// Constructor AppearanceGroup::AppearanceGroup(AppearanceGroupSet* appearanceGroupSet, const char* user) : // mResource(resource), mAppearanceGroupSet(appearanceGroupSet), mSharedUser(user) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup:: this = %p, mSharedUser = '******'", this, mSharedUser.data()); // Publish initial content (presumably empty) SipDialogEvent* lFullContent = new SipDialogEvent("full", mSharedUser.data()); UtlHashMapIterator appitor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (appitor()))) { Appearance* inst = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (appitor.value()); inst->getDialogs(lFullContent); } lFullContent->buildBody(); // Publish the content for this shared user to the Subscribe Server. // Make a copy, because mpSipPublishContentMgr will own it. HttpBody* pHttpBody = new HttpBody(*(HttpBody*)lFullContent); delete lFullContent; getAppearanceAgent()->getEventPublisher().publish( mSharedUser.data(), DIALOG_SLA_EVENT_TYPE, //eventTypeKey DIALOG_EVENT_TYPE, //eventType 1, &pHttpBody, TRUE, TRUE); startSubscription(); }
void LinearGeometry::renderFaces(float alpha, Appearance& appearance) { glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); _register = appearance.getFaceColor(); glColor4f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2], _register[3] * alpha * appearance.getModifierAlpha()); int number = getNumberTriangles(); float*** triangles = getTriangles(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { _register = triangles[i][0]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = triangles[i][1]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = triangles[i][2]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); } glEnd(); glBegin(GL_QUADS); number = getNumberQuads(); float*** quads = getQuads(); for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { _register = quads[i][0]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = quads[i][1]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = quads[i][2]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = quads[i][3]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); } glEnd(); }
void InventoryDomain::processVisibilityForMovedEntity(const LocatedEntity& moved_entity, const Location& old_loc, OpVector & res) { if (m_entity.m_contains) { std::vector<LocatedEntity*> visibleEntities; std::unordered_set<int> outfitted; LocatedEntity* rightHandWieldedEntity = nullptr; const OutfitProperty* outfitProperty = m_entity.getPropertyClass<OutfitProperty>("outfit"); if (outfitProperty) { for (auto& entry : outfitProperty->data()) { outfitted.insert(entry.second->getIntId()); } } const EntityProperty* rightHandWieldProperty = m_entity.getPropertyClass<EntityProperty>("right_hand_wield"); if (rightHandWieldProperty) { rightHandWieldedEntity = rightHandWieldProperty->data().get(); } for (auto childEntity : *m_entity.m_contains) { if (childEntity == rightHandWieldedEntity) { visibleEntities.push_back(childEntity); } else if (outfitted.find(childEntity->getIntId()) != outfitted.end()) { visibleEntities.push_back(childEntity); } } std::set<std::string> newVisibleEntities; for (auto visibleEntity : visibleEntities) { if (m_lastVisibleEntities.find(visibleEntity->getId()) == m_lastVisibleEntities.end()) { Anonymous ent; ent->setId(visibleEntity->getId()); ent->setStamp(visibleEntity->getSeq()); Appearance d; d->setArgs1(ent); res.push_back(d); } else { m_lastVisibleEntities.erase(visibleEntity->getId()); } newVisibleEntities.insert(visibleEntity->getId()); } for (auto entityId : m_lastVisibleEntities) { Anonymous ent; ent->setId(entityId); Disappearance d; d->setArgs1(ent); res.push_back(d); } m_lastVisibleEntities = std::move(newVisibleEntities); } }
void DisplayList::drawPrims(string appearance) { vector<MyPrimitive *>::const_iterator it; for (it = prims.begin(); it != prims.end(); it++) { Appearance *app = Scene::getInstance()->getAppearance(appearance); app->apply(); (*it)->setAppearance(appearance); (*it)->draw(); (*it)->clearAppearance(); } }
void TextureProjectorNode::removeAllScopes() { while (!m_oldTexUnitMap.empty()) { MeshNode* meshNode = m_oldTexUnitMap.begin()->first; Appearance* appearance = meshNode->getAppearance(); TextureUnitState* texUnit = m_oldTexUnitMap.begin()->second; appearance->setTextureUnitState(0,texUnit); m_oldTexUnitMap.erase(m_oldTexUnitMap.begin()); } }
void AppearanceGroup::publish(bool bSendFullContent, bool bSendPartialContent, SipDialogEvent* lContent) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::publish sending NOTIFY for: '%s'", mSharedUser.data()); if (bSendFullContent) { // Both the Full and the Partial dialog-infos are sent to the SIP Subscribe Server. // The Partial will then be sent out right away and the Full // will be stored in the Subscribe Server to be sent on any initial // SUBSCRIBEs and re-SUBSCRIBEs. // Note that the full-state publish() must be done before the partial-state // publish() to avoid race conditions with regard to starting a new // subscription. // The Full content is constructed from all dialogs being managed by all appearances. UtlHashMapIterator itor(mAppearances); SipDialogEvent* lFullContent = new SipDialogEvent("full", mSharedUser.data()); UtlHashMapIterator appitor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (appitor()))) { Appearance* inst = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (appitor.value()); inst->getDialogs(lFullContent); } lFullContent->buildBody(); // Publish the content to the subscribe server. // Make a copy, because SipPublishContentMgr will own it. HttpBody* pHttpBody = new HttpBody(*(HttpBody*)lFullContent); getAppearanceAgent()->getEventPublisher().publish( mSharedUser.data(), DIALOG_SLA_EVENT_TYPE, //eventTypeKey DIALOG_EVENT_TYPE, //eventType 1, &pHttpBody, TRUE, TRUE); delete lFullContent; } if ( bSendPartialContent ) { // The Partial content is the incoming message, with unique dialog ids. lContent->setState(STATE_PARTIAL); lContent->buildBody(); HttpBody* pPartialBody = new HttpBody(*(HttpBody*)lContent); getAppearanceAgent()->getEventPublisher().publish( mSharedUser.data(), DIALOG_SLA_EVENT_TYPE, //eventTypeKey DIALOG_EVENT_TYPE, //eventType 1, &pPartialBody, FALSE, FALSE); } }
void TextureProjectorNode::removeScope( MeshNode* meshNode ) { // While removing the Meshnode from the scope list, we need to restore the original TextureUnit. if ( m_oldTexUnitMap.find(meshNode) != m_oldTexUnitMap.end() ) { Appearance* appearance = 0; appearance = meshNode->getAppearance(); if ( appearance ) { appearance->setTextureUnitState(0,m_oldTexUnitMap.find(meshNode)->second); } m_oldTexUnitMap.erase(meshNode); } }
void XMLScene::processAppearances(TiXmlElement* appearancesElement) { TiXmlElement* element= appearancesElement->FirstChildElement("appearance"); float ambient[4],diffuse[4],specular[4],emissive[4],shininess,sWrap,tWrap; string textureRef,id; Appearance* appearance; while(element!=NULL) { id=element->Attribute("id"); read1Float("shininess",element,shininess); if(element->Attribute("textureref")!=NULL) textureRef=element->Attribute("textureref"); else textureRef=""; TiXmlElement* component = element ->FirstChildElement(); while(component != NULL){ if(component->Attribute("type")=="ambient"){ read4Float("value", element, ambient[0], ambient[1], ambient[2], ambient[3]);} if(component->Attribute("type")=="diffuse"){ read4Float("value", element, diffuse[0], diffuse[1], diffuse[2], diffuse[3]);} if(component->Attribute("type")=="specular"){ read4Float("value", element, specular[0], specular[1], specular[2], specular[3]); } component=component->NextSiblingElement(); } if(textureRef!=""){ Texture* temp = Textures[textureRef]; appearance = new Appearance(ambient,diffuse,specular,emissive,shininess,temp->getSWrap(),temp->getTWrap(),textureRef); appearance->setTextureWrap(appearance->getSWrap(),appearance->getTWrap()); appearance->setTexture(sceneTextures[textureRef]); } else appearance = new Appearance(ambient,diffuse,specular,emissive,shininess,1,1,textureRef); appearances[id]=appearance; element=element->NextSiblingElement("appearance"); } }
void ProjectScene::processDisplayLists(Node* n, Node* graphRoot){ if (n->getAppearance() != NULL) n->getAppearance()->apply(); int numFilhos = n->getDescendentes().size(); for (int i = 0; i < numFilhos; i++){ this->processDisplayLists(n->getDescendenteIndex(i), graphRoot); } if (n->getDisplayList()){ //printf("nome do no: %s\n", n->getId().c_str()); printf("---------------------------\nfazer lista:\n"); Appearance* temp = new Appearance(); if (n->getAppearance() == NULL){ //printf("vai procurar aparencia aos ascendentes\n"); temp = getClosestParentAppearance(graphRoot, n); } else temp = n->getAppearance(); if (temp != NULL) temp->apply(); n->setAparencia(temp); printf(" nome aparencia: %s\n",temp->getId()); if (n->getDisplayListID() == -1){ int id = glGenLists(1); n->setDisplayListID(id); n->setDisplayList(false); //serve para forçar o drawAux a desenhar //este nó como um nó "normal" (sem lista) glNewList(n->getDisplayListID(), GL_COMPILE); this->drawAux(n); glEndList(); n->setDisplayList(true); //restaura a "true" após o processamento do nó printf("fim lista:\n---------------------------\n"); } } }
void SysPref::onAppearance() { Appearance *frm; if (nextWidget != NULL && nextWidget->moduleName == "Appearance") { frm = (Appearance *) nextWidget; } else { frm = new Appearance(); } stack->addWidget(frm); frm->show(); stack->setCurrentIndex(1); discardPrevious(); nextWidget = NULL; setWindowTitle(frm->moduleName); }
// Dump the object's internal state. void AppearanceGroup::dumpState() { // indented 4 Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_INFO, "\t AppearanceGroup %p mSharedUser = '******', mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle = '%s'", this, mSharedUser.data(), mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle.data()); UtlHashMapIterator itor3(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ((handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor3()))) { Appearance* ss = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (itor3.value()); ss->dumpState(); } }
