bool compareArraysNeg( const Array1 &a1, const std::string &a1_name, const Array2 &a2, const std::string &a2_name, FancyOStream &out ) { bool success = true; out << "Comparing " << a1_name << " == -(" << a2_name << ") ... "; const int n = a1.size(); // Compare sizes if (as<int>(a2.size()) != n) { out << "\nError, "<<a1_name<<".size() = "<<a1.size()<<" == " << a2_name<<".size() = "<<a2.size()<<" : failed!\n"; return false; } // Compare elements for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { const bool result = ( a1[i] == -a2[i] ); // Tests C::operator[](i) const if (!result) { out << "\nError, "<<a1_name<<"["<<i<<"] = "<<a1[i]<<" == -(" << a2_name<<"["<<i<<"]) = -("<<a2[i]<<"): failed!\n"; success = false; } } if (success) { out << "passed\n"; } return success; }
void SphSystemData2::computeMass() { Array1<Vector2D> points; TrianglePointGenerator pointsGenerator; BoundingBox2D sampleBound( Vector2D(-1.5*_kernelRadius, -1.5*_kernelRadius), Vector2D(1.5*_kernelRadius, 1.5*_kernelRadius)); pointsGenerator.generate(sampleBound, _targetSpacing, &points); double maxNumberDensity = 0.0; SphStdKernel2 kernel(_kernelRadius); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { const Vector2D& point = points[i]; double sum = 0.0; for (size_t j = 0; j < points.size(); ++j) { const Vector2D& neighborPoint = points[j]; sum += kernel(neighborPoint.distanceTo(point)); } maxNumberDensity = std::max(maxNumberDensity, sum); } JET_ASSERT(maxNumberDensity > 0); double newMass = _targetDensity / maxNumberDensity; ParticleSystemData2::setMass(newMass); }
TEST(PointSimpleListSearcher3, ForEachNearbyPoint) { Array1<Vector3D> points = { Vector3D(0, 1, 3), Vector3D(2, 5, 4), Vector3D(-1, 3, 0) }; PointSimpleListSearcher3 searcher;; int cnt = 0; searcher.forEachNearbyPoint( Vector3D(0, 0, 0), std::sqrt(10.0), [&](size_t i, const Vector3D& pt) { EXPECT_TRUE(i == 0 || i == 2); if (i == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(points[0], pt); } else if (i == 2) { EXPECT_EQ(points[2], pt); } ++cnt; }); EXPECT_EQ(2, cnt); }
TEST(PointParallelHashGridSearcher3, CopyConstructor) { Array1<Vector3D> points = { Vector3D(0, 1, 3), Vector3D(2, 5, 4), Vector3D(-1, 3, 0) }; PointParallelHashGridSearcher3 searcher(4, 4, 4, std::sqrt(10));; PointParallelHashGridSearcher3 searcher2(searcher); int cnt = 0; searcher2.forEachNearbyPoint( Vector3D(0, 0, 0), std::sqrt(10.0), [&](size_t i, const Vector3D& pt) { EXPECT_TRUE(i == 0 || i == 2); if (i == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(points[0], pt); } else if (i == 2) { EXPECT_EQ(points[2], pt); } ++cnt; }); EXPECT_EQ(2, cnt); }
TEST(PointParallelHashGridSearcher3, Serialization) { Array1<Vector3D> points = { Vector3D(0, 1, 3), Vector3D(2, 5, 4), Vector3D(-1, 3, 0) }; PointParallelHashGridSearcher3 searcher(4, 4, 4, std::sqrt(10));; std::vector<uint8_t> buffer; searcher.serialize(&buffer); PointParallelHashGridSearcher3 searcher2(1, 1, 1, 1.0); searcher2.deserialize(buffer); int cnt = 0; searcher2.forEachNearbyPoint( Vector3D(0, 0, 0), std::sqrt(10.0), [&](size_t i, const Vector3D& pt) { EXPECT_TRUE(i == 0 || i == 2); if (i == 0) { EXPECT_EQ(points[0], pt); } else if (i == 2) { EXPECT_EQ(points[2], pt); } ++cnt; }); EXPECT_EQ(2, cnt); }
void Force_fitter::fit_force(Array1 <doublevar> & r, Array1 <doublevar> & bare_force, Array1 <doublevar> & fit_force) { int ndim=bare_force.GetDim(0); fit_force=bare_force; return; fit_force.Resize(ndim); fit_force=0; if(r(0) < cut) { for(int d=0; d< ndim; d++) { doublevar basis=0; for(int i=0; i< nexp; i++) { basis+=coeff(i)*pow(r(0),i+m); } fit_force(d)=bare_force(d)*basis; } } else { fit_force=bare_force; } }
