Beispiel #1
// returns probability of success of group playing CA1 (us vs nature)
inline void update_XP_CA1(int g)
 * g: group index of a group in a polity
  double xx;
  X[g] = get_X(g);                                                // update group effort
  xx = pow(X[g], Beta);
  P[g] = xx/( xx + X0_Be );       // update probability of success
  Print to stdout the values of the current visual feature \f$ s \f$.

  \param select : Selection of a subset of the possible 3D point
  feature coordinates.
  - To print all the three coordinates used as features use
  - To print only one of the coordinate
  feature \f$(X,Y,Z)\f$ use one of the
  corresponding function selectX(), selectX() or selectZ().

  vpPoint point;
  // Creation of the current feature s
  vpFeaturePoint3D s;

  s.print(); // print all the 3 components of the translation feature
  s.print(vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL); // same behavior then previous line
  s.print(vpFeaturePoint3D::selectZ()); // print only the Z component
vpFeaturePoint3D::print(const unsigned int select ) const

  std::cout <<"Point3D:  "  ;
  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectX() & select )
    std::cout << " X=" << get_X() ;
  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectY() & select )
    std::cout << " Y=" << get_Y() ;
  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectZ() & select )
    std::cout << " Z=" << get_Z() ;
  std::cout <<std::endl ;
Beispiel #3
void make_test_predict(bool async)
    auto estimator = train_estimator();
    estimator->predicted_quantiles(mkcol({0.5, 0.9}));
    const auto X = get_X();
    const auto threads = async ? 3 : 1;
    const auto y_resp = estimator->predict(X, threads);
    assert_equal(X.n_rows, y_resp.n_rows, SPOT);
    assert_equal(2u, y_resp.n_cols, SPOT);
    auto y_exp = matrix_t(X.n_rows, 2u);
    for (std::size_t i=0; i<X.n_rows; ++i) {
        y_exp.row(i) = mkrow({5.5, 7.5});
    assert_equal_containers(y_exp, y_resp, SPOT);
Beispiel #4
void update_XP_CA2(int *g, int ng)
/* g: array of group indices within polity of groups chosen
 * ng: no. of groups chosen or selected for playing us vs them game
  int i;
  double sum;
  for(sum = 0, i = ng; i--;){
    X[g[i]] = get_X(g[i]);                    // update group effort for group g[i]
    sum += pow(X[g[i]], Beta);
  sum = MAX(sum, 0.001);
  for(i = ng; i--;){
    P[g[i]] = pow(X[g[i]], Beta) / sum;       // update probability of success of     
Beispiel #5
void make_test_train(bool async)
    auto estimator = train_estimator(async);
    const auto centers = estimator->get_trained_centers();
    const auto exp_centers = mkcol({5.5, 8});
    assert_equal_containers(exp_centers, centers, SPOT);
    const auto& models = estimator->get_models();
    assert_equal(2u, models.size());
    const auto X = get_X();
    assert_equal_containers(X, models[0]->train_X, SPOT);
    assert_equal_containers(X, models[1]->train_X, SPOT);
    const auto target1 = mkcol({dyes, dyes, dno, dno, dno});
    const auto target2 = mkcol({dno, dno, dyes, dyes, dyes});
    assert_equal_containers(target1, models[0]->train_y, SPOT);
    assert_equal_containers(target2, models[1]->train_y, SPOT);
  Compute and return the interaction matrix \f$ L \f$ associated to a subset
  of the possible 3D point features \f$(X,Y,Z)\f$ that
  represent the 3D point coordinates expressed in the camera frame.

  L = \left[
  -1 &  0 &  0 &  0 & -Z &  Y \\
   0 & -1 &  0 &  Z &  0 & -X \\
   0 &  0 & -1 & -Y &  X &  0 \\

  \param select : Selection of a subset of the possible 3D point coordinate
  - To compute the interaction matrix for all the three 
    subset features \f$(X,Y,Z)\f$ use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL. In
    that case the dimension of the interaction matrix is \f$ [3 \times
    6] \f$
  - To compute the interaction matrix for only one of the 
    subset (\f$X, Y,Z\f$) use
    one of the corresponding function selectX(), selectY() or
    selectZ(). In that case the returned interaction matrix is \f$ [1
    \times 6] \f$ dimension.

