Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int count = atoi(argv[1]);
    link temp = NULL;
    link new_node = NULL;
    link head = (node*)malloc(sizeof(node));

    head->next = NULL;
    head->item = -1;

    temp = head;

    for (int loop = 0; loop < count; ++loop)
        new_node = add_node(loop);
        temp->next = new_node;
        temp = temp->next;

    link reversed_link = reverse_link(head);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main()
	FILE* fp;
	char readin[100],file[100];
	int value1=0, value2=0, value3=0,value4=0,value5=0;
	fopen_s(&fp, "configure/configure.txt", "r");
	fscanf_s(fp, "video: %s", readin, sizeof(readin));
	sprintf(file, readin);
	memset(readin, 0, sizeof(readin));
	fgets(readin, sizeof(readin),fp);
	fscanf_s(fp, "value1: %d", &value1, sizeof(int));
	memset(readin, 0, sizeof(readin));
	fgets(readin, sizeof(readin), fp);
	fscanf_s(fp, "value2: %d", &value2, sizeof(int));
	memset(readin, 0, sizeof(readin));
	fgets(readin, sizeof(readin), fp);;
	fscanf_s(fp, "value3: %d", &value3, sizeof(int));
	memset(readin, 0, sizeof(readin));
	fgets(readin, sizeof(readin), fp);
	fscanf_s(fp, "value4: %d", &value4, sizeof(int));
	memset(readin, 0, sizeof(readin));
	fgets(readin, sizeof(readin), fp);
	fscanf_s(fp, "value5: %d", &value5, sizeof(int));
	printf("%s %d %d %d\n", file,value1,value2,value3);

	IplImage *image0 = NULL;		//原始帧
	IplImage *image = NULL;			//当前帧
	IplImage *image_pass = NULL;	//上一帧
	IplImage *res = NULL;			//帧差
	IplImage *res0 = NULL;			//帧差
	IplImage *pFrame = NULL;
	IplImage *pFrImg = NULL;
	IplImage *pBkImg = NULL;

	CvMat* pFrameMat = NULL;
	CvMat* pFrMat = NULL;
	CvMat* pBkMat = NULL;
	CvMat* IndexMat = NULL;

	CvCapture *capture = NULL;
	capture = cvCaptureFromFile(file);
	image0 = cvQueryFrame(capture);

	// 创建窗口
	//cvNamedWindow("video", 1);
	cvNamedWindow("background", 1);
	cvNamedWindow("tracking", 1);

	// 排列窗口
	//cvMoveWindow("video", 30, 80);
	cvMoveWindow("background",10, 100);
	cvMoveWindow("tracking", 660, 100);

	movingObject *curr_head = new movingObject();
	movingObject *prev_head = new  movingObject();
	movingObject *p_obj = new movingObject();
	movingObject *share_head = new movingObject();
	curr_head->next = NULL;
	curr_head->share_next = NULL;
	prev_head->next = NULL;
	prev_head->share_next = NULL;
	share_head->next = NULL;

	CvScalar color[7] = { { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 255, 0 }, {255, 0, 0 }, { 255, 201, 14 }, { 255, 0, 255 }, { 0, 166, 0 }, {121,255,121} };

	image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(640,360), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	cvResize(image0, image, CV_INTER_LINEAR);

	int image_width = image->width;
	int image_height = image->height;

	image_pass = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	res = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	res0 = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
	pBkImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	pFrImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
	pFrame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(image_width, image_height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

	pBkMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
	pFrMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
	pFrameMat = cvCreateMat(pFrame->height, pFrame->width, CV_32FC1);
	IndexMat = cvCreateMat(image_height, image_width, CV_32FC1);

	cvCopy(image, image_pass, NULL);

	cvCvtColor(image, pBkImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
	cvConvert(pBkImg, pBkMat);

	while (1)
		image0 = cvQueryFrame(capture);
		if (!image0) break;	

		cvResize(image0, image, CV_INTER_LINEAR);

		cvSmooth(image, image, CV_GAUSSIAN, 3, 0, 0);

		detect_object(image, pBkImg, pFrImg, pFrameMat, pBkMat, pFrMat,value1);

		frame_dif(image, image_pass, res,res0, pFrImg,pFrame,value2);

		cvConvert(pFrame, pFrMat);

		computeObject(pFrMat, image_width, image_height,IndexMat, curr_head,value3);

		p_obj = curr_head;
		while (p_obj->next != NULL)
			p_obj = p_obj->next;
			cvRectangle(image, cvPoint(p_obj->x - 1, p_obj->y - 1), cvPoint(p_obj->x + 1, p_obj->y + 1), cvScalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);