JET_END_TEST_F JET_BEGIN_TEST_F(FlipSolver2, Rotation) { // Build solver auto solver = FlipSolver2::builder() .withResolution({10, 10}) .withDomainSizeX(1.0) .makeShared(); solver->setGravity({0, 0}); solver->setPressureSolver(nullptr); // Build emitter auto box = Sphere2::builder() .withCenter({0.5, 0.5}) .withRadius(0.4) .makeShared(); auto emitter = VolumeParticleEmitter2::builder() .withSurface(box) .withSpacing(1.0 / 20.0) .withIsOneShot(true) .makeShared(); solver->setParticleEmitter(emitter); Array1<double> r; for (Frame frame; frame.index < 360; ++frame) { auto x = solver->particleSystemData()->positions(); auto v = solver->particleSystemData()->velocities(); r.resize(x.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { r[i] = (x[i] - Vector2D(0.5, 0.5)).length(); } solver->update(frame); if (frame.index == 0) { x = solver->particleSystemData()->positions(); v = solver->particleSystemData()->velocities(); for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { Vector2D rp = x[i] - Vector2D(0.5, 0.5); v[i].x = rp.y; v[i].y = -rp.x; } } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i) { Vector2D rp = x[i] - Vector2D(0.5, 0.5); if (rp.lengthSquared() > 0.0) { double scale = r[i] / rp.length(); x[i] = scale * rp + Vector2D(0.5, 0.5); } } } saveParticleDataXy(solver->particleSystemData(), frame.index); } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- doublevar dot(const Array1 <doublevar> & a, const Array1 <doublevar> & b){ int dim=a.GetSize(); assert(a.GetSize()==b.GetSize()); doublevar sum=0; for(int i=0;i<dim;i++) sum+=a(i)*b(i); return sum; }
dcomplex dot(const Array1 <dcomplex> & a, const Array1 <dcomplex> & b){ int dim=a.GetSize(); assert(a.GetSize()==b.GetSize()); dcomplex sum(0.0,0.0); for(int i=0;i<dim;i++) sum+=a(i)*b(i); return sum; }
void copy_array (Array1& source, Array2& dest) { assert(std::equal(source.shape(),source.shape()+source.num_dimensions(), dest.shape())); // Dispatch to the proper function typedef typename Array1::element element_type; copy_dispatch<element_type>:: copy_array(source.begin(),source.end(),dest.begin()); }
void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) { int N = state.range(0); points.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { points.append(makeVec()); } }
TEST(PointKdTreeSearcher3, ForEachNearbyPointEmpty) { Array1<Vector3D> points; PointKdTreeSearcher3 searcher;; searcher.forEachNearbyPoint(Vector3D(0, 0, 0), std::sqrt(10.0), [](size_t, const Vector3D&) {}); }
log_value<dcomplex> TransposeInverseMatrix(const Array2 < complex <doublevar> > & a, Array2 < complex <doublevar> > & a1, const int n) { Array2 <complex <doublevar> > temp(n,n); Array1 <int> indx(n); doublevar d; // a(i,j) first index i is row index (convention) // elements of column vectors are stored contiguous in memory in C style arrays // a(i) refers to a column vector // calculate the inverse of the transposed matrix because this // allows to pass a column vector to lubksb() instead of a row // put the transposed matrix in temp //cout << "temp " << endl; for(int i=0;i<n;++i) { for(int j=0;j<n;++j) { temp(i,j)=a(i,j); a1(i,j)=complex <doublevar> (0.0,0.0); } a1(i,i)=complex <doublevar> (1.0,0.0); } //cout << "ludcmp" << endl; //if the matrix is singular, the determinant is zero. if(ludcmp(temp,n,indx,d)==0) { #ifdef SUPERDEBUG cout << "log_value<dcomplex>TransposeInverseMatrix:zero determinant " << endl; #endif return dcomplex(0.0,0.0); } //cout << "lubksb" << endl; for(int j=0;j<n;++j) { // get column vector Array1 <complex <doublevar> > yy;//(a1(j)); yy.refer(a1(j)); lubksb(temp,n,indx,yy); } //complex <doublevar> det(d,0); log_value<dcomplex> det=dcomplex(d,0); for(int j=0;j<n;++j) { det *= temp(j,j); } return det; }
