Beispiel #1
// [bestset,cond,cut,vol] = hkgrow_mex(A,set,t,eps,debugflag)
// Note that targetvol is currently ignored
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])
    if (nrhs != 5) { 
            "hkgrow_mex needs six arguments not %i", nrhs);
    debugflag = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);
    DEBUGPRINT(("hkgrow_mex: preprocessing start: \n"));
    const mxArray* mat = prhs[0];
    const mxArray* set = prhs[1];
    mxAssert(mxIsSparse(mat), "Input matrix is not sparse");
    mxAssert(mxGetM(mat) == mxGetN(mat), "Input matrix not square");
    mxArray* cond = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    mxArray* cut = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    mxArray* vol = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    if (nlhs > 1) { plhs[1] = cond; }
    if (nlhs > 2) { plhs[2] = cut; }
    if (nlhs > 3) { plhs[3] = vol; }
    mxAssert(nlhs <= 4, "Too many output arguments");
    double eps = pow(10,-3);
    double t = 15.;
    if (nrhs >= 4) {
        t = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);
        eps = mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
    sparserow r;
    r.m = mxGetM(mat);
    r.n = mxGetN(mat); = mxGetJc(mat);
    r.aj = mxGetIr(mat);
    r.a = mxGetPr(mat);
    std::vector< mwIndex > seeds;
    copy_array_to_index_vector( set, seeds );

    DEBUGPRINT(("hkgrow_mex: preprocessing end: \n"));

    hkgrow(&r, seeds, t, eps, 
            mxGetPr(cond), mxGetPr(cut), mxGetPr(vol) );
    DEBUGPRINT(("hkgrow_mex: call to hkgrow() done\n"));
    if (nlhs > 0) { 
        mxArray* cassign = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(seeds.size(),1,mxREAL);
        plhs[0] = cassign;
        double *ci = mxGetPr(cassign);
        for (size_t i=0; i<seeds.size(); ++i) {
            ci[i] = (double)(seeds[i] + 1);
Beispiel #2
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){

    int i;
    int  nr, ns;
    double x1, x2;
    int flag;
    Vertexlist vtx;
    QuadraturePoints SP;
    double* vtxh;
   /*Get Input data */
   if(nrhs != 4){
      mexErrMsgTxt("Requires four input arguments");
   init_vtxlist(&vtx, mxGetM(prhs[3]), mxGetN(prhs[3]));
   for(i=0; i<vtx.s1*vtx.s2; i++){
        /*Get Quadrature rule */
        SP=squad1d(vtx, nr, ns,0);
        /*Get Quadrature rule */
        SP=squad1d(vtx, nr, ns,1);


  /* Create Output Arguments */
  if(nlhs != 2){
    mexErrMsgTxt("Requires two output argument\n");
  plhs[0] = (mxArray *) mxCreateDoubleMatrix(SP.n,SP.d,mxREAL);     /*vector of the quadrature points*/
  plhs[1] = (mxArray *) mxCreateDoubleMatrix(SP.n,1,mxREAL);     /*vector of the quadrature weights*/
  mxAssert(plhs[0] != NULL, "Out of memory");
  mxAssert(plhs[1] != NULL, "Out of memory");
  /* Copy the output */
  int i,j;
  double* r = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  for (j=0; j<SP.d; j++) {
      memcpy(&r[j*SP.n], SP.t[j], SP.n*sizeof(double));
  memcpy(mxGetPr(plhs[1]), SP.wt, SP.n*sizeof(double));
Beispiel #3
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  int i,j,nblk,k,nk,qDim;
  double *y;
  const double *d, *mu, *blkstartPr;
  int *blkstart;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "qblkmul requires more input arguments.");
  mxAssert(nlhs <= NPAROUT, "qblkmul generates 1 output argument.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get inputs d, mu, blkstart
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  d = mxGetPr(D_IN);
  qDim = mxGetM(D_IN) * mxGetN(D_IN);
  nblk = mxGetM(MU_IN) * mxGetN(MU_IN);
  mu = mxGetPr(MU_IN);
  blkstartPr = mxGetPr(BLKSTART_IN);
  mxAssert(nblk == mxGetM(BLKSTART_IN) * mxGetN(BLKSTART_IN) - 1, "blkstart size mismatch.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate int working array blkstart(nblk+1).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  blkstart = (int *) mxCalloc(nblk + 1, sizeof(int));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Convert Fortran double to C int
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(i = 0; i <= nblk; i++){
    j = blkstartPr[i];             /* double to int */
    blkstart[i] = --j;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let d point to Lorentz norm-bound
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if(qDim != blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0]){
    if(qDim == nblk + blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0]){
      d += nblk;                   /* Point to Lorentz norm-bound */
    else {
      mxAssert(qDim >= blkstart[nblk], "d size mismatch.");
      d += blkstart[0];                   /* Point to Lorentz norm-bound */
  qDim = blkstart[nblk] - blkstart[0];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output y(qDim)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  Y_OUT =  mxCreateDoubleMatrix(qDim, 1, mxREAL);
  y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   LORENTZ: yk = mu(k) * d[k]
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = 0; k < nblk; k++){
    nk = blkstart[k+1] - blkstart[k];
    y += nk;
    d += nk;
Beispiel #4
  int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]
) {
  void *frame;
  int flen, len, r;
  void *code;
  uint32_T (*t)(void*);
  uint32_T res;
  const int dims[] = {1,1};
  mxAssert(nrhs == 2, "bad call: use runx86(code,frame)");    