void AppearanceManager::assignNode( const std::string& nodeid ) { _lastId = nodeid; if ( !getAppearance< Appearance * >( nodeid ) ) _appearancesMap[ nodeid ] = std::vector< Appearance* >(0); Appearance* currentAppearance = _appearances[ _appearances.size() - 1 ]; ForSide side = currentAppearance->getIsFront() ? FS_FRONT : FS_BACK; if ( dynamic_cast< Texture* >( currentAppearance ) && !getAppearance< Texture* >( nodeid, side ) || dynamic_cast< Material* >( currentAppearance ) && !getAppearance< Material* >( nodeid, side ) ) { _appearancesMap[ nodeid ].push_back( currentAppearance ); if ( _lastCoords ) { assignTexCoords( _lastCoords ); _lastId = ""; } } }
void LinearGeometry::renderEdges(float alpha, Appearance& appearance) { glBegin(GL_LINES); _register = appearance.getEdgeColor(); glColor4f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2], _register[3] * alpha * appearance.getModifierAlpha()); int numberEdges = getNumberEdges(); float*** edges = getEdges(); for (int i = 0; i < numberEdges; i++) { _register = edges[i][0]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); _register = edges[i][1]; glVertex3f(_register[0], _register[1], _register[2]); } glEnd(); }
void Appearance::setOwner(Object* owner) { //-- keep track of owner object. m_owner = owner; // DBE - This was added to mimic the behavior of when the appearance-to-world // transform was stored in Object instead of Appearance. if (owner) { Appearance *ownerAppearance = owner->getAppearance(); if (!ownerAppearance) { setTransform_w(owner->getTransform_o2w()); } else if (ownerAppearance!=this) { setTransform_w(ownerAppearance->getTransform_w()); } } //-- retrieve customization data for new owner CustomizationData *customizationData = 0; if (owner) { // get the property CustomizationDataProperty *const property = safe_cast<CustomizationDataProperty*>(owner->getProperty(CustomizationDataProperty::getClassPropertyId())); if (property) { // retrieve the customization data from the property customizationData = property->fetchCustomizationData(); } } //-- set the CustomizationData setCustomizationData(customizationData); //-- release local reference if (customizationData) customizationData->release(); //-- clear the rendered frame number m_renderedFrameNumber = 0; }
void TextureProjectorNode::addScope( MeshNode* meshNode ) { // Save TextureUnit of this meshNode, so that it can be recovered while removing this meshnode from the Scope. if( meshNode ) { Appearance* appearance = 0; appearance = meshNode->getAppearance(); TextureUnitState *texUnit = 0; if ( appearance ) { // Save the old texture unit texUnit = appearance->getTextureUnitState(0); // Set the projector Texture Unit appearance->setTextureUnitState(0,projectorTexUnitState); } //if(texUnit) m_oldTexUnitMap[meshNode] = texUnit; } }
void YafFile::processAppearances(TiXmlElement* appearancesElement) { TiXmlElement* element= appearancesElement->FirstChildElement("appearance"); float ambient[4],diffuse[4],specular[4],emissive[4],shininess,sWrap,tWrap; string textureRef,id; while(element!=NULL) { id=element->Attribute("id"); read4Float("ambient", element, ambient[0], ambient[1], ambient[2], ambient[3]); read4Float("emissive", element, emissive[0], emissive[1], emissive[2], emissive[3]); read4Float("diffuse", element, diffuse[0], diffuse[1], diffuse[2], diffuse[3]); read4Float("specular", element, specular[0], specular[1], specular[2], specular[3]); element->QueryFloatAttribute("shininess",&shininess); if(element->Attribute("texlength_t")!=NULL) element->QueryFloatAttribute("texlength_t",&tWrap); else tWrap=0; if(element->Attribute("texlength_s")!=NULL) element->QueryFloatAttribute("texlength_s",&sWrap); else sWrap=0; if(element->Attribute("textureref")!=NULL) textureRef=element->Attribute("textureref"); else textureRef=""; Appearance* appearance = new Appearance(ambient,diffuse,specular,emissive,shininess,sWrap,tWrap,textureRef); if(textureRef!="") { appearance->setTextureWrap(tWrap,sWrap); appearance->setTexture(sceneTextures[textureRef]); } appearances[id]=appearance; element=element->NextSiblingElement("appearance"); } }
Appearance* AppearanceGroup::findAppearance(UtlString app) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::findAppearance mSharedUser = '******', looking for '%s'", mSharedUser.data(), app.data()); Appearance *pApp = NULL; UtlHashMapIterator itor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( !pApp && (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor()))) { Appearance* ss = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (itor.value()); if ( app == ss->getDialogHandle()->data() ) { pApp = ss; } } if (pApp == NULL) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::findAppearance mSharedUser = '******', looking for '%s': not found", mSharedUser.data(), app.data()); } return pApp; }
/// Process an incoming NOTIFY from an Appearance. Always sends a response. void AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest(const UtlString* dialogHandle, const SipMessage* msg) { SipMessage response; Appearance* pThisAppearance = findAppearance(*dialogHandle); if ( !pThisAppearance ) { UtlString swappedDialogHandle; mAppearanceGroupSet->swapTags(*dialogHandle, swappedDialogHandle); pThisAppearance = findAppearance(swappedDialogHandle); if ( !pThisAppearance ) { // should never happen, since the NOTIFY was sent straight to the Appearance Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_WARNING, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: ignoring NOTIFY from unknown subscription, dialogHandle %s", dialogHandle->data()); response.setInterfaceIpPort(msg->getInterfaceIp(), msg->getInterfacePort()); response.setResponseData(msg, 481, "Subscription does not exist"); getAppearanceAgent()->getServerUserAgent().send(response); return; } } UtlString contactUri = pThisAppearance->getUri()->data(); // check that event type is supported UtlString eventType; msg->getEventField(eventType); if (eventType != SLA_EVENT_TYPE) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_INFO, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: ignoring NOTIFY(%s): not an SLA event", eventType.data()); response.setOkResponseData(msg, NULL); getAppearanceAgent()->getServerUserAgent().send(response); return; } // Get the NOTIFY content. const char* content; ssize_t l; const HttpBody* body = msg->getBody(); if (body) { body->getBytes(&content, &l); } else { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_WARNING, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: could not get NOTIFY content, dialogHandle %s", dialogHandle->data()); response.setInterfaceIpPort(msg->getInterfaceIp(), msg->getInterfacePort()); response.setResponseData(msg, 493, "Undecipherable"); getAppearanceAgent()->getServerUserAgent().send(response); return; } SipDialogEvent* lContent = new SipDialogEvent(content); UtlString state; UtlString entity; lContent->getState(state); lContent->getEntity(entity); UtlString dialogState = STATE_TERMINATED; UtlString event; UtlString code; UtlString appearanceId; if (state == STATE_TERMINATED) { // probably not needed now that SipSubscribeClient checks for NOTIFY with terminated state // our subscription to this Appearance has terminated. Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: subscription to %s has been terminated", contactUri.data()); // terminate any non-held dialogs? or all dialogs? } Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: %s update from %s", state.data(), contactUri.data()); // Assign each dialog a globally-unique ID, if not done yet UtlSListIterator* itor = lContent->getDialogIterator(); Dialog* pDialog; while ( (pDialog = dynamic_cast <Dialog*> ((*itor)())) ) { UtlString dialogId; UtlString uniqueDialogId; UtlString rendering; pDialog->getDialogId(dialogId); pDialog->getLocalParameter("x-line-id", appearanceId); pDialog->getLocalParameter("+sip.rendering", rendering); pDialog->getState(dialogState, event, code); // Ignore calls with no appearanceId - these are considered "exclusive". // (e.g. MoH calls are private to the set involved) // These dialogs are not forwarded on to other sets in either partial or full updates. if ( appearanceId == "" ) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest skipping call with no appearance info"); delete lContent->removeDialog(pDialog); continue; } if ( dialogId.contains("@@") ) { // this is one of our identifiers already uniqueDialogId = dialogId; } else { // make a guaranteed unique dialog id, by // prepending to each id value the call-id of the subscription // from which the dialog event was obtained, with "@@" as a separator msg->getCallIdField(&uniqueDialogId); uniqueDialogId.append("@@"); uniqueDialogId.append(dialogId); pDialog->setDialogId(uniqueDialogId); } Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_INFO, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest: " "%s update from %s: dialogId %s, x-line-id %s, state %s(%s)", state.data(), contactUri.data(), uniqueDialogId.data(), appearanceId.data(), dialogState.data(), rendering.data()); } delete itor; // Check to see if this appearance (of the Appearance) is available bool okToProceed = true; if ( state == "partial" && dialogState == "trying" ) { UtlHashMapIterator appitor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( okToProceed && (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (appitor()))) { Appearance* inst = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (appitor.value()); okToProceed = !inst->appearanceIdIsSeized(appearanceId); } } bool bSendPartialContent = false; bool bSendFullContent = false; // Send the response. if (okToProceed) { response.setOkResponseData(msg, NULL); } else { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::handleNotifyRequest '%s' appearanceId %s is busy", entity.data(), appearanceId.data()); response.setInterfaceIpPort(msg->getInterfaceIp(), msg->getInterfacePort()); response.setResponseData(msg, 409, "Conflict"); } getAppearanceAgent()->getServerUserAgent().send(response); if (okToProceed) { if (lContent) { // Send the content to the proper Appearance instance, so it can // save these dialogs, and set flag to indicate whether they should be sent in partial update bSendPartialContent = pThisAppearance->updateState(lContent, bSendFullContent); } // Publish full and partial updates to the SipPublishContentMgr publish(bSendFullContent, bSendPartialContent, lContent); } // Adjust the expiration of the subscription if the set has the line "seized" // and return it to the longer default if it does not. UtlHashMapIterator appitor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (appitor()))) { Appearance* inst = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (appitor.value()); // if set has line seized, use short subscription timer if ( inst->appearanceIsBusy() ) { inst->setResubscribeInterval(true); } else { inst->setResubscribeInterval(false); } } if (lContent) { delete lContent; } }