void exportStates(Array1<double>& x, Array1<double>& y) const { x.resize(positions.size()); y.resize(positions.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < positions.size(); ++i) { x[i] = positions[i].x; y[i] = positions[i].y; } }
void Properties_final_average::showSummary(ostream & os, Array1 <Average_generator*> avg_gen) { int nwf=avg.GetDim(1); if(avg_gen.GetDim(0)%nwf != 0 ) error("Something wrong in the showSummary translation"); int navg=avg_gen.GetDim(0)/nwf; Array2 <Average_generator*> avg2(nwf,navg); int count=0; for(int w=0; w< nwf; w++) { for(int i=0; i< navg; i++) avg2(w,i)=avg_gen(count++); } showSummary(os, avg2); }
TEST(PointParallelHashGridSearcher3, ForEachNearbyPointEmpty) { Array1<Vector3D> points; PointParallelHashGridSearcher3 searcher(4, 4, 4, std::sqrt(10));; searcher.forEachNearbyPoint( Vector3D(0, 0, 0), std::sqrt(10.0), [](size_t, const Vector3D&) { }); }
int HEG_system::enforcePbc(Array1 <doublevar> & pos, Array1 <int> & nshifted) { assert(pos.GetDim(0) >=3); int shifted=0; nshifted.Resize(3); nshifted=0; int nshift=0; for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) { int shouldcontinue=1; while(shouldcontinue) { //Whether we're past the origin side doublevar tooshort=0; for(int j=0; j<3;j++) tooshort+=normVec(i,j)*(pos(j)-origin(j)); //Whether we're past the lattice vector doublevar toofar=0; for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) toofar+=normVec(i,j)*(pos(j)-corners(i,j)); //the 1e-12 seems to help avoid numerical problems, esp //when integrating over a grid(which tends to hit the edges) if(tooshort < -1e-12) { //cout <<"tooshort " << tooshort << endl; for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) pos(j)+=latVec(i,j); shifted=1; nshifted(i)+=1; nshift++; } else if(toofar > 1e-12) { //cout << "toofar " << toofar << endl; for(int j=0; j< 3; j++) pos(j)-=latVec(i,j); shifted=1; // JK: here was +1, which works fine for real k-points that // correspond to standing waves. For general (complex) k-points the // wavefunction is "directional", however. nshifted(i)-=1; nshift++; } else { shouldcontinue=0; } if(nshift > 1000) error("Did over 1000 shifts and we're still out of the simulation cell." " There's probably something wrong. Position : ", pos(i)); } } return shifted; }
void Molecular_system::setIonPos(int ion, Array1 <doublevar> & r) { assert(r.GetDim(0) >=3); Array1 <doublevar> temp(r.GetDim(0)); temp=r; if(use_bounding_box) { bounding_box.enforcePbc(temp); } for(int i=0; i< 3; i++) { ions.r(i,ion)=temp(i); } }
void Center_set::assignBasis(Array1 <CBasis_function *> basisfunc) { int totbasis=basisfunc.GetDim(0); basis.Resize(ncenters, totbasis); for(int i=0; i< ncenters; i++) { int found=0; for(int j=0; j < totbasis; j++) { if(basisfunc(j)->label() == labels[i]) { appendbasis(j,i); found=1; //break; } } if(!found) { cout << "\n****WARNING*****\n" << "Couldn't find basis for atom " << labels[i] << endl; } } }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------- //Keeping this separate from calcLoc for efficiency reasons.. //It's most likely