  \return The interaction matrix computed from the 3D point coordinate

  The code below shows how to compute the interaction matrix
  associated to the visual feature \f$s = X \f$. 

  vpPoint point;
  // Creation of the current feature s
  vpFeaturePoint3D s;

  vpMatrix L_X = s.interaction( vpFeaturePoint3D::selectX() );

  The code below shows how to compute the interaction matrix
  associated to the \f$s = (X,Y) \f$
  subset visual feature:

  vpMatrix L_XY = s.interaction( vpFeaturePoint3D::selectX() | vpFeaturePoint3D::selectY() );

  L_XY is here now a 2 by 6 matrix. The first line corresponds to
  the \f$ X \f$ visual feature while the second one to the \f$
  Y \f$ visual feature.

  It is also possible to build the interaction matrix from all the
  3D point coordinates by:

  vpMatrix L_XYZ = s.interaction( vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL );

  In that case, L_XYZ is a 3 by 6 interaction matrix where the last
  line corresponds to the \f$ Z \f$ visual feature.

vpFeaturePoint3D::interaction(const unsigned int select)
  vpMatrix L ;

  L.resize(0,6) ;

  if (deallocate == vpBasicFeature::user)
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbParameters; i++)
      if (flags[i] == false)
        case 0:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but X was not set yet");
        case 1:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but Y was not set yet");
        case 2:
          vpTRACE("Warning !!!  The interaction matrix is computed but Z was not set yet");
          vpTRACE("Problem during the reading of the variable flags");

  double X = get_X() ;
  double Y = get_Y() ;
  double Z = get_Z() ;

  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectX() & select )
    vpMatrix Lx(1,6) ; Lx = 0;

    Lx[0][0] = -1  ;
    Lx[0][1] = 0 ;
    Lx[0][2] = 0 ;
    Lx[0][3] = 0 ;
    Lx[0][4] = -Z ;
    Lx[0][5] = Y ;

    L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,Lx) ;

  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectY() & select )
    vpMatrix Ly(1,6) ; Ly = 0;

    Ly[0][0] = 0 ;
    Ly[0][1] = -1 ;
    Ly[0][2] = 0 ;
    Ly[0][3] = Z ;
    Ly[0][4] = 0 ;
    Ly[0][5] = -X ;

    L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,Ly) ;
  if (vpFeaturePoint3D::selectZ() & select )
    vpMatrix Lz(1,6) ; Lz = 0;

    Lz[0][0] = 0 ;
    Lz[0][1] = 0 ;
    Lz[0][2] = -1 ;
    Lz[0][3] = -Y ;
    Lz[0][4] = X ;
    Lz[0][5] = 0 ;

    L = vpMatrix::stackMatrices(L,Lz) ;
  return L ;
Beispiel #7
VARIOGRAM *reml_sills(DATA *data, VARIOGRAM *vp) {
	int i, j, k;
	MAT **Vk = NULL, *X = MNULL;
	VEC *Y = VNULL, *init = VNULL;
	DPOINT *dpa, *dpb;
	double dx, dy = 0.0, dz = 0.0, dzero2;

	if (data == NULL  || vp == NULL)
		ErrMsg(ER_NULL, "reml()");
	select_at(data, (DPOINT *) NULL);
	if (vp->n_models <= 0)
		ErrMsg(ER_VARNOTSET, "reml: please define initial variogram model");
 * create Y, X, Vk's only once:
	Y = get_y(&data, Y, 1);
	X = get_X(&data, X, 1);
	Vk = (MAT **) emalloc(vp->n_models * sizeof(MAT));
	init = v_resize(init, vp->n_models);