		if (nFrmNum == 2)
			movingObject* q = NULL;
			computeObject(pFrMat, image_width, image_height, IndexMat, prev_head,value3);

		if (nFrmNum > 2)
			movingObject *q = NULL, *p = NULL;
			movingObject *last=curr_head;

			for (q = curr_head->next; q; )
				int close = 0;
 				share_head->share_next = NULL;
  				for (p = prev_head->next; p; p = p->next)
					int dist = cal_dist(p->x, p->y, q->x, q->y);
					if (dist <= value5)
						p->share_next = share_head->share_next; 
						share_head->share_next= p;


				if (close == 1)
					if (share_head->share_next->track == 1)	//已被用,删掉当前结点
						last->next = q->next;
						movingObject* t=q;
						q = q->next;
						delete t;
					q->label = (share_head->share_next)->label;
					cvRectangle(image, q->points[0], q->points[1], color[q->label],2);
					q->move = q->x - (share_head->share_next)->x;	//两帧位移
					share_head->share_next->track = 1;
					q->track = 0; 
					q->keeptime = 0;
					last = q;
					q = q->next;
				else if (close==0)
					q->label = ++label_num;
					cvRectangle(image, q->points[0], q->points[1], color[q->label],2);
					q->track = 0;
					q->keeptime = 0;
					last = q;
					q = q->next;
				else if (close>1)
					movingObject* t = share_head->share_next;
					while ( t != NULL)
						if (t->track==1)
						t = t->share_next;
						else break;
					if (t==NULL)	//全部跟踪完毕
						last->next = q->next;
						t = q;
						q = q->next;
						delete t;

					q->label = t->label;
					q->move = t->move;
					q->area = t->area;
					q->x = t->x + t->move;
					q->y = t->y;
					q->points[0].x = t->points[0].x+t->move;
					q->points[0].y = t->points[0].y;
					q->points[1].x = t->points[1].x + t->move;
					q->points[1].y = t->points[1].y;
					q->track = 0;
					t->track = 1;
					q->keeptime = 0;
					cvRectangle(image, q->points[0], q->points[1], color[q->label],2);

					t = t->share_next;
					while (t)
						if (t->track == 1)
							t = t->share_next;
						movingObject* newobject = new movingObject();
						newobject->area = t->area;
						newobject->label = t->label;
						newobject->move = t->move;
						newobject->next = q->next;
						q->next = newobject;
						q = newobject;
						newobject->points[0].x = t->points[0].x + t->move;
						newobject->points[0].y = t->points[0].y;
						newobject->points[1].x = t->points[1].x + t->move;
						newobject->points[1].y = t->points[1].y;
						newobject->x = t->x + t->move;
						newobject->y = t->y;
						newobject->track = 0;
						newobject->keeptime = 0;
						cvRectangle(image, newobject->points[0], newobject->points[1], color[newobject->label],2);
						t->track = 1;			//已跟踪这一个prev目标
						t = t->share_next;
					last = q;
					q = q->next;


			}//end for
			detect_hiding(prev_head, image_width, curr_head,value4);
		}//end if
		cvShowImage("tracking", image);
		prev_head->next = curr_head->next;
		curr_head->next = NULL;
		int ctrl;
		if ( (ctrl=cvWaitKey(20)) == 27)//ESC退出
		else if (ctrl == 32)	//空格暂停
			while ((ctrl=cvWaitKey(0))!=13)//回车继续
				if (ctrl == 27)



	return 1;
Beispiel #3
//--------- Begin of function Firm::deinit --------//
void Firm::deinit()
	if( !firm_recno )    // already deleted

	if( power.command_firm_recno == firm_recno )

	// ##### begin Gilbert 30/10 ######//
//	mem_del(firm_cur_frame);
//	firm_cur_frame = NULL;
//	mem_del(firm_remain_frame_delay);
//	firm_remain_frame_delay = NULL;
	// ##### end Gilbert 30/10 ######//
	is_being_deleted = 1;	// whether the place is currently being deleted, if it is set to true, some functions will be executed in an exceptional way, it is set in deinit()

	Place::deinit();			// parent class deinit()


	//------- delete AI info ----------//

	if( nation_recno )
		Nation* nationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

		nationPtr->del_firm_info(firm_id, firm_recno);

			if( should_close_flag )

			err_when( nationPtr->firm_should_close_array[firm_id-1] < 0 );


	//--------- clean up related stuff -----------//


	//-------- dynamic unloading of firm bitmaps ---------//

	FirmBuild* firmBuild = firm_res.get_build(firm_build_id);