faster to add to a double than fill matrices.. //We also don't need to calculate the ion-ion interaction for this void Molecular_system::separatedLocal(Sample_point * sample,Array1 <doublevar> & onebody, Array2 <doublevar> & twobody) { int nions=sample->ionSize(); int nelectrons=sample->electronSize(); onebody.Resize(nelectrons); twobody.Resize(nelectrons,nelectrons); onebody=0.0; twobody=0.0; Array1 <doublevar> R(5); sample->updateEIDist(); sample->updateEEDist(); for(int e=0; e< nelectrons; e++) { for(int i=0; i < nions; i++) { sample->getEIDist(e,i, R); onebody(e)-=sample->getIonCharge(i)/R(0); } } Array1 <doublevar> R2(5); for(int i=0; i< nelectrons; i++) { for(int j=i+1; j<nelectrons; j++) { sample->getEEDist(i,j,R2); twobody(i,j)+= 1/R2(0); } } Array1 <doublevar> pos(3); for(int e=0; e< nelectrons; e++) { sample->getElectronPos(e,pos); for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) onebody(e)-=electric_field(d)*pos(d); } }
void MO_matrix_blas::writeorb(ostream & os, Array2 <doublevar> & rotation, Array1 <int> &moList) { int nmo_write=moList.GetDim(0); assert(rotation.GetDim(0)==nmo_write); assert(rotation.GetDim(1)==nmo_write); os.precision(15); int counter=0; for(int m=0; m < nmo_write; m++) { int mo=moList(m); for(int ion=0; ion<centers.size(); ion++) { int f=0; for(int n=0; n< centers.nbasis(ion); n++) { int fnum=centers.basis(ion,n); int imax=basis(fnum)->nfunc(); for(int i=0; i<imax; i++) { os << mo+1 << " " << f+1 << " " << ion+1 << " " << counter+1 << endl; f++; //keep a total of functions on center counter++; } //i } //n } //ion } os << "COEFFICIENTS\n"; ifstream orbin(orbfile.c_str()); rotate_orb(orbin, os, rotation, moList, totbasis); orbin.close(); }
void particlesToXml(const Array1<Vector3D>& positions, const std::string& xmlFilename) { printInfo(positions.size()); std::ofstream file(xmlFilename.c_str()); if (file) { printf("Writing %s...\n", xmlFilename.c_str()); file << "<scene version=\"0.5.0\">"; for (const auto& pos : positions) { file << "<shape type=\"instance\">"; file << "<ref id=\"spheres\"/>"; file << "<transform name=\"toWorld\">"; char buffer[64]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "<translate x=\"%f\" y=\"%f\" z=\"%f\"/>", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z); file << buffer; file << "</transform>"; file << "</shape>"; } file << "</scene>"; file.close(); } else { printf("Cannot write file %s.\n", xmlFilename.c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
int binary_read_checksum(Array1 <doublevar> & a, FILE * f,int nhint) { int ntry=0; while(true) { //First try to read in zeros ntry++; if(ntry>1) cout << "WARNING: detected corruption" << endl; doublevar zero1,zero2; int ntry_zero=0; while(true) { ntry_zero++; if(!fread(&zero1,sizeof(doublevar),1,f)) return 0; //cout << "zero1 " << zero1 << endl; if(zero1==0) { if(!fread(&zero2,sizeof(doublevar),1,f)) return 0; if(zero2==0) break; } } if(ntry_zero> 1) cout << "WARNING: possible corruption: had to search " << ntry_zero << endl; doublevar n_d; fread(&n_d,sizeof(doublevar),1,f); int n=int(n_d); if(n_d-n == 0 and ( nhint<0 or n==nhint)) { a.Resize(n); fread(a.v,sizeof(doublevar),n,f); doublevar check_array=checksum(a); doublevar check_file=1e99; fread(&check_file,sizeof(doublevar),1,f); if(fabs(check_array-check_file) < 1e-10) return ntry; else { cout << "WARNING: detected corruption" << endl; } if(ferror(f)) return 0; } } }