  len = (mxGetM(prhs[0]) * mxGetN(prhs[0]));      /* code length */
  code = mxGetData(prhs[0]);                      /* code address */
  flen = (mxGetM(prhs[1]) * mxGetN(prhs[1]));     /* frame length */
  frame = mxGetData(prhs[1]);                     /* frame address */
  t = (uint32_T (*)(void*))code; 
  res = t(frame);                                 /* into hyperspace */
  mxAssert(nlhs<=1, "bad call: use rc = runx86(code,frame)");
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, dims, mxUINT32_CLASS, mxREAL);
  *(uint32_T*)mxGetData(plhs[0]) = res; 
Beispiel #5
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  const mwSize* dims;
  mwSize dims_[4];
  char *CtC_err, *Ctd_err;

  mxAssert(nlhs==1,"Expects one output argument.\n");
  mxAssert(nrhs==3,"Expects three input arguments.\n");

  mxAssert(mxIsDouble(prhs[0]), "CtC must be a double array.\n");
  CtC_err = "CtC must be num_bases*(num_bases+1)/2 x (patch_M/2 + 1) x patch_N.\n";
  CtC_all = prhs[0];
  dims = mxGetDimensions(CtC_all);
  num_bases = inv_tri(dims[0]);
  patch_M = 2*(dims[1]-1);
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(CtC_all)==3){
    patch_N = dims[2];
  } else {
    patch_N = 1;
  CtC_allr = mxGetPr(CtC_all);
  if (mxIsComplex(CtC_all)){
    CtC_alli = mxGetPi(CtC_all);

  mxAssert(mxIsDouble(prhs[1]), "Ctd must be a double array.\n");
  Ctd_err = "Ctd must be num_bases x num_channels x (patch_M/2 + 1) x patch_N.\n";
  Ctd_all = prhs[1];
  dims = mxGetDimensions(Ctd_all);
  mxAssert(dims[0] == num_bases, Ctd_err);
  num_channels = dims[1];
  mxAssert(dims[2] == patch_M/2+1, Ctd_err);
  if (mxGetNumberOfDimensions(Ctd_all)==4){
    mxAssert(dims[3] == patch_N, Ctd_err);
  } else {
    mxAssert(1 == patch_N, Ctd_err);
  Ctd_allr = mxGetPr(Ctd_all);
  if (mxIsComplex(Ctd_all)){
    Ctd_alli = mxGetPi(Ctd_all);

  mexPrintf("patch_M %d num_bases %d\n", patch_M, num_bases);

  mxAssert(mxIsDouble(prhs[2]), "lambda must be a double array.\n");
  mxAssert(mxGetM(prhs[2])==num_bases && mxGetN(prhs[2])==1,"lambda must be num_bases x 1.\n");
  lambda = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);

  dims_[0] = patch_M;
  dims_[1] = patch_N;
  dims_[2] = num_channels;
  dims_[3] = num_bases;
  plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(4,dims_,mxDOUBLE_CLASS,mxCOMPLEX);
  A_freq_real = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  A_freq_imag = mxGetPi(plhs[0]);


Beispiel #6
  inline DataT& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
    mxAssert(i < getSize<0>(),
             "ArrayAdapter::operator(): index for dimension 1 out of bounds.");
    mxAssert(i < getSize<1>(),
             "ArrayAdapter::operator(): index for dimension 2 out of bounds.");
    mxAssert(i < getSize<2>(),
             "ArrayAdapter::operator(): index for dimension 3 out of bounds.");

