Beispiel #1
double base_rock_level_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
	// The base ground level
	double base = (double)WATER_LEVEL - (double)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT
			+ 20. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
			(seed>>32)+654879876, 6, 0.6);

	/*// A bit hillier one
	double base2 = WATER_LEVEL - 4.0 + 40. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			(seed>>27)+90340, 6, 0.69);
	if(base2 > base)
		base = base2;*/
#if 1
	// Higher ground level
	double higher = (double)WATER_LEVEL + 25. + 35. * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed+85039, 5, 0.69);
	//higher = 30; // For debugging

	// Limit higher to at least base
	if(higher < base)
		higher = base;

	// Steepness factor of cliffs
	double b = 1.0 + 1.0 * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed-932, 7, 0.7);
	b = rangelim(b, 0.0, 1000.0);
	b = pow(b, 5);
	b *= 7;
	b = rangelim(b, 3.0, 1000.0);
	//double b = 20;

	// Offset to more low
	double a_off = -0.2;
	// High/low selector
	/*double a = 0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/500., 0.5+(float)p.Y/500.,
			seed-359, 6, 0.7));*/
	double a = (double)0.5 + b * (a_off + noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250., 0.5+(float)p.Y/250.,
			seed-359, 5, 0.60));
	// Limit
	a = rangelim(a, 0.0, 1.0);


	double h = base*(1.0-a) + higher*a;
	double h = base;
	return h;
Beispiel #2
bool Mapgen::get_have_beach(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d) {
	double sandnoise = noise2d_perlin(
			0.2+(float)p2d.X/250, 0.7+(float)p2d.Y/250,
			seed+59420, 3, 0.50);

	return (sandnoise > 0.15);
Beispiel #3
int LuaPerlinNoise::l_get2d(lua_State *L)
	LuaPerlinNoise *o = checkobject(L, 1);
	v2f pos2d = read_v2f(L,2);
	lua_Number val = noise2d_perlin(pos2d.X/o->scale, pos2d.Y/o->scale, o->seed, o->octaves, o->persistence);
	lua_pushnumber(L, val);
	return 1;
Beispiel #4
bool get_have_sand(u64 seed, v2s16 p2d)
	// Determine whether to have sand here
	double sandnoise = noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p2d.X/500, 0.5+(float)p2d.Y/500,
			seed+59420, 3, 0.50);

	return (sandnoise > -0.15);
Beispiel #5
	Ground density noise shall be interpreted by using this.

	TODO: No perlin noises here, they should be outsourced
	      and buffered
		  NOTE: The speed of these actually isn't terrible
bool val_is_ground(double ground_noise1_val, v3s16 p, u64 seed)
	//return ((double)p.Y < ground_noise1_val);

	double f = 0.55 + noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250, 0.5+(float)p.Z/250,
			seed+920381, 3, 0.45);
	if(f < 0.01)
		f = 0.01;
	else if(f >= 1.0)
		f *= 1.6;
	double h = WATER_LEVEL + 10 * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/250, 0.5+(float)p.Z/250,
			seed+84174, 4, 0.5);
	/*double f = 1;
	double h = 0;*/
	return ((double)p.Y - h < ground_noise1_val * f);
Beispiel #6
double Mapgen::tree_amount_2d(u64 seed, v2s16 p) {
	double noise = noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/125, 0.5+(float)p.Y/125,
			seed+2, 4, 0.66);
	double zeroval = -0.39;
	if(noise < zeroval)
		return 0;
		return 0.04 * (noise-zeroval) / (1.0-zeroval);
Beispiel #7
void Clouds::render()
	video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();

	if(SceneManager->getSceneNodeRenderPass() != scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT)
	//if(SceneManager->getSceneNodeRenderPass() != scene::ESNRP_SOLID)