void recenter(Array2 <doublevar> & pos, Array1 <doublevar> & mass) { int natoms=pos.GetDim(0); assert(pos.GetDim(0)==mass.GetDim(0)); assert(pos.GetDim(1)==3); Array1 <doublevar> center(3,0.0); //center of mass doublevar tot=0.0; for(int at=0; at< natoms; at++) { for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) { center(d)+=mass(at)*pos(at,d); } tot+=mass(at); } for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) { center(d)/=tot; } for(int at=0; at< natoms; at++) { for(int d=0; d< 3; d++) { pos(at,d)-=center(d); } } }
void particlesToObj(const Array1<Vector3D>& positions, const Size3& resolution, const Vector3D& gridSpacing, const Vector3D& origin, double kernelRadius, const std::string& method, const std::string& objFilename) { PointsToImplicit3Ptr converter; if (method == kSpherical) { converter = std::make_shared<SphericalPointsToImplicit3>(kernelRadius, false); } else if (method == kSph) { converter = std::make_shared<SphPointsToImplicit3>( kernelRadius, sSphCutOffDensity, false); } else if (method == kZhuBridson) { converter = std::make_shared<ZhuBridsonPointsToImplicit3>( kernelRadius, sZhuBridsonCutOffThreshold, false); } else { converter = std::make_shared<AnisotropicPointsToImplicit3>( kernelRadius, sAnisoCutOffDensity, sAnisoPositionSmoothingFactor, sAnisoMinNumNeighbors, false); } VertexCenteredScalarGrid3 sdf(resolution, gridSpacing, origin); printInfo(resolution, sdf.boundingBox(), gridSpacing, positions.size(), method); converter->convert(positions, &sdf); triangulateAndSave(sdf, objFilename); }
void match_walkers(Array1<double> & weights, Array1 <int> & branch) { const double split_threshold=1.8; branch=-1; int totwalkers=weights.GetDim(0); Array1<weight_obj> walkers(totwalkers); for(int i=0; i< totwalkers; i++) { walkers(i).w=weights(i); walkers(i).i=i; } sort(walkers.v,walkers.v+totwalkers); int currsmallest=0; for(int i=totwalkers-1; i > 1; i--) { if(walkers(i).w < split_threshold) break; int w=walkers(i).i; int smallest=walkers(currsmallest).i; double weight1=weights(w)/(weights(w)+weights(smallest)); if(weight1+rng.ulec() >= 1.0) { branch(w)=2; branch(smallest)=0; weights(w)+=weights(smallest); weights(w)/=2.0; } else { branch(w)=0; branch(smallest)=2; weights(smallest)+=weights(w); weights(smallest)/=2.0; } currsmallest++; } //for(int i=0; i< totwalkers; i++) { // cout << walkers(i).w << endl; //} }
void Cutoff_cusp::calcLap( const Array1 <doublevar> & r, Array2 <doublevar> & symvals, const int startfill ) { assert(r.GetDim(0) >=5); assert(symvals.GetDim(0) >= 1+startfill); assert(symvals.GetDim(1) >= 5); if(r(0) < rcut) { doublevar zz=r(0)*rcutinv; doublevar zz2=zz*zz; doublevar pp=zz-zz2+zz*zz2/3; doublevar pade=1./(1+gamma*pp); symvals(startfill,0)=cusp*rcut*(pp*pade-pade0); doublevar pade2=pade*pade; doublevar ppd=1.-2.*zz+zz2; doublevar ppdd=-2.+2.*zz; doublevar dadr=ppd*pade2/r(0); doublevar dadr2=ppdd*pade2*rcutinv -2.*gamma*ppd*ppd*pade2*pade*rcutinv +2.*dadr; for(int i=1; i< 4; i++) { symvals(startfill, i)=cusp*dadr*r(i+1); } symvals(startfill, 4)=cusp*dadr2; } else { for(int i=0; i< 5; i++) symvals(startfill, i)=0; } }
doublevar norm_i(Array1 <doublevar> & a) { int m=a.GetSize(); double norm=0.0; for (int k=0;k<m;k++) norm+=a(k)*a(k); return norm; }
void Cutoff_cusp::setVarParms(Array1 <doublevar> & parms) { assert(parms.GetDim(0)==1); gamma=exp(parms(0)); pade0=1./(3+gamma); //cout << "parms in " << parms(0) << endl; }
void normalize(Array1 <doublevar> & a) { int m=a.GetSize(); double norm; norm=norm_i(a); for (int k=0;k<m;k++) a(k)=a(k)/sqrt(norm); }