Beispiel #1
Target::ReadMemoryFromFileCache (const Address& addr, void *dst, size_t dst_len, Error &error)
    const Section *section = addr.GetSection();
    if (section && section->GetModule())
        ObjectFile *objfile = section->GetModule()->GetObjectFile();
        if (objfile)
            size_t bytes_read = section->ReadSectionDataFromObjectFile (objfile,
            if (bytes_read > 0)
                return bytes_read;
                error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("error reading data from section %s", section->GetName().GetCString());
            error.SetErrorString("address isn't from a object file");
        error.SetErrorString("address doesn't contain a section that points to a section in a object file");
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
    Address addr;
    if (m_opaque_sp)
        Target* target = m_opaque_sp->GetUpdatePoint().GetTargetSP().get();
        if (target)
            lldb::addr_t value = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
            Mutex::Locker api_locker (target->GetAPIMutex());
            const bool scalar_is_load_address = true;
            AddressType addr_type;
            value = m_opaque_sp->GetAddressOf(scalar_is_load_address, &addr_type);
            if (addr_type == eAddressTypeFile)
                Module* module = m_opaque_sp->GetModule();
                if (module)
                    module->ResolveFileAddress(value, addr);
            else if (addr_type == eAddressTypeLoad)
                // no need to check the return value on this.. if it can actually do the resolve
                // addr will be in the form (section,offset), otherwise it will simply be returned
                // as (NULL, value)
                addr.SetLoadAddress(value, target);
    LogSP log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("SBValue(%p)::GetAddress () => (%s,%llu)", m_opaque_sp.get(), (addr.GetSection() ? addr.GetSection()->GetName().GetCString() : "NULL"), addr.GetOffset());
    return SBAddress(new Address(addr));
Beispiel #3
Block::GetRangeContainingAddress (const Address& addr, AddressRange &range)
    Function *function = CalculateSymbolContextFunction();
    if (function)
        const AddressRange &func_range = function->GetAddressRange();
        if (addr.GetSection() == func_range.GetBaseAddress().GetSection())
            const addr_t addr_offset = addr.GetOffset();
            const addr_t func_offset = func_range.GetBaseAddress().GetOffset();
            if (addr_offset >= func_offset && addr_offset < func_offset + func_range.GetByteSize())
                addr_t offset = addr_offset - func_offset;
                const Range *range_ptr = m_ranges.FindEntryThatContains (offset);

                if (range_ptr)
                    range.GetBaseAddress() = func_range.GetBaseAddress();
                    range.GetBaseAddress().SetOffset(func_offset + range_ptr->GetRangeBase());
                    return true;
    return false;
Beispiel #4
Module::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address& so_addr, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContext& sc)
    Mutex::Locker locker (m_mutex);
    uint32_t resolved_flags = 0;

    // Clear the result symbol context in case we don't find anything

    // Get the section from the section/offset address.
    const Section *section = so_addr.GetSection();

    // Make sure the section matches this module before we try and match anything
    if (section && section->GetModule() == this)
        // If the section offset based address resolved itself, then this
        // is the right module.
        sc.module_sp = GetSP();
        resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextModule;

        // Resolve the compile unit, function, block, line table or line
        // entry if requested.
        if (resolve_scope & eSymbolContextCompUnit    ||
            resolve_scope & eSymbolContextFunction    ||
            resolve_scope & eSymbolContextBlock       ||
            resolve_scope & eSymbolContextLineEntry   )
            SymbolVendor *symbols = GetSymbolVendor ();
            if (symbols)
                resolved_flags |= symbols->ResolveSymbolContext (so_addr, resolve_scope, sc);

        // Resolve the symbol if requested, but don't re-look it up if we've already found it.
        if (resolve_scope & eSymbolContextSymbol && !(resolved_flags & eSymbolContextSymbol))
            ObjectFile* ofile = GetObjectFile();
            if (ofile)
                Symtab *symtab = ofile->GetSymtab();
                if (symtab)
                    if (so_addr.IsSectionOffset())
                        sc.symbol = symtab->FindSymbolContainingFileAddress(so_addr.GetFileAddress());
                        if (sc.symbol)
                            resolved_flags |= eSymbolContextSymbol;
    return resolved_flags;
Beispiel #5
    Address addr;
    ValueLocker locker;
    lldb::ValueObjectSP value_sp(GetSP(locker));
    if (value_sp)
        TargetSP target_sp (value_sp->GetTargetSP());
        if (target_sp)
            lldb::addr_t value = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
            const bool scalar_is_load_address = true;
            AddressType addr_type;
            value = value_sp->GetAddressOf(scalar_is_load_address, &addr_type);
            if (addr_type == eAddressTypeFile)
                ModuleSP module_sp (value_sp->GetModule());
                if (module_sp)
                    module_sp->ResolveFileAddress(value, addr);
            else if (addr_type == eAddressTypeLoad)
                // no need to check the return value on this.. if it can actually do the resolve
                // addr will be in the form (section,offset), otherwise it will simply be returned
                // as (NULL, value)
                addr.SetLoadAddress(value, target_sp.get());
    Log *log(lldb_private::GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet (LIBLLDB_LOG_API));
    if (log)
        log->Printf ("SBValue(%p)::GetAddress () => (%s,%" PRIu64 ")", value_sp.get(),
                     (addr.GetSection() ? addr.GetSection()->GetName().GetCString() : "NULL"),
    return SBAddress(new Address(addr));
Beispiel #6
bool AddressRange::ContainsFileAddress(const Address &addr) const {
  if (addr.GetSection() == m_base_addr.GetSection())
    return (addr.GetOffset() - m_base_addr.GetOffset()) < GetByteSize();
  addr_t file_base_addr = GetBaseAddress().GetFileAddress();
  if (file_base_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    return false;