	for (i = 0; i < vp->n_models; i++) {
		init->ve[i] = vp->part[i].sill; /* remember init. values for updating */
		vp->part[i].sill = 1;
		Vk[i] = m_resize(MNULL, X->m, X->m);
	dzero2 = gl_zero * gl_zero;
	for (i = 0; i < data->n_list; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < vp->n_models; j++) /* fill diagonals */
			Vk[j]->me[i][i] = Covariance(vp->part[j], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { /* off-diagonal elements: */
			dpa = data->list[i];
			dpb = data->list[j];
		 	 * if different points coincide on a locations, shift them,
		 	 * or the covariance matrix will become singular
			dx = dpa->x - dpb->x;
			dy = dpa->y - dpb->y;
			dz = dpa->z - dpb->z;
			if (data->pp_norm2(dpa, dpb) < dzero2) {
				if (data->mode & X_BIT_SET)
					dx = (dx >= 0 ? gl_zero : -gl_zero);
				if (data->mode & Y_BIT_SET)
					dy = (dy >= 0 ? gl_zero : -gl_zero);
				if (data->mode & Z_BIT_SET)
					dz = (dz >= 0 ? gl_zero : -gl_zero);
			for (k = 0; k < vp->n_models; k++)
				Vk[k]->me[i][j] = Vk[k]->me[j][i] = 
						Covariance(vp->part[k], dx, dy, dz);
	if (reml(Y, X, Vk, vp->n_models, gl_iter, gl_fit_limit, init))
		vp->ev->refit = 0;
	else /* on convergence */
		pr_warning("no convergence while fitting variogram");
	for (i = 0; i < vp->n_models; i++)
		vp->part[i].sill = init->ve[i];
		logprint_variogram(vp, 1);
	for (i = 0; i < vp->n_models; i++)
	return vp;
Beispiel #8
void main()
    unsigned int x1, x2;
    unsigned int y1, y2;
    unsigned int color = White;
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 0; y1 < 40; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Blue);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 40; y1 < 80; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, White);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 80; y1 < 120; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Red);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 120; y1 < 160; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Magenta);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 160; y1 < 200; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Green);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 200; y1 < 240; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Cyan);
    for(x1 = 0; x1 < 40; x1 ++)
        for(y1 = 240; y1 < 280; y1 ++)
            Put_pixel(x1, y1, Yellow);
    for(y1 = 0; y1<320; y1 ++) {
        Put_pixel(42, y1, 0x0FF2);
        Put_pixel(43, y1, 0xD621);
    while(1) {
        if(!Penirq) {
            x1 = get_X();
            x2 = get_X();
            y1 = get_Y();
            y2 = get_Y();
            if(abs(x1-x2)<2 && abs(y1-y2)<2) {
                x1 = (x1+x2)/2;
                y1 = (y1+y2)/2;
                y1 = 320 - y1;
                if(x1 < 41) {
                        color = Blue;
                    else if(y1<81)
                        color = White;
                    else if(y1<121)
                        color = Red;
                    else if(y1<161)
                        color = Magenta;
                    else if(y1<201)
                        color = Green;
                    else if(y1<241)
                        color = Cyan;
                    else if(y1<281)
                        color = Yellow;
                    else {
                        LCD_SetPos(44, 240, 0, 320); 
                        for (y1 = 0; y1 < 320; y1 ++) {
                            for (x1 = 44; x1 < 240; x1 ++)
                } else {
                    Put_pixel(x1, y1, color);
Beispiel #9
 * n_vars is the number of variables to be considered,
 * d is the data array of variables d[0],...,d[n_vars-1],
 * pred determines which estimate is required: BLUE, BLUP, or BLP
void gls(DATA **d /* pointer to DATA array */,
         int n_vars, /* length of DATA array (to consider) */
         enum GLS_WHAT pred, /* what type of prediction is requested */
         DPOINT *where, /* prediction location */
         double *est /* output: array that holds the predicted values and variances */)
    GLM *glm = NULL; /* to be copied to/from d */
    static MAT *X0 = MNULL, *C0 = MNULL, *MSPE = MNULL, *CinvC0 = MNULL,
                *Tmp1 = MNULL, *Tmp2 = MNULL, *Tmp3 = MNULL, *R = MNULL;
    static VEC *blup = VNULL, *tmpa = VNULL, *tmpb = VNULL;
    PERM *piv = PNULL;
    volatile unsigned int i, rows_C;
    unsigned int j, k, l = 0, row, col, start_i, start_j, start_X, global,
    static enum GLS_WHAT last_pred = GLS_INIT; /* the initial value */
    double c_value, *X_ori;
    int info;

