Beispiel #1
void Image::cacheFrame(size_t index)
    size_t numFrames = frameCount();
    ASSERT(m_decodedSize == 0 || numFrames > 1);
    if (!m_frames.size() && shouldAnimate()) {            
        // Snag the repetition count.
        m_repetitionCount = m_source.repetitionCount();
        if (m_repetitionCount == cAnimationNone)
            m_animatingImageType = false;
    if (m_frames.size() < numFrames)

    m_frames[index].m_frame = m_source.createFrameAtIndex(index);
    if (numFrames == 1 && m_frames[index].m_frame)

    if (shouldAnimate())
        m_frames[index].m_duration = m_source.frameDurationAtIndex(index);
    m_frames[index].m_hasAlpha = m_source.frameHasAlphaAtIndex(index);
    int sizeChange = m_frames[index].m_frame ? m_size.width() * m_size.height() * 4 : 0;

    if (sizeChange) {
        if (imageObserver())
            imageObserver()->decodedSizeChanging(this, sizeChange);
        m_decodedSize += sizeChange;
        if (imageObserver())
            imageObserver()->decodedSizeChanged(this, sizeChange);
Beispiel #2
void BitmapImage::cacheFrame(size_t index)
    size_t numFrames = frameCount();
    ASSERT(m_decodedSize == 0 || numFrames > 1);
    if (!m_frames.size() && shouldAnimate()) {            
        // Snag the repetition count.  Note that the repetition count may not be
        // accurate yet for GIFs; if we haven't gotten the count from the source
        // image yet, it will default to cAnimationLoopOnce, and we'll try and
        // read it again once the whole image is decoded.
        m_repetitionCount = m_source.repetitionCount();
        if (m_repetitionCount == cAnimationNone)
            m_animatingImageType = false;
    if (m_frames.size() < numFrames)

    m_frames[index].m_frame = m_source.createFrameAtIndex(index);
    if (numFrames == 1 && m_frames[index].m_frame)

    if (shouldAnimate())
        m_frames[index].m_duration = m_source.frameDurationAtIndex(index);
    m_frames[index].m_hasAlpha = m_source.frameHasAlphaAtIndex(index);

    int sizeChange;
    if (index) {
        IntSize frameSize = m_source.frameSizeAtIndex(index);
        if (frameSize != m_size)
            m_hasUniformFrameSize = false;
        sizeChange = m_frames[index].m_frame ? frameSize.width() * frameSize.height() * 4 : 0;
    } else
        sizeChange = m_frames[index].m_frame ? m_size.width() * m_size.height() * 4 : 0;

    if (sizeChange) {
        m_decodedSize += sizeChange;
        if (imageObserver())
            imageObserver()->decodedSizeChanged(this, sizeChange);
Beispiel #3
void Image::startAnimation()
    if (m_frameTimer || !shouldAnimate() || frameCount() <= 1)
    // Don't advance the animation until the current frame has completely loaded.
    if (!m_source.frameIsCompleteAtIndex(m_currentFrame))
    m_frameTimer = new Timer<Image>(this, &Image::advanceAnimation);
Beispiel #4
void BitmapImage::startAnimation()
    if (m_frameTimer || !shouldAnimate() || frameCount() <= 1)

    // Don't advance the animation until the current frame has completely loaded.
    if (!m_source.frameIsCompleteAtIndex(m_currentFrame))

    // Don't advance past the last frame if we haven't decoded the whole image
    // yet and our repetition count is potentially unset.  The repetition count
    // in a GIF can potentially come after all the rest of the image data, so
    // wait on it.
    if (!m_allDataReceived && m_repetitionCount == cAnimationLoopOnce && m_currentFrame >= (frameCount() - 1))

    // Determine time for next frame to start.  By ignoring paint and timer lag
    // in this calculation, we make the animation appear to run at its desired
    // rate regardless of how fast it's being repainted.
    const double currentDuration = frameDurationAtIndex(m_currentFrame);
    const double time = currentTime();
    if (!m_desiredFrameStartTime)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time + currentDuration;
    else {
        m_desiredFrameStartTime += currentDuration;
        // If we're too far behind, the user probably doesn't care about
        // resyncing and we could burn a lot of time looping through frames
        // below.  Just reset the timings.
        if ((time - m_desiredFrameStartTime) > cAnimationResyncCutoff)
            m_desiredFrameStartTime = time + currentDuration;

    if (time < m_desiredFrameStartTime) {
        // Haven't yet reached time for next frame to start; delay until then.
        m_frameTimer = new Timer<BitmapImage>(this, &BitmapImage::advanceAnimation);
        m_frameTimer->startOneShot(m_desiredFrameStartTime - time);
    } else {
        // We've already reached or passed the time for the next frame to start.
        // See if we've also passed the time for frames after that to start, in
        // case we need to skip some frames entirely.
        size_t nextFrame = (m_currentFrame + 1) % frameCount();
        while (m_source.frameIsCompleteAtIndex(nextFrame)) {
            // Should we skip the current frame?
            double nextFrameStartTime = m_desiredFrameStartTime + frameDurationAtIndex(nextFrame);
            if (time < nextFrameStartTime)

