Beispiel #1
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  synthesizeNext
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//!	Synthesize next block of samples of the partials. The synthesizer
//! will resize the inner buffer as necessary. Previous contents of the buffer
//! are overwritten.
//! \param  sample Number of samples to synthesize.
//! \return Nothing.
//! \post   Internal state of synthesizer changes - it is ready to synthesize
//!         next block of samples starting at 'previous count of samples' + samples.
void RealTimeSynthesizer::synthesizeNext( int samples ) noexcept
    //TODO: check processedSamples overflow
    processedSamples += samples;// for performance reason this is computed at the beginning
    PartialStruct *partial;
    // prepare buffer for new data
    if (buffer->capacity() < samples)
    memset(buffer->data(), 0, samples * sizeof(decltype(buffer->data())));
    // process partials being processed
    int size = partialsBeingProcessed.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        partial = partialsBeingProcessed.front();
        synthesize( *partial, buffer->data(), samples );
        if ( partial->state.lastBreakpointIdx < partial->numBreakpoints - 1)
            partialsBeingProcessed.push( partial );
    // partials to be processed
    int partialSize = partials.size();
    for (; partialIdx < partialSize; partialIdx++)
        partial = &(partials[partialIdx]);
        // setup partial for synthesis
        partial->state.currentSamp = index_type( (partial->startTime * m_srateHz) + 0.5 );   //  cheap rounding

        if (partial->state.currentSamp > processedSamples)
        partial->state.lastBreakpointIdx = PartialStruct::NoBreakpointProcessed;
        partial->state.envelope = partial->breakpoints[0].second;
        partial->state.breakpointFinished = true;

        //  cache the previous frequency (in Hz) so that it can be used to reset the phase when necessary
        partial->state.prevFrequency = m_osc.frequencyScaling() * partial->breakpoints[1].second._frequency;// 0 is null breakpoint
        int sampleCount = processedSamples - partial->state.currentSamp; // how much sample to be processed during this call
        int sampleDelta = samples - sampleCount; // delta when partial should start

        synthesize( *partial, buffer->data() + sampleDelta, sampleCount );
        if ( partial->state.lastBreakpointIdx < partial->numBreakpoints - 1)
void FaceSynthesisManager::run() {
    for (int i=0;i<(int)inputImgs.size();i++) {
    emit FSDone();
Beispiel #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct app app;
	FILE *txtfp;
	char buff[MAXBUFLEN];
	int ret = 0;

	if (argc == 1)

	/* init */
	memset(&app, 0, sizeof(app));

	app.sampling_rate = 48000;
	app.fperiod = -1;
	app.alpha = -1.0;
	app.beta = -1.0;
	app.half_tone = -1.0;
	app.audio_buff_size = 0;
	app.uv_threshold = -1.0;
	app.gv_weight_mgc = -1.0;
	app.gv_weight_lf0 = -1.0;
#ifdef HTS_MELP
	app.gv_weight_lpf = -1.0;
#endif	/* HTS_MELP */
	app.speed = -1.0;

	parse_arg(&app, argc, argv);

	txtfp = (app.txtfn != NULL) ? get_fp(app.txtfn, "rt") : stdin;

	/* initialize and load */
	if (setup(&app) < 0)
		goto out;

	/* synthesis */
	fgets(buff, MAXBUFLEN - 1, txtfp);
	if (synthesize(&app, buff) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "failed to synthesize.\n");
		ret = 1;

	/* cleanup */

	/* free */
	if (app.txtfn != NULL)
	if (app.logfp != NULL)

	return ret;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   stb_synth_adsr adsr = { 0.005,0.05,0.6,0.25 };
   stb_synth_adsr attack = { 0.05,0,1,0.25 };
   stb_synth_adsr bell = { 0.001, 0.2,0,0 };
   stb_synth_waveform triangle = { 0,0.5,0,0 };
   stb_synth_waveform square   = { 0,0,1,0 };
   stb_synth_waveform sq_tri   = { 0,0.25,0.5,0 };
   stb_synth_waveform saw      = { 0,0,0,1 };
   stb_synth_waveform saw2     = { 0,1,0.5,1 };
   stb_synth_waveform square_pw= { 0.85,0,1,0 };
   stb_synth_waveform weird1   = { 0.1f, 0.3f, 0.15f, 1 };
   stb_synth_waveform weird2   = { 0.1f, 0.7f, 0.55f, 1 };

   stb_mixhigh_init(20000,0.005, 88200*4);