    if (d == NULL) { /* clean up */
        if (X0 != MNULL) M_FREE(X0);
        if (C0 != MNULL) M_FREE(C0);
        if (MSPE != MNULL) M_FREE(MSPE);
        if (CinvC0 != MNULL) M_FREE(CinvC0);
        if (Tmp1 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp1);
        if (Tmp2 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp2);
        if (Tmp3 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp3);
        if (R != MNULL) M_FREE(R);
        if (blup != VNULL) V_FREE(blup);
        if (tmpa != VNULL) V_FREE(tmpa);
        if (tmpb != VNULL) V_FREE(tmpb);
        last_pred = GLS_INIT;

    if (DEBUG_COV) {
        printlog("we're at %s X: %g Y: %g Z: %g\n",
                 IS_BLOCK(where) ? "block" : "point",
                 where->x, where->y, where->z);

    if (pred != UPDATE) /* it right away: */
        last_pred = pred;

    assert(last_pred != GLS_INIT);

    if (d[0]->glm == NULL) { /* allocate and initialize: */
        glm = new_glm();
        d[0]->glm = (void *) glm;
    } else
        glm = (GLM *) d[0]->glm;

    glm->mu0 = v_resize(glm->mu0, n_vars);
    MSPE = m_resize(MSPE, n_vars, n_vars);
    if (pred == GLS_BLP || UPDATE_BLP) {
        X_ori = where->X;
        for (i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* mu(0) */
            glm->mu0->ve[i] = calc_mu(d[i], where);
            blup = v_copy(glm->mu0, v_resize(blup, glm->mu0->dim));
            where->X += d[i]->n_X; /* shift to next x0 entry */
        where->X = X_ori; /* ... and set back */
        for (i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* Cij(0,0): */
            for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                v = get_vgm(LTI(d[i]->id,d[j]->id));
                ME(MSPE, i, j) = ME(MSPE, j, i) = COVARIANCE0(v, where, where, d[j]->pp_norm2);
        fill_est(NULL, blup, MSPE, n_vars, est); /* in case of empty neighbourhood */
    /* xxx */
    logprint_variogram(v, 1);

     * selection dependent problem dimensions:
    for (i = rows_C = 0, one_nbh_empty = 0; i < n_vars; i++) {
        rows_C += d[i]->n_sel;
        if (d[i]->n_sel == 0)
            one_nbh_empty = 1;

    if (rows_C == 0 /* all selection lists empty */
            || one_nbh_empty == 1) { /* one selection list empty */
        if (pred == GLS_BLP || UPDATE_BLP)
            debug_result(blup, MSPE, pred);

    for (i = 0, global = 1; i < n_vars && global; i++)
        global = (d[i]->sel == d[i]->list
                  && d[i]->n_list == d[i]->n_original
                  && d[i]->n_list == d[i]->n_sel);

     * global things: enter whenever (a) first time, (b) local selections or
     * (c) the size of the problem grew since the last call (e.g. simulation)
    if (glm->C == NULL || !global || rows_C > glm->C->m) {
         * fill y:
        glm->y = get_y(d, glm->y, n_vars);

        if (pred != UPDATE) {
            glm->C = m_resize(glm->C, rows_C, rows_C);
            if (gl_choleski == 0) /* use LDL' decomposition, allocate piv: */
                piv = px_resize(piv, rows_C);
            glm->X = get_X(d, glm->X, n_vars);
            M_DEBUG(glm->X, "X");
            glm->CinvX = m_resize(glm->CinvX, rows_C, glm->X->n);
            glm->XCinvX = m_resize(glm->XCinvX, glm->X->n, glm->X->n);
            glm->beta = v_resize(glm->beta, glm->X->n);
            for (i = start_X = start_i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* row var */
                /* fill C, mu: */
                for (j = start_j = 0; j <= i; j++) { /* col var */
                    v = get_vgm(LTI(d[i]->id,d[j]->id));
                    for (k = 0; k < d[i]->n_sel; k++) { /* rows */
                        row = start_i + k;
                        for (l = 0, col = start_j; col <= row && l < d[j]->n_sel; l++, col++) {
                            if (pred == GLS_BLUP)
                                c_value = GCV(v, d[i]->sel[k], d[j]->sel[l]);
                                c_value = COVARIANCE(v, d[i]->sel[k], d[j]->sel[l]);
                            /* on the diagonal, if necessary, add measurement error variance */
                            if (d[i]->colnvariance && i == j && k == l)
                                c_value += d[i]->sel[k]->variance;
                            ME(glm->C, col, row) = c_value; /* fill upper */
                            if (col != row)
                                ME(glm->C, row, col) = c_value; /* fill all */
                        } /* for l */
                    } /* for k */
                    start_j += d[j]->n_sel;
                } /* for j */
                start_i += d[i]->n_sel;
                if (d[i]->n_sel > 0)
                    start_X += d[i]->n_X - d[i]->n_merge;
            } /* for i */