// Update the subscriptions we maintain to agree with the current contact state void AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions() { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions mUri = '%s'", mSharedUser.data()); // First, scan mSubscriptions to construct a list of all the // call-id/contact combinations. // (If a phone reboots and starts registering with a different Call-Id, // the call-id/contact combination will be different even if the contact // URI is unchanged. So the new registration will appear to be different // to this machinery, and it will establish a new Appearance to // the contact URI. This compensates for the fact that the previous // Appearance to the contact URI appears to the Appearance Agent to be // working but the phone no longer knows of the subscription. The // reg events will eventually terminate the old combination and we // will delete its Appearance.) UtlHashBag callid_contacts; UtlHashMapIterator subs_itor(mSubscriptions); while (subs_itor()) { if (Os::Logger::instance().willLog(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG)) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions subscription '%s'", (dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (subs_itor.key()))->data()); } UtlHashMap* contact_state = dynamic_cast <UtlHashMap*> (subs_itor.value()); Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions contact_state = %p", contact_state); UtlHashMapIterator contact_itor(*contact_state); while (contact_itor()) { UtlString* contact = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (contact_itor.value()); if (Os::Logger::instance().willLog(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG)) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions contact id '%s', Call-Id/URI '%s'", (dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (contact_itor.key()))->data(), contact->data()); } // Check if the contact is already in callid_contacts. if (!callid_contacts.find(contact)) { // If not, add it. UtlString* c = new UtlString(*contact); callid_contacts.insert(c); Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions contact '%s' added", c->data()); } } } // Now that we have a clean list of callid_contacts, update // Appearances to match it. // If we both terminate subscriptions and create subscriptions, // wait a short while to allow the terminations to complete. This // should not be necessary, but it makes life easier on Polycom // phones which (at this time) cannot support two subscriptions at // a time, and if the termination of the old subscription arrives // after the initiation of the new subscription, the new // subscription will be lost. // This variable tracks whether such a wait is needed before a // subscription is started. bool subscription_ended_but_no_wait_done_yet = false; // Iterate through the list of Appearances and remove any that aren't // in callid_contacts. { UtlHashMapIterator itor(mAppearances); UtlString* ss; while ((ss = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor()))) { if (!callid_contacts.find(ss)) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions deleting subscription for '%s' in mUri = '%s'", ss->data(), mSharedUser.data()); // Terminate all dialogs for this Appearance, then publish - before we delete it bool bContentChanged = false; SipDialogEvent* lPartialContent = new SipDialogEvent("partial", mSharedUser.data()); Appearance* inst = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (itor.value()); bContentChanged = inst->terminateDialogs(true); // terminate all dialogs inst->getDialogs(lPartialContent); if (bContentChanged) { lPartialContent->buildBody(); publish(true, true, lPartialContent); delete lPartialContent; } mAppearances.destroy(ss); subscription_ended_but_no_wait_done_yet = true; } else { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions found subscription for '%s' in mUri = '%s'", ss->data(), mSharedUser.data()); } } } // Iterate through callid_contacts and add an Appearance for // any that aren't in mAppearances. // We don't limit the number of additions here, as the size of // callid_contacts is guarded by the tests in notifyEventCallback. { UtlHashBagIterator itor(callid_contacts); UtlString* callid_contact; while ((callid_contact = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor()))) { if (!mAppearances.find(callid_contact)) { // If we both terminate subscriptions and create subscriptions, // wait a short while to allow the terminations to complete. if (SUBSCRIPTION_WAIT > 0) { if (subscription_ended_but_no_wait_done_yet) { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions waiting for %d msec", SUBSCRIPTION_WAIT); OsTask::delay(SUBSCRIPTION_WAIT); subscription_ended_but_no_wait_done_yet = false; } } Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions adding subscription for '%s' in mUri = '%s'", callid_contact->data(), mSharedUser.data()); // Get the contact URI into a UtlString. UtlString uri(callid_contact->data() + callid_contact->index(';') + 1); mAppearances.insertKeyAndValue(new UtlString(*callid_contact), new Appearance(getAppearanceAgent(), this, uri) ); } else { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::updateSubscriptions using existing subscription for '%s' in mUri = '%s'", callid_contact->data(), mSharedUser.data()); } } } // Free callid_contacts. callid_contacts.destroyAll(); }
XMLScene::XMLScene(char *filename,CGFapplication* app, Game* game, int connecting) { seleccao = 0; tempoJogada = 8; ultimoTempo = -1; needConnection = connecting; inMovie = false; this->octi=game; this->app=app; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); GLfloat transformationMatrix[16]; // Read XML from file //map<string,Node*> graph; doc=new TiXmlDocument( filename ); bool loadOkay = doc->LoadFile(); if ( !loadOkay ) { printf( "Could not load file '%s'. Error='%s'. Exiting.\n", filename, doc->ErrorDesc() ); system("pause"); exit( 1 ); } printf("Loading Files...\n"); TiXmlElement* yafElement= doc->FirstChildElement( "yaf" ); if (yafElement == NULL) { printf("Main yaf block element not found! Exiting!\n"); exit(1); } globalsElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "globals" ); scene = new YAFScene(); scene->nextTheme = 1; //--------- Animations Parsing ----------- animationsElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "animations" ); if (animationsElement == NULL) printf("Animations block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Animations...\n"); TiXmlElement* singleAnimationElement = animationsElement->FirstChildElement("animation"); while(singleAnimationElement){ //printf("A new animation was found!\n"); string id, type; float span; if (singleAnimationElement->QueryFloatAttribute("span",&span)==TIXML_SUCCESS && singleAnimationElement->Attribute("id") != NULL && singleAnimationElement->Attribute("type") != NULL) { id = singleAnimationElement->Attribute("id"); type = singleAnimationElement->Attribute("type"); /* printf("\tAnimation attributes:\n"); printf("\t\t id: %s\n", id.c_str()); printf("\t\t type: %s\n", type.c_str()); printf("\t\t span: %f\n", span); */ if(type=="linear"){ TiXmlElement* controlPointElement = singleAnimationElement->FirstChildElement("controlpoint"); vector<ControlPoint> auxPoints; while(controlPointElement){ float x,y,z; if (controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("xx",&x)==TIXML_SUCCESS && controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("yy",&y)==TIXML_SUCCESS && controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("zz",&z)==TIXML_SUCCESS) { ControlPoint pontoAux(x,y,z); auxPoints.push_back(pontoAux); } controlPointElement = controlPointElement->NextSiblingElement(); } Animation* aux = new LinearAnimation(id,span,auxPoints); scene->animationsComp.insert(pair<string,Animation*>(id,aux)); } else{ cout << "Other type different from Linear\n" << endl; } } else printf("Error parsing Animation Element\n"); singleAnimationElement = singleAnimationElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } //--------- Globals Parsing ----------- if (globalsElement == NULL) printf("Globals block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Globals...\n"); string background, drawmode, cullface, shading, cullorder; if (globalsElement->Attribute("background")!=NULL && globalsElement->Attribute("drawmode") != NULL && globalsElement->Attribute("cullface") != NULL && globalsElement->Attribute("shading") != NULL && globalsElement->Attribute("cullorder") != NULL) { // TODO: Verificacoes dos valores de entrada background=globalsElement->Attribute("background"); float a,b,c,d; sscanf_s(background.