    return static_cast<const concrete_adaptor_t*>(this)->
        mat_[i + getSize<0>() * (j + k * getSize<1>())];
Beispiel #7
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE sptriujcT - Compute starting positions for storing
     nonzeros of rows triu(X(i,:),1). Note: X is nxn block stored
     as subvector in a long vector.
     xir   - integer subscript array of length xjc1.
     xjc0,xjc1 - xjc0 points to n x n sparse matrix X in xir. 
     first - subscript of X(0,0); vec(X) is stored as subvector in xir.
     n - order of X.
     triujc - length n-1 integer array; triujc[i] is starting index
       for storing triu(X(i+1,:),1), i=0:n-2.
       It starts at triujc[0] = nnz(tril(X)).
   RETURNS nnz(X). Note that
   nnz(X) = triujc[n-2] + nnz(triu(X(n-1,:),1)) <= xjc1 - xjc0.
   ************************************************************ */
int sptriujcT(int *triujc, const int *xir, const int xjc0, const int xjc1,
              const int first,const int n)
  int i,j,inz,jnz,jfirst,jlast;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Observe that triu(X(n,:))=[] and hence only use triujc[0:n-2].
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(n > 0,"");
  memset(triujc, 0, (n-1) * sizeof(int));
  jnz = 0;        /* jnz = nnz(tril(X)) */
  jlast = 0;      /* index right after last activated column */
  for(inz = xjc0; inz < xjc1; inz++){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Translate vec(x)-subscript into (i,j) subscript
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    if((i = xir[inz]) >= jlast){      /* move to new z-column */
      j = (i-first) / n;              /* col j = floor( (i-first)/n ) */
      if(j >= n)
        break;                        /* finished all columns of X */
      jfirst = first + n * j;
      jlast = jfirst + n;
    mxAssert(i >= jfirst,"");
    i -= jfirst;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   x_{i,j} with i < j --> count as nonzero in row i of triu(x)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    if(i < j)              /* Upper triangular nonzero in row i */
      ++triujc[i];    /* 0 <= i <= j-1 <= n-2 */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   x_{i,j} with i >= j -->  count as nonzero in tril(x).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Now jnz = nnz(tril(X)) and triujc[i] = nnz(triu(X(i+1,:),1)).
   We will now let triujc point to 1st nonzero position for storing
   jth row of triu(X,1) in row-wise format, as follows:
   [jnz, jnz + triujc[0], .., jnz + triujc[n-2]].
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(i = 0; i < n-1; i++){
    j = triujc[i];        /* nnz(triu(X(i,:),1)) */
    triujc[i] = jnz;      /* position to store triu(X(i,:),1) */
    jnz += j;            /* point to next available position */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Now jnz = triujc[n-1, NEW] + triujc[n-1,OLD] = nnz(X).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(jnz == inz - xjc0,"");
  return jnz;
Beispiel #8
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE bwsolve -- Solve y from L'*y = b, where
     L is lower-triangular.
     Ljc, Lir, Lpr - sparse lower triangular matrix
     xsuper - starting column in L for each (dense) supernode.
     nsuper - number of super nodes
     y - full xsuper[nsuper]-vector, yOUTPUT = L' \ yINPUT.
     fwork - length max(collen[i] - superlen[i]) <= m-1, where
       collen[i] := L.jc[xsuper[i]+1]-L.jc[xsuper[i]] and
       superlen[i] := xsuper[i+1]-xsuper[i].
   ************************************************************ */
void bwsolve(double *y, const mwIndex *Ljc, const mwIndex *Lir, const double *Lpr,
             const mwIndex *xsuper, const mwIndex nsuper, double *fwork)
  mwIndex jsup,i,j,inz,k,jnnz;
  double yj;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     For each supernode jsup:
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  j = xsuper[nsuper];      /* column after current snode (j=m)*/
  for(jsup = nsuper; jsup > 0; jsup--){
    i = j;
    mxAssert(j == xsuper[jsup],"");
    inz = Ljc[--j];
    inz++;                        /* jump over diagonal entry */
    if(j <= xsuper[jsup-1]){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If supernode is singleton j, then simply y[j] -= L(j+1:m,j)'*y(j+1:m)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      if(inz < Ljc[i]){
        yj = Lpr[inz] * y[Lir[inz]];
        for(++inz; inz < Ljc[i]; inz++)
          yj += Lpr[inz] * y[Lir[inz]];
        y[j] -= yj;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   For a "real" supernode: Let fwork = sparse(y(i:m)),
   then let y[j] -= L(i:m,j)'*fwork for all j in supernode
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(jnnz = 0; inz < Ljc[i]; inz++)
        fwork[jnnz++] = y[Lir[inz]];
      if(jnnz > 0)
        while(i > xsuper[jsup-1]){
          yj = realdot(Lpr+Ljc[i]-jnnz, fwork, jnnz);
          y[--i] -= yj;
      k = 1;
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     It remains to do a dense bwsolve on nodes j-1:-1:xsuper[jsup]
     The equation L(:,j)'*yNEW = yOLD(j), yields
       y(j) -= L(j+(1:k),j)'*y(j+(1:k)),   k=1:i-xsuper[jsup]-1.
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        y[j] -= realdot(Lpr+Ljc[j]+1, y+j+1, k++);
      } while(j > xsuper[jsup-1]);
/* MX_OVERRIDDEN */ void mx::FileStream::Flush(void)