            // Yes; skip over it without notifying our observers.
            if (!internalAdvanceAnimation(true))
            m_desiredFrameStartTime = nextFrameStartTime;
            nextFrame = (nextFrame + 1) % frameCount();

        // Draw the next frame immediately.  Note that m_desiredFrameStartTime
        // may be in the past, meaning the next time through this function we'll
        // kick off the next advancement sooner than this frame's duration would
        // suggest.
Beispiel #5
void BitmapImage::startAnimation(bool catchUpIfNecessary)
    if (m_frameTimer || !shouldAnimate() || frameCount() <= 1)

    // If we aren't already animating, set now as the animation start time.
    const double time = monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
    if (!m_desiredFrameStartTime)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time;

    // Don't advance the animation to an incomplete frame.
    size_t nextFrame = (m_currentFrame + 1) % frameCount();
    if (!m_allDataReceived && !frameIsCompleteAtIndex(nextFrame))

    // Don't advance past the last frame if we haven't decoded the whole image
    // yet and our repetition count is potentially unset.  The repetition count
    // in a GIF can potentially come after all the rest of the image data, so
    // wait on it.
    if (!m_allDataReceived && repetitionCount(false) == cAnimationLoopOnce && m_currentFrame >= (frameCount() - 1))

    // Determine time for next frame to start.  By ignoring paint and timer lag
    // in this calculation, we make the animation appear to run at its desired
    // rate regardless of how fast it's being repainted.
    const double currentDuration = frameDurationAtIndex(m_currentFrame);
    m_desiredFrameStartTime += currentDuration;

    // When an animated image is more than five minutes out of date, the
    // user probably doesn't care about resyncing and we could burn a lot of
    // time looping through frames below.  Just reset the timings.
    const double cAnimationResyncCutoff = 5 * 60;
    if ((time - m_desiredFrameStartTime) > cAnimationResyncCutoff)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time + currentDuration;

    // The image may load more slowly than it's supposed to animate, so that by
    // the time we reach the end of the first repetition, we're well behind.
    // Clamp the desired frame start time in this case, so that we don't skip
    // frames (or whole iterations) trying to "catch up".  This is a tradeoff:
    // It guarantees users see the whole animation the second time through and
    // don't miss any repetitions, and is closer to what other browsers do; on
    // the other hand, it makes animations "less accurate" for pages that try to
    // sync an image and some other resource (e.g. audio), especially if users
    // switch tabs (and thus stop drawing the animation, which will pause it)
    // during that initial loop, then switch back later.
    if (nextFrame == 0 && m_repetitionsComplete == 0 && m_desiredFrameStartTime < time)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time;

    if (!catchUpIfNecessary || time < m_desiredFrameStartTime) {
        // Haven't yet reached time for next frame to start; delay until then.
        m_frameTimer = new Timer<BitmapImage>(this, &BitmapImage::advanceAnimation);
        m_frameTimer->startOneShot(std::max(m_desiredFrameStartTime - time, 0.));
    } else {
        // We've already reached or passed the time for the next frame to start.
        // See if we've also passed the time for frames after that to start, in
        // case we need to skip some frames entirely.  Remember not to advance
        // to an incomplete frame.
        for (size_t frameAfterNext = (nextFrame + 1) % frameCount(); frameIsCompleteAtIndex(frameAfterNext); frameAfterNext = (nextFrame + 1) % frameCount()) {
            // Should we skip the next frame?
            double frameAfterNextStartTime = m_desiredFrameStartTime + frameDurationAtIndex(nextFrame);
            if (time < frameAfterNextStartTime)

            // Yes; skip over it without notifying our observers.
            if (!internalAdvanceAnimation(true))
            m_desiredFrameStartTime = frameAfterNextStartTime;
            nextFrame = frameAfterNext;