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &a, &b, &c, &d); scene->globalsComp.setBackground(a,b,c,d); //printf("\tBackground: %s \n", background.c_str()); drawmode=globalsElement->Attribute("drawmode"); scene->globalsComp.setDrawmode(drawmode); //printf("\tDrawmode: %s \n", drawmode.c_str()); cullface=globalsElement->Attribute("cullface"); scene->globalsComp.setCullface(cullface); //printf("\tCullface: %s \n", cullface.c_str()); cullorder=globalsElement->Attribute("cullorder"); scene->globalsComp.setCullorder(cullorder); //printf("\tCullorder: %s \n", cullorder.c_str()); shading=globalsElement->Attribute("shading"); scene->globalsComp.setShading(shading); //printf("\tShading: %s \n", shading.c_str()); } else printf("Error parsing background\n"); } //--------- Cameras Parsing ----------- camerasElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "cameras" ); if (camerasElement == NULL) printf("Cameras block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Cameras...\n"); string initial; if (camerasElement->Attribute("initial")!=NULL) { // TODO: Verificacoes dos valores de entrada initial=camerasElement->Attribute("initial"); //printf("\tInitial: %s \n", initial.c_str()); } TiXmlElement* cameraElement = camerasElement->FirstChildElement(); while(cameraElement){ if ((string)cameraElement->Value() == "perspective") { float near; float far; float angle; string pos,target; string id; Perspective* perspectiveAux = new Perspective(); perspectiveAux->toanimate = false; if (cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("near",&near)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("far",&far)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("angle",&angle)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->Attribute("id") != NULL ){ id = cameraElement->Attribute("id"); pos = cameraElement->Attribute("pos"); target = cameraElement->Attribute("target"); if(initial==id) perspectiveAux->setCInitial(true); //printf("\tPerspective attributes:\n"); //printf("\t\tnear: %f far: %f angle: %f \n", near, far, angle); //printf("\t\tpos: %s target: %s id: %s\n", pos.c_str(), target.c_str(),id.c_str()); float pa,pb,pc; float ta,tb,tc; sscanf_s(pos.c_str(),"%f %f %f", &pa, &pb, &pc); sscanf_s(target.c_str(),"%f %f%f", &ta, &tb, &tc); perspectiveAux->setX(pa); perspectiveAux->setY(pb); perspectiveAux->setZ(pc); perspectiveAux->setCTarget(ta,tb,tc); perspectiveAux->setCPrimary(id, near, far); perspectiveAux->setCAngle(angle); if(initial == perspectiveAux->getid()){ perspectiveAux->setInitial(true); } else perspectiveAux->setInitial(false); scene->camerasComp.push_back(perspectiveAux); } else printf("Error parsing Perspective Element\n"); } else if ((string)cameraElement->Value() == "ortho") { float near,far,left,right,top,bottom; string id; Ortho* orthoAux = new Ortho(); if (cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("near",&near)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("far",&far)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("left",&left)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("right",&right)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("top",&top)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->QueryFloatAttribute("bottom",&bottom)==TIXML_SUCCESS && cameraElement->Attribute("id") != NULL ){ id = cameraElement->Attribute("id"); /* printf("\tOrtho attributes:\n"); printf("\t\tnear: %f, far: %f, angle: %f \n", near, far, left); printf("\t\tpos: %f, target: %f, bottom: %f\n", right, top, bottom); printf("\t\tid: %s\n", id.c_str()); */ if(initial==id) orthoAux->setCInitial(true); orthoAux->setCPrimary(id,near,far); orthoAux->setCFloatValues(left,right,top,bottom); if(initial == orthoAux->getid()){ orthoAux->setInitial(true); } else orthoAux->setInitial(false); scene->camerasComp.push_back(orthoAux); } else printf("Error parsing Ortho Element\n"); } else printf("Invalid Camera type.\n"); cameraElement = cameraElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } //--------- Lighting Parsing ----------- lightingElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "lighting" ); if (lightingElement == NULL) printf("Lighting block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Lights...\n"); string doublesided, local, enabled; //boolean string ambient; if (lightingElement->Attribute("doublesided") != NULL && lightingElement->Attribute("local") != NULL && lightingElement->Attribute("enabled") != NULL && lightingElement->Attribute("ambient") != NULL) { // TODO: Verificacoes dos valores de entrada ambient = lightingElement->Attribute("ambient"); doublesided = lightingElement->Attribute("doublesided"); local = lightingElement->Attribute("local"); enabled = lightingElement->Attribute("enabled"); float x,y,z,p; Lighting* lightingConfig = new Lighting(); if(doublesided == "true") lightingConfig->setDoublesided(true); else lightingConfig->setDoublesided(false); if(local == "true") lightingConfig->setLocal(true); else lightingConfig->setLocal(false); //if(enabled == "true") lightingConfig->setEnabled(true); //else lightingConfig->setEnabled(false); if(enabled== "true") { sscanf_s(ambient.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f",&x,&y,&z,&p); } else { x=0; y=0; z=0; p=0; } lightingConfig->setLightingAmbient(x,y,z,p); scene->setLightConfig(lightingConfig); /* printf("\tDoublesided: %s \n", doublesided.c_str()); printf("\tLocal: %s \n", local.c_str()); printf("\tEnabled: %s \n", enabled.c_str()); printf("\tAmbient: %s \n", ambient.c_str()); */ } int lightId = GL_LIGHT0; TiXmlElement* lightElement = lightingElement->FirstChildElement(); while(lightElement){ lightId++; //OMNI if ((string)lightElement->Value() == "omni"){ string oenabled; //boolean string id; string location, oambient, odiffuse, ospecular; if (lightElement->Attribute("id") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("enabled") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("location") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("ambient") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("diffuse") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("specular") != NULL) { string location = lightElement->Attribute("location"); float omniLocation[4]; omniLocation[3] = 1.0; sscanf_s(location.c_str(),"%f %f %f", &omniLocation[0], &omniLocation[1], &omniLocation[2]); float* dir = (float*) 0; Omni* omniAux = new Omni(lightId, omniLocation, NULL); id = lightElement->Attribute("id"); oenabled = lightElement->Attribute("enabled"); oambient = lightElement->Attribute("ambient"); odiffuse = lightElement->Attribute("diffuse"); ospecular = lightElement->Attribute("specular"); omniAux->setIdS(id); omniAux->setIdI(lightId); if(oenabled == "true") omniAux->enable(); else omniAux->disable(); float ambientArr[4]; sscanf_s(oambient.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &ambientArr[0], &ambientArr[1], &ambientArr[2], &ambientArr[3]); omniAux->setAmbient(ambientArr); float specularArr[4]; sscanf_s(ospecular.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &specularArr[0], &specularArr[1], &specularArr[2], &specularArr[3]); omniAux->setSpecular(specularArr); float diffuseArr[4]; sscanf_s(odiffuse.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &diffuseArr[0], &diffuseArr[1], &diffuseArr[2], &diffuseArr[3]); omniAux->setDiffuse(diffuseArr); scene->lightsComp.push_back(omniAux); } else printf("Error parsing Omni Element\n"); } else if ((string)lightElement->Value() == "spot") { string senabled; // boolean float angle, exponent; string id, direction; if (lightElement->QueryFloatAttribute("angle",&angle)==TIXML_SUCCESS && lightElement->QueryFloatAttribute("exponent",&exponent)==TIXML_SUCCESS && lightElement->Attribute("direction") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("enabled") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("ambient") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("diffuse") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("specular") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("id") != NULL && lightElement->Attribute("location") !=NULL ){ string location; location = lightElement->Attribute("location"); float locationArr[4]; locationArr[3] = 1.0; sscanf_s(location.c_str(),"%f %f %f", &locationArr[0], &locationArr[1], &locationArr[2]); Spot* spotAux = new Spot(lightId, locationArr, NULL); id = lightElement->Attribute("id"); spotAux->setIdS(id); spotAux->setIdI(lightId); direction = lightElement->Attribute("direction"); float directionSpot[3]; sscanf_s(direction.c_str(),"%f %f %f", &directionSpot[0], &directionSpot[1], &directionSpot[2]); spotAux->setSDirection(directionSpot); senabled = lightElement->Attribute("enabled"); if(senabled == "true") spotAux->enable(); else spotAux->disable(); spotAux->setSExponent(exponent); spotAux->setSAngle(angle); spotAux->setAngle(angle); string sspecular, sdiffuse, sambient; sspecular = lightElement->Attribute("specular"); sdiffuse = lightElement->Attribute("diffuse"); sambient = lightElement->Attribute("ambient"); float specular[4]; sscanf_s(sspecular.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &specular[0], &specular[1], &specular[2], &specular[3]); spotAux->setSpecular(specular); float diffuse[4]; sscanf_s(sdiffuse.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &diffuse[0], &diffuse[1], &diffuse[2], &diffuse[3]); spotAux->setDiffuse(diffuse); float ambient[4]; sscanf_s(sambient.c_str(), "%f %f %f %f", &ambient[0], &ambient[1], &ambient[2], &ambient[3]); spotAux->setAmbient(ambient); scene->lightsComp.push_back(spotAux); } else printf("Error parsing Spot Element\n"); } else printf("Invalid Light type\n"); lightElement = lightElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } //--------- Textures Parsing ----------- texturesElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "textures" ); if (texturesElement == NULL) printf("Textures block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Textures...