            if (d[0]->colnvmu)
            	glm->C = convert_vmuC(glm->C, d[0]);
            if (d[0]->variance_fn) {
                glm->mu = get_mu(glm->mu, glm->y, d, n_vars);
                convert_C(glm->C, glm->mu, d[0]->variance_fn);

            if (DEBUG_COV && pred == GLS_BLUP)
                printlog("[using generalized covariances: max_val - semivariance()]");
            M_DEBUG(glm->C, "Covariances (x_i, x_j) matrix C (upper triangle)");
             * factorize C:
            CHfactor(glm->C, piv, &info);
            if (info != 0) { /* singular: */
                pr_warning("Covariance matrix singular at location [%g,%g,%g]: skipping...",
                           where->x, where->y, where->z);
                glm->C = MNULL; /* assure re-entrance if global */
            if (piv == NULL)
                M_DEBUG(glm->C, "glm->C, Choleski decomposed:")
                    M_DEBUG(glm->C, "glm->C, LDL' decomposed:")
                } /* if (pred != UPDATE) */
Beispiel #10
Datei: p2.cpp Projekt: aaasz/SHP
void test_f1_bullet3() {
  A<X> a0 = f1(get_X());
Beispiel #11
 * n_vars is the number of variables to be considered,
 * d is the data array of variables d[0],...,d[n_vars-1],
 * pred determines which estimate is required: BLUE, BLUP, or BLP
void gls(DATA **d /* pointer to DATA array */,
		int n_vars, /* length of DATA array (to consider) */
		enum GLS_WHAT pred, /* what type of prediction is requested */
		DPOINT *where, /* prediction location */
		double *est /* output: array that holds the predicted values and variances */)
	GLM *glm = NULL; /* to be copied to/from d */
	static MAT *X0 = MNULL, *C0 = MNULL, *MSPE = MNULL, *CinvC0 = MNULL,
		*Tmp1 = MNULL, *Tmp2 = MNULL, *Tmp3, *R = MNULL;
	static VEC *blup = VNULL, *tmpa = VNULL, *tmpb = VNULL;
	volatile unsigned int i, rows_C;
	unsigned int j, k, l = 0, row, col, start_i, start_j, start_X, global;
	static enum GLS_WHAT last_pred = GLS_INIT; /* the initial value */
	double c_value, *X_ori;

	if (d == NULL) { /* clean up */
		if (X0 != MNULL) M_FREE(X0); 
		if (C0 != MNULL) M_FREE(C0);
		if (CinvC0 != MNULL) M_FREE(CinvC0);
		if (Tmp1 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp1);
		if (Tmp2 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp2);
		if (Tmp3 != MNULL) M_FREE(Tmp3);
		if (R != MNULL) M_FREE(R);
		if (blup != VNULL) V_FREE(blup);
		if (tmpa != VNULL) V_FREE(tmpa);
		if (tmpb != VNULL) V_FREE(tmpb);
		last_pred = GLS_INIT;
	if (gl_sparse) {
		pr_warning("sparse matrices not supported: compile with --with-sparse");
		gl_sparse = 0;

	if (DEBUG_COV) {
		printlog("we're at %s X: %g Y: %g Z: %g\n",
			IS_BLOCK(where) ? "block" : "point",
			where->x, where->y, where->z);

	if (pred != UPDATE) /* it right away: */
		last_pred = pred;

	assert(last_pred != GLS_INIT);

	if (d[0]->glm == NULL) { /* allocate and initialize: */
		glm = new_glm();
		d[0]->glm = (void *) glm;
	} else
		glm = (GLM *) d[0]->glm;

