Beispiel #1
// CHECK-LABEL: test_vsetq_vgetq_lane_f16
int test_vsetq_vgetq_lane_f16(float16x8_t a) {
  float16x8_t b;
  b = vsetq_lane_f16(3.5, a, 5);
  float16_t c = vgetq_lane_f16(b, 5);
  return (int)c;
// CHECK: movz x{{[0-9]+}}, #3
Beispiel #2
// CHECK: test_vsetq_lane_f16_4
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16_4(float16x8_t v1, float b, float c) {
  float16_t a = (float16_t)b + 1.0;
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7],  {{w[0-9]+}}
Beispiel #3
// CHECK: test_vsetq_lane_f16_2
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16_2(float16x8_t v1) {
  float16_t a = vgetq_lane_f16(v1, 0);
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7],  {{v[0-9]+}}.h[0]
Beispiel #4
// CHECK: test_vsetq_lane_f16
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16x8_t v1) {
  float16_t a;
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK: fmov  {{s[0-9]+}}, wzr
// CHECK-NEXT: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7],  {{v[0-9]+}}.h[0]
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16_t *a1, float16x8_t a2) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_vsetq_lane_f16
  return vsetq_lane_f16(*a1, a2, 4);
  // CHECK insertelement <8 x i16> %a2, i16 %a1, i32 4
Beispiel #6
// CHECK-LABEL: test4_vsetq_lane_f16
float16x8_t test4_vsetq_lane_f16(float16x8_t v1, float b, float c) {
  float16_t a = (float16_t)b;
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK: fmov {{w[0-9]+}},  {{s[0-9]+}}
// CHECK: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7],  {{w[0-9]+}}
Beispiel #7
// CHECK-LABEL: test2_vsetq_lane_f16
float16x8_t test2_vsetq_lane_f16(float16x8_t v1) {
  float16_t a = 1.0;
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK:  movz    {{w[0-9]+}}, #15360
// CHECK-NEXT: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7],  {{w[0-9]+}}
Beispiel #8
// CHECK-LABEL: test_vsetq_lane_f16
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16x8_t v1) {
  float16_t a = 0.0;
  return vsetq_lane_f16(a, v1, 7);
// CHECK: ins {{v[0-9]+}}.h[7], wzr
Beispiel #9
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16_t *a, float16x8_t b) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_vsetq_lane_f16:
  // CHECK-NEXT:  ld1.h { v0 }[7], [x0]
  // CHECK-NEXT:  ret
  return vsetq_lane_f16(*a, b, 7);
Beispiel #10
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16_t *a1, float16x8_t a2) {
    // CHECK-LABEL: test_vsetq_lane_f16
    return vsetq_lane_f16(*a1, a2, 4);
    // CHECK: [[A1:%[0-9]+]] = load i16, i16* %a1
    // CHECK: insertelement <8 x i16> %a2, i16 [[A1]], i32 4
Beispiel #11
// CHECK-LABEL: define <8 x half> @test_vsetq_lane_f16(half* %a, <8 x half> %b) #0 {
// CHECK:   [[__REINT_248:%.*]] = alloca half, align 2
// CHECK:   [[__REINT1_248:%.*]] = alloca <8 x half>, align 16
// CHECK:   [[__REINT2_248:%.*]] = alloca <8 x i16>, align 16
// CHECK:   [[TMP0:%.*]] = load half, half* %a, align 2
// CHECK:   store half [[TMP0]], half* [[__REINT_248]], align 2
// CHECK:   store <8 x half> %b, <8 x half>* [[__REINT1_248]], align 16
// CHECK:   [[TMP1:%.*]] = bitcast half* [[__REINT_248]] to i16*
// CHECK:   [[TMP2:%.*]] = load i16, i16* [[TMP1]], align 2
// CHECK:   [[TMP3:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x half>* [[__REINT1_248]] to <8 x i16>*
// CHECK:   [[TMP4:%.*]] = load <8 x i16>, <8 x i16>* [[TMP3]], align 16
// CHECK:   [[TMP5:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16> [[TMP4]] to <16 x i8>
// CHECK:   [[TMP6:%.*]] = bitcast <16 x i8> [[TMP5]] to <8 x i16>
// CHECK:   [[VSET_LANE:%.*]] = insertelement <8 x i16> [[TMP6]], i16 [[TMP2]], i32 7
// CHECK:   store <8 x i16> [[VSET_LANE]], <8 x i16>* [[__REINT2_248]], align 16
// CHECK:   [[TMP7:%.*]] = bitcast <8 x i16>* [[__REINT2_248]] to <8 x half>*
// CHECK:   [[TMP8:%.*]] = load <8 x half>, <8 x half>* [[TMP7]], align 16
// CHECK:   ret <8 x half> [[TMP8]]
float16x8_t test_vsetq_lane_f16(float16_t *a, float16x8_t b) {
  return vsetq_lane_f16(*a, b, 7);