\n"); TiXmlElement* textureElement = texturesElement->FirstChildElement("texture"); while(textureElement) { string id, file; if (textureElement->Attribute("id") != NULL && textureElement->Attribute("file") != NULL ){ id = textureElement->Attribute("id"); file = textureElement->Attribute("file"); //printf("\tTexture attributes:\n"); //printf("\t\tId: %s\n\t\tFile: %s\n", id.c_str(), file.c_str()); //Texture* textureAux = new Texture(); //ofstream fin("ola.txt"); //fin.close(); file = file; Texture* textureAux = new Texture(file); textureAux->setTId(id); textureAux->setTPath(file); scene->texturesComp.push_back(textureAux); } else printf("Error parsing Texture Element\n"); textureElement = textureElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } //--------- Appearances Parsing ----------- appearancesElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "appearances" ); if (appearancesElement == NULL) printf("Appearances block not found!\n"); else { printf("Processing Appearances...\n"); TiXmlElement* appearanceElement = appearancesElement->FirstChildElement("appearance"); while (appearanceElement) { Appearance* ap = new Appearance(); string id, textureref; string emissiveS, ambientS, diffuseS, specularS; float shininess, texlength_s, texlength_t; if (appearanceElement->QueryFloatAttribute("shininess",&shininess)==TIXML_SUCCESS && appearanceElement->Attribute("id") != NULL && appearanceElement->Attribute("emissive") != NULL && appearanceElement->Attribute("ambient") != NULL && appearanceElement->Attribute("diffuse") != NULL && appearanceElement->Attribute("specular") != NULL ){ id = appearanceElement->Attribute("id"); ap->setIdS(id); emissiveS = appearanceElement->Attribute("emissive"); float Aemissive[4]; sscanf_s(emissiveS.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &Aemissive[0], &Aemissive[1], &Aemissive[2], &Aemissive[3]); ap->setEmissive(Aemissive); ambientS = appearanceElement->Attribute("ambient"); float Aambient[4]; sscanf_s(ambientS.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &Aambient[0], &Aambient[1], &Aambient[2], &Aambient[3]); ap->setAmbient(Aambient); diffuseS = appearanceElement->Attribute("diffuse"); float Adiffuse[4]; sscanf_s(diffuseS.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &Adiffuse[0], &Adiffuse[1], &Adiffuse[2], &Adiffuse[3]); ap->setDiffuse(Adiffuse); specularS = appearanceElement->Attribute("specular"); float Aspecular[4]; sscanf_s(specularS.c_str(),"%f %f %f %f", &Aspecular[0], &Aspecular[1], &Aspecular[2], &Aspecular[3]); ap->setSpecular(Aspecular); if(appearanceElement->Attribute("textureref") != NULL) { if(appearanceElement->QueryFloatAttribute("texlength_s",&texlength_s)==TIXML_SUCCESS && appearanceElement->QueryFloatAttribute("texlength_t",&texlength_t)==TIXML_SUCCESS) { textureref = appearanceElement->Attribute("textureref"); ap->setTextureReference(textureref); //ap->setTexture(textureref); ap->setTextureWrap(texlength_s,texlength_t); ap->setShininess(shininess); int itTexturesComp = 0; std::vector<Texture*>::iterator it = scene->texturesComp.begin(); for(it; it != scene->texturesComp.end(); it++){ if(textureref == scene->texturesComp.at(itTexturesComp)->getTId()){ ap->setTexture((*it)); } itTexturesComp++; } } } //printf("\tApearance attributes:\n"); //printf("\t\tId: %s \n\t\tEmissive: %s \n\t\tAmbient: %s\n", id.c_str(), emissiveS.c_str(), ambientS.c_str()); //printf("\t\tDiffuse: %s \n\t\tSpecular: %s \n\t\tTextureRef: %s \n\t\tShininess: %f\n", diffuseS.c_str(), specularS.c_str(), textureref.c_str(), shininess); if(textureref.length()==0){} //printf("\t\tTexLength S: %f \n\t\tTexLength T: %f\n", texlength_s, texlength_t); scene->appearancesComp.push_back(ap); } else printf("Error parsing Appearance Element\n"); appearanceElement = appearanceElement->NextSiblingElement(); } } //--------- Graph Parsing ----------- graphElement = yafElement->FirstChildElement( "graph" ); scene->rootid=graphElement->Attribute("rootid"); if (graphElement == NULL) printf("Graph block not found!\n"); else { TiXmlElement *node=graphElement->FirstChildElement("node"); string id,picking; string flagDL; while (node) { Node *no = new Node(); if(node->Attribute("id") != NULL){ id = node->Attribute("id"); no->setId(id); //printf("Node: %s\n", id.c_str()); } if(node->Attribute("pickingid") != NULL){ picking = node->Attribute("pickingid"); int idInt = atoi(picking.c_str()); no->setPicking(idInt); //printf("\t %s\n", picking.c_str()); std::vector<Appearance*>::iterator it = scene->appearancesComp.begin(); for(it; it != scene->appearancesComp.end(); it++){ if((*it)->getIdS() == "appSelected"){ no->highlighted = (*it); } } octi->boardElements[idInt] = no; } else no->setPicking(-1); if(node->Attribute("displaylist") != NULL){ flagDL = node->Attribute("displaylist"); if(flagDL == "true") no->setIsDL(true); //cout << "DL: " << no->getIsDL() << endl; } // Transformacoes TiXmlElement* transformation = node->FirstChildElement("transforms"); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, transformationMatrix); while(transformation){ TiXmlElement* infoTrans = transformation->FirstChildElement(); while(infoTrans){ if((string)infoTrans->Value() == "translate"){ string aux; float x,y,z; aux=infoTrans->Attribute("to"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(),"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z); glTranslated(x,y,z); //cout<<"Saí"<<endl; //printf("\tEncontrou Translate\n"); } else if((string)infoTrans->Value() == "rotate"){ string aux; char x; float y; aux=infoTrans->Attribute("axis"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(),"%c",&x); aux=infoTrans->Attribute("angle"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(),"%f",&y); switch(x) { case 'x': glRotated(y,1,0,0); break; case 'y': glRotated(y,0,1,0); break; case 'z': glRotated(y,0,0,1); break; } //printf("\tEncontrou Rotation\n"); } else if((string)infoTrans->Value() == "scale"){ string aux; float x,y,z; aux=infoTrans->Attribute("factor"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(),"%f %f %f",&x,&y,&z); glScaled(x,y,z); //printf("\tEncontrou Scale\n"); } infoTrans = infoTrans->NextSiblingElement(); } transformation = transformation->NextSiblingElement(); } glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, transformationMatrix); no->setmatrix(transformationMatrix); glPopMatrix(); //Appearances string idAppearance; if(node->FirstChildElement("appearanceref") != NULL){ TiXmlElement* appearanceRef = node->FirstChildElement("appearanceref"); idAppearance = appearanceRef->Attribute("id"); std::vector<Appearance*>::iterator it = scene->appearancesComp.begin(); for(it; it != scene->appearancesComp.end(); it++){ if((*it)->getIdS() == idAppearance){ no->setAppearance((*it)); no->notHighlighted = (*it); } } //printf("\tAppearance: %s\n", idAppearance.c_str()); } //Animation string idAnimation; if(node->FirstChildElement("animationref") != NULL){ TiXmlElement* animationRef = node->FirstChildElement("animationref"); idAnimation = animationRef->Attribute("id"); no->setAnimationid(idAnimation); //printf("\tAnimation: %s\n", idAnimation.c_str()); } //Children TiXmlElement* children = node->FirstChildElement("children"); while(children){ TiXmlElement* infoChild = children->FirstChildElement(); while(infoChild){ if((string)infoChild->Value() == "noderef"){ string idChild; idChild = infoChild->Attribute("id"); no->insertstring(idChild); //printf("\tInseriu RefNode: %s\n", idChild.c_str()); } //<plane parts=”ii” /> else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "plane"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Plano\n"); string partsAux; float parts; partsAux = infoChild->Attribute("parts"); sscanf_s(partsAux.c_str(), "%i", &parts); Primitive* plane1 = new Plane(parts); no->insertprimitive(plane1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "vehicle"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Veiculo\n"); Primitive* v1 = new Vehicle(); no->insertprimitive(v1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "waterline"){ string heightmap = infoChild->Attribute("heightmap"); string texturemap = infoChild->Attribute("texturemap"); string fragmentshader = infoChild->Attribute("fragmentshader"); string vertexshader = infoChild->Attribute("vertexshader"); Primitive* wLine1 = new Waterline(heightmap, texturemap, fragmentshader, vertexshader); no->insertprimitive(wLine1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "patch"){ int order, partsU, partsV; string compute = infoChild->Attribute("compute"); string orderAux = infoChild->Attribute("order"); sscanf_s(orderAux.c_str(), "%i", &order); string partsUAux = infoChild->Attribute("partsU"); sscanf_s(partsUAux.c_str(), "%i", &partsU); string partsVAux = infoChild->Attribute("partsV"); sscanf_s(partsVAux.c_str(), "%i", &partsV); /* cout << "o: " << order << endl; cout << "partsU: " << partsU << endl; cout << "partsV: " << partsV << endl; cout << "compute: " << compute << endl; */ TiXmlElement* controlPointElement = infoChild->FirstChildElement("controlpoint"); vector<ControlPoint> auxPoints; while(controlPointElement){ float x,y,z; if (controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("x",&x)==TIXML_SUCCESS && controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("y",&y)==TIXML_SUCCESS && controlPointElement->QueryFloatAttribute("z",&z)==TIXML_SUCCESS) { //cout << x << y << z << endl; ControlPoint pontoAux(x,y,z); auxPoints.push_back(pontoAux); } controlPointElement = controlPointElement->NextSiblingElement(); } Primitive* patch1 = new