    if (EOF == fflush(m_hFileDescriptor))
        // We cannot reach eof during write (check it).
        // File I/O error other than EOF.
Beispiel #10
void fxLoadScript(txLinker* linker, txString path, txLinkerScript** link, FILE** fileAddress)
	txLinkerScript* script = NULL;
	FILE* aFile = NULL;
	Atom atom;
	txByte version[4];
	script = fxNewLinkerChunkClear(linker, sizeof(txLinkerScript));
	script->path = fxNewLinkerString(linker, path, c_strlen(path));
	aFile = fopen(path, "rb");
	*fileAddress = aFile;
	mxThrowElse(fread(&atom, sizeof(atom), 1, aFile) == 1);	
	atom.atomSize = ntohl(atom.atomSize);
	atom.atomType = ntohl(atom.atomType);
	mxAssert(atom.atomType == XS_ATOM_BINARY);
	mxThrowElse(fread(&atom, sizeof(atom), 1, aFile) == 1);	
	atom.atomSize = ntohl(atom.atomSize);
	atom.atomType = ntohl(atom.atomType);
	mxAssert(atom.atomType == XS_ATOM_VERSION);
	mxThrowElse(fread(version, sizeof(version), 1, aFile) == 1);	
	mxAssert(version[0] == XS_MAJOR_VERSION);
	mxAssert(version[1] == XS_MINOR_VERSION);
	mxAssert(version[2] == XS_PATCH_VERSION);
	mxAssert(version[3] != 1);
	mxThrowElse(fread(&atom, sizeof(atom), 1, aFile) == 1);	
	atom.atomSize = ntohl(atom.atomSize);
	atom.atomType = ntohl(atom.atomType);
	mxAssert(atom.atomType == XS_ATOM_SYMBOLS);
	script->symbolsSize = atom.atomSize - sizeof(atom);
	script->symbolsBuffer = fxNewLinkerChunk(linker, script->symbolsSize);
	mxThrowElse(fread(script->symbolsBuffer, script->symbolsSize, 1, aFile) == 1);
	mxThrowElse(fread(&atom, sizeof(atom), 1, aFile) == 1);	
    atom.atomSize = ntohl(atom.atomSize);
    atom.atomType = ntohl(atom.atomType);
	mxAssert(atom.atomType == XS_ATOM_CODE);
	script->codeSize = atom.atomSize - sizeof(atom);
	script->codeBuffer = fxNewLinkerChunk(linker, script->codeSize);
	mxThrowElse(fread(script->codeBuffer, script->codeSize, 1, aFile) == 1);
	if (version[3] == -1) {
		mxThrowElse(fread(&atom, sizeof(atom), 1, aFile) == 1);	
		atom.atomSize = ntohl(atom.atomSize);
		atom.atomType = ntohl(atom.atomType);
		mxAssert(atom.atomType == XS_ATOM_HOSTS);
		script->hostsSize = atom.atomSize - sizeof(atom);
		script->hostsBuffer = fxNewLinkerChunk(linker, script->hostsSize);
		mxThrowElse(fread(script->hostsBuffer, script->hostsSize, 1, aFile) == 1);	
	*fileAddress = NULL;
	*link = script;
Beispiel #11
void copy_array_to_index_vector(const mxArray* v, std::vector<mwIndex>& vec)
    mxAssert(mxIsDouble(v), "array type is not double");
    size_t n = mxGetNumberOfElements(v);
    double *p = mxGetPr(v);
    for (size_t i=0; i<n; ++i) {
        double elem = p[i];
        mxAssert(elem >= 1, "Only positive integer elements allowed");
        vec[i] = (mwIndex)elem - 1;
Beispiel #12
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
     [delta,h,alpha] = iswnbr(vSQR,thetaSQR)
     Computes proximity "delta" w.r.t cregion C(theta).
     The projection of v onto C(theta) is (1-alpha)*max(h,v).
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 mxArray *myplhs[NPAROUT];
 double *w,*pdelta,*ph,*palpha, *fwork;
 double thetaSQR;
 int i,n;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "iswnbr requires more input arguments");
  mxAssert(nlhs <= NPAROUT, "iswnbr produces less output arguments");
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Get input vector w:=vSQR and cregion parameter thetaSQR
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 w = mxGetPr(VSQR_IN);
 n = mxGetM(VSQR_IN) * mxGetN(VSQR_IN);
 thetaSQR = mxGetScalar(THETASQR_IN);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Allocate output DELTA, H, ALPHA.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 DELTA_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
 pdelta = mxGetPr(DELTA_OUT);
 H_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
 ph = mxGetPr(H_OUT);
 ALPHA_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL);
 palpha = mxGetPr(ALPHA_OUT);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Allocate working array fwork(n)
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 fwork = (double *) mxCalloc(n,sizeof(double));
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    The actual job is done here:.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 *pdelta = getdelta(ph,palpha, w,thetaSQR,n, fwork);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Copy requested output parameters (at least 1), release others.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  i = MAX(nlhs, 1);
  memcpy(plhs,myplhs, i * sizeof(mxArray *));
  for(; i < NPAROUT; i++)
Beispiel #13
add_ml_var(MLVars *ml_vars, mxArray *array, const char *vname)
    _MLVar *node = mxMalloc(sizeof(_MLVar));

    char *varName = mxMalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(vname)+1));
	mxAssert(ml_vars, "NULL ML Variable list");

    strcpy(varName, vname);

    /* Make the new node */
    node->_array = array;
    node->_vname = varName;
    node->_next = NULL;

    DBG2(msg("add_new_ml_var: %s, node: %d\n",varName,node));