	//------ all workers and the overseer resign ------//

	if( !sys.signal_exit_flag )
	//	char* name1 = "Wilde Lishorr";
	//	char* name2 = "Lishorr";
	//	if( !under_construction && hit_points < 1 && strcmp(name1, firm_name()) && strcmp(name2, firm_name()) )
		if( !under_construction && hit_points < 1 )
			// -------- create a firm die record ------//
			// can be called as soon as restore_world_matrix

			static int effectId = sprite_res.search_sprite( "FIRE_EFF" );
			err_when( !effectId );
			Effect::create(effectId, loc_x1 *LOCATE_WIDTH, loc_y1 *LOCATE_HEIGHT, SPRITE_IDLE, 1, 8, 0);
			FirmDie firmDie3;
			if (firmBuild->loc_width == 3 && firmBuild->loc_height == 3)
				firmDie3.init(this, 6);
			if (firmBuild->loc_width == 6 && firmBuild->loc_height == 6)
				firmDie3.init(this, 5);
				firmDie3.init(this, 4);

	//--------- decrease firm counter -----------//

	if( nation_recno )

	//------ update firm counter -------//

	FirmInfo* firmInfo = firm_res[firm_id];


	if( nation_recno )

	//------- update town border ---------//

	loc_x1 = -1;      // mark deleted

	//------- if the current firm is the selected -----//

	if( firm_array.selected_recno == firm_recno )
		firm_array.selected_recno = 0;


   firm_recno = 0;

	is_being_deleted = 0;

	//-------- dynamic unloading of firm bitmaps ---------//

//	FirmBuild* firmBuild = firm_res.get_build(firm_build_id);
	if( firm_id )
//		firmBuild->free_bitmap_res();
		firm_id = 0;
Beispiel #4
//------- Begin of function Firm::change_nation ---------//
void Firm::change_nation(int newNationRecno)
	if( nation_recno == newNationRecno )

	//---------- stop all attack actions to this firm ----------//


	Nation *oldNationPtr = NULL;
	Nation *newNationPtr = NULL;

	if( nation_recno )
		oldNationPtr = nation_array[nation_recno];

	if( newNationRecno )
		newNationPtr = nation_array[newNationRecno];

	//------ if there is a builder in this firm, change its nation also ----//

	if( builder_recno )
		Unit* unitPtr = unit_array[builder_recno];


		//--- if this is a spy, chance its cloak ----//

		if( unitPtr->spy_recno )
			spy_array[unitPtr->spy_recno]->cloaked_nation_recno = newNationRecno;

	//---------- stop all actions attacking this firm --------//


	//---- update nation_unit_count_array[] ----//

	FirmInfo* firmInfo = firm_res[firm_id];

	if( nation_recno )

	if( newNationRecno )

	//---- reset should_close_flag -----//

	if( is_ai )
		if( should_close_flag )
			if( oldNationPtr )
				err_when( oldNationPtr->firm_should_close_array[firm_id-1] < 0 );

			should_close_flag = 0;

	//------- update player_spy_count -------//


	//--- update the cloaked_nation_recno of all spies in the firm ---//

	spy_array.change_cloaked_nation(SPY_FIRM, firm_recno, nation_recno, newNationRecno);		// check the cloaked nation recno of all spies in the firm


	if( oldNationPtr )
		oldNationPtr->del_firm_info(firm_id, firm_recno);

	//------ update power nation recno ----------//

	if( should_set_power )
		world.restore_power(loc_x1, loc_y1, loc_x2, loc_y2, 0, firm_recno);

	should_set_power = get_should_set_power();

	if( should_set_power )
		world.set_power(loc_x1, loc_y1, loc_x2, loc_y2, newNationRecno);        // set power of the new nation

	//------------ update link --------------//

	release_link();		// need to update link because firms are only linked to firms of the same nation

	nation_recno = newNationRecno;



	if (!newNationRecno)
		is_ai = 1;
		is_ai = nation_array[nation_recno]->is_ai();
		newNationPtr->add_firm_info(firm_id, firm_recno);

	//--- if a nation set up a town in a location that the player has explored, contact between the nation and the player is established ---//


	//---- reset the action mode of all spies in this town ----//

	spy_array.set_action_mode( SPY_FIRM, firm_recno, SPY_IDLE );      // we need to reset it. e.g. when we have captured an enemy town, SPY_SOW_DISSENT action must be reset to SPY_IDLE

	//-- refresh display if this firm is currently selected --//

	if( firm_array.selected_recno == firm_recno )

	// ####### begin Gilbert 5/7 ########//
	if( explore_for_player() )
		world.unveil( loc_x1, loc_y1, loc_x2, loc_y2 );
		world.visit( loc_x1, loc_y1, loc_x2, loc_y2, EXPLORE_RANGE-1 );
	// ####### end Gilbert 5/7 ########//