	glm->mu0 = v_resize(glm->mu0, n_vars);
	MSPE = m_resize(MSPE, n_vars, n_vars);
	if (pred == GLS_BLP || UPDATE_BLP) {
		X_ori = where->X;
		for (i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* mu(0) */
			glm->mu0->ve[i] = calc_mu(d[i], where);
			blup = v_copy(glm->mu0, v_resize(blup, glm->mu0->dim));
			where->X += d[i]->n_X; /* shift to next x0 entry */
		where->X = X_ori; /* ... and set back */
		for (i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* Cij(0,0): */
			for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
				v = get_vgm(LTI(d[i]->id,d[j]->id));
				MSPE->me[i][j] = MSPE->me[j][i] = COVARIANCE0(v, where, where, d[j]->pp_norm2);
		fill_est(NULL, blup, MSPE, n_vars, est); /* in case of empty neighbourhood */
	/* xxx */
	logprint_variogram(v, 1);

 * selection dependent problem dimensions: 
	for (i = rows_C = 0; i < n_vars; i++)
		rows_C += d[i]->n_sel;

	if (rows_C == 0) { /* empty selection list(s) */
		if (pred == GLS_BLP || UPDATE_BLP)
			debug_result(blup, MSPE, pred);

	for (i = 0, global = 1; i < n_vars && global; i++)
		global = (d[i]->sel == d[i]->list && d[i]->n_list == d[i]->n_original);

 * global things: enter whenever (a) first time, (b) local selections or
 * (c) the size of the problem grew since the last call (e.g. simulation)
	if ((glm->C == NULL && glm->spC == NULL) || !global || rows_C > glm->C->m) {
 * fill y: 
		glm->y = get_y(d, glm->y, n_vars);

		if (pred != UPDATE) {
			if (! gl_sparse) {
				glm->C = m_resize(glm->C, rows_C, rows_C);
			else {
				if (glm->C == NULL) {
					glm->spC = sp_get(rows_C, rows_C, gl_sparse);
					/* d->spLLT = spLLT = sp_get(rows_C, rows_C, gl_sparse); */
				} else {
					glm->spC = sp_resize(glm->spC, rows_C, rows_C);
					/* d->spLLT = spLLT = sp_resize(spLLT, rows_C, rows_C); */
			glm->X = get_X(d, glm->X, n_vars);
			M_DEBUG(glm->X, "X");
			glm->CinvX = m_resize(glm->CinvX, rows_C, glm->X->n);
			glm->XCinvX = m_resize(glm->XCinvX, glm->X->n, glm->X->n);
			glm->beta = v_resize(glm->beta, glm->X->n);
			for (i = start_X = start_i = 0; i < n_vars; i++) { /* row var */
				/* fill C, mu: */
				for (j = start_j = 0; j <= i; j++) { /* col var */
					v = get_vgm(LTI(d[i]->id,d[j]->id));
					for (k = 0; k < d[i]->n_sel; k++) { /* rows */
						row = start_i + k;
						for (l = 0, col = start_j; col <= row && l < d[j]->n_sel; l++, col++) {
							if (pred == GLS_BLUP)
								c_value = GCV(v, d[i]->sel[k], d[j]->sel[l]);
								c_value = COVARIANCE(v, d[i]->sel[k], d[j]->sel[l]);
							/* on the diagonal, if necessary, add measurement error variance */
							if (d[i]->colnvariance && i == j && k == l)
								c_value += d[i]->sel[k]->variance;
							if (! gl_sparse)
								glm->C->me[row][col] = c_value;
							else {
								if (c_value != 0.0)
									sp_set_val(glm->spC, row, col, c_value);
						} /* for l */
					} /* for k */
					start_j += d[j]->n_sel;
				} /* for j */
				start_i += d[i]->n_sel;
				if (d[i]->n_sel > 0)
					start_X += d[i]->n_X - d[i]->n_merge;
			} /* for i */

			if (d[0]->colnvmu)
				glm->C = convert_vmuC(glm->C, d[0]);
			if (d[0]->variance_fn) {
				glm->mu = get_mu(glm->mu, glm->y, d, n_vars);
				convert_C(glm->C, glm->mu, d[0]->variance_fn);