    /* If the list is empty, this is the `base' */
    if (ml_vars->_base == NULL)
	ml_vars->_base = node;

    /* If the list is not empty, link this to the end */
    if (ml_vars->_end != NULL)
	ml_vars->_end->_next = node;

    /* Make this the end node */
    ml_vars->_end = node;

    /* Do bookkeeping */
    ml_vars->_current = node;
Beispiel #14
char opt_getDoubleVectorFromOpt (const mxArray *opt, POptionSettings optSet,
  const char *name, size_t m, size_t n, double *dpointer)
  size_t l;
  mxArray *field;
  mxAssert(m==1 || n==1,"getDoubleVectorFromOpt: m!=1 && n!=1");

  if ((field==NULL) ||  (mxIsEmpty(field)))
    if (optSet->warnMiss) mexPrintf("Option '%s' fehlt\n",name);
    return (char)1;
  if (!mxIsDouble(field))
    if (optSet->warnType) mexPrintf("Option '%s' hat falschen Typ\n",name);
    return (char)2;
  if ((mxGetM(field)!=(size_t)m) || (mxGetN(field)!=(size_t)n))
    if (optSet->warnSize) mexPrintf("Option '%s' hat falsche Größe\n");
    return (char)3;
  if (m>n) l=m; else l=n;
  return (char)0;
Beispiel #15
mxArray *
next_ml_var(MLVars *ml_vars)
    mxAssert(ml_vars, "NULL ML Variable list");
    ml_vars->_current = ml_vars->_current->_next;
    return (ml_vars->_current) ? ml_vars->_current->_array : NULL;
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE fwsolve -- Solve ynew from L*y = yold, where
     L is lower-triangular.
     L - sparse lower triangular matrix
     xsuper - starting column in L for each (dense) supernode.
     nsuper - number of super nodes
     y - full vector, on input y = rhs, on output y = L\rhs.
     fwork - length max(collen[i] - superlen[i]) <= m-1, where
       collen[i] := L.jc[xsuper[i]+1]-L.jc[xsuper[i]] and
       superlen[i] := xsuper[i+1]-xsuper[i].
   ************************************************************ */
void fwsolve(double *y, const int *Ljc, const int *Lir, const double *Lpr,
             const int *xsuper, const int nsuper, double *fwork)
  int jsup,i,j,inz,jnnz;
  double yi,yj;

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------
     For each supernode jsup:
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  j = xsuper[0];           /* 1st col of current snode (j=0)*/
  inz = Ljc[0];           /* 1st nonzero in L (inz = 0) */
  for(jsup = 1; jsup <= nsuper; jsup++){
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   The first equation, 1*y=b(j), yields y(j) = b(j).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    mxAssert(inz == Ljc[j],"");
    yj = y[j++];
    ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
    if(j >= xsuper[jsup])
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If supernode is singleton, then simply set y(j+1:m)-=yj*L(j+1:m,j)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(; inz < Ljc[j]; inz++)
	y[Lir[inz]] -= yj * Lpr[inz];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Supernode contains multiple subnodes:
   Remember (i,yi) = 1st subnode, then
   perform dense forward solve within current supernode.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      i = j;
      yi = yj;
        subscalarmul(y+j, yj, Lpr+inz, xsuper[jsup] - j);
        inz = Ljc[j];
        yj = y[j++];
        ++inz;             /* jump over diagonal entry */
      } while(j < xsuper[jsup]);
      jnnz = Ljc[j] - inz;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   jnnz = number of later entries that are influenced by this supernode.
   Compute the update in the array fwork(jnnz)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      if(jnnz > 0){
        scalarmul(fwork, yj, Lpr+inz,jnnz);
        while(i < j){
          yi = y[i++];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Update y with fwork at the specified sparse locations
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        for(i = 0; i < jnnz; i++)
          y[Lir[inz++]] -= fwork[i];
Beispiel #17
int opt_getIntFromOpt (const mxArray *opt, POptionSettings optSet,
  const char *name, int defaultValue)
  mxArray *field;
  mxClassID classID;
  void *data;
  if ((field==NULL) ||  (mxIsEmpty(field)))
    if (optSet->warnMiss) 
      mexPrintf("Option '%s' fehlt, nehme default %i\n",name,defaultValue);    
    return defaultValue;
  switch (classID)
    case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: case mxINT8_CLASS:   case mxUINT8_CLASS:
    case mxINT16_CLASS:  case mxUINT16_CLASS: case mxINT32_CLASS:
    case mxUINT32_CLASS: case mxINT64_CLASS:  case mxUINT64_CLASS:
    if (optSet->warnType)
      mexPrintf("Option '%s' hat falschen Typ, nehme default %i\n",
    return defaultValue;
  if ((mxGetNumberOfDimensions(field)!=(mwSize)2) ||
     (mxGetM(field)!=(size_t)1) || (mxGetN(field)!=(size_t)1))
    if (optSet->warnSize)
      mexPrintf("Option '%s' hat falsche Größe, nehme default %i\n",
    return defaultValue;
  switch (classID)
    case mxDOUBLE_CLASS: return (int)*((double*)  data);break;
    case mxINT8_CLASS:   return (int)*((int8_t*)  data);break;
    case mxUINT8_CLASS:  return (int)*((uint8_t*) data);break;
    case mxINT16_CLASS:  return (int)*((int16_t*) data);break;
    case mxUINT16_CLASS: return (int)*((uint16_t*)data);break;
    case mxINT32_CLASS:  return (int)*((int32_t*) data);break;
    case mxUINT32_CLASS: return (int)*((uint32_t*)data);break;
    case mxINT64_CLASS:  return (int)*((int64_t*) data);break;
    case mxUINT64_CLASS: return (int)*((uint64_t*)data);break;
      return defaultValue;