   // 1/8th second into the future so we have time to synthesize
   start_time = stb_mixhigh_time() + 44100/8;

   synthesize(8, 4, 84, 0.4f ,  0.9, 0.25 , &bell, &sq_tri, &triangle);
   synthesize(8, 2, 60, 0.20f, -0.4, 0.95 , &attack, &saw, &saw2);
   synthesize(4, 2, 36, 0.5f ,  0.1, 0.25 , &adsr, &square, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);
   synthesize(8, 4, 91, 0.4f , -0.9, 0.10 , &bell, &sq_tri, NULL);

   while (stb_mixlow_num_active()) {

   return 0;
void Bonsai::buildAll()
	// generate a unique random seed for the whole thing from the name
	DBG::info("Generate planet '%s'\n", m_name );
	int master_seed = 1;
	for (const char *ch=m_name; *ch; ch++)
		master_seed *= (*ch);

	// generate random seeds for each step .. this keeps them
	// somewhat resistant to changes in the algoritms 
	int pally_seed, param_seed, terrain_seed;
	srand( master_seed );
	pally_seed = rand();
	terrain_seed = rand();
	param_seed = rand();
	// Make the palette
	m_pally.generate( pally_seed );

	// synthesize the height data
	m_hiteData = new float [ HITE_RES * HITE_RES ];
	m_terrainColor = new GLubyte [ HITE_RES * HITE_RES * 3 ];
	m_terrainNorm = new GLubyte [ HITE_RES * HITE_RES * 3 ];

	// Set up params
	srand( param_seed );
	m_params.offs = randUniform( 0.0, 1000.0 );

	m_params.base = (int)randUniform( 0, NUM_BASE );	
	m_params.base_distAmt = randUniform( 0.0, 0.3 );
	m_params.base_scale = randUniform( 0.3, 1.0 );	

	m_params.baseVeg = (int)randUniform( 0, NUM_BASEVEG );	

	m_params.baseVeg_hite_repeats = (int)randUniform( 1, 5 );		
	m_params.baseVeg_hite_repeats *= m_params.baseVeg_hite_repeats;	

	m_params.patchVeg = (int)randUniform( 0, NUM_PATCHVEG );	
	m_params.patchVeg_scale = randUniform( 1.0, 20.0 );
	m_params.patchVeg_nscale = randUniform( 0.01, 8.0 );
	m_params.patchVeg_nscale *= m_params.patchVeg_nscale;
	m_params.patchMixMineral = (randUniform() > 0.5)?1:0;
	m_params.patchVeg_thresh = randUniform( 0.55, 0.85 );	

	// Decoration
	m_params.deco = (int)randUniform( 0, NUM_DECORATION );	
	m_params.decoLavaScale = randUniform( 1.0, 10.0 );
	m_params.decoLavaWidth = randUniform( 0.01, 0.1 );

	// =============================================

	// build textures
	Luddite::HTexture htexColor;
	Luddite::HTexture htexNorms;	

	// check if there is cached image data available		
	htexColor = _checkCachedColorImage( "DIF0", m_terrainColor, HITE_RES);
	if ( (!htexColor.isNull() ) && (_checkCachedHeight( "HITE", m_hiteData, HITE_RES ) ))
		DBG::info( "Land '%s' read cached color and height.\n", m_name );
		// Synthesize
		srand( terrain_seed );

		// step for tuning/debugging quicker
		// step=1 for final quality
		int step = SYNTH_STEP;
		for (int j=0; j < HITE_RES; j += step)
			// status
			progress( "Generating", j, HITE_RES );			

			for (int i=0; i < HITE_RES; i += step )
				float ii = (((float)i / (float)HITE_RES) * 2.0) - 1.0;
				float jj = (((float)j / (float)HITE_RES) * 2.0) - 1.0;

				// synthesize a texel
				size_t ndx = (j*HITE_RES)+i;
				synthesize( ndx, ii, jj );

				for (int sj = 0; sj < step; sj++)
					for(int si=0; si < step; si++)
						if (si || sj)
							size_t ndx2 = ((j+sj)*HITE_RES)+(i+si);

							m_terrainColor[ndx2 * 3 + 0] = m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 0];
							m_terrainColor[ndx2 * 3 + 1] = m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 1];
							m_terrainColor[ndx2 * 3 + 2] = m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 2];

							m_hiteData[ndx2] = m_hiteData[ndx];


