Beispiel #1
string alignment_to_sam(const Alignment& alignment,
                        const string& refseq,
                        const int32_t refpos,
                        const string& cigar,
                        const string& mateseq,
                        const int32_t matepos,
                        const int32_t tlen) {
    stringstream sam;

    sam << (! ? : "*") << "\t"
        << sam_flag(alignment) << "\t"
        << (refseq.empty() ? "*" : refseq) << "\t"
        << refpos + 1 << "\t"
        //<< (alignment.path().mapping_size() ? refpos + 1 : 0) << "\t" // positions are 1-based in SAM, 0 means unmapped
        << alignment.mapping_quality() << "\t"
        << (alignment.has_path() && alignment.path().mapping_size() ? cigar : "*") << "\t"
        << (mateseq == refseq ? "=" : mateseq) << "\t"
        << matepos + 1 << "\t"
        << tlen << "\t"
        << (!alignment.sequence().empty() ? alignment.sequence() : "*") << "\t";
    // hack much?
    if (!alignment.quality().empty()) {
        const string& quality = alignment.quality();
        for (int i = 0; i < quality.size(); ++i) {
            sam << quality_short_to_char(quality[i]);
    } else {
        sam << "*";
        //sam << string(alignment.sequence().size(), 'I');
    //<< (alignment.has_quality() ? string_quality_short_to_char(alignment.quality()) : string(alignment.sequence().size(), 'I'));
    if (!alignment.read_group().empty()) sam << "\tRG:Z:" << alignment.read_group();
    sam << "\n";
    return sam.str();
Beispiel #2
void Pileups::compute_from_alignment(VG& graph, Alignment& alignment) {
    // if we start reversed
    if (alignment.has_path() && alignment.path().mapping(0).position().is_reverse()) {
        alignment = reverse_alignment(alignment,
                                      (function<int64_t(int64_t)>) ([&graph](int64_t id) {
                                          return graph.get_node(id)->sequence().size();
    const Path& path = alignment.path();
    int64_t read_offset = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < path.mapping_size(); ++i) {
        const Mapping& mapping = path.mapping(i);
        if (graph.has_node(mapping.position().node_id())) {
            const Node* node = graph.get_node(mapping.position().node_id());
            NodePileup* pileup = get_create(node->id());
            int64_t node_offset = mapping.position().offset();
            for (int j = 0; j < mapping.edit_size(); ++j) {
                const Edit& edit = mapping.edit(j);
                // process all pileups in edit.
                // update the offsets as we go
                compute_from_edit(*pileup, node_offset, read_offset, *node,
                                  alignment, mapping, edit);
    assert(alignment.sequence().empty() ||
           alignment.path().mapping_size() == 0 ||
           read_offset == alignment.sequence().length());
Beispiel #3
Alignment strip_from_start(const Alignment& aln, size_t drop) {
    if (!drop) return aln;
    Alignment res;
    //cerr << "drop " << drop << " from start" << endl;
    if (!aln.has_path()) return res;
    *res.mutable_path() = cut_path(aln.path(), drop).second;
    if (alignment_to_length(res) != res.sequence().size()) {
        cerr << "failed!!! drop from start 轰" << endl;
        cerr << pb2json(res) << endl << endl;
    return res;
Beispiel #4
Alignment strip_from_end(const Alignment& aln, size_t drop) {
    if (!drop) return aln;
    Alignment res;
    //cerr << "drop " << drop << " from end" << endl;
    size_t cut_at = aln.sequence().size()-drop;
    //cerr << "Cut at " << cut_at << endl;
    res.set_sequence(aln.sequence().substr(0, cut_at));
    if (!aln.has_path()) return res;
    *res.mutable_path() = cut_path(aln.path(), cut_at).first;
    if (alignment_to_length(res) != res.sequence().size()) {
        cerr << "failed!!! drop from end 轰" << endl;
        cerr << pb2json(res) << endl << endl;
    return res;
Beispiel #5
// act like the path this is against is the reference
// and generate an equivalent cigar
string cigar_against_path(const Alignment& alignment) {
    vector<pair<int, char> > cigar;
    if (!alignment.has_path()) return "";
    const Path& path = alignment.path();
    int l = 0;
    for (const auto& mapping : path.mapping()) {
        mapping_cigar(mapping, cigar);
    return cigar_string(cigar);
Beispiel #6
Alignment reverse_alignment(const Alignment& aln, const function<int64_t(int64_t)>& node_length) {
    // We're going to reverse the alignment and all its mappings.
    // TODO: should we/can we do this in place?
    Alignment reversed = aln;
    if(aln.has_path()) {
        // Now invert the order of the mappings, and for each mapping, flip the
        // is_reverse flag. The edits within mappings also get put in reverse
        // order, get their positions corrected, and get their sequences get
        // reverse complemented.
        *reversed.mutable_path() = reverse_path(aln.path(), node_length);
    return reversed;
Beispiel #7
int32_t sam_flag(const Alignment& alignment) {
    int16_t flag = 0;

    if (alignment.score() == 0) {
        // unmapped
        flag |= BAM_FUNMAP;
    } else {
        // correctly aligned
        flag |= BAM_FPROPER_PAIR;
    // HACKZ -- you can't determine orientation from a single part of the mapping
    // unless the graph is a DAG
    if (alignment.has_path()
        && alignment.path().mapping(0).position().is_reverse()) {
        flag |= BAM_FREVERSE;
    if (alignment.is_secondary()) {
        flag |= BAM_FSECONDARY;
    return flag;