  mxAssert(0,"getIntFromOpt: should not happen");
  return 0;
Beispiel #18
void* operator new[](size_t size)
    void *ptr = NULL;
//    mexWarnMsgTxt("Overloaded new[] operator");
    ptr = mxMalloc(size);
    mxAssert(ptr!=NULL,"memory allocation error");
    return ptr;
Beispiel #19
char *
get_mxarray_name(_MLVar *ml_vars)
    mxAssert(ml_vars, "NULL ML Variable list");

    if (ml_vars != NULL)
        return ml_vars->_vname;
	return 0;
Beispiel #20
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
     y = vecsym(x,K)

     Computes "symmetrization of x: Yk = (Xk+Xk')/2
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 mxArray *output_array[1], *Xk;

 coneK cK;
 int k, nk, nksqr, lqDim,lenfull;
 const double *x;
 double *y;

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Check for proper number of arguments
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 mxAssert(nrhs >= 2, "vecsym requires 2 input arguments.");
 mxAssert(nlhs <= 1, "vecsym generates 1 output argument.");
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Disassemble cone K structure
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 conepars(K_IN, &cK);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Compute some statistics based on cone K structure
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 lqDim = cK.lpN + cK.qDim;
 lenfull = lqDim + cK.rDim + cK.hDim;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Get input vector x
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 mxAssert(!mxIsSparse(X_IN), "x must be full.");
 mxAssert(mxGetM(X_IN) * mxGetN(X_IN) == lenfull, "Parameter `x' size mismatch.");
 x = mxGetPr(X_IN);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output vector y, and make it vecsym(x)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 Y_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(lenfull, 1, mxREAL);
 y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
 memcpy(y,x,lqDim * sizeof(double));
 x += lqDim; y += lqDim;
 vecsymPSD(y, x,cK.rsdpN,cK.sdpN,cK.sdpNL);
Beispiel #21
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  int i,k, nk;
  double *y;
  const double *d,*rdetd,*x;
  coneK cK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "qscaleK requires more input arguments.");
  mxAssert(nlhs <= NPAROUT, "qscaleK generates 1 output argument.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Disassemble cone K structure
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  conepars(K_IN, &cK);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get scale data: (d,rdetd) and input x.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(mxGetM(D_IN) * mxGetN(D_IN) >= cK.lpN + cK.qDim, "d size mismatch");
  d = mxGetPr(D_IN) + cK.lpN;              /* skip LP part */
  mxAssert(mxGetM(RDETD_IN) * mxGetN(RDETD_IN) == cK.lorN, "rdetx size mismatch");
  rdetd = mxGetPr(RDETD_IN);
  mxAssert(mxGetM(X_IN) * mxGetN(X_IN) == cK.qDim, "x size mismatch");
  x = mxGetPr(X_IN);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output Y
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  Y_OUT =  mxCreateDoubleMatrix(cK.qDim, 1, mxREAL);
  y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   The actual job is done here: y=D(d)x, Lorentz part.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = 0; k < cK.lorN; k++){               /* LORENTZ */
    nk = cK.lorNL[k];
    qlmul(y, d,x,rdetd[k],nk);
    y += nk; x += nk; d += nk;
Beispiel #22
/* ************************************************************** */
  int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]
) {
  char *g;            /* M char array data reformatted for C */
  int  oN, iN, gN;    /* lengths of M char array data */
  int f; int* fp;     /* flag bits */
  int idx; short *pr; /* for M mxChar type */
  mwSize dims[2];
  /* check inputs */
  mxAssert(nrhs == 2 || nrhs == 3, "bad call: use gem(i,g) or gem(i,g,f)");    
  mxAssert(nlhs<=1, "bad call: use o = gem(i,g)");