        // Draw the next frame immediately.  Note that m_desiredFrameStartTime
        // may be in the past, meaning the next time through this function we'll
        // kick off the next advancement sooner than this frame's duration would
        // suggest.
        if (internalAdvanceAnimation(false)) {
            // The image region has been marked dirty, but once we return to our
            // caller, draw() will clear it, and nothing will cause the
            // animation to advance again.  We need to start the timer for the
            // next frame running, or the animation can hang.  (Compare this
            // with when advanceAnimation() is called, and the region is dirtied
            // while draw() is not in the callstack, meaning draw() gets called
            // to update the region and thus startAnimation() is reached again.)
            // NOTE: For large images with slow or heavily-loaded systems,
            // throwing away data as we go (see destroyDecodedData()) means we
            // can spend so much time re-decoding data above that by the time we
            // reach here we're behind again.  If we let startAnimation() run
            // the catch-up code again, we can get long delays without painting
            // as we race the timer, or even infinite recursion.  In this
            // situation the best we can do is to simply change frames as fast
            // as possible, so force startAnimation() to set a zero-delay timer
            // and bail out if we're not caught up.
Beispiel #6
bool BitmapImage::canAnimate()
    return shouldAnimate() && frameCount() > 1;
Beispiel #7
void BitmapImage::startAnimation(CatchUpAnimation catchUpIfNecessary)
    if (m_frameTimer || !shouldAnimate() || frameCount() <= 1)

    // If we aren't already animating, set now as the animation start time.
    const double time = monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
    if (!m_desiredFrameStartTime)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time;

    // Don't advance the animation to an incomplete frame.
    size_t nextFrame = (m_currentFrame + 1) % frameCount();
    if (!m_allDataReceived && !frameIsCompleteAtIndex(nextFrame))

    // Don't advance past the last frame if we haven't decoded the whole image
    // yet and our repetition count is potentially unset. The repetition count
    // in a GIF can potentially come after all the rest of the image data, so
    // wait on it.
    if (!m_allDataReceived && repetitionCount(false) == cAnimationLoopOnce && m_currentFrame >= (frameCount() - 1))

    // Determine time for next frame to start. By ignoring paint and timer lag
    // in this calculation, we make the animation appear to run at its desired
    // rate regardless of how fast it's being repainted.
    const double currentDuration = frameDurationAtIndex(m_currentFrame);
    m_desiredFrameStartTime += currentDuration;

    // When an animated image is more than five minutes out of date, the
    // user probably doesn't care about resyncing and we could burn a lot of
    // time looping through frames below. Just reset the timings.
    const double cAnimationResyncCutoff = 5 * 60;
    if ((time - m_desiredFrameStartTime) > cAnimationResyncCutoff)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time + currentDuration;
    // Maintaining frame-to-frame delays is more important than
    // maintaining absolute animation timing, so reset the timings each frame.
    m_desiredFrameStartTime = time + currentDuration;

    // The image may load more slowly than it's supposed to animate, so that by
    // the time we reach the end of the first repetition, we're well behind.
    // Clamp the desired frame start time in this case, so that we don't skip
    // frames (or whole iterations) trying to "catch up". This is a tradeoff:
    // It guarantees users see the whole animation the second time through and
    // don't miss any repetitions, and is closer to what other browsers do; on
    // the other hand, it makes animations "less accurate" for pages that try to
    // sync an image and some other resource (e.g. audio), especially if users
    // switch tabs (and thus stop drawing the animation, which will pause it)
    // during that initial loop, then switch back later.
    if (nextFrame == 0 && m_repetitionsComplete == 0 && m_desiredFrameStartTime < time)
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = time;

    if (catchUpIfNecessary == DoNotCatchUp || time < m_desiredFrameStartTime) {
        // Haven't yet reached time for next frame to start; delay until then.
        startTimer(std::max<double>(m_desiredFrameStartTime - time, 0));


    // We've already reached or passed the time for the next frame to start.
    // See if we've also passed the time for frames after that to start, in
    // case we need to skip some frames entirely. Remember not to advance
    // to an incomplete frame.

    size_t startCatchupFrameIndex = nextFrame;
    for (size_t frameAfterNext = (nextFrame + 1) % frameCount(); frameIsCompleteAtIndex(frameAfterNext); frameAfterNext = (nextFrame + 1) % frameCount()) {
        // Should we skip the next frame?
        double frameAfterNextStartTime = m_desiredFrameStartTime + frameDurationAtIndex(nextFrame);
        if (time < frameAfterNextStartTime)

        // Yes; skip over it without notifying our observers. If we hit the end while catching up,
        // tell the observer asynchronously.
        if (!internalAdvanceAnimation(SkippingFramesToCatchUp)) {
            m_animationFinishedWhenCatchingUp = true;
            LOG(Images, "BitmapImage %p startAnimation catching up from frame %lu, ended", this, startCatchupFrameIndex);
        m_desiredFrameStartTime = frameAfterNextStartTime;
        nextFrame = frameAfterNext;

    LOG(Images, "BitmapImage %p startAnimation catching up jumped from from frame %lu to %d", this, startCatchupFrameIndex, (int)nextFrame - 1);

    // Draw the next frame as soon as possible. Note that m_desiredFrameStartTime
    // may be in the past, meaning the next time through this function we'll
    // kick off the next advancement sooner than this frame's duration would suggest.