Patch(order, partsU, partsV, compute, auxPoints); no->insertprimitive(patch1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "hexagon"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Hexagono\n"); //Primitive* h1 = new Hexagon(); //no->insertprimitive(h1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "triangle"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Triangulo\n"); float p1x, p1y, p1z; string ponto1; ponto1 = infoChild->Attribute("xyz1"); sscanf_s(ponto1.c_str(), "%f %f %f", &p1x, &p1y, &p1z); float p2x, p2y, p2z; string ponto2; ponto2 = infoChild->Attribute("xyz2"); sscanf_s(ponto2.c_str(), "%f %f %f", &p2x, &p2y, &p2z); float p3x, p3y, p3z; string ponto3; ponto3 = infoChild->Attribute("xyz3"); sscanf_s(ponto3.c_str(), "%f %f %f", &p3x, &p3y, &p3z); Primitive* t1 = new Triangle(p1x, p1y, p1z, p2x, p2y, p2z, p3x, p3y, p3z); no->insertprimitive(t1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "cylinder"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Cilindro\n"); // TODO: IF's float base, top, height, slices, stacks; string aux; aux = infoChild->Attribute("base"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &base); aux = infoChild->Attribute("top"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &top); aux = infoChild->Attribute("height"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &height); aux = infoChild->Attribute("slices"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &slices); aux = infoChild->Attribute("stacks"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &stacks); Primitive* c1 = new Cylinder(base, top, height, slices, stacks); no->insertprimitive(c1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "rectangle"){ //printf("\tEncontrou Rectangulo\n"); float x1, y1, x2, y2; string p1, p2; p1 = infoChild->Attribute("xy1"); p2 = infoChild->Attribute("xy2"); //cout<<"P1: "<<p1<<" P2: "<<p2<<endl; sscanf_s(p1.c_str(), "%f %f", &x1, &y1); sscanf_s(p2.c_str(), "%f %f", &x2, &y2); //cout<<"X1: "<<x1<<" X2: "<<x2<<" Y1: "<<y1<<" y2: "<<y2<<endl; Primitive* r1 = new Rectangle(x1,y1,x2,y2); no->insertprimitive(r1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "sphere"){ float radius, slices, stacks; string aux; aux = infoChild->Attribute("radius"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &radius); aux = infoChild->Attribute("slices"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &slices); aux = infoChild->Attribute("stacks"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &stacks); Sphere* e1 = new Sphere(radius, slices, stacks); no->insertprimitive(e1); } else if((string)infoChild->Value() == "torus") { float loops; float slices, inner,outer; string aux; aux = infoChild->Attribute("loops"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &loops); aux = infoChild->Attribute("slices"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &slices); aux = infoChild->Attribute("inner"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &inner); aux = infoChild->Attribute("outer"); sscanf_s(aux.c_str(), "%f", &outer); Torus* t1 = new Torus(inner,outer,slices,loops); no->insertprimitive(t1); } infoChild = infoChild->NextSiblingElement(); } children = children->NextSiblingElement(); } int pickingId = (int)no->getPicking(); if((pickingId > 10 && pickingId < 20) || (pickingId > 210 && pickingId < 220)){ scene->bluePods.push_back(no); } else if(pickingId > 20 && pickingId < 30 || (pickingId > 220 && pickingId < 230)){ scene->redPods.push_back(no); } else if(pickingId == 122 || pickingId == 124 || pickingId == 126 || pickingId == 162 || pickingId == 164 || pickingId == 166){ scene->octiCells.push_back(no); } else if(pickingId > 110 && pickingId < 178){ scene->tabCells.push_back(no); } else if(pickingId > 210 && pickingId < 219){ scene->bPickProng.push_back(no); } else if(pickingId > 220 && pickingId < 229){ scene->rPickProng.push_back(no); } if(no->getId() == "envolvente"){ scene->envolente = no; } else if(no->getId() == "menuVitoria"){ scene->menuVitoria = no; } scene->graph.insert(std::pair<string,Node*>(no->getId(),no)); node=node->NextSiblingElement(); } } //scene->setappearancesherity(scene->rootid); printf(""); }
HRESULT Application::Initialise(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { if (FAILED(InitWindow(hInstance, nCmdShow))) { return E_FAIL; } RECT rc; GetClientRect(_hWnd, &rc); _WindowWidth = rc.right - rc.left; _WindowHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top; if (FAILED(InitDevice())) { Cleanup(); return E_FAIL; } CreateDDSTextureFromFile(_pd3dDevice, L"Resources\\stone.dds", nullptr, &_pTextureRV); CreateDDSTextureFromFile(_pd3dDevice, L"Resources\\floor.dds", nullptr, &_pGroundTextureRV); objMeshData = OBJLoader::Load("sphere.obj", _pd3dDevice); // Setup Camera XMFLOAT3 eye = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 2.0f, -1.0f); XMFLOAT3 at = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f); XMFLOAT3 up = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); _camera = new Camera(eye, at, up, (float)_renderWidth, (float)_renderHeight, 0.01f, 200.0f); // Setup the scene's light basicLight.AmbientLight = XMFLOAT4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); basicLight.DiffuseLight = XMFLOAT4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); basicLight.SpecularLight = XMFLOAT4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f); basicLight.SpecularPower = 20.0f; basicLight.LightVecW = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f); Geometry cubeGeometry; cubeGeometry.indexBuffer = _pIndexBuffer; cubeGeometry.vertexBuffer = _pVertexBuffer; cubeGeometry.numberOfIndices = 36; cubeGeometry.vertexBufferOffset = 0; cubeGeometry.vertexBufferStride = sizeof(SimpleVertex); Geometry planeGeometry; planeGeometry.indexBuffer = _pPlaneIndexBuffer; planeGeometry.vertexBuffer = _pPlaneVertexBuffer; planeGeometry.numberOfIndices = 6; planeGeometry.vertexBufferOffset = 0; planeGeometry.vertexBufferStride = sizeof(SimpleVertex); Geometry sphereGeometry; sphereGeometry.indexBuffer = objMeshData.IndexBuffer; sphereGeometry.vertexBuffer = objMeshData.VertexBuffer; sphereGeometry.numberOfIndices = objMeshData.IndexCount; sphereGeometry.vertexBufferOffset = objMeshData.VBOffset; sphereGeometry.vertexBufferStride = objMeshData.VBStride; Material shinyMaterial; shinyMaterial.ambient = XMFLOAT4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f); shinyMaterial.diffuse = XMFLOAT4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); shinyMaterial.specular = XMFLOAT4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f); shinyMaterial.specularPower = 10.0f; Material noSpecMaterial; noSpecMaterial.ambient = XMFLOAT4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f); noSpecMaterial.diffuse = XMFLOAT4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); noSpecMaterial.specular = XMFLOAT4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); noSpecMaterial.specularPower = 0.0f; Appearance * floorAppearance = new Appearance(planeGeometry, noSpecMaterial); floorAppearance->SetTextureRV(_pGroundTextureRV); Appearance * crateAppearance = new Appearance(cubeGeometry, shinyMaterial); crateAppearance->SetTextureRV(_pTextureRV); Appearance * sphereAppearance = new Appearance(sphereGeometry, shinyMaterial); sphereAppearance->SetTextureRV(_pTextureRV); Transform * floorTransform = new Transform(); floorTransform->SetPosition(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); floorTransform->SetScale(15.0f, 15.0f, 15.0f); floorTransform->SetRotation(XMConvertToRadians(90.0f), 0.0f, 0.0f); Transform * sphereTransform = new Transform(); sphereTransform->SetPosition(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); ParticleModel * particleModel = new ParticleModel(floorTransform, false, XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); GameObject * gameObject = new GameObject("Floor", floorAppearance, floorTransform, particleModel); _gameObjects.push_back(gameObject); for (auto i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Transform * cubeTransform = new Transform(); cubeTransform->SetScale(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); cubeTransform->SetPosition(-4.0f + (i * 2.0f), 0.5f, 10.0f); ParticleModel * particleModel = new ParticleModel(cubeTransform, true, XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); gameObject = new GameObject("Cube " + i, crateAppearance, cubeTransform, particleModel); _gameObjects.push_back(gameObject); } ParticleModel * particleModel2 = new ParticleModel(sphereTransform, false, XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); gameObject = new GameObject("Sphere", sphereAppearance, sphereTransform, particleModel2); _gameObjects.push_back(gameObject); // Setup specific cube behaviour _gameObjects[3]->GetParticleModel()->SetUsingConstAccel(false); _gameObjects[3]->GetParticleModel()->SetVelocity(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f); _gameObjects[4]->GetParticleModel()->SetAcceleration(0.0f, 0.1f, 0.0f); return S_OK; }