	ScopeProfiler sp(g_profiler, "Rendering of clouds, avg", SPT_AVG);
	bool enable_3d = g_settings->getBool("enable_3d_clouds");
	int num_faces_to_draw = enable_3d ? 6 : 1;
	m_material.setFlag(video::EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING, enable_3d);

	driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
		Clouds move from X+ towards X-

	const s16 cloud_radius_i = 12;
	const float cloud_size = BS*64;
	const v2f cloud_speed(0, -BS*2);
	const float cloud_full_radius = cloud_size * cloud_radius_i;
	// Position of cloud noise origin in world coordinates
	v2f world_cloud_origin_pos_f = m_time*cloud_speed;
	// Position of cloud noise origin from the camera
	v2f cloud_origin_from_camera_f = world_cloud_origin_pos_f - m_camera_pos;
	// The center point of drawing in the noise
	v2f center_of_drawing_in_noise_f = -cloud_origin_from_camera_f;
	// The integer center point of drawing in the noise
	v2s16 center_of_drawing_in_noise_i(
		MYROUND(center_of_drawing_in_noise_f.X / cloud_size),
		MYROUND(center_of_drawing_in_noise_f.Y / cloud_size)
	// The world position of the integer center point of drawing in the noise
	v2f world_center_of_drawing_in_noise_f = v2f(
		center_of_drawing_in_noise_i.X * cloud_size,
		center_of_drawing_in_noise_i.Y * cloud_size
	) + world_cloud_origin_pos_f;

	/*video::SColor c_top(128,b*240,b*240,b*255);
	video::SColor c_side_1(128,b*230,b*230,b*255);
	video::SColor c_side_2(128,b*220,b*220,b*245);
	video::SColor c_bottom(128,b*205,b*205,b*230);*/
	video::SColorf c_top_f(m_color);
	video::SColorf c_side_1_f(m_color);
	video::SColorf c_side_2_f(m_color);
	video::SColorf c_bottom_f(m_color);
	c_side_1_f.r *= 0.95;
	c_side_1_f.g *= 0.95;
	c_side_1_f.b *= 0.95;
	c_side_2_f.r *= 0.90;
	c_side_2_f.g *= 0.90;
	c_side_2_f.b *= 0.90;
	c_bottom_f.r *= 0.80;
	c_bottom_f.g *= 0.80;
	c_bottom_f.b *= 0.80;
	c_top_f.a = 0.9;
	c_side_1_f.a = 0.9;
	c_side_2_f.a = 0.9;
	c_bottom_f.a = 0.9;
	video::SColor c_top = c_top_f.toSColor();
	video::SColor c_side_1 = c_side_1_f.toSColor();
	video::SColor c_side_2 = c_side_2_f.toSColor();
	video::SColor c_bottom = c_bottom_f.toSColor();

	// Get fog parameters for setting them back later
	video::SColor fog_color(0,0,0,0);
	video::E_FOG_TYPE fog_type = video::EFT_FOG_LINEAR;
	f32 fog_start = 0;
	f32 fog_end = 0;
	f32 fog_density = 0;
	bool fog_pixelfog = false;
	bool fog_rangefog = false;
	driver->getFog(fog_color, fog_type, fog_start, fog_end, fog_density,
			fog_pixelfog, fog_rangefog);
	// Set our own fog
	driver->setFog(fog_color, fog_type, cloud_full_radius * 0.5,
			cloud_full_radius*1.2, fog_density, fog_pixelfog, fog_rangefog);

	// Read noise

	bool *grid = new bool[cloud_radius_i*2*cloud_radius_i*2];

	for(s16 zi=-cloud_radius_i; zi<cloud_radius_i; zi++)
	for(s16 xi=-cloud_radius_i; xi<cloud_radius_i; xi++)
		u32 i = (zi+cloud_radius_i)*cloud_radius_i*2 + xi+cloud_radius_i;

		v2s16 p_in_noise_i(

#if 0
		double noise = noise2d_perlin_abs(
				m_seed, 3, 0.4);
		grid[i] = (noise >= 0.80);
#if 1
		double noise = noise2d_perlin(
				m_seed, 3, 0.5);
		grid[i] = (noise >= 0.4);

