * sY * sZ - cZ * sX,
                   -sY,      cY * sX,                cX * cY);
Beispiel #25
void turn(bool direction, int degrees, int power)
	float amount = ROBOT_RADIUS * degreesToRadians(degrees) * 2;
	if(direction == LEFT)
		driveInches(amount, -1*power, power);
		driveInches(amount, power, -1*power);
void Camera::turnLeft(double deltaAngle) {
	deltaAngle = degreesToRadians(deltaAngle);
	double ca = cos(deltaAngle);
	double sa = sin(deltaAngle);
	Vec3 right = forward->cross(*up);
	setForward(*forward * ca - right * sa);
void Camera::turnDown(double deltaAngle) {
	deltaAngle = degreesToRadians(deltaAngle);
	double ca = cos(deltaAngle);
	double sa = sin(deltaAngle);
	setForward(*forward * ca - *up * sa);
	setUp(*up * ca + *forward * sa);
Beispiel #28
/* Panning */
void FreeCamera::pan(float panX, float panZ)
	float eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ;
	float centerX, centerY, centerZ;
	getEyePosition(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ);
	getReferencePoint(centerX, centerY, centerZ);

	float deltaX = panX*cos(degreesToRadians(xzAngle)) + panZ*cos(degreesToRadians(xzAngle + 90.0f));
	float deltaZ = panX*sin(degreesToRadians(xzAngle)) + panZ*sin(degreesToRadians(xzAngle + 90.0f));
	eyeX += deltaX;
	centerX += deltaX;
	eyeZ += deltaZ;
	centerZ += deltaZ;

	setEyePosition(eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ);
	setReferencePoint(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
Beispiel #29
bool imuIsAircraftArmable(uint8_t arming_angle)
    /* Update small angle state */

    float armingAngleCosZ = cos_approx(degreesToRadians(arming_angle));

    return (rMat[2][2] > armingAngleCosZ);
void pixMap_rotate (pixMap *p, float theta){
	//correct rotation that uses inverse rotation to determine which pixels to copy from the original
	//the previous method would leave holes in the image
	pixMap *temp=pixMap_init();//make a new temp blank pixMap structure
	pixMap_copy(temp,p); //copy the p to temp
	//set the values in the image to zero using memset - that the 3rd argument of memset is the size in BYTES
 const float ox=p->width/2.0f;
 const float oy=p->height/2.0f;
 const float s=sin(degreesToRadians(-theta));
	const float c=cos(degreesToRadians(-theta));
	//for()   //double for loop to loop through each pixel in the original
	    //calculate the old coordinates rotx roty to copy from using the formula from 
	    //use the answer from stackoverflowery
 	   //round the coordinates to the nearest integer in your calculations (add 0.5 and cast to integer)	
	    //if rotated coordinates are still inside the image
	      //copy the pixel at the old coords to the pixel to the temporary copy using memcpy
	      //i.e. 	memcpy(temp->pixArray[y]+x,p->pixArray[roty]+rotx,sizeof(rgba))
	//copy the temp pixMap to the original
	//destroy the temp

	for(int y=0;y<p->height;y++){
		for(int x=0;x<p->width;x++){ 
   float rotx = c*(x-ox) - s * (oy-y) + ox;
   float roty = -(s*(x-ox) + c * (oy-y) - oy);
		 int rotj=rotx+.5;
		 int roti=roty+.5; 
		 if(roti >=0 && roti < temp->height && rotj >=0 && rotj < temp->width){