void Application::Draw() { // // Clear buffers // float ClearColor[4] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f }; // red,green,blue,alpha _pImmediateContext->ClearRenderTargetView(_pRenderTargetView, ClearColor); _pImmediateContext->ClearDepthStencilView(_depthStencilView, D3D11_CLEAR_DEPTH | D3D11_CLEAR_STENCIL, 1.0f, 0); // // Setup buffers and render scene // _pImmediateContext->IASetInputLayout(_pVertexLayout); _pImmediateContext->VSSetShader(_pVertexShader, nullptr, 0); _pImmediateContext->PSSetShader(_pPixelShader, nullptr, 0); _pImmediateContext->VSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &_pConstantBuffer); _pImmediateContext->PSSetConstantBuffers(0, 1, &_pConstantBuffer); _pImmediateContext->PSSetSamplers(0, 1, &_pSamplerLinear); ConstantBuffer cb; XMFLOAT4X4 viewAsFloats = _camera->GetView(); XMFLOAT4X4 projectionAsFloats = _camera->GetProjection(); XMMATRIX view = XMLoadFloat4x4(&viewAsFloats); XMMATRIX projection = XMLoadFloat4x4(&projectionAsFloats); cb.View = XMMatrixTranspose(view); cb.Projection = XMMatrixTranspose(projection); cb.light = basicLight; cb.EyePosW = _camera->GetPosition(); // Render all scene objects for (auto gameObject : _gameObjects) { // Get render material Appearance * appearance = gameObject->GetAppearance(); Material material = appearance->GetMaterial(); // Copy material to shader cb.surface.AmbientMtrl = material.ambient; cb.surface.DiffuseMtrl = material.diffuse; cb.surface.SpecularMtrl = material.specular; // Set world matrix cb.World = XMMatrixTranspose(gameObject->GetTransform()->GetWorldMatrix()); // Set texture if (appearance->HasTexture()) { ID3D11ShaderResourceView * textureRV = appearance->GetTextureRV(); _pImmediateContext->PSSetShaderResources(0, 1, &textureRV); cb.HasTexture = 1.0f; } else { cb.HasTexture = 0.0f; } // Update constant buffer _pImmediateContext->UpdateSubresource(_pConstantBuffer, 0, nullptr, &cb, 0, 0); // Draw object gameObject->Draw(_pImmediateContext); } // // Present our back buffer to our front buffer // _pSwapChain->Present(0, 0); }
bool PraetoriansTerrainWater::loadPackedMedia(const char* path) { unsigned int signature; unsigned short chunkid; unsigned int chunklength; unsigned int texturescount;///use one in this version unsigned int watercount; unsigned int vertexcount; unsigned int indexcount; Tuple3f* vertices; unsigned short* indices; Tuple4ub* colors; Tuple2f* txcoords; ArchivedFile* file; WaterDatabase* wdatabase; if (!(file = FileSystem::checkOut(path))) return Logger::writeErrorLog(String("Could not load -> ") + path); wdatabase = Gateway::getWaterDatabase(); file->read(&signature, 4); file->read(&chunkid, 2); file->read(&chunklength, 4); file->read(&texturescount, 4); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < texturescount; i++) file->seek((256 * 256 * 4) + 6, SEEKD); file->read(&watercount, 4); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < watercount; i++) { file->read(&chunkid, 2); file->read(&chunklength, 4); file->seek(48, SEEKD); file->read(&vertexcount, 4); vertices = new Tuple3f[vertexcount]; colors = new Tuple4ub[vertexcount]; txcoords = new Tuple2f[vertexcount]; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < vertexcount; j++) { file->read(vertices[j], 12); Swap(vertices[j].x, vertices[j].z); file->read(colors[j], 4); Swap(colors[j].x, colors[j].z); file->read(txcoords[j], 8); } file->read(&indexcount, 4); indices = new unsigned short[indexcount]; file->read(indices, indexcount * 2); String watername = String("H2O_") + int(wdatabase->getWatersCount()); Geometry* geometry; geometry = new Geometry(watername, indexcount, vertexcount); geometry->setIndices(indices, false); geometry->setVertices(vertices, false); geometry->setColors(colors, false); geometry->setTextureElements(txcoords, 2, false); geometry->computeBounds(); Appearance* appearance = new Appearance(); appearance->setBlendAttributes(BlendAttributes(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); appearance->setTexture(0, wdatabase->getWaterTexture()); Model* model = new Model(); model->setAppearance(appearance); model->setGeometry(geometry); TransformGroup* group = new TransformGroup(); group->addChild(model); group->updateBoundsDescriptor(); wdatabase->addWaterModel(group); deleteArray(vertices); deleteArray(indices); deleteArray(colors); deleteArray(txcoords); } FileSystem::checkIn(file); return true; }
void Commander::dispatch(const RootOperation& op) { Appearance appear = smart_dynamic_cast<Appearance>(op); if (appear.isValid()) { assert(op->hasAttr("for")); Agent* ag = m_server->findAgentForEntity(op->getAttr("for").asString()); if (ag) { ag->setEntityVisible(op->getTo(), true); } else { // doesn't exist yet, mark as visible if / when the agent is created Agent::setEntityVisibleForFutureAgent(op->getTo(), op->getAttr("for").asString()); } } Disappearance disap = smart_dynamic_cast<Disappearance>(op); if (disap.isValid()) { assert(op->hasAttr("for")); Agent* ag = m_server->findAgentForEntity(op->getAttr("for").asString()); if (ag) ag->setEntityVisible(op->getTo(), false); } Create cr = smart_dynamic_cast<Create>(op); if (cr.isValid()) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); assert(!args.empty()); RootEntity ent = smart_dynamic_cast<RootEntity>(args.front()); assert(ent.isValid()); static int idCounter = 900; char buf[32]; snprintf(buf, 32, "_created_%d", ++idCounter); std::string id(buf); ent->setId(id); std::string loc = ent->getLoc(); assert(m_server->m_world.count(loc)); StringList children(m_server->m_world[loc]->getContains()); children.push_back(id); m_server->m_world[loc]->setContains(children); m_server->m_world[id] = ent; Create bcr(cr); bcr->setArgs1(ent); Agent::broadcastSight(bcr); } Delete del = smart_dynamic_cast<Delete>(op); if (del.isValid()) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); assert(!args.empty()); std::string id = args.front()->getId(); assert(m_server->m_world.count(id)); m_server->m_world.erase(id); Agent::broadcastSight(op); } Move mv = smart_dynamic_cast<Move>(op); if (mv.isValid()) { RootEntity ent = m_server->getEntity(op->getTo()); std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); if (args.front()->hasAttr("loc")) { std::string newLocId = args.front()->getAttr("loc").asString(); RootEntity oldLoc = m_server->getEntity(ent->getLoc()), newLoc = m_server->getEntity(newLocId); ent->setLoc(newLocId); // modify stamps? oldLoc->modifyContains().remove(ent->getId()); newLoc->modifyContains().push_back(ent->getId()); } if (args.front()->hasAttr("pos")) ent->setPosAsList(args.front()->getAttr("pos").asList()); // handle velocity changes Agent::broadcastSight(op); return; } Sound snd = smart_dynamic_cast<Sound>(op); if (snd.isValid()) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); assert(!args.empty()); if (snd->hasAttr("broadcast")) { Agent::broadcastSound(smart_dynamic_cast<RootOperation>(args.front())); } } Sight st = smart_dynamic_cast<Sight>(op); if (st.isValid()) { if (st->hasAttr("broadcast")) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); assert(!args.empty()); Agent::broadcastSight(smart_dynamic_cast<RootOperation>(args.front())); } } Set s = smart_dynamic_cast<Set>(op); if (s.isValid()) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); for (unsigned int A=0; A < args.size(); ++A) { std::string eid = args[A]->getId(); RootEntity entity = m_server->getEntity(eid); Root::const_iterator I = args[A]->begin(); for (; I != args[A]->end(); ++I) { if ((I->first == "id") || (I->first == "parents") || (I->first == "objtype")) { continue; } assert(I->first != "loc"); entity->setAttr(I->first, I->second); } } Agent::broadcastSight(s); } Action act = smart_dynamic_cast<Action>(op); if (act.isValid()) { std::vector<Root> args(op->getArgs()); if (act->getParents().front() == "command") { std::string cid = args[0]->getAttr("cid").asString(); if (cid == "socket-shutdown") { std::string acc = args[0]->getAttr("acc").asString(); ClientConnection* cc = m_server->getConnectionForAccount(acc); assert(cc); cc->shutdown(); } else if (cid == "add-many-objects") { m_server->addManyObjects(args[0]->getAttr("acc").asString()); } else if (cid == "set-world-time") { /* double t = */ args[0]->getAttr("seconds").asFloat(); } else { std::cerr << "unknown command " << cid << std::endl; } } // of command action case } // of action case }
// Destructor AppearanceGroup::~AppearanceGroup() { Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, PRI_DEBUG, "AppearanceGroup::~ this = %p, mSharedUser = '******'", this, mSharedUser.data()); // Delete this AppearanceGroup from mSubscribeMap (for the "reg" subscription). getAppearanceAgent()->getAppearanceGroupSet().deleteSubscribeMapping(&mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle); // End the "reg" subscription. UtlBoolean ret; ret = getAppearanceAgent()->getSubscribeClient(). endSubscriptionGroup(mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle); Os::Logger::instance().log(FAC_SAA, ret ? PRI_INFO : PRI_WARNING, "AppearanceGroup::~ endSubscriptionGroup %s mSharedUser = '******', mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle = '%s'", ret ? "succeeded" : "failed", mSharedUser.data(), mSubscriptionEarlyDialogHandle.data()); // Remove this AppearanceGroup from mNotifyMap for all subscriptions. { UtlHashMapIterator itor(mSubscriptions); UtlString* handle; while ((handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor()))) { getAppearanceAgent()->getAppearanceGroupSet().deleteNotifyMapping(handle); } } // Delete the contents of mSubscriptions. mSubscriptions.destroyAll(); // Terminate all dialogs for this shared Appearance Group, then publish bool bContentChanged = false; SipDialogEvent* lPartialContent = new SipDialogEvent("partial", mSharedUser.data()); { UtlHashMapIterator itor(mAppearances); UtlString* handle; while ( (handle = dynamic_cast <UtlString*> (itor())) ) { Appearance* pApp = dynamic_cast <Appearance*> (itor.value()); bContentChanged |= pApp->terminateDialogs(true); // terminate all dialogs pApp->getDialogs(lPartialContent); } } if (bContentChanged) { lPartialContent->buildBody(); publish(true, true, lPartialContent); } delete lPartialContent; // Delete the subordinate Appearance's for the contacts. { // Have to use a loop to remove items individually, because // destroyAll() deadlocks with the access to mAppearances // during the the attempt to publish new status for the resource // as the Appearances are recursively deleted. int changeDelay = getAppearanceAgent()->getChangeDelay(); UtlHashMapIterator itor(mAppearances); UtlContainable* k; while ((k = itor())) { UtlContainable* v = itor.value(); mAppearances.removeReference(k); delete k; delete v; // Delay to allow the consequent processing to catch up. OsTask::delay(changeDelay); } } }