			if (DEBUG_COV && pred == GLS_BLUP)
				printlog("[using generalized covariances: max_val - semivariance()]");
			if (! gl_sparse) {
				M_DEBUG(glm->C, "Covariances (x_i, x_j) matrix C (lower triangle only)");
			else {
				SM_DEBUG(glm->spC, "Covariances (x_i, x_j) sparse matrix C (lower triangle only)")
/* check for singular C: */
			if (! gl_sparse && gl_cn_max > 0.0) {
				for (i = 0; i < rows_C; i++) /* row */ 
					for (j = i+1; j < rows_C; j++) /* col > row */
						glm->C->me[i][j] = glm->C->me[j][i]; /* fill symmetric */
				if (is_singular(glm->C, gl_cn_max)) {
					pr_warning("Covariance matrix (nearly) singular at location [%g,%g,%g]: skipping...",
						where->x, where->y, where->z);
					m_free(glm->C); glm->C = MNULL; /* assure re-entrance if global */
 * factorize C: 
			if (! gl_sparse)
			else {
				sp_compact(glm->spC, 0.0);
		} /* if (pred != UPDATE) */
		if (pred != GLS_BLP && !UPDATE_BLP) { /* C-1 X and X'C-1 X, beta */
 * calculate CinvX: 
    		tmpa = v_resize(tmpa, rows_C);
    		for (i = 0; i < glm->X->n; i++) {
				tmpa = get_col(glm->X, i, tmpa);
				if (! gl_sparse)
					tmpb = LDLsolve(glm->C, tmpa, tmpb);
					tmpb = spCHsolve(glm->spC, tmpa, tmpb);
				set_col(glm->CinvX, i, tmpb);
 * calculate X'C-1 X: 
			glm->XCinvX = mtrm_mlt(glm->X, glm->CinvX, glm->XCinvX); /* X'C-1 X */
			M_DEBUG(glm->XCinvX, "X'C-1 X");
			if (gl_cn_max > 0.0 && is_singular(glm->XCinvX, gl_cn_max)) {
				pr_warning("X'C-1 X matrix (nearly) singular at location [%g,%g,%g]: skipping...",
					where->x, where->y, where->z);
				m_free(glm->C); glm->C = MNULL; /* assure re-entrance if global */
			m_inverse(glm->XCinvX, glm->XCinvX);
 * calculate beta: 
			tmpa = vm_mlt(glm->CinvX, glm->y, tmpa); /* X'C-1 y */
			glm->beta = vm_mlt(glm->XCinvX, tmpa, glm->beta); /* (X'C-1 X)-1 X'C-1 y */
			V_DEBUG(glm->beta, "beta");
			M_DEBUG(glm->XCinvX, "Cov(beta), (X'C-1 X)-1");
			M_DEBUG(R = get_corr_mat(glm->XCinvX, R), "Corr(beta)");
		} /* if pred != GLS_BLP */
	} /* if redo the heavy part */
Beispiel #12
void reglage_odometrie()
    COULEUR = couleur_depart();


    init_position_robot(0, 0, 0);

    //    faire_des_tours(64);
    //    faire_des_tours(-32);
    //    rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //    delay_ms(30000);
    //    carre(MARCHE_AVANT);


    PutsUART(UART_XBEE, "\n\n\n\r X : ");
    PutLongUART((int32_t) get_X());
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, '.');
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, ((uint8_t) ((int32_t) ((double) get_X() * 10)) - (((int32_t) get_X()) * 10)) + 48);
    PutsUART(UART_XBEE, " Y : ");
    PutLongUART((int32_t) get_Y());
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, '.');
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, ((uint8_t) ((int32_t) ((double) (get_Y() * 10))) - (((int32_t) get_Y()) * 10)) + 48);
    PutsUART(UART_XBEE, " Teta : ");
    PutLongUART((int32_t) get_orientation());
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, '.');
    PutcUART(UART_XBEE, ((uint8_t) ((int32_t) ((double) (get_orientation() * 10))) - (((int32_t) get_orientation()) * 10)) + 48);

    rejoindre(0, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
     * */

    //        TIMER_DEBUG = ACTIVE;
    //        init_position_robot(0, 0, 0);

    //        //Horraire
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);

    // Anti horaire
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter (90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(-90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 50);
    //        orienter(90, 50);
    //        rejoindre(500, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);

    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(2000, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(300, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        rejoindre(500, 0, MARCHE_AVANT, 100);
    //        TIMER_DEBUG = DESACTIVE;