		// Calculate (fake) ambient occlusion
		for (int j=0; j < HITE_RES; j += 1)
			progress( "AmbOccl", j, HITE_RES );

			for (int i=0; i < HITE_RES; i += 1 )
				float ambOccl = 0.0f;
				int c = 0;
				size_t ndx = (j*HITE_RES)+i;

				// TODO: gaussian weight
				for (int ii=-8; ii < 8; ii += 2)
					for (int jj=-8; jj < 8; jj += 2)
						int i2 = i+ii;
						int j2 = j+jj;
						c += 1;
						float occl = 0.0;
						if ((i2 >=0) && (i2 < HITE_RES)  &&
							(j2 >=0) && (j2 < HITE_RES) )
							size_t ndx2 = (j2*HITE_RES)+i2;
							occl = m_hiteData[ndx2] - m_hiteData[ndx];							
							occl = fstep( 0.0, 0.015, occl );														
							ambOccl += occl;

				// avg
				ambOccl /= c;
				ambOccl = clamp( 1.0-ambOccl, 0.0, 1.0 );

				// darken color image (dbg replace)
#if 0
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 0] = (int)(ambOccl * 255);
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 1] = (int)(ambOccl * 255);
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 2] = (int)(ambOccl * 255);
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 0] *= ambOccl;
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 1] *= ambOccl;
				m_terrainColor[ndx * 3 + 2] *= ambOccl;


		// Cache the height & color data
		SDL_WM_SetCaption( "[Cache Height/Color] LD19 Jovoc - Discovery", NULL );

		_cacheColorImage( "DIF0", m_terrainColor, HITE_RES );
		_cacheHeight( "HITE", m_hiteData, HITE_RES );

	// check if there is cached normal data available
	htexNorms = _checkCachedColorImage( "NRM", m_terrainNorm, HITE_RES);
	if ( !htexNorms.isNull() )
		DBG::info( "Land '%s' read cached normals.\n", m_name );
		// Shitty calc normals -- ideally this should use the
		// height samples to not soften it but for now do it this
		// way cause it's easier/faster
		for (int j=0; j < HITE_RES-1; j++)
			progress( "Calc Normals", j, HITE_RES );

			for (int i=0; i < HITE_RES-1; i++ )
				PVRTVec3 nrm;
				size_t ndx = (j*HITE_RES)+i;
				float a = m_hiteData[ndx];
				float b = m_hiteData[ (j*HITE_RES)+(i+1) ];
				float c = m_hiteData[ ((j+1)*HITE_RES)+i ];

				//float scl = 5.4;
				float scl = 50.0f;
				float dy1 = (b - a) * scl;
				float dy2 = (c - a) * scl;				

				PVRTVec3 n( dy1, dy2, 1.0 - sqrt( dy1*dy1 + dy2*dy2 ) );

				m_terrainNorm[ndx * 3 + 0] = (int)((n.x * 128.0) + 128.0);
				m_terrainNorm[ndx * 3 + 1] = (int)((n.y * 128.0) + 128.0);
				m_terrainNorm[ndx * 3 + 2] = (int)((n.z * 128.0) + 128.0);

		// Cache the normal map
		SDL_WM_SetCaption( "[Cache Normals] LD19 Jovoc - Discovery", NULL );
		_cacheColorImage( "NRM", m_terrainNorm, HITE_RES );

	SDL_WM_SetCaption( "LD19 Jovoc - Discovery [Press TAB to ungrab mouse]", NULL );

	// Build texture
	static int treeId = 0;
	Luddite::TextureDB *texDB = Luddite::TextureDB::singletonPtr();
	if (htexColor.isNull())
		char s[20];
		sprintf( s, "treeland%d", treeId++);
		htexColor = texDB->buildTextureFromData( s, m_terrainColor, 1024, 1024 );

	if (htexNorms.isNull())
		char s[20];
		sprintf( s, "treenorms%d", treeId++);
		htexNorms = texDB->buildTextureFromData( s, m_terrainNorm, 1024, 1024 );

	// Make a land part
	m_treeLand = new TreeLand( m_hiteData, htexColor, htexNorms );