  /* grab user input text */
  mxAssert(mxIsChar(prhs[0]),  "bad call 1rst arg: requires char");    
  iN = mxGetM(prhs[0])*mxGetN(prhs[0]);
  mxAssert(iN<DATALIM, "bad call 1rst arg: input is too long");
  pr = (short*)mxGetData(prhs[0]);
  for (idx=0; idx<iN; idx++) input[idx] = (unsigned char)*(pr+idx)&0xFF;
  input[iN] = 0;                            /* null terminate */
  i = input;                                /* the input */
  /* grab user grammar */
  mxAssert(mxIsChar(prhs[1]),  "bad call 2nd arg: requires char");   
  gN = mxGetM(prhs[1])*mxGetN(prhs[1]);
  mxAssert(gN<DATALIM, "bad call 2nd arg: input is too long");
  pr = (short*)mxGetData(prhs[1]);
  for (idx=0; idx<gN; idx++) code[idx] = (unsigned char)*(pr+idx)&0xFF;
  code[gN] = 0;                             /* null terminate */
  g = code;                                 /* the code */
  /* grab flags */
  if (nrhs == 3) {
    mxAssert(mxIsUint32(prhs[2]), "bad call 3rd arg: requires int32");   
    fp = (int*)mxGetData(prhs[2]);         /* flag bits */
    f = *fp;
  } else {
    f = 0;                                  /* no flags */
  pregem(i, iN, g, gN, f);                  /* set up globals */
  gem();                                    /* translate */
  /* push output */
  oN = o-output+1;                          /* number of output chars */
  o = output;
  dims[0] = 1; dims[1] = oN;
  plhs[0] = mxCreateCharArray(2, (const mwSize*)&dims); 
  pr = (short*)mxGetData(plhs[0]);          /* 16 bits per char */
  for (idx=0; idx<oN; idx++) *(pr+idx) = (*o++)&0xFF;
Beispiel #23
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE bwprodform - Solves (PROD_j L(pj,betaj))' * yNEW = yOLD.
     p - nonzeros of sparse m x n matrix P. Has xsuper(j+1) nonzeros in
      column j.
     xsuper - xsuper(j+1) is number of nonzeros in p(:,j).
     perm - lists pivot order for columns where ordered(j)==1.
     ordered - ordered[j]==1 iff p(:,j) and beta(L:,j) have been reordered;
       the original row numbers are in perm(:,j).
     n - number of columns in p, beta.
     y - length m vector. On input, the rhs. On output the solution to
       (PROD_j L(pj,betaj))' * yNEW = yOLD.
   ************************************************************ */
void bwprodform(double *y, const int *xsuper, const int *perm,
                const double *p, const double *beta, const int *betajc,
                const char *ordered, const int n, int pnnz,
                int permnnz)
  int k,nk, mk;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Backward solve L(pk,betak) * yNEXT = yPREV   for k=n-1:-1:0.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = n-1; k >= 0; k--){
    mk = xsuper[k+1];
    nk = betajc[k+1] - betajc[k];
    pnnz -= mk;
      permnnz -= mk;
      bwipr1o(y, perm+permnnz, p+pnnz, beta+betajc[k], mk, nk);
      bwipr1(y, p+pnnz, beta+betajc[k], mk, nk);
  mxAssert(pnnz == 0,"");
  mxAssert(permnnz == 0 || permnnz == 1,"");
Beispiel #24
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE bwprodform - Solves (PROD_j L(pj,betaj))' * yNEW = yOLD.
     p - nonzeros of sparse m x n matrix P. Has xsuper(j+1) nonzeros in
      column j.
     xsuper - xsuper(j+1) is number of nonzeros in p(:,j).
     perm - lists pivot order for columns where ordered(j)==1.
     ordered - ordered[j]==1 iff p(:,j) and beta(L:,j) have been reordered;
       the original row numbers are in perm(:,j).
     n - number of columns in p, beta.
     y - length m vector. On input, the rhs. On output the solution to
       (PROD_j L(pj,betaj))' * yNEW = yOLD.
   ************************************************************ */
void bwprodform(double *y, const mwIndex *xsuper, const mwIndex *perm,
                const double *p, const double *beta, const mwIndex *betajc,
                const char *ordered, const mwIndex n, mwIndex pnnz,
                mwIndex permnnz)
  mwIndex k,nk, mk;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Backward solve L(pk,betak) * yNEXT = yPREV   for k=n-1:-1:0.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = n; k > 0; k--){
    mk = xsuper[k];
    nk = betajc[k] - betajc[k-1];
    pnnz -= mk;
      permnnz -= mk;
      bwipr1o(y, perm+permnnz, p+pnnz, beta+betajc[k-1], mk, nk);
      bwipr1(y, p+pnnz, beta+betajc[k-1], mk, nk);
  mxAssert(pnnz == 0,"");
  mxAssert(permnnz == 0 || permnnz == 1,"");
Beispiel #25
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  int i,k, nk;
  double *y;
  const double *x,*qdetx;
  coneK cK;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "qinvsqrt requires more input arguments.");
  mxAssert(nlhs <= NPAROUT, "qinvsqrt generates less output arguments.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Disassemble cone K structure
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  conepars(K_IN, &cK);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get inputs x, qdetx
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  mxAssert(mxGetM(X_IN) * mxGetN(X_IN) >= cK.lpN + cK.qDim, "x size mismatch");
  x = mxGetPr(X_IN) + cK.lpN;              /* skip LP part */
  mxAssert(mxGetM(QDETX_IN) * mxGetN(QDETX_IN) == cK.lorN, "qdetx size mismatch");
  qdetx = mxGetPr(QDETX_IN);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output y
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  Y_OUT =  mxCreateDoubleMatrix(cK.qDim, 1, mxREAL);
  y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   The actual job is done here: y = w^{-1/2}, Lorentz part.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(k = 0; k < cK.lorN; k++){               /* LORENTZ */
    nk = cK.lorNL[k];
    powminhalf(y, x,qdetx[k],nk);
    y += nk; x += nk;
Beispiel #26
double* mat2fort(
    const mxArray *X,
    int ldz,
    int ndz
    int i,j,m,n,incz,cmplxflag;
    double *Z,*xr,*xi,*zp;