void AppearanceTest() { instantiateAllTestFixtures( "appearance-groups1.xml", "subscription1", "credential1", ""); UtlString sharedUri = "sip:[email protected]:54140"; UtlString app1uri = "sip:"; UtlString dialogHandle; // receive the reg-info subscribe SipMessage request; UtlString b; ssize_t l; while(getNextMessageFromAppearanceAgentUnderTest( request, 5 )) { request.getBytes(&b, &l); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "got message %s", b.data()); UtlString method; request.getRequestMethod(&method); if(!request.isResponse() && 0 == method.compareTo(SIP_SUBSCRIBE_METHOD) ) { // Accept the Subscription, regardless of whether it for a 'dialog' or 'reg' event // in order to stop retransmissions SipMessage regResponse; regResponse.setResponseData(&request, 202, "Accepted", app1uri); SipMessage * dispatchedMessage = new SipMessage(regResponse); dispatchedMessage->getBytes(&b, &l); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "sent message %s", b.data()); pAppearanceAgentUnderTest->mServerUserAgent.dispatch(dispatchedMessage); // Deal with the two events separately UtlString eventField; request.getEventField(eventField); if(0 == eventField.compareTo("reg")) { UtlString contactInfo; request.getContactUri(0, &contactInfo); UtlString callid; request.getCallIdField(&callid); int cseq; request.getCSeqField(&cseq, NULL); Url toField; regResponse.getToUrl(toField); SipMessage regNotify; regNotify.setNotifyData(&request, 1, "", "", "reg"); UtlString regInfo ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<reginfo xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:reginfo\" " "xmlns:gr=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:gruuinfo\" version=\"911\" state=\"full\">\r\n" " <registration aor=\"sip:[email protected]:54140\" id=\"sip:[email protected]:54140\" state=\"active\">\r\n " " <contact id=\"sip:[email protected]:54140@@<"); regInfo.append(contactInfo); regInfo.append(">\" state=\"active\" event=\"registered\" q=\"1\" callid=\""); regInfo.append(callid); regInfo.append("\" cseq=\""); regInfo.appendNumber(cseq); regInfo.append("\">\r\n"); regInfo.append("<uri>"); regInfo.append(app1uri); regInfo.append("</uri>"); regInfo.append(" </contact>\r\n" " </registration>\r\n" "</reginfo>"); HttpBody * newBody = new HttpBody (regInfo, strlen(regInfo), "application/reginfo+xml"); regNotify.setContentType("application/reginfo+xml"); regNotify.setBody(newBody); // Set the From field the same as the to field from the 202 response, as it // contains the dialog identifying to tags regNotify.setRawFromField(toField.toString().data()); sendToAppearanceAgentUnderTest( regNotify ); regNotify.getBytes(&b, &l); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "sent reg NOTIFY to AppAgent"); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "sent message %s", b.data()); } else if (0 == eventField.compareTo(SLA_EVENT_TYPE)) { // should send empty NOTIFY, but no one will care // save dialogHandle for this subscription/Appearance (ignore retransmissions) if (dialogHandle.isNull()) { SipMessage fake(b); fake.getDialogHandle(dialogHandle); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "got SUBSCRIBE(sla) request: dialogHandle %s", dialogHandle.data()); } } } } CPPUNIT_ASSERT( !dialogHandle.isNull() ); OsSysLog::add(FAC_RLS, PRI_DEBUG, "we now have an Appearance - test it"); AppearanceGroup* pAppGroup = pAppearanceAgentUnderTest->getAppearanceGroupSet(). findAppearanceGroup(sharedUri); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pAppGroup ); Appearance* pApp = pAppGroup->findAppearance(dialogHandle); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( pApp ); ASSERT_STR_EQUAL( app1uri.data(), pApp->getUri()->data() ); // test adding a new dialog const char* dialogEventString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<dialog-info xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info\" version=\"0\" state=\"partial\" entity=\"sip:[email protected]:54140\">\n" "<dialog id=\"1\" call-id=\"[email protected]\" local-tag=\"264460498\" remote-tag=\"1c10982\" direction=\"recipient\">\n" "<state>confirmed</state>\n" "<local>\n" "<identity>[email protected]:5120</identity>\n" "<target uri=\"sip:[email protected]:5120\">\n" "<param pname=\"x-line-id\" pval=\"0\"/>\n" "<param pname=\"+sip.rendering\" pval=\"yes\"/>\n" "</target>\n" "</local>\n" "<remote>\n" "<identity>[email protected]</identity>\n" "</remote>\n" "</dialog>\n" "</dialog-info>\n" ; SipDialogEvent dialogEvent(dialogEventString); bool bFullContentChanged = false; bool bPartialContentChanged = pApp->updateState(&dialogEvent, bFullContentChanged); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bPartialContentChanged); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bFullContentChanged); pApp->dumpState(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pApp->appearanceIsBusy()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pApp->appearanceIdIsSeized("0")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!pApp->appearanceIdIsSeized("1")); // simulate user putting the call on hold const char* dialogEventString2 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" "<dialog-info xmlns=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:dialog-info\" version=\"0\" state=\"partial\" entity=\"sip:[email protected]:54140\">\n" "<dialog id=\"1\" call-id=\"[email protected]\" local-tag=\"264460498\" remote-tag=\"1c10982\" direction=\"recipient\">\n" "<state>confirmed</state>\n" "<local>\n" "<identity>[email protected]:5120</identity>\n" "<target uri=\"sip:[email protected]:5120\">\n" "<param pname=\"x-line-id\" pval=\"0\"/>\n" "<param pname=\"+sip.rendering\" pval=\"no\"/>\n" "</target>\n" "</local>\n" "<remote>\n" "<identity>[email protected]</identity>\n" "</remote>\n" "</dialog>\n" "</dialog-info>\n" ; SipDialogEvent dialogEvent2(dialogEventString2); bPartialContentChanged = pApp->updateState(&dialogEvent2, bFullContentChanged); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bPartialContentChanged); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(bFullContentChanged); pApp->dumpState(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!pApp->appearanceIsBusy()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pApp->appearanceIdIsSeized("0")); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(!pApp->appearanceIdIsSeized("1")); // test MESSAGE debug handling const char* message = "MESSAGE sip:[email protected]:54140 SIP/2.0\r\n" "From: <sip:[email protected]>;tag=17211757-9E4FBD78\r\n" "To: <sip:[email protected]:54140>\r\n" "CSeq: 1 MESSAGE\r\n" "Call-ID: 51405734-b9be4835-dcd9d196\r\n" "Contact: <sip:[email protected]>\r\n" "Allow: INVITE, ACK, BYE, CANCEL, OPTIONS, INFO, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER\r\n" "Event: dialog\r\n" "User-Agent: UnitTest\r\n" "Accept-Language: en\r\n" "Accept: application/dialog-info+xml\r\n" "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n" "Expires: 3600\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n"; // send the MESSAGE SipMessage messageRequest( message, strlen( message ) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( sendToAppearanceAgentUnderTest( messageRequest ) ); // receive the 200 OK response SipMessage response; CPPUNIT_ASSERT( getNextMessageFromAppearanceAgentUnderTest( response, 5 ) ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( response.isResponse() ); CPPUNIT_ASSERT( response.getResponseStatusCode() == SIP_OK_CODE ); }
Appearance *Option::parseAppearance(char *str) { Appearance *app = 0; char *p; if (*str == '[') { char *tok; int mask = 0; int top, left, bottom, right; top = left = bottom = right = 0; p = strtok_r(str, "[] ,", &tok); app = parseAppearance(p); if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, "[] ,", &tok))) goto err; top = strtol(p, 0, 10); if (strchr(p, '%')) mask |= PERPAD_TOP; if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, "[] ,", &tok))) goto err; right = strtol(p, 0, 10); if (strchr(p, '%')) mask |= PERPAD_RIGHT; if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, "[] ,", &tok))) { bottom = strtol(p, 0, 10); if (strchr(p, '%')) mask |= PERPAD_BOT; if (!(p = strtok_r(NULL, "[] ,", &tok))) goto err; left = strtol(p, 0, 10); if (strchr(p, '%')) mask |= PERPAD_LEFT; } else { bottom = top; if (mask & PERPAD_TOP) mask |= PERPAD_BOT; right = left; if (mask & PERPAD_LEFT) mask |= PERPAD_RIGHT; } app->setPadding(Padding(mask, top, right, bottom, left)); } else if ((p = strstr(str, "gradient"))) { int direction = 0; char *tok; p = strchr(p, '('); if (!p) goto err; p = strtok_r(p, ", ()", &tok); if (strcmp(p, "vert") == 0) direction = GRAD_VERT; else direction = GRAD_HORZ; app = new GradientAppearance(direction); GradientAppearance *gapp = dynamic_cast<GradientAppearance *>(app); while((p = strtok_r(NULL, ", ()", &tok)) != NULL){ gapp->addColor(atoc(p)); } } else if ((p = strstr(str, "image"))) { char *tok; p = strchr(p, '('); if (!p) goto err; if (!(p = strtok_r(p, "(\")", &tok))) goto err; Setting *setting = Insune::getSingleton()->getSetting("style"); const char *style = setting->getValue()->getString(); char stylepath[256]; snprintf(stylepath, 256, STYLEDIR "%s/%s", style, p); char *align = NULL; char *type = NULL; if ((p = strtok_r(NULL, "(\")", &tok))) { if (*p == '@') { align = p + 1; if ((p = strchr(p + 1, '!'))) { *p = '\0'; type = p + 1; } } else if (*p == '!') { type = p + 1; if ((p = strchr(p + 1, '@'))) { *p = '\0'; align = p + 1; } } } if (align && type) app = new ImageAppearance(stylepath, align, type); else if (align) app = new ImageAppearance(stylepath, align); else if (type) app = new ImageAppearance(stylepath, NULL, type); else app = new ImageAppearance(stylepath); } else { app = new SolidAppearance(atoc(str)); } return app; err: fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing appearances. Value:\n```%s'''\n", str); return NULL; }