  addr_t file_addr = addr.GetFileAddress();
  if (file_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    return false;

  if (file_base_addr <= file_addr)
    return (file_addr - file_base_addr) < GetByteSize();

  return false;
Beispiel #7
bool AddressRange::ContainsLoadAddress(const Address &addr,
                                       Target *target) const {
  if (addr.GetSection() == m_base_addr.GetSection())
    return (addr.GetOffset() - m_base_addr.GetOffset()) < GetByteSize();
  addr_t load_base_addr = GetBaseAddress().GetLoadAddress(target);
  if (load_base_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    return false;

  addr_t load_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(target);
  if (load_addr == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    return false;

  if (load_base_addr <= load_addr)
    return (load_addr - load_base_addr) < GetByteSize();

  return false;
Beispiel #8
Block::GetRangeIndexContainingAddress (const Address& addr)
    Function *function = CalculateSymbolContextFunction();
    if (function)
        const AddressRange &func_range = function->GetAddressRange();
        if (addr.GetSection() == func_range.GetBaseAddress().GetSection())
            const addr_t addr_offset = addr.GetOffset();
            const addr_t func_offset = func_range.GetBaseAddress().GetOffset();
            if (addr_offset >= func_offset && addr_offset < func_offset + func_range.GetByteSize())
                addr_t offset = addr_offset - func_offset;
                return m_ranges.FindEntryIndexThatContains (offset);
    return UINT32_MAX;
Beispiel #9
// The operator != checks for exact inequality only (differing section, or
// different offset)
bool lldb_private::operator!=(const Address &a, const Address &rhs) {
  return a.GetOffset() != rhs.GetOffset() || a.GetSection() != rhs.GetSection();
Beispiel #10
// The operator == checks for exact equality only (same section, same offset)
bool lldb_private::operator==(const Address &a, const Address &rhs) {
  return a.GetOffset() == rhs.GetOffset() && a.GetSection() == rhs.GetSection();
Beispiel #11
LineTable::FindLineEntryByAddress (const Address &so_addr, LineEntry& line_entry, uint32_t *index_ptr)
    if (index_ptr != NULL )
        *index_ptr = UINT32_MAX;

    bool success = false;
    uint32_t sect_idx = m_section_list.FindSectionIndex (so_addr.GetSection());
    if (sect_idx != UINT32_MAX)
        Entry search_entry;
        search_entry.sect_idx = sect_idx;
        search_entry.sect_offset = so_addr.GetOffset();

        entry_collection::const_iterator begin_pos = m_entries.begin();
        entry_collection::const_iterator end_pos = m_entries.end();
        entry_collection::const_iterator pos = lower_bound(begin_pos, end_pos, search_entry, Entry::EntryAddressLessThan);
        if (pos != end_pos)
            if (pos != begin_pos)
                if (pos->sect_offset != search_entry.sect_offset)
                else if (pos->sect_offset == search_entry.sect_offset)
                    // If this is a termination entry, it should't match since
                    // entries with the "is_terminal_entry" member set to true 
                    // are termination entries that define the range for the 
                    // previous entry.
                    if (pos->is_terminal_entry)
                        // The matching entry is a terminal entry, so we skip
                        // ahead to the next entry to see if there is another
                        // entry following this one whose section/offset matches.
                        if (pos != end_pos)
                            if (pos->sect_offset != search_entry.sect_offset)
                                pos = end_pos;
                    if (pos != end_pos)
                        // While in the same section/offset backup to find the first
                        // line entry that matches the address in case there are 
                        // multiple
                        while (pos != begin_pos)
                            entry_collection::const_iterator prev_pos = pos - 1;
                            if (prev_pos->sect_idx    == search_entry.sect_idx &&
                                prev_pos->sect_offset == search_entry.sect_offset &&
                                prev_pos->is_terminal_entry == false)

            if (pos != end_pos)
                uint32_t match_idx = std::distance (begin_pos, pos);
                success = ConvertEntryAtIndexToLineEntry(match_idx, line_entry);
                if (index_ptr != NULL && success)
                    *index_ptr = match_idx;
    return success;