#define GETINDEX(x, z, radius) (((z)+(radius))*(radius)*2 + (x)+(radius))
#define INAREA(x, z, radius) \
	((x) >= -(radius) && (x) < (radius) && (z) >= -(radius) && (z) < (radius))

	for(s16 zi0=-cloud_radius_i; zi0<cloud_radius_i; zi0++)
	for(s16 xi0=-cloud_radius_i; xi0<cloud_radius_i; xi0++)
		s16 zi = zi0;
		s16 xi = xi0;
		// Draw from front to back (needed for transparency)
		/*if(zi <= 0)
			zi = -cloud_radius_i - zi;
		if(xi <= 0)
			xi = -cloud_radius_i - xi;*/
		// Draw from back to front
		if(zi >= 0)
			zi = cloud_radius_i - zi - 1;
		if(xi >= 0)
			xi = cloud_radius_i - xi - 1;

		u32 i = GETINDEX(xi, zi, cloud_radius_i);

		if(grid[i] == false)

		v2f p0 = v2f(xi,zi)*cloud_size + world_center_of_drawing_in_noise_f;

		video::S3DVertex v[4] = {
			video::S3DVertex(0,0,0, 0,0,0, c_top, 0, 1),
			video::S3DVertex(0,0,0, 0,0,0, c_top, 1, 1),
			video::S3DVertex(0,0,0, 0,0,0, c_top, 1, 0),
			video::S3DVertex(0,0,0, 0,0,0, c_top, 0, 0)

		/*if(zi <= 0 && xi <= 0){

		f32 rx = cloud_size/2;
		f32 ry = 8*BS;
		f32 rz = cloud_size/2;

		for(int i=0; i<num_faces_to_draw; i++)
			case 0:	// top
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
				v[0].Pos.set(-rx, ry,-rz);
				v[1].Pos.set(-rx, ry, rz);
				v[2].Pos.set( rx, ry, rz);
				v[3].Pos.set( rx, ry,-rz);
			case 1: // back
				if(INAREA(xi, zi-1, cloud_radius_i)){
					u32 j = GETINDEX(xi, zi-1, cloud_radius_i);
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
					v[j].Color = c_side_1;
				v[0].Pos.set(-rx, ry,-rz);
				v[1].Pos.set( rx, ry,-rz);
				v[2].Pos.set( rx,-ry,-rz);
			case 2: //right
				if(INAREA(xi+1, zi, cloud_radius_i)){
					u32 j = GETINDEX(xi+1, zi, cloud_radius_i);
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
					v[j].Color = c_side_2;
				v[0].Pos.set( rx, ry,-rz);
				v[1].Pos.set( rx, ry, rz);
				v[2].Pos.set( rx,-ry, rz);
				v[3].Pos.set( rx,-ry,-rz);
			case 3: // front
				if(INAREA(xi, zi+1, cloud_radius_i)){
					u32 j = GETINDEX(xi, zi+1, cloud_radius_i);
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
					v[j].Color = c_side_1;
				v[0].Pos.set( rx, ry, rz);
				v[1].Pos.set(-rx, ry, rz);
				v[2].Pos.set(-rx,-ry, rz);
				v[3].Pos.set( rx,-ry, rz);
			case 4: // left
				if(INAREA(xi-1, zi, cloud_radius_i)){
					u32 j = GETINDEX(xi-1, zi, cloud_radius_i);
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
					v[j].Color = c_side_2;
				v[0].Pos.set(-rx, ry, rz);
				v[1].Pos.set(-rx, ry,-rz);
				v[3].Pos.set(-rx,-ry, rz);
			case 5: // bottom
				for(int j=0;j<4;j++){
					v[j].Color = c_bottom;
				v[0].Pos.set( rx,-ry, rz);
				v[1].Pos.set(-rx,-ry, rz);
				v[3].Pos.set( rx,-ry,-rz);

			v3f pos(p0.X, m_cloud_y, p0.Y);
			pos -= intToFloat(m_camera_offset, BS);

			for(u16 i=0; i<4; i++)
				v[i].Pos += pos;
			u16 indices[] = {0,1,2,2,3,0};
			driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList(v, 4, indices, 2,
					video::EVT_STANDARD, scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, video::EIT_16BIT);

	delete[] grid;
	// Restore fog settings
	driver->setFog(fog_color, fog_type, fog_start, fog_end, fog_density,
			fog_pixelfog, fog_rangefog);
Beispiel #8
double get_mud_add_amount(u64 seed, v2s16 p)
	return ((float)AVERAGE_MUD_AMOUNT + 3.0 * noise2d_perlin(
			0.5+(float)p.X/200, 0.5+(float)p.Y/200,
			seed+91013, 3, 0.55));