    Z = (double *) mxCalloc(2*ldz*ndz, sizeof(double));
    xr = mxGetPr(X);
    xi = mxGetPi(X);

    mxAssert(mxGetM(X)<INT_MAX,"Matrix is too large for 32-bit FORTRAN");
    mxAssert(mxGetN(X)<INT_MAX,"Matrix is too large for 32-bit FORTRAN");

    m =  (int)mxGetM(X);
    n =  (int)mxGetN(X);
    zp = Z;
    incz = 2*(ldz-m);
    cmplxflag = (xi != NULL);
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        if (cmplxflag) {
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                *zp++ = *xr++;
                *zp++ = *xi++;
        } else {
            for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
                *zp++ = *xr++;
        zp += incz;
/* MX_OVERRIDDEN */ mx::Size mx::FileStream::PrintfV(
        const Char * const sFormat, va_list pArguments)
    mxAssert(sFormat != NULL);

    int iCharsWritten;
    if ((iCharsWritten =
                 (m_hFileDescriptor, sFormat, pArguments))
        < 0)
        // We cannot reach eof during write (check it).
        // File I/O error other than EOF.

    return iCharsWritten;
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE qxqt - computes tril(Qb * X * Qb')
    Here, Qb = Q_1*Q_2*..*Q_{m-1}, where each Q_i is a Householder reflection.
    (Qb is from a Qb * R decomposition.)
     beta - length m vector
     c    - m x m matrix, lower triangular gives Householder reflections
     m    - order
     x -  m x m. On output, Xnew = Qb * X * Qb'
       This means: start with order 2 reflection, up to order m reflection.
     fwork - length m working vector.
   ************************************************************ */
void qxqt(double *x, const double *beta, const double *c,
          const mwIndex m, double *fwork)
    mwIndex k, inz;
    inz = SQR(m) - (m+2);

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------
       For each k, c[inz] = c(k,k), the top of the lower-right block,
       x[k] is start of k-th row in k.
       ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    for(k = m-1; k > 0; k--, inz -= m+1) {
        elqxq(x + k-1, -beta[k-1], c + inz, k-1, m, fwork);
    /*elqxq(x , -beta[0], c , 0, m, fwork);*/

Beispiel #29
/* This function should free the nodes, but not the things they point to. */
clear_ml_vars(MLVars *ml_vars)
    _MLVar *next = NULL;
    _MLVar *node = NULL;

    mxAssert(ml_vars, "NULL ML Variable list");

    node = ml_vars->_base;
    while (node) {
	next = node->_next;
	node = next;

DataType computeTentativeValue(int i, int j,
                               std::map<Coordinate, DataType> & accepted)
    const DataType inf = std::numeric_limits<DataType>::max();
    typename std::map<Coordinate, DataType>::const_iterator iter;

    // Fetch (i-1,j)   (returns infinity if not accepted)
    iter = accepted.find(Coordinate(i-1,j));
    DataType im = (iter == accepted.end() ? inf : (*iter).second);

    // Fetch (i+1,j)
    iter = accepted.find(Coordinate(i+1,j));
    DataType ip = (iter == accepted.end() ? inf : (*iter).second);

    // Fetch (i,j-1)
    iter = accepted.find(Coordinate(i,j-1));
    DataType jm = (iter == accepted.end() ? inf : (*iter).second);

    // Fetch (i,j+1)
    iter = accepted.find(Coordinate(i,j+1));
    DataType jp = (iter == accepted.end() ? inf : (*iter).second);
    // Get the minimum along each dimension
    DataType f1 = std::min(im, ip);
    DataType f2 = std::min(jm, jp);
    // Sort the values in ascending order
    if (f1 > f2)  std::swap(f1,f2);
    mxAssert(f1 != inf, "Invalid tentative point - no accepted neighbors");
    // Case 1: We have accepted values only along one dimension
    if (f2 == inf)  return f1 + 1;
    // Case 2: We have accepted values along both dimensions
    DataType b = f1 + f2;
    //DataType root = b*b - 2*(f1*f1 + f2*f2 - 1);
    DataType a = f1 - f2;
    DataType root = 2 - a * a;
    if (root < 0)  root = 0;
    return (b + std::sqrt(root))*0.5;